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Wild Man (Dream Man, #2)
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Archives - BOM/Group Reads > Wild Man-September Series Read

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message 1: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H While filling her display case in her bakery, the bell over the door sounds and Tessa O’Hara looks up and sees the man of her dreams. Within thirty seconds he asks her out for a beer. Thirty seconds later, she says yes. But after four months of falling in love, she discovers he’s an undercover DEA Agent investigating the possibility she’s involved in her ex-husband’s drug business

Obviously Tess decides this means it’s over.

But DEA Agent Brock Lucas disagrees. A man on a mission who’s really committed to his job, he’s spent years in the underbelly of Denver with the dregs of society. And spending four months with Tess who’s as sweet as her cupcakes, he seriously enjoyed his job. But during Tess’s interrogation, Brock learns the devastating secret Tess is carrying and he’s determined to be the man who helps her heal as well as take her back as she walks on the wild side.

As wild and sweet mix, they face challenge after challenge of family struggling with history and terminal illness. Not to mention, Tess’s ex-husband, the drug lord and Brock’s ex-wife, who has a very big playbook are scheming to tear them apart.

But Brock Lucas has wild in him and once in his past on the trail of vengeance he let that wild loose, making a mistake that he would have no idea years later will put his sweet Tess in the position to pay his penance.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
So, after the less than excited response from y'all on last month's read, who's going to be doing this one this month? :-)

I will be.....

message 3: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments I have to decide if I am reading or listening to this one

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I liked Tessa so much... much more than Gwen. I think you're going to like this better, Ezin

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I ended up re-listening to it right after I re-listened to Mystery Man... I kind of went on a Dream Man series bender already. Sorry I couldn't wait

message 6: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Alana ~ The Book Pimp wrote: "I ended up re-listening to it right after I re-listened to Mystery Man... I kind of went on a Dream Man series bender already. Sorry I couldn't wait"

did you enjoy the audio?

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Alana ~ The Book Pimp wrote: "I ended up re-listening to it right after I re-listened to Mystery Man... I kind of went on a Dream Man series bender already. Sorry I couldn't wait"

did you enjoy t..."

I've listened to it twice now. I liked it, not an absolute favorite, but not bad either. Better than average on the narration-ish.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
I can't her this one from the library on kindle or audio for some reason. So I've been toying using one of my audible credits to get it.

message 9: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Thanks

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) I've got to get to Motorcycle Man, and I don't want to just jump ahead to it, so I'm motivated enough to read it this month, though I really don't hold out much hope for it.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
OK. I had to stop at the library tonight to pick up my daughter's hold - #7 in Rainbow Fairy Land - and this one was waiting for me. I didn't mean to, but I started reading it. I got to page 45 - and I'm not sure I can continue. I can't believe this guy. I could handle Mystery Man - although I really wish he'd stayed mute awhile longer. But I don't know that I can handle Wild Man.

message 12: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "OK. I had to stop at the library tonight to pick up my daughter's hold - #7 in Rainbow Fairy Land - and this one was waiting for me. I didn't mean to, but I started reading it. I got to page 45 ..."

My daughter loves the rainbow fairy series too!!!!

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Penni wrote: "OK. I had to stop at the library tonight to pick up my daughter's hold - #7 in Rainbow Fairy Land - and this one was waiting for me. I didn't mean to, but I started reading it. I g...
My daughter loves the rainbow fairy series too!!!! "

I think it must be a universal little girl thing. As we were leaving GS last night, I commented we had to stop by and pick up the book on hold. And my daughter and another little girl had a "SQUEE" moment - OMG - OMG - I love that one too, which one is it, ohhhh, that's my favorite. LOL They were holding on to each other in the parking lot and jumping up and down. It was hysterical.

Wish I felt the same about this series.

When you guys get started reading, let me know, and I'll see if I can drag myself back into it then. I really don't like Brock OR Tess at this point.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Penni, I'll likely be starting this on Saturday. I'm using it for two different team challenges in two different groups, to hopefully give me the motivation to actually read it!

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
OK. I'm on page 74. And trying to steal myself back up to reading it :-) I'll try and work on that this weekend.

message 16: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "OK. I'm on page 74. And trying to steal myself back up to reading it :-) I'll try and work on that this weekend."

I'll start on Monday then

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) I'm 21% in at this point. Not too bad so far, I've had some chuckles. If I had to rate right now, I'd give it 3 stars, but no more than that. It doesn't wow me. What was said in last book's thread was true, the series does get better. I don't like how (view spoiler) I am confused, though. Who is this Darla they keep mentioning? I don't remember her from Mystery Man, so is she a Rock Chick thing?

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Darla is the woman that he slept with to get close to in the first book. Remember when they kidnapped Gwen? Darla was Gwen's sister's friend.

I got to the point where (view spoiler)

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Ah, thanks, Penni! I had forgotten about that!

I got past the point you mentioned in your spoiler this morning. He pulled a "your friends have made you touched in the head regarding me" move later on, but he said something extremely true regarding it. (view spoiler) He is trying to be a good guy, despite the fact that he was a major jerk in the beginning of the book.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Alright, so Brock is beginning to grow on me.

How far you in Trea?

I'm on about page 192.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Penni wrote: "Alright, so Brock is beginning to grow on me.

How far you in Trea?

I'm on about page 192."

I've got a Kindle copy, so I don't know what page I'm on. I do know that I'm 72% into it, and (view spoiler). I made it to 69% in last night, but gave myself a migraine doing it, so I'm taking it easy today.

Brock grew on me too, as did Tess. I'm liking this one better than Mystery Man, but its still not above a three star rating for me, especially since she (view spoiler). I am really beginning to hate that inter-connectivity, especially since I've only read two of those books.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
I haven't read any of the Rock Chick books. Where is it that you are supposed to start with her stuff? If you wanted to do it strictly in order to meet the characters? Or are they just all too inter-woven.

Tess is starting to grow on me also. That whole scene where he read her the riot act about not talking with him, and then her agreeing to meet with him and stop by and bring him beer for the meeting didn't endear me to her. But she's showing a little more teeth and standing up for herself a little more. So I'm getting to like her a little better.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Penni wrote: "I haven't read any of the Rock Chick books. Where is it that you are supposed to start with her stuff? If you wanted to do it strictly in order to meet the characters? Or are they just all too inter-woven?"

I wish I knew where to start with her books! I'm very OCD when it comes to series, sagas, or universes. I have to read all the preceding books before I read the newest one, or I get all irritated at things. Unfortunately, my first book for Kristen Ashley was Own the Wind, which I researched and found out was tied to Motorcycle Man, and thus tied to the entire Dream Man series, since Tack is in Mystery Man. I'm somewhat disappointed he's not shown up in this one yet. I like Tack, he's pretty cool.

That being said, Tessa continues to grow up and stand up for herself. Have you gotten to the part where (view spoiler)? It's priceless, and shows just how much she's coming out of her shell.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Nope I'm not that far yet. Soething to look forward to.

I'm doing audio of Scanguards right now (I don't have Wild man on audio - just didn't want to fork out a credit for it, so I won't be able to get too much farther in it until later today.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Penni wrote: "Nope I'm not that far yet. Soething to look forward to.

I'm doing audio of Scanguards right now (I don't have Wild man on audio - just didn't want to fork out a credit for it, so I won't be able ..."

Couldn't wait for January? I'm kinda right there with you. Been reading The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance since the 9th and I've needed breaks from it. Scanguards was looking pretty good, since I was dreading starting this one!

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Trea wrote: "Penni wrote: "Nope I'm not that far yet. Soething to look forward to.

I'm doing audio of Scanguards right now (I don't have Wild man on audio - just didn't want to fork out a credit for it, so I ..."

It just happened to be the only thing on my ipod one day when I was on the road. I finished something, and thought I had the next September reads loaded up and for some reason had only gotten them to overdrive. It was Scanguards (which I had this one on my ipod since a failed Buddy Read early in the year) or Will Grayson, Will Grayson, which has been on there so long I don't even have a clue what it is. Or the Yellow Wallpaper which is a short story that was for my daughter's Literature Calss. And I wasn't in the mood for something I had to think too hard about :-)

I've got my enxt reads loaded now though - the next in death read and Kitty and the Midnight Hour. Unfortunately, a lot of my Sept reads are kindle/hard copy instead of audio.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Most all of mine are Kindle copies. I don't actually have too many audio books, and the ones I have haven't come up for reads yet. I've got a lot to get to for this month and the month is nearly half over!

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Always more that I want to read than I have time for. And I am often slow compared to everyone else. Takes me several days to a week or more to read a hard copy book most times. Audios I can get through a little faster because I spend a lot of time driving/commuting/chauffering.

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Penni wrote: "Always more that I want to read than I have time for. And I am often slow compared to everyone else. Takes me several days to a week or more to read a hard copy book most times. Audios I can get..."

I hear you there!

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Whelp, I finished it. It's a solid 3 star read for me. Had me chuckling throughout it, and had tears welling up in the end. You'll cheer for Tess, Penni, she stands up for herself in a big way. This one didn't move me off the fence one way or another about KA's books, so we'll have to see what she does with the next one.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
OK - I'm up to about page 240. Better then it was. Brock has a huge amount of drama going though.

@Ezi, have you read it? Do you plan to? When do you think you plan to start Shooting Scars? If you are still thinking of it this month, I might try and start it a couple days ahead of you, so we can read it roughly at the same time. If you'd rather wait til next month, I'm good with that also. Have several queued that I can start next.

message 32: by Ezi (last edited Sep 19, 2014 01:47PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "OK - I'm up to about page 240. Better then it was. Brock has a huge amount of drama going though.

@Ezi, have you read it? Do you plan to? When do you think you plan to start Shooting Scars? I..."

Can we do Shooting Scars NEXT month (October)? please. thank you :D
I am so scared of this book, but I will start it on monday.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
October works great for me.

On Wild Man - I'm plodding along. After the little blowup at around page 75, I'm handling things a lot better. But i don't think I will ever get past some of the things he's done. Even from book #1. He kidnapped Gwen, banged Darla for his job, lied to Tessa for months while investigating her, then gee just check into life as normal. So after he reads Tess the riot act for not just jumping on board with the whole thing, and she aquiesces I took a good long break, then tried to forget all that part and went on from there. Actually, I think I just pissed myself off again LOL.

Oh well.

I got wigged out on this one like you guys did on the last one, so you might do better with this one.

message 34: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "October works great for me.

On Wild Man - I'm plodding along. After the little blowup at around page 75, I'm handling things a lot better. But i don't think I will ever get past some of the thin..."

Well I can tell you that I got the ebook with the hopes of reading it this time around.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Woo-hoo! I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!!!

Yay me LOL

Tess turned out to be a tough cookie. I liked her. It was an interesting story.

message 36: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "Woo-hoo! I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!!!

Yay me LOL

Tess turned out to be a tough cookie. I liked her. It was an interesting story."

Will you read book 3?

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
I still have this desire to read Motorcycle Man, although I'm sure it's not going to be what I expected. If I continue down that path, at some point I will probably read Law Man before i do, as I still like to go in order (you know, alien invasions and all that :-) ).

They are long books though for books that I just tolerate more than enjoy. Actually, I enjoyed Mystery Man to some degree - I think about a 3 * read. The premise didn't knock me for a loop as much as this one did, and I enjoyed the characters - they were entertaining and there was more humor in it I think. This one I did end up liking Tess quite a bit, and loved the way she got around things. I'm not sure what Law Man's premise is. I'm on the fence.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Either way though Ezi, it doesn't preclude starting Scanguard's sooner if you guys want to switch it up. I'm game for that. There's nothing in me saying I just have to continue with this series anytime soon.

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
And P.P.S. Do you actually ever SLEEP Ezi? LOL

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) To be honest, Mystery Man kinda stunk for me, and this one was only a 3 star read. I'm dreading Law Man, so I build it into a couple of challenges every month, just so I'm forced to read it.

That being said, I'd be willing to abandon this series in favor of Scanguards, if we are contemplating it. It seems like we're the only ones consistently discussing the books, and I've pondered moving the challenge over to The Challenge Factory or Romance Lovers for the Challenge Impared groups as a Buddy read, just so that there's a chance to get more folks into it with us, because this group seems to be very quiet and reserved.

What do you ladies think?

message 41: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments Penni wrote: "And P.P.S. Do you actually ever SLEEP Ezi? LOL"

I have erratic sleep habits, plus hubby is out of town, so I have hard time sleeping without him around

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) As someone that has read the entire series, I'd recommend switching up if they are only averaging 3♥'s and less. The next one... has two of the cutest little kids ever (cousins Billy & Billirina and their father is Bill - I kid you not), and there is Mitch Lawson that is hot... but the girl *sigh* Doormat. Seriously low self esteem, like almost certifiable, reach through your kindle screen or phone screen (or whatever) to throttle her.

So, without spoilers I can at least warn y'all of that, but... I still enjoyed it, but I really like Kristen Ashley's writing... squishy stomachs notwithstanding

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
LOL Alana! Thanks for the heads up.

Trea - I'm good switching up to the Scanguards series. I enjoyed the first one much more than this series.

As to where - I'm not a member of the other groups - at least as of yet. But I'm game if you think there's more discussion possibility. I don't think anyone else has expressed an interest in reading this series at the moment here, but if there is, the thread can certainly be continued here for them.

@Ezi - whatcha think? Hubby back soon?

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) Yeah, with Alana's info about the next book, I'm now really dreading the book! I'm still going to read the rest of the series, but I'm perfectly willing to switch to Scanguards now!!

Penni, I know Ezi is a Mod over in Challenge Factory, and both groups have a larger membership than here in The Lost Challenges group. I have a lot of fun in both groups, but the series reads that we've been doing is the only thing that I do in this group anymore.

message 45: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments I think I messed up a few days ago when I started reading. I realize now that I am reading book 3, so I will have to go back and read this one

message 46: by Ezi (last edited Dec 20, 2014 05:23AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments I'm being weird but I'm listening to this one on audio. While reading book 4.

So Jake is really Slim. Damien did the unthinkable to his wife Tess so I hope the cops bust his ass.

I would like some cake

message 47: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments I think I like this one too. Brock has a 2 people who were raped so he felt like shit.

He's trying to get Tess to see they'll work

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
He's demanding that she see they would work.

~Melissa~ | 1691 comments *whispers* I loved Brock - after the initial shock of him kinda being a dick

He and Mitch are my total faves:)

message 50: by Ezi (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 1882 comments I like this book better than Tacky douchbag Tack

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