Around the World in 80 Books discussion

ATW in 80 Books World Challenge > Rowi - Frequent Flyer 2018

Comments Showing 1-50 of 142 (142 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments Ok, let's do it! :D

message 2: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 29, 2018 11:38PM) (new)

message 6: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 29, 2018 11:45PM) (new)

message 7: by Rowizyx (last edited Jan 04, 2018 12:16AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments First book of the year!

#1 Revisiting Italy: Ogni maledetto lunedì su due by Zerocalcare

1 country / 1 region

message 8: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Rowizyx wrote: "First book of the year!

#1 Revisiting Italy: Ogni maledetto lunedì su due by Zerocalcare"

Happy travels, Rowi!

message 9: by Rowizyx (last edited Jan 04, 2018 11:35PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #2 Suriname: The Cost of Sugar (edition read: Il prezzo della libertà) by Cynthia McLeod

2 countries / 2 regions

message 10: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments Thanks, Diane! 😊

message 11: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #3 Revisiting France (author): Vegetables (edition read: La favolosa storia delle verdure) by Evelyne Bloch-Dano

3 countries / 2 regions

message 12: by Rowizyx (last edited Jan 14, 2018 01:57PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #4 Revisiting UK - England: Lizzie by Eva Wanjek

4 countries / 2 regions

message 13: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 01, 2018 12:43AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #5 Bhutan: The Circle of Karma (edition I read: Il viaggio di Tsomo) by Kunzang Choden

5 countries / 3 regions

message 14: by Rowizyx (last edited Jan 19, 2018 12:48AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #6 Revisiting Japan: The Housekeeper and the Professor (I read: La formula del professore) by Yōko Ogawa

6 countries / 3 regions

message 15: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #7 Revisiting USA - Illinois: Il rinomato catalogo Walker & Dawn by Davide Morosinotto

A lovely Italian novel inspired by Mark Twain and those classics from American Literature about young boys on the Mississippi River. It won the most important prize for Kids&Adolescents Literature in Italy, and it's really enjoying.

7 countries / 4 regions

message 16: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #8 Revisiting Italy: La miniaturista by Silvia Mazzola

7 countries / 4 regions

message 17: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #9 Revisiting USA - North Dakota: The Plague of Doves (edition I read: Il giorno dei colombi) by Louise Erdrich

7 countries / 4 regions

message 18: by Rowizyx (new)

message 19: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 04, 2018 05:42AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #11 Revisiting Japan: A Zoo in Winter (edition I read: Uno zoo d'inverno) by Jirō Taniguchi

8 countries / 5 regions

message 20: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 11, 2018 10:34AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #12 Revisiting Russia: The Winter Palace: A Novel of Catherine the Great (edition I read: Il Palazzo d'Inverno) by Eva Stachniak

9 countries / 5 regions

message 21: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #13 Revisiting China: A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar (edition I read: Guida per signore in bicicletta sulla via della seta) by Suzanne Joinson

10 countries / 5 regions

message 22: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 02, 2018 02:19PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #14 Portugal: The Elephant's Journey (edition I read: Il viaggio dell'elefante) by José Saramago

11 countries / 5 regions

message 23: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #15 Revisiting Turkey: Parle-leur de batailles, de rois et d'éléphants by Mathias Énard

12 countries / 6 regions

message 24: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 17, 2018 02:46AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #16 Revisiting Turkey: The Oracle of Stamboul (edition I read: L'indovina di Istanbul) by Michael David Lukas

12 countries / 6 regions

message 25: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 23, 2018 01:47AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #17 Revisiting France: Ce n'est pas toi que j'attendais (edition I read: Non è te che aspettavo) by Fabien Toulmé

12 countries / 6 regions

message 26: by Rowizyx (last edited Feb 23, 2018 01:47AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #18 Revisiting UK - England: Victoria and Abdul: The True Story of the Queen's Closest Confidant (edition I read: Vittoria e Abdul) by Shrabani Basu

12 countries / 6 regions

message 27: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #19 Revisiting Egypt: In an Antique Land: History in the Guise of a Traveler's Tale (edition I read: Lo schiavo del manoscritto) by Amitav Ghosh

13 countries / 6 regions

message 28: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #20 Palestine: Una trilogia palestinese by Mahmoud Darwish

Bind up of: Diary of the usual sadness + Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 + In the Presence of Absence

14 countries / 6 regions

message 29: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #21 Tunisia: الطلياني (edition I read: L'italiano) by Shukri al-Mabkhout

15 countries / 6 regions

message 30: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 30, 2018 12:02AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #22 Revisiting Iraq: Frankenstein in Baghdad (edition I read: Frankenstein a Baghdad) by Ahmed Saadawi

16 countries / 6 regions

message 31: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #23 Revisiting Italy: Tre sistemi per sbarazzarsi di Tolstoj by Nicola Lagioia

16 countries / 6 regions

message 32: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 02, 2018 01:53PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #24 Revisiting Italy (author): Come finisce il libro. Contro la falsa democrazia dell'editoria digitale by Alessandro Gazoia

16 countries / 6 regions

message 33: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 02, 2018 02:04PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #25 Revisiting Italy (author): Il meraviglioso vinile di Penny Lane by Giordano Criscuolo

16 countries / 6 regions

message 34: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 07, 2018 02:30AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #26 Revisiting Greece: The Athenian Women (edition I read: Le ateniesi) by Alessandro Barbero

17 countries / 6 regions

message 35: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 07, 2018 02:31AM) (new)

message 36: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 07, 2018 02:31AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #28 Revisiting Myanmar: Burma Chronicles (edition I read: Cronache birmane) by Guy Delisle

19 countries / 7 regions

message 37: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 15, 2018 02:53PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #29 Revisiting France (author): Ceci est mon sang: Petite histoire des règles, de celles qui le ont et de ceux qui les font (edition I read: Questo è il mio sangue: Manifesto contro il tabù delle mestruazioni) by Élise Thiébaut

19 countries / 7 regions

I'm surprised, I didn't expect to read so many French authors!

message 38: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #30 Revisiting Australia: The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham

20 countries / 7 regions

message 39: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 20, 2018 11:10PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #31 Revisiting France (author): The Celestial Bibendum (edition I read: Il celestiale Bibendum) by Nicolas de Crécy

20 countries / 7 regions

message 40: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #32 Revisiting Mongolia: La Mort nomade (edition I read: Yeruldelgger 3: La morte nomade) by Ian Manook

21 countries / 7 regions

message 41: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 23, 2018 02:26AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #33 Revisiting France (author): Culottées #1 (edition I read: Indomite: Storie di donne che fanno ciò che vogliono 1) by Pénélope Bagieu

21 countries / 7 regions

message 42: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 30, 2018 07:38AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #34 Revisiting Italy: Non volevo morire vergine by Barbara Garlaschelli

21 countries / 7 regions

message 43: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 31, 2018 07:45AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #35 Revisiting Canada (Author): A User's Guide to Neglectful Parenting (edition I read: Diario del cattivo papà) by Guy Delisle

22 countries / 7 regions

message 44: by Rowizyx (last edited Mar 31, 2018 12:00PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #36 Revisiting USA: The Leisure Seeker (edition I read: In viaggio contromano) by Michael Zadoorian

22 countries / 7 regions

message 45: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #37 Revisiting France: Black Water Lilies (edition I read: Ninfee nere) by Michel Bussi

22 countries / 7 regions

message 46: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #38 Revisiting Saudi Arabia: La bicicletta verde. Su due ruote verso la libertà by Haifaa Al-Mansour

23 countries / 7 regions

message 47: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 28, 2018 11:52PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #39 Revisiting Mexico: Trentacinque secondi ancora by Lorenzo Iervolino

24 countries / 7 regions

message 48: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 28, 2018 11:54PM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #40 Malta: Reportages (edition I read: Reportages) by Joe Sacco

25 countries / 7 regions

message 49: by Rowizyx (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #41 Revisiting Afghanistan: The Photographer (edition I read: Il fotografo) by Emmanuel Guibert

26 countries / 7 regions

message 50: by Rowizyx (last edited Apr 29, 2018 12:28AM) (new)

Rowizyx | 423 comments #42 Revisiting Italy: Nascita di una ghostwriter by Alice Basso

26 countries / 7 regions

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