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Group Themed Reads: Preparation > July 2014 - Book Nominations

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message 1: by Kat (new)

Kat (katzombie) | 2478 comments The result is in,'s a tie!

Again using the power of, we will go with the theme Trip, Vacation or similar word in title

Nominations close June 20!

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18482 comments Wow this is a hard one! I'm struggling to find a book - one that fits the criteria AND that I want to read! Looking forward to seeing what other people dig up!

message 3: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments A few days ago, I took a break from reading my Toppler book and did some searching. I found Aliens on Vacation. Yes, I know it's a kids book, but that's kinda what I'm in the mood for. (It's too hot here in Phoenix to read something serious.) And it has some very good reviews.

message 4: by Esther (new)

Esther (nyctale) | 5061 comments I am probably going to take this opportunity to read Postcards on the beach.

message 5: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments How many pages must the book have?

message 6: by Lanelle (last edited Jun 15, 2014 07:25AM) (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Good question. Do you have something in mind?

Edited to add: because I was thinking I've always wanted to read The Incredible Journey, but it's kinda short.

message 7: by Tasha (last edited Jun 15, 2014 07:02AM) (new)

Tasha Does the title actually have to have the words vacation or trip? I was thinking of maybe reading The Sandcastle Girls but will this even work? Making sandcastles on a beach while on vacation... ;)

message 8: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18482 comments I took it for words like trip and vacation so holiday, excursion, travel, expedition etc. but I might be wrong. Could be vacation related words too...

message 9: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Some synonyms of trip are: journey, excursion, tour, expedition, outing, voyage, jaunt, spree, and visit.

Some synonyms for vacation are: break, rest, retreat, leave, and holiday.

Hope this helps.

message 10: by Delmy (new)

Delmy  (needfulreads) Well, I guess I will sit this one out again, unless I find something I want to read.

message 11: by Tasha (new)

Tasha got it. I took it that way too but just wanted to check on how far out (in terms of words) it might go. :)

message 12: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15807 comments Hm, I also wanted to nominate a book with beach in the title, but I understand that's not within the theme? Off to do a new search!

message 13: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Delmy =^.^= wrote: "Well, I guess I will sit this one out again, unless I find something I want to read.

Don't worry, Delmy. We'll come up with a book that you'll remember that you've always wanted to read.

message 14: by Esther (new)

Esther (nyctale) | 5061 comments If this comes from my sugestion i did write "word in the title that can relate to a trip/vacation. Could be beach, plane, cruise, etc. ". I guess we will let one of the moderator decides.

message 15: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2890 comments In Xanadu: A Quest- does this work? I'm using the word quest like a journey which is like a vacation or has the chunkster challenge gone to my head?

message 17: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15807 comments In case of vacation words I nominate: On Folly Beach.

If it's only synonyms for holiday, vacation etc., I'd like to nominate An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington

message 18: by Mariab (new)

Mariab | 3059 comments I also think words like: castaway, away, far away, stranded, drive, trip, tour, and maybe navigator(?), pilot(?)could fit

message 20: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Marnie wrote: "In Xanadu: A Quest- does this work? I'm using the word quest like a journey which is like a vacation or has the chunkster challenge gone to my head?"

'In Xanadu' sounds very interesting. I'm adding it to my TBR list.

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18482 comments I'm going to nominate Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream by Hunter S. Thompson. I have it on audio and it's pretty short (6hrs/approx 200 pages). My copy doesn't have the subtitle on it so I didn't realise it would count but other versions do so I suppose it would count!

message 22: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15807 comments Yes! Definitely a good one too Mariab. I considered nominating it but I'll be reading it on holiday and I thought the idiot abroad book would make an easier read.

message 23: by Mariab (new)

Mariab | 3059 comments Sarah wrote: "I'm going to nominate Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream by Hunter S. Thompson. I have it on audio and it's pretty short..."

Oh. That is a tough one, but a good one too

message 24: by Mariab (last edited Jun 15, 2014 08:07AM) (new)

Mariab | 3059 comments I want to nominate Hiero's Journey, wich is in my TBR list

*maybe not for all, though*

message 25: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57255 comments I'll nominate Crossing on the Paris. The word crossing would fit as they are crossing the ocean on their way to North America.

message 26: by Ava Catherine (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments I like that one, Janice. Actually, I like it so much that I almost didn't put forth my book, but I will Assassination Vacation

message 27: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57255 comments Your nomination sounds interesting too, Connie.

message 28: by Ava Catherine (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments Thanks. : )

message 29: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2890 comments I've seen Sarah Vowell interviewed on Jon Stewart's show. She is very funny in a dry way.

message 30: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 2046 comments I'm nominating Vacation, should give a whole new meaning to the term "family vacation".

message 31: by Roz (new)

Roz | 4370 comments I've had The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry on my shelf for a while now. Does it qualify?

message 32: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Roz wrote: "I've had The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry on my shelf for a while now. Does it qualify?"

I think so. In fact, I want to second your nomination. That sounds like a wonderful book.

message 33: by Delmy (new)

Delmy  (needfulreads) Lanelle wrote: "Delmy =^.^= wrote: "Well, I guess I will sit this one out again, unless I find something I want to read.

Don't worry, Delmy. We'll come up with a book that you'll remember that you've..."

ok! i will keep checking in!

message 34: by Jkmays (new)

Jkmays how about Flight Behavior.

message 35: by Tasha (new)

Tasha I was thinking of that one too, Jkmays.

message 36: by Tejas Janet (last edited Jun 15, 2014 12:40PM) (new)

Tejas Janet (tejasjanet) | 3513 comments The Elephant's Journey looks like a lot of fun. So far it's all I've come up with from my TBR list.

message 37: by Kat (new)

Kat (katzombie) | 2478 comments Let's keep within the travel theme otherwise the pool is too wide.

Travel, vacation, trip, journey, quest, crossing etc will all fit. But feel free to be creative!

message 38: by Casceil (new)

Casceil | 2728 comments I would like to nominate The Inn at the Edge of the World by Alice Thomas Ellis. I think it should qualify because the word "Inn" has connotations of a place you stay while on vacation.

If my first suggestion doesn't qualify, my backup nomination would be Death on Tour by Janice Hamrick.

message 39: by Silver (new)

Silver | 559 comments Ok I am changing my nomination to something more Travel related

Journey to the End of the Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

message 41: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3805 comments Mariab wrote: "I want to nominate Hiero's Journey, wich is in my TBR list

*maybe not for all, though*"

I remember 'Hiero' s Journey'. It's a good fantasy book. Did you know that there's a sequel?

message 42: by Mariab (new)

Mariab | 3059 comments Lanelle wrote: "Mariab wrote: "I want to nominate Hiero's Journey, wich is in my TBR list

*maybe not for all, though*"

I remember 'Hiero' s Journey'. It's a good fantasy book. Did you know that the..."

Yes, it is in my TBR list too

message 43: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments Lanelle wrote: "Roz wrote: "I've had The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry on my shelf for a while now. Does it qualify?"

I think so. In fact, I want to second your nomination. That sounds like a ..."

I have that one too, and hopefully, it will get onto the list.

message 44: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Mariab wrote: "There is plenty of that in Jules Verne´s work, including:
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Around the World in Eighty Days
[book:20,000 Leagues Under ..."

I could go for Journey to the Center of the Earth... I have a Jules Verne compilation sitting on my shelf and this could be good impetus to finish it.

message 45: by Tasha (new)

Tasha The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry was so good. I loved it.

message 46: by Laura (last edited Jun 16, 2014 07:40PM) (new)

Laura (apenandzen) | 3306 comments I'd like to nominate Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent Woman Without Reservations The Travels of an Independent Woman by Alice Steinbach . I've wanted to read this forever.

Harold Fry was a great book too.

message 47: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Perhaps this is a little off-topic, but NPR has a great story today about books on a travel theme...

message 48: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 1209 comments Laura wrote: "I'd like to nominate Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent WomanWithout Reservations The Travels of an Independent Woman by Alice Steinbach. I've wanted to read this ..."

I read another travel book by Alice Steinbach called Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman. I really enjoyed it!

message 49: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57255 comments Melissa wrote: "Perhaps this is a little off-topic, but NPR has a great story today about books on a travel theme..."

Thanks for posting this link! Very interesting.

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