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Archives - Monthly Challenges > November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin

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message 1: by JoAnne (last edited Nov 02, 2018 06:11AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

Each month we will give you a list of 50 themed words to find in your books.

There is no limit to how many words you can get per book.

For each word please post a link to the book, the author, the date you finished it, plus the page number/location and sentence where you found the word. Any reasonable forms are accepted.

Apple - A Touch of Ice - L.J. Charles (1/10/16)
I had a weakness for apple pie, heavy on the cinnamon... (loc. 245)

Any genre/format is fine.
Re-reads are OK.
No page minimum.
To count a book towards the challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.

At the end of the month please re-post your whole challenge as a new message so that we can award your Hall of Fame badge!

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for, you can still claim a badge for the words you did get.)


November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Choose your level:

Pepon: 10-20 words
Pompon: 21-40 words
Pumpion: 41-50 words

1. Autumn
2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking
10. Delicious
11. Eat
12. Enormous
13. Face
14. Festive
15. Field
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids
22. Kitchen
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
38. Shape
39. Skin
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited Dec 12, 2018 04:34AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod


Barbara ★ FINISHED

Bunnita (Worth Reading It?)













Jade aka MrsTosh FINISHED
















message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Dec 01, 2018 11:06AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018
Pumpion: 41-50 words


25. Nutmeg
31. Puree

Playing For Fun Tracey Alvarez 11/2/18
2. Bake p 148 ...often bringing home-baked goodies for the kids
3. Big p 72 ...made your butt is so big jokes or raided her chocolate stash.
5. Carving p 295 ...native bird-shaped wood carvings and perved even more.
6. Children p 176 Children were a gift, not only to their birth parents...
7. Chop p 77 Started to chop.
8. Chunk p 94 might take a chunk out of his leg if he made a wrong move.
9. Cooking p 283 ...romantic gesture you might be cooking up.
10. Delicious p 123 ...every single delicious mistake she could make with him,...
11. Eat p 68 ...who’d decided to eat at Due South that night.
13. Face p 69 ...she checked out his face in the mirror.
15. Field p 101 ...on the sports field, and as Oban’s...
17. Ground p 80 ...disposable cup hit the ground, and chocolatey-marshmallowy goop...
21. Kids p 69 ...when they were kids, same mud-brown eyes...
22. Kitchen p 73 That's the limit in my kitchen.
23. Large p 248 ...only in a large space with a few low-level lamps.
24. Mash p 93 Her perky boobs mashed against his chest,...
26. Orange p 226 know prison orange would clash with my complexion.
27. Oven p 175 ...on Ford’s rigid spine, her oven-mitt-covered hands trembling.
28. Patch p 165 ...a small patch of skin into his mouth...
29. Pick p 126 Promised my boss I’d pick up a muffin and...
30. Pie p 173 Is there pie and cream for dessert?”
33. Roots p 77 ...pointed their stumpy roots at her.
34. Round p 134 ...then dove into the first round.
35. Season p 184 Definitely Supernatural season three.
37. Select p 60 ...his contacts and selected Holly’s name,...
38. Shape p 152 the cute O shape, her elbows...
39. Skin p 109 ...brush of skin against skin, an initial...
40. Smooth p 107 ...the thick, smooth strands until they...
42. Soup p 236 ...the workshop’s fridge, chicken soup and tissues...
43. Sprout p 171 ...of salt-and-pepper whiskers sprouting on his chin.
46. Treat p 197 ...know her matchmaking has worked a treat.
48. Wedge p 196 Diablo butted his wedge-shaped head...
49. Weight p 88 ...suggestion of a weight training session...

His Perfect Bride Merry Farmer 11/5/18
1. Autumn p 166 The first chill of autumn was always a relief...
12. Enormous p 12 someone with enormous stores of patience.”
16. Fruit p 3 the cup of fruit at Josephine’s place than...
45. Sunlight p 20 Sunlight streamed through the stained glass,...

A Time to Fall Jess Vonn 11/6/18
18. Harvest p 158 ...give thanks for bounty and harvest.
19. Holiday p 176 ...such as seasonal sales of holiday merchandise, farmers...
20. Jack 'o lantern p 203 She bared her teeth to show her jack-o-lantern smile.
32. Roast p 226 ...checking on the roast in the crockpot,...
41. Snack p 184 late night snack right here in...
44. Stem p 190 ...if his resignation stemmed from her inquiries...
47. Vine p 13 ...withering on the vine at the ripe old age of 30.
50. Yield p 112 ...damage this experiment would surely yield.

Wallflower in Bloom Claire Cook 11/8/18
4. Bumpy p 72 T-shirt and I looked lumpy and bumpy and frumpy.

Hate Notes Vi Keeland 11/16/18
14. Festive p 101 ...until we were far away from the festivities.

Dead Wrong J.A. Jance 11/19/18
36. Seeds p 69 Radiation seeds.

message 4: by Debbie (last edited Nov 16, 2018 05:52AM) (new)

Debbie (debbiegray) | 386 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Pumpion: 41-50 words 46/50

1. Autumn Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p224 just another autum Monday
2. Bake Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap11 to bake lasagna
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p280 to cool slightly befor carving
6. Children Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p161 the children's area took up a corner
7. Chop
8. Chunk Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap9 chuncks of raw celery
9. Cooking Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap1 the cooking and the shopping
10. Delicious Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p92 Lisa's bread was delicious
11. Eat Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap1 eat someone else's cooking
12. Enormous Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap she had enormous faith
13. Face Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap2 the smile that softens her square face
14. Festive Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p278 the mood was festive
15. Field Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap7 after the field's plowed
16. Fruit Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p170 breakfast of fruit and shredded wheat
17. Ground Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap7 the crop in the ground
18. Harvest Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap7 when harvest time came
19. Holiday Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap I thought you loved the holidays
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p62 Kids love marshmallows
22. Kitchen Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p173 we ate in the kitchen
23. Large Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p12 the large glass jars
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p72 mix in the nutmeg
26. Orange Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p55 coffee that's flavored with orange
27. Oven Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p91 plum pudding to come out of the oven
28. Patch Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p192 Delores swerved on a patch of ice
29. Pick Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p2 Hannah came to pick up her check
30. Pie Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p172 packed up the pecan pie
31. Puree Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p100 pureed smooth with no lumps
32. Roast Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p184 Hawaiian pot roast
33. Roots Engaged in Death by Stephanie Blackmoore 11/14/18 p79 her roots were blond
34. Round Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap8 with a face as round and full as the moon
35. Season Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap for the entire Christmas season
36. Seeds Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap9 the seeds of this tree
37. Select Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p41 select the pans you want to use
38. Shape Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p160 chips may retain their shape
39. Skin Rueful Death by Susan Wittig
..chap7 her skin seemed cracked
40. Smooth Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap8 spinach is smooth
41. Snack Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p5 a midafternoon snack cookie
42. Soup Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..psome left over soup
43. Sprout Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap2 where they sprout
44. Stem Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap9 Tom picked a grass stem
45. Sunlight Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p122 in the beam of sunlight
46. Treat Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18..p84 try one of Nancy's cheese treats
47. Vine A Ghost for Christmas by J.D. Winters..p5 filled with flowering vines
48. Wedge Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap5 pre-shaped wedges
49. Weight Murder Ties the Knot by Christy Fifield 11/3/18..p104 jusding by the weight of the thing
50. Yield Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert..chap6 both would yield his prints

Murder Ties the Knot (A Haunted Souvenir Shop Mystery, #4) by Christy Fifield Rueful Death (China Bayles, #5) by Susan Wittig Albert Plum Pudding Murder (Hannah Swensen, #12) by Joanne Fluke Engaged in Death (Wedding Planner Mystery #1) by Stephanie Blackmoore A Ghost for Christmas (Destiny Bay Cozy, #1) by J.D. Winters

message 5: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Debbie!

message 6: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Gabi!

message 7: by Grace (last edited Nov 27, 2018 04:43AM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Choose your level:
Pompon: 21-40 words
Words found: 23

Found in Fallen Crest Public by Tijan 11/7
3. Big- “I’m not big on technology.”- pg. 265
6. Children- “you two are horrible children.”- pg. 214
8. Chunk- “grabbing chunks of it again”- pg. 25
10. Delicious- “I was reassured it was delicious”- pg. 239
11. Eat- “Did you not eat?”- pg. 61
13. Face- “a fake smile on his face”- pg. 208
15. Field- “I think that evens the field.”- pg. 371
17. Ground- “The ground was coming at me.”- pg. 289
19. Holiday- “were given a holiday from their usual”- pg. 244
21. Kids- “three more kids are going to scare”- pg. 232
22. Kitchen- “Kate walked past the kitchen door”- pg. 326
23. Large- “The large windows were behind him”- pg. 302
28. Patch- “football field was a patch of green”- pg. 58
29. Pick- “collapse and pick up the pieces.”- pg. 375
34. Round- “I could go another round”- pg. 282
35. Season- “Halfway through the season”- pg. 354
37. Select- “running with a select group of girls”- pg. 353
38. Shape- “their shapes blocked the light”- pg. 205
39. Skin- “chuckled softly against my skin”- pg. 375
40. Smooth- “she tried to smooth out her shirt’s”- pg. 214
46. Treat- “I was giving him a treat”- pg. 330
48. Wedge- “Before he wedged himself between us”- pg. 172
49. Weight- “The bed dipped under his weight" pg. 228

message 8: by Joann (last edited Nov 29, 2018 09:20AM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments Found 47
Goal Pumpion: 41-50 words

Found in Glass Houses - Louise Penny - 11/2/18:
1. Autumn - p. 40 “And then one day in early AUTUMN…”
2. Bake -p. 29 “...maybe if she could BAKE baguettes…”
3. Big -p. 27 “They’ve been a BIG hit since…”
6. Children - p. 37 “...home to her husband and young CHILDREN.”
9. Cooking - p. 57 “She wondered if Anton was next door COOKING…”
10. Delicious - p. 102 “This looks DELICIOUS,” said Rene-Marie…”
11. Eat - p. 37 “ grab something to EAT.”
12. Enormous - p. 185 “ an ENORMOUS personal cost.”
13. Face - p. 115 “...looked across the table into his worn FACE.”
15. Field - p. 106 “...used to the smell of manure spread on FIELDS.”
17. Ground - p. 53 “..but he just stood his GROUND.”
21. Kids -p. 96 “He’s terrified my KIDS,” someone shouted.”
22. Kitchen - p. 171 “I need you in the KITCHEN.”
23. Large - p. 76 “...bent over the LARGE map of Quebec.”
27. Oven - p. 29 “..and the cookies were in the OVEN.”
30. Pie - p. 153 “...a slice of lemon meringue PIE in front of them.”
34. Round - p. 105 “...they chased each other ROUND and ROUND…”
38. Shape - p. 132 “ was difficult to distinguish a SHAPE.”
39. Skin - p.125 “...rubbing the dried blood from her SKIN.”
42. Soup - p. 61 “People are ordering the SOUP special.”
46. Treat - p. 45 “You will not TREAT anyone like that…”
49. Weight - p.82 “ isn’t a WEIGHT, it’s a number.”

Found in Whispers of Warning - Jessica Estevao - 11/4/18:
16. Fruit - p. 11 “...when the rotted FRUIT starts flying.”
28. Patch - p. 94 “Frank had managed to PATCH together…”
29. Pick - p. 22 “...helped me to PICK out appropriate clothing…”
33. Roots - p. 10 “Lewis blushed to the ROOTS of his hair.”
35. Season - p. 36 “...this SEASON everyone on the police force..”
40. Smooth - p. 17 “...maring the SMOOTH complexion of her …”
43. Sprout - p. 180 “...will begin to SPROUT beards.”
45. Sunlight - p. 21 “Sunlight streamed through the tall windows.”
47. Vine - p. 114 “...some sort of twining VINE.”
48. Wedge - p. 33 “...two WEDGES of strawberry pie.”

Found in The Giver - Lois Lowry - 11/6/18:
4. Bumpy - p. 123 “The road was narrower, and BUMPY…”
14. Festive - p. 151 “...become almost FESTIVE with the noise of …”
19. Holiday - p. 34 “ meant two days HOLIDAY from work.”
26. Orange - p. 73 “The bright ORANGE of pumpkins being trucked…”
37. Select - p. 85 “I’ll have to SELECT the one to be ….”
41. Snack - p. 21 “ apple from the basket where the SNACKS were kept.”
50. Yield - p. 124 “The net YIELDed two flopping silvery fish.”

Found in Death of an Addict - M.C. Beaton - 11/7/18:
44. Stem - p. 32 “..that all bad feeling STEM from repressed…”

Found in A Murder Is Announced - Agatha Christie- 11/11/18:
5. Carving - p. 51 “I have there close at hand the big CARVING knife.”
18. Harvest - p. 77 “There were prospects of a satisfactory HARVEST.”
36. Seeds - p. 33 “...a string of SEED pearls…”

Found in An Invisible Thread: The True Story of an 11-Year-Old Panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny - Laura Schroff - 11/14/18:
8. Chunk - p.41 "He ripped through the hard leather, tearing it into ragged CHUNKS."
24. Mash - p. 36 "Can I have a steak with MASHed potatoes?"
36. Roast - p. 106 "..while the turkey Nancy helped me prepare ROASTed in the oven upstairs."

Found in Death Sits Down to Dinner- Tessa Arlen - 11/17/18:
7. Chop - p. 194 “...a cook who turns out a pretty good CHOP.”

Not yet found:
20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
31. Puree

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

JoAnne wrote: "




haha I love your pumpkin letters!

message 10: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 27, 2018 12:10PM) (new)

I'm in


Further Tales of the City (Tales of the City Series, V. 3) by Armistead Maupin (11/2/18)

3. Big - Big fucking deal. (p 42)
6. Children - Now, thanks to the children, she had a fire that would crackle. (p 12)
8. Chunk - "Hell," said Brian, sawing off a chunk of pot roast. (p 72)
9. Cooking - "Father, I don't know what you're cooking up, but you might as well know that Luke is not... well, he's not the sort of man who'll take orders from other people." (p 223)
10. Delicious - Mary Ann was faintly embarrassed by the homebody image this format compelled her to project, but she couldn't deny the delicious exhilaration of the stardom it brought her. (p 39)
11. Eat - "They eat dogs, you know." (p 30)
12. Enormous - The bed was enormous, exactly the sort of bed Michael expected ________ ________ to sleep in. (p 131)
13. Face - When Mrs. Madrigal reached the lych gate at Number 28, she paused under its peaked roof to survey her domain - the mossy brick plain of the courtyard, the illegal lushness of her "herb garden", the ivy-and-brown-shingle face of her beloved old house. (p 12)
15. Field - "I thought we'd rent a float plane and fly over the ice fields." (p 308)
16. Fruit - The fruits of his labors were aesthetic, spiritual, physical and even sexual - since a number of men in the city found nothing quite so erotic as the sight of someone's first name stitched crudely across the front of a pair of faided green coveralls. (p 16)
17. Ground - Prue strode purposefully towards the door of the shack - so purposefully, in fact, that she snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground, scattering the contents of her purse. (p 103)
19. Holiday - "They don't have a Holiday Inn," smiled Willie. (p 399)
20. Jack 'o lantern - The man grinned like a jack o'lantern. (p 374)
21. Kids  - "Two kids from Laguna stayed over last night." (p 130)
22. Kitchen - Dropping the groceries in the kitchen - three new cheeses from Molinari's, light bulbs, focaccia bread, Tender Vittles for Boris - she hurried into the parlor to build a fire. (p 12)
23. Large - She was standing on a U-shaped ridge, peering down into the dark green center of the U - a primeval lake-turned-swamp ringed with ferns so large that she half expected a sixty-foot Gila monster to come lumbering into view. (p 86)
26. Orange - She paused for a moment outside the familiar orange door, peering out through an ivy-chocked window at a night full of stars. (p 44)
28. Patch "You could patch it," Mary Ann suggessted. (p 270)
29. Pick - "Daniel Detorie helped me pick them out." (p 251)
30. Pie - "Easy as pie." (p 180)
32. Roast - "A nice roast of some sort with those baby carrots that she likes... and some ice cream from Gelasto, of course, to go with the birthday cake." (p 64)
33. Roots - He was damned if he'd let her peg him as an old preppie finding his roots. (p 148)

Dream Job (The Dreamwalker Chronicles Book 1) by Gregory Pettit (11/5/18)

27. Oven - Olivia was already in bed again by the time I arrived, but Dana had kept a few slices of macaroni pie warm in the oven for me. (loc 552)
34. Round - "Round two?" (loc 271)
38. Shape - "Kelly needs to shape up." (loc 405)
39. Skin - Watching Olivia alone the last few evenings had left her looking tired, with blotchy skin and a slump in her shoulders that was there more often than not these days. (loc 257)
40. Smooth - I’d just let out a long sigh of relief, congratulating myself on being a smooth operator, when Phil burst into the room. (loc 836)
41. Snack - The redhead finished her snack and went back to the paper. (loc 3678)
45. Sunlight - The lawyer’s brown eyes flashed in the midafternoon sunlight. (loc 1058)
46. Treat - "It’s my treat tonight,” I said with a wink and a smirk. (loc 1754)
49. Weight - The slightest squeak sounded as something heavy shifted its weight. (loc 187)

Safe Haven (The Protectors #1) by Leeanna Morgan (11/6/18)

27. Oven - “Remember to put Nathaniel’s meal in the oven.” (loc 712)
35. Season - “There wasn’t enough snow. It’s too early in the season.” (loc 1624)
42. Soup - Hayley picked up a wooden spoon and stirred the pumpkin soup Sophie had made. (loc 2217)

Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery by Mary Amato (11/7/18)

1. Autumn - It is autumn and the grounds are strewn with fallen leaves, yet there is no rustling or crunching of the leaves beneath her footsteps when she walkes. (p 85)

An Uncommon Sense (Sensual Healing Book 1) by Serenity Woods (11/8/18)

7. Chop - “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he began to chop an onion. (loc 1563)
44. Stem - When she’d finished her meal, she sat back in her chair, playing with the stem of her wineglass as she considered him. (loc 1648)

Her Big Sky Cowboy (Wildflower Ranch #3) by Alissa Callen (11/9/18)

36. Seeds - Finn's normal routine after breakfast was to water the mix of wildflower seeds they'd planted in an old wheelbarrow they'd found in the barn and then play with Milly. (loc 495)

Unleashed (Ross Siblings #1) by Cherrie Lynn (11/10/18)

48. Wedge - She was so eager to feel im wedge into her she was dripping, panting, her pulse frantic. (loc 196)

Storm Season (Accidental Roots, #1) by Elle Keaton (11/11/18)

bake - “I like to bake when I’m feeling stressed out,” Seth muttered. (p 251)
vine - On closer examination, the patterns on the furniture seemed to be intricate cabbage roses and green vines. (p 84)

Earning It (Stolen Moments, #1) by Angela Quarles (11/13/18)

14. Festive - The Spanish moss dangling from the trees hangs like festive lace in the still but sultry air. (p 25)
24. Mash - I mash the end call icon on my Samsung and do a tee-hee dance on the sunny sidewalk. (p 3)

Murder by Chance (Betty Chance Mystery Book 1) by Pat Dennis (11/18/18)

5. Carving - A carving chef waited patiently, behind the counter, willing to slice off a hunk of a ham the size of an eighteen-wheeler. (p 47)

Xoe (Xoe Meyers, #1) by Sara C. Roethle (11/18/18)

4. Bumpy - There is a bumpy mountain road leading to the old ranger’s station. (loc 2007)

Out of the Mist (Can't Help Falling Book 1) by Lauren Giordano (11/24/18)

18. Harvest - Earthy, harvest tones warmed the walls. (loc 457)
37. Select - He hesitated, seeming to select his words carefully. (loc 951)
50. Yield - A softer approach might yield results. (loc 682)

Stay With Me (Last Frontier Lodge, #5) by J.H. Croix (11/27/18)

43. Sprout - A sprout of hope unfurled inside of Jessa. (loc 1099)


25. Nutmeg
31. Puree

message 11: by Ferenc (last edited Nov 25, 2018 08:09AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Goal: 46/50
Current level: Pompon: Pumpion: 41-50 words

Casting Off (Wool, #3) by Hugh Howey Casting Off by Hugh Howey – 11/01/2018 - 23 words
(view spoiler)

Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1) by Tomi Adeyemi Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi – 11/9/2018 - 16 words
(view spoiler)

The Unraveling (Wool, #4) by Hugh Howey The Unraveling by Hugh Howey – 11/13/2018 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris - 11/12/2018 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

There There by Tommy Orange There There by Tommy Orange - 11/22/2018 – 4 words
(view spoiler)

Calypso by David Sedaris Calypso by David Sedaris - 11/23/2018 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 12: by Chris (last edited Nov 17, 2018 06:04AM) (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 20 comments I'm in:

1. Autumn - One Step Behind 11/9 p. 11
"…but she wanted to move out before the Autumn."

2. Bake - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 375
"…that we'd cook the a special dinner and bake them a cake."

3. Big - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 9
"They'd recommended she replace the big doll house with…"

4. Bumpy - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 224
"…the cadence of our conversation seemed bumpy."

5. Carving - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 353
"And then I'm going to carve Delaroche into kindling

6. Children - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. "Without children of her own, she had the …"

7. Chop - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 286
"…individual tasting spoons and mini lamb chops with mint…"

8. Chunk - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p.108
"I cut the lamb into even chunks, following the recipe…"

9. Cooking - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 64
"…plant she'd ever owned, and that her cooking repertoire was…"

10. Delicious - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 105
"It smells delicious."

11. Eat - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 24
"…one's going to eat sugary carbs."

12. Enormous - The Day of the Duchess 11/4 loc. 750
"…candles in one of the enormous candelabra flanking it."

13. Face - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 187
"with a face that might have been modeled…"

14. Festive - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 237
"His festive clothes of two nights before…."

15. Field - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 16
"…or children's rights--before the field breaks her spirit."

16. Fruit - The Day of the Duchess 11/4 loc. 1784
"No tarts in here? Fruit?"

17. Ground - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 7
"It was as if the unsteady ground beneath her feet…"

18. Harvest - Blood Sacrifice 11/5 loc. 202
"…growing and harvesting pines and turning them into…"

19. Holiday - Blood Sacrifice 11/5 loc. 270
"…was already away for the holdiays."

20. Jack 'o lantern - Heaven's Prisoners 11/17 p. 264
"…wood that looked like a jack-o'-lantern's mouth."

21. Kids - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 24
"Do you do regular assessments of kids?"

22. Kitchen - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p 8
"…the seven steps into the tiny galley kitchen…"

23. Large - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 36
"A pair of women carrying large shopping bags…"

24. Mash - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 410
"Friday's menu is always pot roast and mashed potatoes…"

25. Nutmeg

26. Orange - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 18
"…I see a flash of orange and the offending…"

27. Oven - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 106
"…hair wild from the heat seeping from the oven…"

28. Patch - The Day of the Duchess 11/4 loc. 3279
"…help her navigate a rocky patch."

29. Pick - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 48
"…leaving work early to pick her up."

30. Pie - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 149
"…a partly eaten meat pie and a hunk of cheese…"

31. Puree

32. Roast - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 410
"Friday's menu is always pot roast and mashed potatoes…"

33. Roots - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 12
"…blow-dry my hair, noticing my roots are visible."

34. Round - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 99
"…Nellie spotted the woman round the corner…"

35. Season - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 12
"Racks of dresses organized by color and season."

36. Seeds - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 226
"He'd remembered Sam hated sesame seeds on her bun."

37. Select - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 12
"…with an almost military precision and select a robin's egg…"

38. Shape - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 5
"…with crumpled tissue to maintain the shape."

39. Skin - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 3
"…the sensation of static rising over my skin.."

40. Smooth - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 14
"…and trace a fingertip over the smooth gold."

41. Snack - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 168
"…round of drinks and some snacks high in carb and calories"

42. Soup - The Day of the Duchess 11/4 Loc. 3267
"The woman doesn't eat soup?"

43. Sprout - The Day of the Duchess 11/4 loc. 2453
"Sprouts roasted with pear, fig…"

44. Stem - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 168
"…thin fingers toying with the stem of her glass."

45. Sunlight - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 11
"Weak sunlight sneaks through…"

46. Treat - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 224
"Because I wanted to treat you to something nice,"

47. Vine - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 77
"…the latter, suffocating it like a thick vine."

48. Wedge - The Orchid Affair 11/8 p. 7
"…and my shoulder bag wedged between us like a modern…"

49. Weight - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 11
"…feeling as if a heavy weight is pinning me here."

50. Yield - The Wife Between Us 11/1 p. 375
"…so they could yield to the more palatable…"

message 13: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Grace, Joann, Rosa, Ferenc and Chris!

message 14: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Rosa wrote: "JoAnne wrote: "




haha I love your pumpkin letters!"

Thanks! It's a fun website -

message 15: by Emeli (last edited Nov 11, 2018 02:13AM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 326 comments Pompon: 21-40 words
Pumpion: 41-50 words

1. Autumn
2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking- The Alpha's Candy-Kissed Omega loc 504 i didn't do a lot of elaborate cooking Finished 4/11
10. Delicious
11. Eat
12. Enormous
13. Face
14. Festive
15. Field
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday- The Alpha's Candy-Kissed Omega loc 49 sure all the Holidays was great
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids - The Alpha's Candy-Kissed Omega loc 186 so i don' t have Little kids taking Bites out of me everywhere i go
22. Kitchen
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg- Claiming Their Bear Omega loc 930 Almost like nutmeg Finished 4/11
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
38. Shape
39. Skin
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup- The Alpha's Candy-Kissed Omega loc 506 or make a pot of vegetable soup
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 16: by Shash (last edited Nov 15, 2018 01:47PM) (new)

Shash | 2714 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
November 2018

Choose your level:
Pepon: 10-20 words
Pompon: 21-40 words
Pumpion: 41-50 words

50/50 Words Found

1. Autumn - The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White (11/6/18)
"...after the duke's death last autumn." (pg 15)
2. Bake - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...where I'd easily bake and grow thirsty in the heat of the day." (pg 168)
3. Big - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"Your head is quite big enough as it is." (pg 87)
4. Bumpy - Homecoming in Christmas Falls by Ciara Knight (11/15/18)
"...hand holding moment ever had this goose-bumpy effect on me." (pg 33)
5. Carving - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
" though we were two sides of the carving, perfectly fitted..." (pg 88)
6. Children - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"She'd always been tenderhearted and permissive with her children..." (pg 11)
7. Chop - A Perfect Secret by Donna Hatch (11/8/18)
"...the time he'd chopped down her favorite tree..." (Loc 1166)
8. Chunk - A Tangled Ruse by Laura Beers (11/3/18)
"...taking another bite of his chunk of bread." (Loc 2072)
9. Cooking - Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield (11/3/18)
"...he preferred Doris's plain home cooking to the fancy stuff..." (Loc 276)
10. Delicious - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"You've never tasted anything quite so delicious." (pg 104)
11. Eat - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"Does the fact that you're continuing to eat mean that you like it?" (pg 104)
12. Enormous - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...we could begin paying off the enormous debts my brother had accrued..." (pg 12)
13. Face - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"Although he'd removed his helmet, his face was dark in the scant light..." (pg 7)
14. Festive - Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield (11/3/18)
"...lights, garlands, and bright red bows, lending a festive air..." (Loc 674)
15. Field - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
" with Aldric in the center of the field." (pg 155)
16. Fruit - The Miracle Groom by Lucy McConnell (11/6/18)
"...where Cedar purchased fresh fruit and a yogurt." (Loc 4366)
17. Ground - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...lifted me out of the carriage onto the ground." (pg 21)
18. Harvest - The Miracle Groom by Lucy McConnell (11/6/18)
"...harvest her ideas and abilities and leave behind..." (Loc 5584)
19. Holiday - A Tangled Ruse by Laura Beers (11/3/18)
"...when he returns home from his holiday." (Loc 1341)
20. Jack 'o lantern - I, Spy by Jordan McCollum (11/14/18)
"...all of them grinning like demented jack-o'-lanterns." (pg 171)
21. Kids - Delay of Game by Lucy McConnell (11/3/18)
"One day, sure. Kids. Family. The whole deal." (Loc 189)
22. Kitchen - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"In the hallway leading to the kitchen..." (pg 41)
23. Large - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...candlesticks on the mantle above the large fireplace." (pg 8)
24. Mash - Homecoming in Christmas Falls by Ciara Knight (11/15/18)
"My mind mixed and mashed all the information..." (pg 118)
25. Nutmeg - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...savoring the blend of cloves and nutmeg." (pg 47)
26. Orange - Delay of Game by Lucy McConnell (11/3/18)
"...boxes of toilet paper and mandarin oranges." (Loc 425)
27. Oven - The Object of His Affection by Marcia Lynn McClure (11/5/18)
"...aroma of Christmas biscuits baking in an oven..." (Loc 360)
28. Patch - Delay of Game by Lucy McConnell (11/3/18)
"They have the Variable Contact Patch 2.0." (Loc 752)
29. Pick - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...I can have my pick of your collection." (pg 151)
30. Pie - Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield (11/3/18)
"...a large wedge of warm apple pie she'd placed in front of him..." (Loc 56)
31. Puree - I, Spy by Jordan McCollum (11/14/18)
"...coating it with parsnip, apple and almond purée." (pg 134)
32. Roast - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...brought out a platter of roast and the last of the turnips..." (pg 142)
33. Roots - Delay of Game by Lucy McConnell (11/3/18)
"Good, solid, deep roots like the ones his parents provided growing up." (Loc 188)
34. Round - A Tangled Ruse by Laura Beers (11/3/18)
"He could round up some of the dissenters." (Loc 3492)
35. Season - A Tangled Ruse by Laura Beers (11/3/18)
"...father allowed you to leave during the Season." (Loc 887)
36. Seeds - Summer House Party by Regina Scott, Donna Hatch, Sarah M Eden (11/12/18)
"...she had planted a seed that might yet bear fruit..." (Loc 1161)
37. Select - The Miracle Groom by Lucy McConnell (11/6/18)
"...have a chance to interview a few select players later in the day." (Loc 4032)
38. Shape - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...a jelly made in the shape of a lion." (pg 47)
39. Skin - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...revealing my pale, almost translucent skin." (pg 25)
40. Smooth - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"My fingers automatically grazed the smooth, worn hilt..." (pg 7)
41. Snack - Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield (11/3/18)
"If you're hungry, I packed a few snacks." (Loc 1657)
42. Soup - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...stew and warm bread instead of watery soup without a crumb." (pg 137)
43. Sprout - I, Spy by Jordan McCollum (11/14/18)
"...the full-blown suspicion sprouting in my mind." (pg 47)
44. Stem - A Perfect Secret by Donna Hatch (11/8/18)
"...slender fingers toyed with the stem of her wineglass." (Loc 2540)
45. Sunlight - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"A few slants of sunlight breaking through the heavy branches..." (pg 26)
46. Treat - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"Do you treat all of your guests so royally?" (pg 57)
47. Vine - The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White (11/6/18)
"The vines suddenly dropped, and she fell forward..." (pg 351)
48. Wedge - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"...the pungent tang of the creamy wedge." (pg 104)
49. Weight - For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund (11/2/18)
"I would have expected the weight of all the loss to bend her." (pg 40)
50. Yield - A Perfect Secret by Donna Hatch (11/8/18)
"Unwilling to yield, he put one arm around her waist..." (Loc 690)

message 17: by Elle (last edited Nov 30, 2018 05:52PM) (new)

Elle (elleay) | 1753 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-30, 2018

Level: Pumpion: 41-50 words
Found: 42/41-50

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer | Kelly Jones - Nov 1
Bake: (loc 665) my family bakes an likes eggs for breakfast
Big: (loc 131) but it's more like a big, boring garden.
Children: (loc 989) Docile and friendly: good for children.
Chop: (loc 660) So I can chop their heads off with
Cooking: (loc 1501) whatever kind you have around that's for cooking
Delicious: (loc 1487) my parents said their eggs were delicious
Eat: (loc 302) like something a chicken might eat
Face: (loc 596) make him a smiley face with brown sugar.
Field: (loc 1689) along behind me across the field
Ground: (loc 402) hopped down on the ground, bawking and cakling
Harvest: (loc 1416) plant one sees, and harvest a whole bunch!
Kids: (loc 249) somewhere else around here that kids like to go
Kitchen: (loc 759) feed with kitchen scraps such as vegetables.
Large: (loc 1318) Large light-brown eggs
Mash: (loc 446) quarter full of seeds and mashed-up dried stuff.
Orange: (loc 492) a beat-up orange picup was parked in the driveway.
Patch: (loc 134) it smells like a pumpkin patch
Pick: (loc 1220) I could walk over and pick the chickens up myself
Round: (loc 1389) Chris's eyes went big and round when he saw
Season: (loc 748) without it, even in cooler seasons.
Seeds: (loc 481) It said they like sunflower seeds
Shape: (loc 862) the farm's in worse shape than he expected
Skin: (loc 1267) bumps run all over my skin.
Treat: (loc 1627) you really can't treat a chick or even a baby cockatrice
Vine: (loc 215) neighbors' vineyard kept their vines to themselves.
Weight: (loc 893) a little less because of the can's weight

Pain | Jaymin Eve - Nov 22
Carving: (loc 2436) had been carved into the mountain
Pie: (loc 3940) She baked pies and washed clothing
Snack: (loc 2213) just about to grab my snacks and settle in for

The Forbidden Library | Django Wexler - Nov 24
Bumpy: (p. 37) creased and rumpled from their bumpy journey.
Chunk: (p. 54) a chunk of obsidian, roughly triangular
Enormous: (p. 17) he had an enourmous gray mustache
Fruit: (p. 274) rain of strange-shaped fruit, bouncing and rolling
Oven: (p. 41) a bank of stoves and ovens that looked
Roots: (p. 260) under her feet writhed, roots shifting and groping
Select: (p. 329) Alice selected the largest of these gaps
Smooth: (p. 186) claw slipped on a smooth spot in the wood
Sprout: (p. 313) a few small trees sprouted from between bare stones
Stem: (p. 91) with a long white stem and a dark red cap
Sunlight: (p. 49) the dim trickle of sunlight through the doorway
Wedge: (p. 198) beak-first like a wedge of midieval lancers.

Dark Arts and a Daiquiri | Annette Marie - Nov 26
Roast: (loc 1211) baked potatoes, roast chicken.

1. Autumn
14. Festive
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
31. Puree
42. Soup
50. Yield

message 18: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Emelie, Shash, Sarah, Banshee and Elle!

message 19: by Megan (last edited Nov 30, 2018 02:42PM) (new)

Megan (meganraex) | 42 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin

Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018
Pumpion: 41-50 words


1. Autumn - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"though it was still early in autumn" - loc 50.8
2. Bake - Muse of Nightmares - Completed 16th November
"importantly, bake cake" - loc 794.6
3. Big - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"in the big cozy bedroom" - loc 8.6
4. Bumpy - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"“It’s about to get bumpy" - loc 583.7
5. Carving - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"his monstrous leg, carving deep" - loc 833.6
6. Children - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"five grown children" - loc 83.9
7. Chop - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"hungry wolf licking my chops over" - loc 760.2
8. Chunk - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"full of cracked chunks of ice" - loc 832.0
9. Cooking - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"its small cooking pot" - loc 74.0
10. Delicious - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"lapping up the unexpected delicious treat" - loc 867
11. Eat - And The Ocean Was Our Sky - Completed 13th November
"into the ocean for the sharks to eat"
12. Enormous - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"drank in enormous thirsty gulps" - loc 832
13. Face - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"sun was warm on her face," - loc 583.7
14. Festive
15. Field - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"bat on the field" - loc 166.6
16. Fruit - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"like fruit gone bad." - loc 420.8
17. Ground - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"needle to pierce the ground." - loc 543.0
18. Harvest - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"burn all that tainted harvest" - loc 890.3
19. Holiday - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"Friday following the holiday" - loc 53.0
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"little kids who didn’t realize" - loc 546.2
22. Kitchen - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"I pushed out of the kitchen" - loc 720.1
23. Large - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"looking around the large" - loc 565.0
24. Mash - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"cook up a big pot of mash" - loc 380.2
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
familiar orange glow" - loc 395.6
27. Oven - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
firewood beside the oven," - loc 397.3
28. Patch - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
There was a patch of open" - loc 806.7
29. Pick - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"I come pick you up" - loc 563.0
30. Pie - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"wedge of apple pie" - loc 47.6
31. Puree
32. Roast - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
dry leaves to roast a handful." - loc 885.7
33. Roots - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"toward the roots of the server" - loc 125.0
34. Round - And The Ocean Was Our Sky - Completed 13th November
"It is round,” I said" - loc 28.5
35. Season - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"warm for the season." - loc 85.1
36. Seeds - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"The seeds of a thousand nightmares" - loc 68.8
37. Select - The Chalk Man - Completed 19th November
"select some old vinyls" - loc 210.0
38. Shape - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"wrestle into shape" - loc 275.2
39. Skin - Zeroes - Completed 12th November
"jump out of his skin" - loc 340.8
40. Smooth - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"was not so smooth" - loc 96.4
41. Snack - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"followed by a hefty snack" - loc 74.0
42. Soup - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"put on a pot of soup" - loc 25.0
43. Sprout - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"rye seedlings would sprout" - loc 25.0
44. Stem - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"squeezed my hand around the stem" - loc 283.2
45. Sunlight - And The Ocean Was Our Sky - Completed 13th November
"even the brightest sunlight" - loc 84.0
46. Treat - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"Treat yourself" - loc 81.3
47. Vine - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"beginning of the vine in the first row" - loc 471.7
48. Wedge - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"a wedge of chocolate cheesecake" - loc 34.2
49. Weight - Elevation - Completed 8th November
"make me lose weight" - loc 97.8
50. Yield - Spinning Silver - Completed 7th November
"I didn’t yield to the temptation" - loc 525.6

message 20: by Karen ♐ (last edited Nov 29, 2018 11:10AM) (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1110 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018
Pumpion: 41-50 words

The Arrangement 23 The Ferro Family (The Arrangement, #23) by H.M. Ward
The Arrangement 23: The Ferro Family H.M. Ward - 11/5
3. Big - Loc 915 - this guy isn't big enough to slow me down
6. Children - Loc 1347 - spoke about picket fences and children
8. Chunk - Loc 478 - broken up by chunks of gold moldings
11. Eat - Loc 1100 - she's not had enough to eat in months
12. Enormous - Loc 1024 - soaps in the shapes of enormous creamy pearls
13. Face - Loc 54 - from the two bodies lying face down
15. Field - Loc 1197 - My field of vision
17. Ground - Loc 114 - like dust rising from the ground
19. Holiday - Loc 1075 - about those big family holidays
22. Kitchen - Loc 1812 - down the hallway to the kitchen
23. Large - Loc 249 - The large pieces of slate
24. Mash - Loc 2089 - My throat tightens as I mash my lips together
26. Orange - Loc 1729 - There's a thin slit of orange sunlight
28. Patch - Loc 59 - I wanted to patch myself up
29. Pick - Loc 546 - down into the cushions and pick the drying blood
34. Round - Loc 161 - and a very round rump
38. Shape - Loc 1024 - Tiny soaps in the shapes
39. Skin - Loc 82 - the silk fabric caressing my skin
40. Smooth - Loc 621 - I smooth my dress
45. Sunlight - Loc 1560 - to make room for the sunlight
46. Treat - Loc 1666 - The doc examines me, treats the wound
48. Wedge - Loc 879 - no quickly accessible crannies to wedge into
49. Weight - Loc 493 - shifts his weight and then clears his throat

Embraced by Two Younger Men by Chloe Lang
Embraced by Two Younger Men Chloe Lang - 11/5
10. Delicious - Loc 329 - with your company over a delicious meal
16. Fruit - Loc 653 - hope you like bagels and fruit
21. Kids - Loc 706 - since we were kids
41. Snack - Loc 914 - and fill a plate of snacks for her

Bound by Hatred (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles, #3) by Cora Reilly
Bound by Hatred Cora Reilly - 11/8
7. Chop - Pg 303 - He turned another lamb chop
35. Season - Pg 263 - last Christmas party of the season
37. Select - Pg 169 - I grabbed a cup and selected a Cappucino.

The Thrill of It (No Regrets, #1) by Lauren Blakely
The Thrill of It Lauren Blakely - 11/11
2. Bake - Pg 138 - Does this half-baked lover of hers
9. Cooking - Pg 212 - she's still cooking for her lover
27. Oven - Pg 128 - Just out of the oven from the bagel shop
30. Pie - Pg 53 - and orders a cheese pie
33. Roots - Pg 75 - The coldness and the fizz roots me back

Speakeasy (True North, #5) by Sarina Bowen
Speakeasy Sarina Bowen - 11/12
1. Autumn - Pg 18 - cheeks pink from the cool autumn night
32. Roast - Pg 31 - Tonight I'd meant to roast it
42. Soup - Pg 236 - hover over you and shove soup in your face

Beauty from Surrender (Beauty, #2) by Georgia Cates
Beauty from Surrender Georgia Cates - 11/13
18. Harvest - Pg 16 - It's harvest time
44. Stem - Pg 52 - take out the single long-stem red rose

Three to Ride (Nights in Bliss, Colorado, #1) by Sophie Oak
Three to Ride Sophie Oak - 11/16
47. Vine - I'm not some clinging vine

Seeing Red by Sandra Brown
Seeing Red Sandra Brown - 11/21
14. Festive - Pg 166 - gracious and get into the festive spirit
43. Sprout - Pg 331 - Sprout wings?
50. Yield - Pg 62 - The Major would yield

The Naked Truth by Vi Keeland
The Naked Truth Vi Keeland - 11/23
36. Seeds - Loc 917 - giant things could grow from seeds

Outrageous (Quantum, #7) by Marie Force
Outrageous Marie Force - 11/26
4. Bumpy - Pg 219 - The descent into LAX is bumpy

5. Carving
20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
31. Puree

message 21: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Megan and Karen!

message 22: by Tammy (new)

Tammy (tammy17) November 1 - November 30

1. Autumn
2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking
10. Delicious
11. Eat
12. Enormous
13. Face
14. Festive
15. Field
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids
22. Kitchen
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
38. Shape
39. Skin
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 23: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Tammy!

message 24: by Barbara ★ (last edited Dec 08, 2018 09:38AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin

Pompon: 21-40 words
Pumpion: 41-50 words

READ: 47/40

The Bronze Horseman (The Bronze Horseman, #1) by Paullina Simons The Bronze Horseman - Paullina Simons 11/2
9. Cooking - speaking of cooking, p306
10. Delicious - wasn't delicious bread, p345
33. Roots - breathe without roots, p431
42. Soup - who is going to carry soup back home in a pail ,p372

Beautiful Sacrifice by Elizabeth Lowell Beautiful Sacrifice - Elizabeth Lowell 11/4
3. Big - big fires in the jungle, p202
5. Carving - the carving is of dream serpents, p122
6. Children - hip-deep in children, p2
8. Chunk - made of a single chunk of obsidian, p52
21. Kids - kids were so innocent, so fragile, p8
36. Seeds - I planted seeds, p342

Bring the Heat (Dragon Kin, #9) by G.A. Aiken Bring the Heat - G.A. Aiken 11/6
11. Eat - who could eat the world, p50
13. Face - not quite covering her face, p59
14. Festive - give Empress festive gowns, p199
16. Fruit - with trees that had fresh fruit, p50
17. Ground - when he placed her back on the ground, p73
19. Holiday - we are not on holiday, p128
28. Patch - tying the black patch she often wore, p143
35. Season - some seasons on the plains are very good, p169

Full Speed (Full, #3) by Janet Evanovich Full Speed - Janet Evanovich/Charlotte Hughes 11/7
7. Chop - it's not enough to chop wood for a fire, p56
22. Kitchen - I don't permit anyone in the kitchen, p98
39. Skin - skin touched skin, p[103
41. Snack - thought you might want a snack, p316

[bookcover:Somewhere in the Shallow Sea|30270716] Somewhere in the Shallow Sea - Dennis Macaraeg 11/8
15. Field - side of the road next to an open field, p28

The Hypnotist (Joona Linna, #1) by Lars Kepler The Hypnotist - Lars Kepler 11/9
12. Enormous - reminiscent of an enormous resistance, p103
27. Oven - at the stone oven bakery, p132
45. Sunlight - I remember the sunlight, p301
49. Weight - he's lost so much weight, p502

Dead End Dating (Dead End Dating #1) by Kimberly Raye Dead End Dating - Kimberly Raye 11/10
26. Orange - the orange is just the icing on the cake, p286

Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #1) by Jenn McKinlay Sprinkle with Murder - Jenn McKinlay 11/10
2. Bake - would bake and then decorate a dozen cupcakes, p16

The Risk Agent (Risk Agent, #1) by Ridley Pearson The Risk Agent - Ridley Pearson 11/13
1. Autumn - coincides with the autumn festival, p15
20. Jack 'o lantern - the man's jaw looked like a jack-o-lantern, p81

Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2) by Kresley Cole Endless Knight - Kresley Cole 11/15
18. Harvest - have time to harvest the life, p6
44. Stem - stem your idiocy, p172
47. Vine - the little vine by my face, p2

Wicked Nights With a Lover (The Penwich School for Virtuous Girls #3) by Sophie Jordan Wicked Nights With a Lover - Sophie Jordan 11/16
4. Bumpy - she had endured a cold, bumpy ride, p86
23. Large - large and masculine, p29
38. Shape - as his own shape and form, p33
43. Sprout - she could sprout wings and fly, p86

Haunted Moon (Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon, #13) by Yasmine Galenorn Haunted Moon - Yasmine Galenorn 11/17
30. Pie - carrying the pies over to the table, p421
34. Round - it held a round table and eight chairs, p211

Water and Fire by Demelza Carlton Water and Fire - Demelza Carlton 11/19
48. Wedge - he managed to wedge himself inside, p12

Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer, #2) by Laini Taylor Muse of Nightmares - Laini Taylor 11/22
40. Smooth - it was smooth, cool and waiting, p72
50. Yield - eager to yield itself up to him, p69

A Tiger's Bride (A Lion's Pride, #4) by Eve Langlais A Tiger's Bride - Eve Langlais 11/24
46. Treat - to lap at the treat, p23

The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen The Girl Who Chased the Moon - Sarah Addison Allen 11/27
29. Pick - to pick a fight with someone, p92

Swan and the Bear (Furry United Coalition #2) by Eve Langlais Swan and the Bear - Eve Langlais 11/30
24. Mash - picked out the mashed piece of metal, p77
32. Roast - his brother's special roast, p20

25. Nutmeg
31. Puree
37. Select

message 25: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Barbara!

message 26: by Denise (last edited Nov 25, 2018 07:20PM) (new)

Denise | 520 comments I'm in!

November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Choose your level:
Pumpion: 41-50 word found 46/50 words


1. Autumn – “…because it was late autumn and quite cold.” P. 459 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

2. Bake “…helping themselves to Mrs. Scaife’s baked goods” p. 139 Transcriptionby Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

3. Big “And on the night before a big operation, I’m always afraid…” p. 252 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

5. Carving “When the silence and the loneliness press down and around me, crushing me, carving through me like ice…”p. 51. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine. By Gail Honeyman 11.25.18

6. Children “That their victims were children seemed to trouble them not.” P. 4 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

7. Chop “She disliked….all that pretty French stuff that would make any self-respecting sans-cullottes want to chop someone’s head off.” P. 33Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

8. Chunk – “Ruth again pelted a bird with a chunk of inedible bread.” P. 107 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 11.13.18

9. Cooking “There was no electricity and no gas for cooking.” P. 301 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

10. Delicious “I’m going to eat every bite of this delicious food.” P. 72 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

11. Eat “Shall we eat?” p. 164The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

12. Enormous “The enormous force of the blast dug a crater in the rue des Rosiers twenty feet in depth.” P. 17 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

13. Face “…girl was pinned to the pavement and her face slashed with a knife.” P. 4 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

14. Festive “…she could not show pleasure at festive occasions.” P. 136 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

15. Field “The typical undercover Office field agent spent far more time maintaining his cover than actually gathering intelligence.” P. 162 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

16. Fruit “Everywhere there was split fruit and spilled blood…” p. 95 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

17. Ground “Life in the city quickly ground to a halt.” P. 15 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

19. Holiday “Two young women on holiday, very professional.” P. 252 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

21. Kids “He didn’t like kids.” P. 7A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 11.13.18

22. Kitchen “Two members of Hezbollah worked in the kitchen…” p. 33 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

23. Large “…upon its walls hung several large black and white photographs of life in the district…” p. 11 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

24. Mash “…being, as he was, an eel pie and mash boy from Rotherhithe.” P. 111 Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

25. Nutmeg – “Fraulein had a particularly musty scent – nutmeg and the ancient oak of churches…” p. 208 Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

26. Orange “…he peered through the oven and saw an orange covered casserole… p. 60 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

27. Oven “…he peered through the oven and saw an orange covered casserole… p. 60 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

28. Patch “It is a patch of empty desert between Aleppo and the Sunni triangle of Iraq.” P.165-166 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

29. Pick “The FBI is about to pick her up.” P. 491 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

30. Pie “A pie slice of new crops stretched toward Mount Tabor…” p. 132 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

32. Roast “…he popped a capsule of French roast into the Keurig.” P. 392 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

33. Roots “The movement had its roots in the grim Amman suburb of Zarqa…” p. 118 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

34. Round “The woman was seen calmly clearing a jammed round from her Kalashnikov…” p. 18 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

35. Season “Juliet had seen last seaon’s production in Stratford.” P. 214 Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

36. Seeds “…the seeds for just such an operational union had already been sown.” P. 29 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

37. Select “Only the select were invited to a vernissage, especially.” P. 17 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 11.13.18

38. Shape “The other one is in bad shape, too.” P. 135 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

39. Skin “The man in the back was long and lanky, with pale, bloodless skin and eyes the color of glacial ice.” P. 29 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva

40. Smooth “They were wide and smooth.” P. 332 The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

41. Snack “I had a snack while you were sleeping” p. 386 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

42. Soup “…he had eyes only for the lanky man, a non-Arab, walking along the pea-green soup waters of the canal.” P. 218 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

43. Sprout – “…large apartment in one of the smart new towers that seemed to sprout overnight along the sea in Tel Aviv.” The Black Widowby Daniel Silva 11.4.18

44. Stem “Safia would have to be shot clearly through the brain stem with a large-caliber weapon…” p. 456The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

45. Sunlight “…moving from the shadow to the bright sunlight.” P. 149 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

46. Treat “You ask us to make aliyah and then you treat us as though we’re not quite a member of the club.” P. 147 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

47. Vine “The vine was still there.” P. 266 Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

48. Wedge “a thick wedge of Cheddar, a half-dozen eggs, a jar of picked onions, and a bunch of grapes.” P. 188 Transcription by Kate Atkinson 11.5.18

49. Weight “Two paces behind him was a much younger man of nearly identical height and weight…” p. 79 The Black Widow by Daniel Silva 11.4.18

50. Yield - “…she understood that he would yield, and Charlotte gain her point, save the child and marry him.” P. 114 Old New York by Edith Wharton 11.10.18

4. Bumpy
18. Harvest
20. Jack 'o lantern
31. Puree

message 27: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Denise!

message 28: by Jessica (last edited Nov 07, 2018 10:20AM) (new)

Jessica | 39 comments Autumn -
Bake - ...I can't BAKE for shit... pg 9 Mann Cakes
Big -
Bumpy -
Carving -
Children -
Chop -
Chunk -
Cooking - ...with your COOKING 11 Mann Cakes
Delicious -
Eat - ...I'd rather EAT the plate... pg 8 Mann Cakes
Enormous -
Face - ...your FACE was priceless... pg 44 Mann Cakes
Festive -
Field -
Fruit -
Ground -
Harvest -
Holiday -
Jack 'o lantern -
Kids -
Kitchen - ...Slogging away in a greasy KITCHEN... pg 6 Mann Cakes
Large -
Mash -
Nutmeg -
Orange -
Oven -
Patch -
Pick -
Pie - pumpkin PIE in the world... pg 7 Mann Cakes
Puree -
Roast -
Roots -
Round -
Season -
Seeds -
Select -
Shape -
Skin -
Smooth -
Snack -
Soup -
Sprout -
Stem -
Sunlight -
Treat -
Vine -
Wedge -
Weight -
Yield -

message 29: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Jessica!

message 30: by Carly (last edited Dec 01, 2018 10:02AM) (new)

Carly (car88) | 63 comments NOVEMBER 2018 - SCAVENGER HUNT

·Post 33

AUTUMN - #11 (loc 284, 6%)
His brown eyes are flecked through with red and orange, like an autumn skyline.
BAKE - #10 (loc 750, 24%)
"You can teach him to bake instead," I offered. Shocked gasps and covert gagging noises filled the room.
BIG - #6 (loc 2481, 63%)
"I'd have to say he sure does, big brother. Mighty well-fucked."
BUMPY - #2 (loc 1062, 23%)
She walked toward the slope, almost wincing as a bumpy rock prodded the sole of her foot.
CARVING - #10 (loc 855, 27%)
The pain shot through my body like hot knives, carving up my insides.
CHILDREN - #8 (loc 2110, 54%)
"Well, with their other ten thousand children, what's three more?"
CHOP - #5 (loc 31, 1%)
"That's fascinating, but if you don't put some clothes on I'm going to have to start chopping at things that are protruding."
CHUNK - #2 (loc 825, 18%)
"I don't want them on my ass anymore than I want a feral wolf chewing a chunk out of my wolf's ass."
COOKING - #8 (loc 1373, 35%)
"A burger works. But don't eat too much. I'm cooking us dinner tonight."
DELICIOUS - #11 (loc 3978, 78%)
"Oh, how delicious," Chesh purrs, clawing at the air above Rab's head. "I could just eat you right up."
EAT - #7 (loc 213, 4%)
Devon, an apprentice at their studio, glared at the hellhound. "Eat shit, pooch."
ENORMOUS - #5 (loc 2632, 50%)
"I haven't seen my hooha in months because my stomach is the enormous house for our four-headed son that is going to live inside me for the next ten years."
FACE - #4 (loc 324, 6%)
Basically she was a tiny Goth girl with more hair in her face than Cousin It.
FIELD - #4 (loc 4504, 85%)
"Does it always hurt like that?" Her face was ashen and she clung tightly to The Kev. "I just squatted in a field and they fell out," Pam informed the room. Her announcement was greeted with appalled silence.
FRUIT - #1 (loc 2293, 78%)
Zach shoveled another spoonful of Fruit Loops cereal with milk into his mouth. "It is not possible!"
GROUND - #14 (loc 351, 2%)
They smacked into the ground and Geryon planted his feet as the impact vibrated through him.
HARVEST - #7 (loc 5255, 91%)
"No. No, he's a sphinx. Sphinxes cannot harvest and deliver souls to hell."
HOLIDAY - #3 (loc 78, 6%)
The holidays I took with my parents to Spain every year.
KIDS - #10 (loc 2414, 76%)
"Besides, I'm already married to someone and I have at least sixteen or nine-ish kids."
KITCHEN - #13 (loc 859, 76%)
The three of us are laughing as we stumble up the basement stairs, heading to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat after the marathon screw fest.
LARGE - #5 (loc 1142, 34%)
"I'm annoyingly straight, and I think this guy is hot. Freakishly large, but hot."
MASH - #9 (loc 2685, 67%)
Karaoke had no redeeming qualities what-so-ever. I still loved Morgan. "I think we should sing 'The Monster Mash' this time."
ORANGE - #2 (loc 2082, 45%)
Upstairs, she quickly changed into a neon-orange bikini and scooped her hair up into a high ponytail.
PATCH #6 (loc 1692, 42%)
She had a small hump on her back, gnarled hands, and a black patch over one eye. Good God. That's why Natalia kept calling her O-E-G. One-Eyed Grandma.
PICK - #12 (loc 574, 47%)
"You can stumble over to Zoe's Lounge after work and pick up the sexy mom in the hoodie at the bar."
PIE - #1 (loc 1399, 48%)
As soon as she got to work, Randy, her favorite cutie pie pit bull, had taken one look at her and run the other way.
PUREE - #7 (loc 1666, 29%)
Harper spent the next few hours with Asher-bathing him, dressing him, and then feeding him a slightly early lunch…after which she needed to change him again, since he'd gotten puree all over himself.
ROAST - #11 (loc 396, 9%)
The taste on my tongue morphs from cherry-tart to custard, from pineapple to toffee, and then cycles through roasted freaking turkey and hot buttered toast.
ROOTS - #7 (loc 1881, 33%)
Harper did enjoy her years of traveling with Lucien, but what she needed was roots, not someone who she'd come second to.
ROUND - #5 (loc 1722, 51%)
Conall tried to ignore the guys hugging Miki as she makes her rounds. She was being friendly. They were groping. But when any of them got out of hand, she handled them expertly.
SEASON - #8 (loc 268, 7%)
Irene waited, and she couldn't help but smile when she saw the blooms burst to life on the branches. Out of season, no less.
SEED(S) - #5 (loc 3063, 91%)
"You are making me crazy and I'm sure that's not healthy the demon seed I'm carrying!"
SELECT - #3 (loc 1222, 57%)
"Ask them to stop their nefarious deeds while I select a weapon?"
SHAPE - #4 (loc 1817, 34%)
I tried with all my might to wrench my eyes from the heart-shaped mass of hair on Carl's chest. WTH?
SKIN - #1 (loc 2567, 87%)
Looking down at her crouching form, she saw blood-and-dirt-covered skin. She'd changed back.
SMOOTH - #15 (loc 1057, 55%)
To my surprise, Simon answered instead of smooth-talking Gene.
SNACK - #6 (loc 1071, 27%)
"Puppy? Why don't you call him what he is? A mid-day snack." Her crazy friend was right. Tigers roamed this property. A cute little thing loping through the grass was really just a moving Snickers bar to these people.
SOUP - #11 (loc 2229, 44%)
"Beautiful soup, so rich and green, waiting in a hot tureen," Dee singsongs as he ladles me a bowl and passes it over.
SPROUT - #2 (loc 629, 14%)
Trick fought his desperate attempts to surface, half-surprised he didn't sprout fur.
STEM - #11 (loc 1544, 31%)
"I never saw anybody that looked stupider," a violet chimes in, just before Dee bends down and plucks several of the flowers up by theirs stems.
SUNLIGHT - #11 (loc 3198, 63%)
In the sunlight, I'd almost call them aqua or teal or whatever the fuck that tropical blue-green color is. Sorry, but I played with black Sharpies instead of crayons as a kid.
TREAT - #15 (loc 1376, 71%)
I pumped my wings and grinned, for flying truly was a treat.
VINE - #4 (loc 280, 5%)
Deciding further explanation of a selfie could end in violence I took several as she posed obscenely with a flowering vine.
WEDGE - #10 (loc 2915, 92%)
"Sweet baby Satan in wedge heels and a thong," Jane choked out proudly.
WEIGHT #3 (loc 2020, 92%)
"He's a bit fat to be a stray," I retort. His weight gain over the past few months confirmed to me he has another-if not several more-homes to dine at.
YIELD - #3 (loc 727, 35%)
He's loyal to his kind, but he won't yield his life to control by royalty.

KEG - #7 (loc 188, 4%)
She was pretty sure the one curled around the beer keg, clinging to the funnel, had passed out. Typical
TEXAS - #1 (loc 149, 5%)
"Check it out." Angelina elbowed her friends. "Lesbians. In Texas."

Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack, #1) by Shelly Laurenston Wild Hunger (The Phoenix Pack, #7) by Suzanne Wright Bound (The Four Horsemen, #2) by L.J. Swallow Hell on Heels (Hot Damned #3) by Robyn Peterman Go Fetch (Magnus Pack, #2) by Shelly Laurenston Here Kitty, Kitty! (Magnus Pack, #3) by Shelly Laurenston Embers (Dark in You, #4) by Suzanne Wright When He Was Bad (includes Magnus Pack #3.5) by Shelly Laurenston Witches Don't Back Down (Kate Storm #4) by Meredith Allen Conner Fashionably Dead in Diapers (Hot Damned #4) by Robyn Peterman Allison and the Torrid Tea Party (Harem Of Hearts, #2) by C.M. Stunich Retrosexual (Frisky Beavers, #0) by Ainsley Booth Sharing Samantha by Madison Faye The Darkest Fire (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter Hybrid Misfit (The Misfits #1) by Eve Langlais
(view spoiler)

message 31: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Carly!

message 32: by Vanessa (last edited Nov 17, 2018 08:45AM) (new)

Vanessa (nesshawk) | 224 comments In for another month of scavenging!

November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018
FOUND: 43/50

Pumpkins in Paradise by Kathi Daley 11/7/18
3. Big - Page 44 How come perfect has all big letters?
5. Carving - Page 148 I’d planned to start carving pumpkins
6. Children - Page 10 as excited children ran up and down crowded aisles
9. Cooking - Page 54 ...such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children
10. Delicious - Page 164 "Sounds,” she hesitated, “delicious?"
11. Eat - Page 36 There are people in the restaurant who are actually here to eat.
13. Face - Page 11 ...huge wart on the nose in front of her face.
14. Festive - Page 16 ...fall leaves, wreaths, and festive bouquets
15. Field - Page 104 Tj looked toward the field.
17. Ground - Page 33 ...aspen leaves cascading to the ground.
19. Holiday - Page 37 Rob's was dressed in holiday fare
20. Jack 'o lantern - Page 148 For the community jack-o'-lantern stroll
21. Kids - Page 22 The kids in town made up all kinds...
22. Kitchen - Page 23 As she inched her way through the kitchen
23. Large - Page 20 The man said something to the large dog
26. Orange - Page 8 ...hundreds of scarecrows and huge orange pumpkins
27. Oven - Page 62 ...freshly baked bread from the oven
28. Patch - Page 15 ...with a pumpkin patch on the front lawn
29. Pick - Page 18 she reached down to pick up one of their bags
33. Roots - Page 135 ...a man who will put down roots
34. Round - Page 80 the back room shooting a solo round.
35. Season - Page 8 The store’s owner added to the village each season.
37. Select - Page 53 It's given to select female members...
38. Shape - Page 155 A-frame in shape with a tall bell tower
39. Skin - Page 72 Fair skin, a tendency towards pudginess...
41. Snack - Page 33 I’ve agreed to donate for the snack bar
42. Soup - Page 24 ...the soup had been sitting out since the previous day
45. Sunlight - Page 23 Zachary often preferred the complete lack of sunlight in the cellar
48. Wedge - Page 128 Something must have happened to drive a wedge between the men
49. Weight - Page 49 ...but the soft but heavy weight across her feet

Apple Pie a la Murder by Kate Bell 11/17/18
2. Bake - Page 22 ...ask him if he would like me to bake pies for his restaurant.
25. Nutmeg - Page 64 I used brown sugar instead of white and doubled the nutmeg.
30. Pie - Page 6 I was making the pie, but I still wasn't convinced
32. Roast - Page 106 By serving him roast beef that was so tough...
40. Smooth - Page 86 I said trying to smooth things over.

Assault and Pepper by Leslie Budewitz
1. Autumn - Page 1 "What does autumn taste like?"
8. Chunk - Page 64 ...or a chunk of bread from the French bakery
16. Fruit - Page 2 "You have fruit on the brain."
18. Harvest - Page 3 Zak's zeroed in on the harvest aspect of fall.
36. Seeds - Page 1 ...while the dried seeds are the spice coriander.
44. Stem - Page 255 ...she withdrew a long, slender stem with multipronged leaves
46. Treat - Page 27 We have to treat it as a crime scene...
47. Vine - Page 173 --evergreens strung with red vine maple...

4. Bumpy
7. Chop
12. Enormous
24. Mash
31. Puree
43. Sprout
50. Yield

message 33: by Bunnita (Worth Reading It?) (last edited Nov 12, 2018 08:18PM) (new)

Bunnita (Worth Reading It?) (bunnita) | 38 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

My level:
Pompon: 21-40 words

1. Autumn
2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
The sidewalks were still bumpy and cracked, the concrete undermined by the roots of towering oaks that were just beginning to green. (Loc 63)
5. Carving
6. Children
Here there were sturdy old houses and unfenced yards, children playing and laundry flapping on lines.. (Loc 63)
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking
10. Delicious
11. Eat
These old resentments are going to eat you from the inside out.” (loc 520)
12. Enormous
The theater complex in Cordina was exquisite and enormous. (Loc 2192)
13. Face
In all her memories, she could pull out no picture of her mother’s face when it had been truly happy. (loc 1320)
14. Festive
The home’s festive air was accented by candles and the glint of crystal wineglasses. (loc 1321)
15. Field
They walked around the side of the house toward a field thick with hay. (loc 1348)
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids Kids have to leave home sometime (loc 1991)
22. Kitchen
From the kitchen, she remembered. (Loc 153)
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
“I’ve been doing my own patch for sixty years—”
9. Pick
30. Pie
“How about a nice cup of tea and a piece of pie?” (loc 631)
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
38. Shape
39. Skin
He reveled in the way her skin flowed through his hands, the way her body tensed and arched at his touch. (loc 2102)
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup
Van, there’s plenty of that chicken soup left that Joanie brought over yesterday. (loc 1635)
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight Seeing her smiling up at him, a child’s head on her shoulder, sunlight pouring over her skin. (loc 1948)
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 34: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Vanessa and Bunnita!

message 35: by Rina (last edited Nov 17, 2018 12:39PM) (new)

Rina | 1084 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Level: Pumpion: 41-50 words

Found: 48

The Stone Monkey, Jeffery Deaver, 05.11.2018
1. Autumn - "It is the end of things, autumn and winter.", p. 225
3. Big - "Besides, we love big scenes.", p. 69
5. Carving - "It's a carving from Qingtian, south of Fuzhou.", p. 139
6. Children - "Sachs was looking at a picture of two young children, a boy and a girl.", p. 82
9. Cooking - "Mei-Mei was still asleep and the boys knew nothing of cooking.", p. 350
11. Eat - "What do you have to eat here?", p. 262
13. Face - "Disgust on his face, Coe carefully removed the weapon and handed it to her.", p. 510
15. Field - "He's operational in the field at this time.", p. 543
16. Fruit - "In her cup was fruit juice that was mixed, she could smell, with a generous slug of rum.", p. 437
17. Ground - "His heels were nearly off the ground.", p. 471
21. Kids - "I don't want the kids to go downtown to the INS alone, Eddie.", p. 282
22. Kitchen - "He disappeared into the kitchen.", p. 265
23. Large - "It was only large enough for one person to pass through at a time.", p. 30
26. Orange - "Then the foursome made its way out of the bridge and to the orange rope.", p. 434
28. Patch - "Need a patch to a landline, K?", p. 206
29. Pick - "Sure, sure, you pick up dust and dirt and put in gas chromatograph and then spectrometer and use scanning electron microscope.", p. 232
33. Roots - "They would not, Chang assumed, be welcomed in a tong with roots in Canton, where most of the early Chinese immigrants had come from.", p. 98
34. Round - "The round might've pierced the body armor at this range.", p. 285
36. Seeds - "..., dusty bags of rice, bins of melon seeds, star noodles, ...", p. 463
38. Shape - "He was handsome and appeared to be in good shape.", p. 81
39. Skin - "His hands found spots on her shoulders and pressed into her skin hard for five seconds or so, then found new places and did the same.", p. 223
42. Soup - "They lay at his feet, a dozen or so, in the cold soup at the bottom of the raft, caught between the mountains of water beneath them and the lacerating rain from above.", p. 37
43. Sprout - "But the immigrants didn't sprout wings and fly, did they?", p. 73
45. Sunlight - "the story went, as common as sunlight and rain.", p. 3
46. Treat - "There was a famous hospital in New York that did nothing but treat cancer patients.", p. 296
49. Weight - "Suddenly she felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.", p. 330
50. Yield - "There was a number on the Beretta, though, which meant it might yield some traceable connection to the Ghost.", p. 425

Wild Irish Heart, Tricia O'Malley, 07.11.2018
8. Chunk - "Keelin figured she could probably sell it for a nice chunk of change back in Boston.", p. 179
10. Delicious - "Mm, this looks delicious", p. 221
18. Harvest - "I was gathering some special herbs that were ready to harvest.", p. 111
19. Holiday - "Here for a holiday?", p. 29
40. Smooth - "The linen sheets were cool and smooth.", p. 47
44. Stem - "Keelin pulled Flynn's hands from the wound and saw that the tourniquet had done little to stem the flow of blood.", p. 211

Kiss of Midnight, Lara Adrian, 08.11.2018
7. Chop - "his voice nearly drowned out by the low chop of a helicopter encroaching on the area.", p. 383
12. Enormous - "and techno music rang in the rafters, blasting out of enormous speakers that framed the DJ pit in the balcony above the altar.", p. 11
27. Oven - "Gabrielle lifted the pan of steaming pasta out of the oven and set it down on the range top to cool.", p. 93
30. Pie - "Eben now, as he pulled open the door to let a pizza delivery guy carrying four steaming pie boxes enter, his attention remained rooted on the woman as she stepped off the curb and ran across the street.", p. 193
35. Season - "At midweek in the height of the summer tourist season, Boston's parksand avenues were clotted with humanity.", p. 75
37. Select - "but for the warrior class - those select few males who willingly shunned the sanctuary of the Darkhavens in favor of a life of combat", p. 80
48. Wedge - "The man stepped in front of the wedge of open space and glanced at the tight chain length that stretched taut between them.", p. 36

Trick or Treat, K.L. Phelps, 10.11.2018
14. Festive - "I don't see why I can't make them festive.", loc. 2547
20. Jack 'o lantern - "And in the very corner there was a graphic of a creepy, grinning jack-o'-lantern.", loc. 2414
41. Snack - "He'd mostly wandered around the table attempting to sample any and every snack that got put down.", loc. 3532

Southern Magic Thanksgiving, Amy Boyles, 15.11.2018
2. Bake - "That's how I discovered she could bake.", loc. 1291
25. Nutmeg - "I think it needs a bit more nutmeg.", loc. 337

Turkey Day Murder, Leslie Meier, 16.11.2018
24. Mash - "When she got there, she discovered that Bill had started cooking the potatpes, and they were ready to mash.", p. 117

Green Rider, Kristen Britain, 17.11.2018
32. Roast - "Aromas of roast goose and baked bread drifted through the house", p. 59
47. Vine - "A bee droned along the flowered vine growing just outside the window, and the air smelled of fresh green things and lilacs.", p. 136

4. Bumpy
31. Puree

message 36: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Rina!

message 37: by Mycal (last edited Nov 30, 2018 06:57PM) (new)

Mycal Stewart (mycals) | 180 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Current level:
Pompon: 21-40 words


Tempests and Slaughter
*11/1/18* (7 words)
1. Autumn - "The time until the autumn examinations sped by..." (pg 172)
11. Eat - "He didn't even tell me what you eat ." (pg 164)
13. Face - "...she flipped several drops into his face with her beak." (pg 169)
26. Orange - "...luminous eyes that shone in mixed colors of yellow and orange ..." (pg 162)
33. Roots - "This place is part of the roots of my power..." (pg 163)
36. Seeds - "Lindhall filled one dish with seed ." (pg 169)
40. Smooth - "Your path will be made smooth ."
*11/2/18* (20 words)
3. Big - "Someone had brought Ozorne"s things from his cramped quarters to these far bigger ones." (pg 190)
6. Children - "... this is the work of children and old men!" (pg 214)
7. Chop - "... peel, seed, or chop any plants left in baskets on the main table..." (pg 222)
8. Chunk - "It seemed easy enough when we split chunks of marble into straight-sides pieces." (pg 195)
9. Cooking - "He had never been interested in cooking before meeting her." (pg 185)
15. Field - "They crossed the Tradesmen's Road to a large grassless space in a field ." (pg 214)
16. Fruit - "They had just begun to eat the cold fruit and cheese Ozorne provided..." (pg 213)
17. Ground - "Chioké walked five hundred deet into the center of the bare ground ..." (pg215)
19. Holiday - "The day after the end of the Midwinter holiday ..." (pg 189)
22. Kitchen - "... repainting the wall of the kitchen they had used." (pg 185)
23. Large - "The larger the choice, the more power it consumes." (pg 209)
24. Mash - "I can mash with both hands, but I can't peel with both." (pg 241)
29. Pick - "Pick it up. It was fused a long time ago: it won't hurt you." (pg 206)
34. Round - "Why is that round one so different?"
35. Season - "The season wasn't ideal for boat rides..." (pg 189)
38. Shape - "Her splendid black hair was wrapped in coils and secured with braids and gold hairpins in the shapes of tiny monkeys." (pg 205)
39. Skin - .... skins taken when they are shed, eggshells left behind, bones once they are deceased..." (pg 197)
42. Soup - "... spooning mouthfuls of chickpea soup ." (pg 203)
44. Stem - "His Gift passed through the withered stems , leaves, seeds, and flowers as he ground them to fine powder." (pg 239)
49. Weight - "Gieyat picked up the top crate as if it weighed nothing and handed it to a young man." (pg 237)
*11/3* (1 word)
45. Sunlight - "Varice looked at him as they emerged into the sunlight " (pg 269)
*11/9* (1 word)
4. Bumpy - "They talked about the possibility as the wagon bumped over the narrow trail." (pg 392)

Of Mice and Men
*11/4* (1 word)
21. Kids - "He's jes' like a kid, ain't he." (pg 43)
*11/25* (1 word)
30. Pie -"When he got a piece of pie you always got half or more'n half." (pg 101)

*11/23* (1 word)
32. Roast - "... grimacing like the Cheshire Cat as I sip pot roast from a teacup." (pg 57)
*11/23* (2 words)
41. Snack - "He hands off the backpack and the snack." (pg 117)
47. Vine - "Vines cling to the greenish flesh along its naked biceps." (pg 111)
*11/30* (2 words)
2. Bake - "... as if someone baked an oyster and sauerkraut casserole inside a sweaty sauna." (pg 320)
43. Sprout - "Or maybe make me sprout a stem and some leaves." (pg 290)

5. Carving
10. Delicious
12. Enormous
14. Festive
18. Harvest
20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
27. Oven
28. Patch
31. Puree
37. Select
46. Treat
48. Wedge
50. Yield

Finished books for this challenge
Tempests and Slaughter (The Numair Chronicles #1, Tortall #8) by Tamora Pierce Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Splintered (Splintered, #1) by A.G. Howard

message 38: by Jade aka MrsTosh (last edited Nov 28, 2018 08:14AM) (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Choose your level:
Pumpion: 41-50 words
Found: 46/41+

The Hook-Up Experiment (The Experiment, #1) by Emma Hart 02/11 ****
3. Big - I tore a big bite (Loc 88)
6. Children - Where there are children (Loc 306)
8. Chunk - She picked up a chunk (Loc 152)
9. Cooking - “The cooking ingredient? (Loc 138)
11. Eat - “You don’t have time to eat (Loc 127)
13. Face - Recognition crossed his face (Loc 138)
15. Field - narrow down the field (Loc 116)
17. Ground - her eyes to the ground (Loc 197)
21. Kids - Sick kids equaled clingy kids (Loc 149)
22. Kitchen - I followed her into the kitchen (Loc 166)
23. Large - It was translucent and had a large (Loc 273)
29. Pick - Tell me about Pick-A-Dick.” (Loc 275)
30. Pie - a slice of humble pie (Loc 159)
34. Round - pretty round haircut (Loc 131)
39. Skin - skin in their room (Loc 121)
40. Smooth - The smooth way his fingers (Loc 69)
44. Stem - I twirled the stem of my glass (Loc 53)
49. Weight - holding his own weight (Loc 72)

Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1) by E.L. James 01/11 ****
4. Bumpy - It’s very bumpy (Loc 743)
10. Delicious - His touch elicits a delicious (Loc 798)
12. Enormous - and make an enormous effort (Loc 458
16. Fruit - “Omelet, please, and some fruit.” (Loc 626)
19. Holiday - Have a wonderful holiday.” (Loc 644)
26. Orange - and white with orange stripes. (Loc 740)
35. Season - We’ve hit the summer season (Loc 151)
37. Select - I reach down and select (Loc 48)
38. Shape - me is in the shape (Loc 115)
41. Snack - will not snack between meals (Loc 186)
42. Soup - The waitress brings us soup (Loc 269)
46. Treat - sip of wine and treat (Loc 380)

Texas Wide Open (Texas Fever #1) by K.C. Klein 07/11 ****
18. Harvest - grass waited for harvest (Loc 57)
28. Patch - from the tiniest patch of her skin (Loc 211)
33. Roots - His roots were here. (Loc 368)
36. Seeds - blown seeds of a dandelion (Loc 375)
45. Sunlight - resentful of the insistent sunlight, (Loc 394)

His Manhattan (The Cocktail Girls) by Tracy Lorraine 08/11 **
2. Bake - Then, I want to bake (Loc 146)

Wild Like the Wind (Chaos, #5) by Kristen Ashley 08/11 ****
7. Chop - smell of pork chop grease (Loc 416)
27. Oven - took off the oven glove (Loc 350)
32. Roast - Then maybe we’ll see you at a hog roast (Loc 411)
48. Wedge - cut up some wedges (Loc 437)

The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand 17/11 **
5. Carving - windows and the carvings (Loc 364)
24. Mash - sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes (Loc 255)

One Day in December by Josie Silver 22/11 ****
14. Festive - festive music on the cab radio. (Loc 599)
47. Vine - 1920s hair vine that the hairdresser (Loc 409)

Cutie Pies and Deadly Lies (MURDER IN THE MIX Book 1) by Addison Moore 28/11 ****
1. Autumn - autumn in Vermont, (Loc 62)

20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
31. Puree
43. Sprout
50. Yield

message 39: by Kimberly (last edited Dec 02, 2018 07:53AM) (new)

Kimberly (whatkreads) | 671 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018
Level: Pepon 10-20 words
Found: 24

1. Autumn: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 59 “What would my family be doing this autumn?” (10.8.18)

2. Bake

3. Big: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 106 “I got another copy twice this big.” (10.8.18)

4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk

9. Cooking: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 84 “ The butter was starting to melt and sizzle against the pan now, filling the kitchen up with that sharp warm smell butter gets when it’s cooking.” (10.8.18)

10. Delicious

11. Eat: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 127 “Della Kelly, you sit yourself in this chair and eat.” (10.8.18)

12. Enormous: No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen pg. 237 “His head was enormous, and I’m pretty sure his thick black hair was a toupee.” (11.15.18)

13. Face: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 124 “Her face was squeezing itself into wrong-looking, upset shapes.” (10.8.18)

14. Festive

15. Field: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 162 “Daddy said the Kellys stopped growing tobacco way longer back then even he could remember, but in the far corner of the peanut field there was one of those old barns, all gray from living who knows how long through the weather - and, as Mama said, always one good gust away from falling down.” (11.9.18)

16. Fruit: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 36 “When Arden and I are together, things all around us know it - when it’s our turn to sell at the stand, the fruit is riper and shinier, the herbs smell sweeter, the cut flower bouquets from our mamas’ gardens hold little warbles of birdsong caught in their petals.” (10.5.18)

17. Ground: The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart pg. 305 “I was on the ground in the place between the trees, the place where sisters knelt with their mom and buried treasure.” (10.5.18)

18. Harvest: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 49 “Mama and Daddy had both spent all of Mylie’s nap time working outside, Daddy driving the combine to finish up the July harvest of winter wheat and Mama picking boxes full of tomatoes to sell at the stand.” (10.5.18)

19. Holiday: No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen pg. 262 “On that note, and only twenty words away from my maximum word count, I wish you all a very happy holiday.” (11.16.18)

20. Jack 'o lantern

21. Kids: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 98 “Plus, Miss Amanda and Mr. Ben had plenty of other things to take care of: their own kids, their own farm.” (10.8.18)

22. Kitchen: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 53 “Mama kept on like I was no louder than a fly buzzing round the kitchen.” (10.8.18)

23. Large: No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen pg. 239 “This reporter tried to sneak back anyway but was thwarted by a large security guard.” (11.16.18)

24. Mash
25. Nutmeg

26. Orange: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 111 “She was standing in the kitchen, all naked except for her diaper, her orange hair matted to her head with sweat, and big fat tears were rolling down her cheeks and splashing onto her little white chest.” (10.8.18)

27. Oven: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 50 “She was never much of a one for going to bed, but lately she’d been pitching more fits than ever, probably because it felt like an oven inside our room.” (10.8.18)

28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast

33. Roots: The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart pg. 303 “I wasn’t seeing the dirt, the stones, the roots around me.” (10.5.18)

34. Round

35. Season: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 28 “Every day of the week except Sunday, the two of us met in the morning to take a shift at the farm stand our families ran together, selling melons and berries and peaches and whatever else was in season to tourists who drove up and down the highway, on their way to places that were more interesting than Maryville.” (10.5.18)

36. Seeds: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 32 “Maybe I hadn’t all the way agreed with Daddy about not telling anybody about the watermelon seeds the day before, but I still understood.” (10.5.18)

37. Select
38. Shape

39. Skin: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 152 “It left a big purple track on my skin, slippery and wet.” (11.8.18)

40. Smooth

41. Snack: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 205 “Thanks for the snack, too.” (11.9.18)

42. Soup

43. Sprout: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 59 “She was watching that wall so hard she might have been waiting for it to sprout flowers or start talking.” (10.8.18)

44. Stem

45. Sunlight: The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart pg. 321 “The sunlight hit her face and it was pure gold.” (10.5.18)

46. Treat: Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin pg. 199 “There were other things on the shelves, too - fancy shaped yellow bricks of beeswax, little displays of stacked-up lip balm containers, those plastic straws filled with honey that Grandma and Grandpa Kelly were always convinced counted as a real treat.” (11.9.18)

47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

Books Read:
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart (11.5.18)
Where the Watermelons Grow by Cindy Baldwin (11.10.18)
No Fixed Address by Susin Nielsen (11.16.18)

message 40: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Mycal, Jade and Kimberly!

message 41: by Teri-lynn (new)

Teri-lynn (bookdragon1979) | 103 comments I am game

Going for Pumpion 41-50 words

Pepon: 10-20 words
Pompon: 21-40 words
Pumpion: 41-50 words

1. Autumn
2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking
10. Delicious
11. Eat
12. Enormous
13. Face
14. Festive
15. Field
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids
22. Kitchen
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
38. Shape
39. Skin
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 42: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Teri-lynn!

message 43: by Daniela (last edited Nov 05, 2018 03:24PM) (new)

Daniela Rosas | 9 comments I'm in :D
Pompon: 21 - 40 words

Something Wicked This Way Comes:
1. Autumn - page 163 - line 5
«For some, Autumn comes early...»
13. Face - page 216 - line 32
«.... on his face, and suddnely...»
22. Kitchen - page 215 - line 18
«Will seized forth Kitchen matches!»
38. Shape - page 204 - line 37
«...Where the sensed but unseen shadow-shapes of Will...»
39. Skin - page 235 - line 37
«...shed skin ; grieved, soughed...»

2. Bake
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children
7. Chop
8. Chunk
9. Cooking
10. Delicious
11. Eat
12. Enormous
14. Festive
15. Field
16. Fruit
17. Ground
18. Harvest
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids
23. Large
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg
26. Orange
27. Oven
28. Patch
29. Pick
30. Pie
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
34. Round
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
40. Smooth
41. Snack
42. Soup
43. Sprout
44. Stem
45. Sunlight
46. Treat
47. Vine
48. Wedge
49. Weight
50. Yield

message 44: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Daniela!

message 45: by Candy (last edited Dec 01, 2018 10:56AM) (new)

Candy | 66 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

1. Autumn
3. Big
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
7. Chop
10. Delicious
14. Festive
18. Harvest
20. Jack 'o lantern
25. Nutmeg
31. Puree
32. Roast
33. Roots
35. Season
36. Seeds
37. Select
43. Sprout
46. Treat
47. Vine
50. Yield

Spider-Gwen, Vol. 1 Greater Power by Jason Latour Spider-Gwen, Vol. 1: Greater Power by Jason Latour - 11/6

6. Children - Page 87 - Spider-Woman is for the children, yo.

9. Cooking - Page 54 - Oh God, I can already smell it cooking!

13. Face - Page 18 - Face won't agree with my fists...

21. Kids - Page 87 - Yeah -- well, maybe it ain't ground-breakin', but the kids dig it.

30. Pie - Page 33 - A pie to my face?

49. Weight - Page 42 - You're out of your weight class.

Batman Nightwalker (DC Icons, #2) by Marie Lu Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu - 11/26

12. Enormous - Page 13 - enormous screen stretched from floor to ceiling...

16. Fruit - Page 146 - Bruce looked on as the interview continued, fruitless...

17. Ground - Page 13 - A haze of mist hugged the ground floor.

22. Kitchen - Page 32 - Alfred was busy directing two people from the garage to the kitchen...

23. Large - Page 2 - ...large, liquid-dark eyes...

24. Mash - Page 60 - ...stirring his mashed potatoes in an attempt to make them creamier.

27. Oven - Page 116 -...when commuting on the surface of the city felt like walking in an oven...

28. Patch - Page 103 - They finally settled on a clear patch of grass...

29. Pick - Page 77 - ...lock on door picked at opposite ends of the estate."

34. Round - Page 109 - He paused after another round...

38. Shape - Page 113 - There must have been at least a hundred weapons of all shapes and sizes...

39. Skin - Page 25 - ...his pale skin dotted with blood.

45. Sunlight - Page 32 - ... letting in dappled sunlight and a breeze.

Vox by Christina Dalcher Vox by Christina Dalcher - 11/30

2. Bake - Page 73 - ...the crunchy baked taralli cookies he brought in on Mondays...

8. Chunk - Page 39 - ...Jackie’s chunk of pendant...

11. Eat - Page 62 - She's eaten none of the meat loaf on her plate...

15. Field - Page 68 - I've been going out in the field and demonstrating how the bracelets work.

19. Holiday - Page 145 - Doorbells meant visitors on holidays...

26. Orange - Page 31 - I watched them finger spell next to a pyramid of oranges...

40. Smooth - Page 71 - ...the smoothness of Patrick's skin...

41. Snack - Page 34 - ...Steven said on his second trip to the kitchen’s snack cabinet.

42. Soup - Page 184 - ...reheated batches of soup and other one-dish meals...

44. Stem - Page 108 - ...and infant stem cells, which would increase the plasticity of the subject's brain...

48. Wedge - Page 58 - There's a sliver of glass wedged in the soft pad of flesh under my thumb.

message 46: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Candy!

You've got 6 instead of 5!

message 47: by Cindy (last edited Nov 19, 2018 04:49PM) (new)

Cindy (cynx) | 408 comments ♦November Scavenger Hunt♦
Duration: 11.1.2018 - 11.30.2018


Level: Pumpion: 38/41-50

~Taken by Love by Melissa Foster 11.10.2018
bake: "She'd taught Daisy to bake, and she would read to her for hours." (page 174)
big: "He wasn't big on lasting relationships." (page 14)
bumpy: "...she grabbed his waist to stabilize herself on the bumpy grass." (page 92)
children: "Did he miss his children when he left?" (page 125)
chunk: "He'd used a good chunk of his trust fund and handpicked quality..." (page 64)
cooking: "Too tired to even think about cooking dinner, she stopped..." (page 182)
delicious: You can't tell me that isn't delicious." (page 48)
eat: "Do you want to eat now, or have some fun first?" (page 49)
enormous: "...through the front door, carrying an enormous vase of red roses." (page 269)
face: "He scrubbed his hand down his face, completely baffled..." (page 61)
field: She was also becoming an expert in the field even if it wasn't ideal." (page 4)
ground: Let's put you to a test on ground level first." (page 49)
holiday: "...won't have to see them again until the holidays when you come back..." (page 272)
kids: "How could a guy leave his kids and never look back?" (page 67)
kitchen: "She slipped the order through to the kitchen and then..." (page182)
large: "He turned down a dirt path toward the large wooden barn..." (page 94)
orange: "The edges of the thick paper sizzled red, then flamed orange and yellow." (page 261)
patch: "..and see how the white patches cross over her spine?" (page 100)
pick: "Drop off your kid and pick up a book!" (page 187)
round: "...fresh curl of a new haircut that framed her round, friendly face." (page 226)
season: "I'm working my way through Game of Thrones, season two." (page 150)
shape: "Darren's in bad shape." (page 189)
skin: " she swabbed the dried blood from his skin." (page 9)
smooth: "She smoothed her lab coat and reminded herself..." (page 27)
stem: "I do state of the art stem cell and platelet rich plasma therapy..." (page 209)
treat: "...too many people treat horses like they didn't have feelings." (page 127)
weight: "...feeling the weight of guilt pressuring him..." (page 113)

~Fated for Love by Melissa Foster 11.12.2018
carving: "...fingernails carving moons into his back as he..." (page 218)
pie: "...intention of picking up an entire chocolate pie to consume by herself." (page 277)
sunlight: "...casting its last streak of sunlight through two mountain peaks..." (page 138)

~Why Not Tonight by Susan Mallery 11.18.2018
chop: "...while Pallas had made a chopped salad." (loc 1133)
fruit: "There was a fruit base and club soda for sure..." (loc 1102)
oven: "...then slid the biscuits into the second oven." (loc 417)
roast: "I would have picked you as a roasted vegetable kind of girl." (loc 2445)
seeds: "...tortilla strips and sesame seeds because there was so much yummy stuff..." (loc 1678)
snack: "You know, for our midnight snack." (loc 915)
soup: "He set a bowl of soup in front of her, along with a package of Goldfish crackers." (loc 221)
yield: "...or did she yield with a sigh designed to drive a man to madness?" (loc 637)

Jack 'o lantern:

message 48: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Cindy!

message 49: by Jess (last edited Nov 15, 2018 05:48AM) (new)

Jess Penhallow | 258 comments November Scavenger Hunt - Pumpkin
Duration: November 1-November 30, 2018

Choose your level:
Pumpion: 41-50 words

Slade House by David Mitchell - 34 words

1. Autumn - Slade House In spring of 1920 they moved to Boston, in autumn it was Charleston page 161
2. Bake
3. Big - Slade House - I unpeel my face off a big cold leather sofa in a dark alcove page 114
4. Bumpy
5. Carving
6. Children - Slade House Loud as real children page 62
7. Chop - Slade House "Chop, chop" Page 6
8. Chunk - Slade House "I'd put a sizeable chunk on them being alive, well and solvent somewhere in British Colombia" page 53
9. Cooking - Slade House Mum's not cooking fusion, demiveg or faddish page 96
10. Delicious - Slade House My mouth actually froths, they're that delicious page 110
11. Eat - Slade House I'll only eat fruit for breakfast page 109
12. Enormous
13. Face - Slade House A young Fred Pink emerges from his face page 185
14. Festive
15. Field - Slade House my primary source for tonight's field trip page 91
16. Fruit - book:Slade House|30840877] I'll only eat fruit for breakfast page 109
17. Ground - Slade House "Should we search the ground floor? page 211
18. Harvest - Slade House "We only harvest a few" page 230
19. Holiday
20. Jack 'o lantern
21. Kids - Slade House "You thought they were kids next door" page 61
22. Kitchen - Slade House Todd must be back in the kitchen by now page 115
23. Large - Slade House "Large as life" page 202
24. Mash
25. Nutmeg - Slade House "My mother's recipe: red wine, rosemary, mint, nutmeg cinnamon, soy" page 58
26. Orange - Slade House Wolverhampton Wanderers play in black and orange page 4
27. Oven - Slade House We're huddled in a corner by an oven with a noisy fan page 105
28. Patch - Slade House A squirrel dashed across the clumpy lawn and vanished into a rhubarb patch page 53
29. Pick - Slade House I forgot to pick it up in my panic page 181
30. Pie - Slade House "Fred Pink told you all the answers, honey pie page 186
31. Puree
32. Roast - Slade House a cooker big enough to roast a small child page 58
33. Roots - Slade House a shrubbery billows up and it's roots try to hook our ankles page 131
34. Round - Slade House I turn round to tell Jonah to stop the game page 23
35. Season
36. Seeds - Slade House "if you eat or drink anything - pomegranate seeds, faerie wine, whatever - the place has a hold on you page 207
37. Select
38. Shape - Slade House the running-boy shape gets fuzzier and becomes a growling darkness with darker eyes page 24
39. Skin - Slade House it's slithering around my body, just under my skin page 130
40. Smooth - Slade House but while her voice was smooth and woollen, now it's a rusty jackknife page 77
41. Snack
42. Soup - Slade House Soup will be perfect before I go to bed page 178
43. Sprout
44. Stem - Slade House Jonah winds a stem of grass around his thumb page 19
45. Sunlight - Slade House with sunlight blasting through the curtains and Luke Skywalker on the sheetthing page 28
46. Treat
47. Vine - Slade House - "Your African lodge could not have been a cornier ersatz mismatch, Brother, if Tarzan had swung in on a vine" page 35
48. Wedge
49. Weight - Slade House - a loner with weight issues page 121
50. Yield

message 50: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Jess!

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