The Lost Challenges discussion

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message 1: by Penni (last edited Oct 01, 2017 06:35PM) (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod

October apparently still doesn’t bring Fall where I live. I’m still hoping though lol. We have some great challenges going on. Join us!

Sadly, this month, Caroline let us know that she needed to step back as moderator of the group at least for now. Caroline, you’ve done a wonderful job as moderator and we will miss you! Sharon and JoAnne will continue on to keep TLC going and growing. Thank you guys for all the hard work!

❁Hall of Fame❁
Please check HERE for information on what to do to get badge awards for the challenges you complete.

❁Refer to our general rules guidelines❁ HERE . These rules apply generally to all our challenges unless otherwise overwritten specifically in the individual challenge itself.

❁Challenge News❁
Wondering what’s up in the Challenge World between newsletters? Check HERE for the latest updates/additions to our challenge.

❁New Members❁
A BIG welcome to all our new members! Be sure to visit our Meet and Greet thread and introduce yourselves, then head over to Welcome to TLC to get an overview of where to go next.

Happy Birthday October Babies!

12th Holli
13th Brittany
14th Penni
15th Anna
22nd Hamed
25th Jordan
31st Emelie

NOTE: The birthday list has been tidied up and some names removed as we couldn't find them in our list of members. Possibly due to name changes? Please check Here and if your name has changed and you want to be put back on the list, let us know!!

❁Games, Games, and more GAMES!❁ Check out the Games Room and have some fun on us. The Game Room

*NOTE From the Moderators.* When you complete a challenge, please re-post your entire completed entry in a new comment at the bottom of the thread. This will make it easier to award the badges. Thank you!!!

❁Blast From The Past Challenge❁

Each month we will spruce up and highlight an oldie but goodie challenge. Check out September’s "Blast from the Past" BFTP: About October

❁Monthly Challenges ❁

October Scavenger Hunt
October Clean It Out Challenge
Judge a Book by It's Cover
Easy as 1, 2, 3
October Scattergories
Ducks in a Row (October-November)
Colors of the Month – Orange (September-October)

❁Quarterly Challenges ❁

A Trip Down Memory Lane - 1979 (Oct-Dec 2017)

❁6 Month Challenges ❁

TV/Movie Challenge: Bell, Book and Candle

❁Open Ended Challenges ❁

The Smurfs Challenge 2.0

Thanks for being part of our group
Sharon, JoAnne and Penni

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