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Ads > Artemis Fowl (Roleplay) & The City

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message 1: by bubblewaffles (last edited Aug 15, 2017 06:34AM) (new)

bubblewaffles | 203 comments
Artemis Fowl (Roleplay)is founded by Zoë, and I, BubbleWaffles and Eleera are helping co-mods. We hope for at least 50 people to join our group. Our aim is to have fun, and roleplay in the Fowl world. If you choose, canons could be made, but please inform a mod and ask. You can roleplay almost anywhere in the Fowl world, whether it is canon or not, as long as the plots make sense.

The City is a roleplay group founded by yours truly, with Zoë and Eleera as co-mods. You can roleplay with characters from multiple eras and places all over Earth. This roleplay is for people who want to be detailed, or people who just want short and sweet roleplays. For detailed, there are more advanced threads where advanced roleplay is expected, but most roleplay threads are also non-advanced. You can create advanced characters (detailed and can rp in advanced threads with * at the end), or non-advanced characters (simple). For characters in government, resistance or are teachers, it is mandatory that the characters are advanced. There are also topics that can be created to discuss TV shows and books.

In either of these groups, please follow rules and be respectful of the mods.

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