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Scifi / Fantasy News > Quick Burns (2019)

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message 1: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7140 comments Mod
This is the place to share all the latest SFF news you think your fellow members will be interested in for 2019.

message 2: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments A whole bunch of classics entered the public domain on January 1st.

P.G. Wodehouse, Agatha. Bristle, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, etc.:

message 3: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments $100,000 worth of comic books stolen from a Vegas storage unit, including the entire 66-year run of Spider-man:$100000-worth...

message 4: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments The internet has thoughts a bout today's Pottermore fact. "Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence. #NationalTriviaDay" (Twitter)

Tor and
Pajiba: Pajiba have pretty funny takes on it.

And yes, my first Quick Burn for 2019 is about poos. Starting the year off on great note.

message 5: by John (Taloni) (new)

John (Taloni) Taloni (johntaloni) | 5014 comments Of course! How else would Mr. Hanky have come to life?

message 6: by Tassie Dave, S&L Historian (new)

Tassie Dave | 3985 comments Mod
Dara wrote: "And yes, my first Quick Burn for 2019 is about poos. Starting the year off on great note.."

It can only go downhill from here ;-)

message 7: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments Tassie Dave wrote: "Dara wrote: "And yes, my first Quick Burn for 2019 is about poos. Starting the year off on great note.."

It can only go downhill from here ;-)"

I see what you did there. Now vanish it.

message 8: by Phillip (new)

Phillip Murrell | 365 comments Dara wrote: "The internet has thoughts a bout today's Pottermore fact. "Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relie..."

So that's the secret to Vapoorize! Christopher Walken and Jack Black are wizards.

message 9: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Nnedi Okorafor spoke to Vulture about Garfield, Wakanda, and her newest comic, LaGuardia.

message 10: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1546 comments George R.R. Martin was on " Finding Your Roots" PBS program and had his world turned upside down. Since it is PBS there is a chance you can see it a multiple times and multiple days as PBS likes to rerun stuff all the time, but it really did shake George .

message 11: by Dara (last edited Jan 09, 2019 12:45PM) (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments SFWA Announces Newest Damon Knight Grand Master – William Gibson

"The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA, Inc.) is pleased to announce that William Gibson has been named the 35th Damon Knight Grand Master for his contributions to the literature of Science Fiction and Fantasy.

The Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award recognizes “lifetime achievement in science fiction and/or fantasy.” Gibson joins the Grand Master ranks alongside such legends as C. J. Cherryh, Peter S. Beagle, Ursula K. Le Guin, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, and Joe Haldeman. The award will be presented at the 54th Annual Nebula Conference and Awards Ceremony in Woodland Hills, CA, May 16th-19th, 2019."

message 12: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments Stephen wrote: "George R.R. Martin was on " Finding Your Roots" PBS program and had his world turned upside down. Since it is PBS there is a chance you can see it a multiple times and multiple days..."

to;dr - Turns out he’s House Targaryen, not House Stark.

message 13: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Plot twist: he’s a White Walker.

message 14: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments Stephen wrote: "George R.R. Martin was on " Finding Your Roots" PBS program and had his world turned upside down. Since it is PBS there is a chance you can see it a multiple times and multiple days..."

BTW: here’s the episode in question:

It is pretty amazing, especially the Andy Samberg section, but I was not at all surprised about GRRM’s ancestry. I’ve always thought that’s what his background was.

Ruth (tilltab) Ashworth | 2197 comments Well, now I'm curious. Any chance someone can summarise for the not Americans?

message 16: by Shad (new)

Shad (splante) | 356 comments The latest Imaginary Worlds podcast has an interview with Madeline Miller, the author of former club pick Circe. She discusses Circe and The Song of Achilles.

message 17: by AndrewP (new)

AndrewP (andrewca) | 2641 comments Just noticed that there is now a release date for Tad Williams Empire of Grass. May 7th 2019, have to add that one to my pre-order list.

message 19: by Iain (new)

Iain Bertram (iain_bertram) | 1713 comments Shad wrote: "The latest Imaginary Worlds podcast has an interview with Madeline Miller, the author of former club pick Circe. She discusses Circe and [book:The Song of Achilles|1..."

It’s a damn fine interview as well.

message 20: by Dara (last edited Jan 10, 2019 01:11PM) (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Medieval book historian Erik Kwakkel writes about "Siamese twin" books on his blog, including one that opens 6 different ways. They're almost like the Frankienstein's monsters of books but serve a cool function.

"They are like Siamese twins in that they present two different entities joint at their backs: each part has one board for itself, while a third is shared between the two. Their contents show why this was done: you will often find two complementary devotional works in them, such as a prayerbook and a Psalter, or the Bible’s Old and New Testament. Reading the one text you can flip the 'book' to consult the other."

He also says, "In the 20th century this type of binding enjoyed a revival with the Double Ace books, which featured two short science fiction stories." The post has some pretty cool images of the books.

message 22: by Mark (new)

Mark (markmtz) | 2755 comments Dara wrote: "SFWA Announces Newest Damon Knight Grand Master – William Gibson

"The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA, Inc.) is pleased to announce that William Gibson has been named the 35t..."

Thanks for the heads up. The S&L Grand Masters page has been updated.

message 23: by Louie (new)

Louie (rmutt1914) | 885 comments Rob wrote: "Netflix is making a show based on Shadow and Bone / Six of Crows"

Adapted by Eric Heisserer (Arrival) no less.

message 24: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 44 comments Dennis E. Taylor announces Bobiverse sequel to be duology.

message 25: by John (Taloni) (new)

John (Taloni) Taloni (johntaloni) | 5014 comments More Bobiverse! *Does one-man "stadium wave" at desk*

message 26: by Phillip (new)

Phillip Murrell | 365 comments Conal wrote: "Dennis E. Taylor announces Bobiverse sequel to be duology."

Great news.

message 27: by Mark (last edited Jan 11, 2019 07:34PM) (new)

Mark (markmtz) | 2755 comments We need more lists like this. Granted, it's a short list, but two of the five books are S+L picks, and there's beer!

Speculative Fiction on Tap: Winter Books, Winter Beer

message 28: by Aaron (new)

Aaron | 285 comments Stephen wrote: "George R.R. Martin was on " Finding Your Roots" PBS program and had his world turned upside down."
Ruth (tilltab) Ashworth wrote: "Well, now I'm curious. Any chance someone can summarise for the not Americans?"

The very brief summary is (view spoiler)

message 29: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments The nominees for the Philip K. Dick aware were announced. Via Tor, "The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States during the previous calendar year."

Nominees are:
Time Was by Ian McDonald (can't find a link for the book)
The Body Library by Jeff Noon
84K by Claire North
Alien Virus Love Disaster: Stories by Abbey Mei Otis
Theory of Bastards by Audrey Schulman
Ambiguity Machines and Other Stories by Vandana Singh

message 30: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Cory Doctorow has a new book coming out, Radicalized. It's a collection of 4 novellas - "A timely book comprised of four SF novellas connected by social, technological, and economic visions of today and what America could be in the near, near future."


message 31: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (spriggana) | 160 comments can't find a link for the book
Searching by ISBN/ASIN works: Time Was

message 32: by Stephen (last edited Jan 16, 2019 12:55PM) (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1546 comments Scott Lynch's Gentleman's Bastards has been optioned by Phoenix Pictures. Now before you get to excited image if a movie was the flu. Scott has just sneezed. Not every sneeze turns into the flu. So Here to hoping Scott gets the flu.

message 33: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments Stephen wrote: "Scott Lynch's Gentleman's Bastards has been optioned by Phoenix Pictures. Now before you get to excited image if a movie was the flu. Scott has just sneezed. Not every sneeze turns into the flu. So Here to hoping Scott gets the flu..."

So by extension, if you want this to become a long-running TV series then you hope... Scott gets pneumonia and dies? Dude. Harshest analogy ever.

message 34: by David H. (new)

David H. (bochordonline) I think Scott said that this was also the 3rd time it's been optioned, so I'm not holding out hope.

message 35: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1780 comments Yeah, third time sneezing is no big deal. I love that analogy. Now I will remember it every time something is optioned. *tips hat

message 36: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1780 comments Dara wrote: "The nominees for the Philip K. Dick aware were announced. Via Tor, "The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction pub..."

One of these should be a Laser pick!

Time Was, 84k and Alien Virus Love Disaster (what a title) look really interesting.

message 37: by Stephen (last edited Jan 17, 2019 11:29AM) (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1546 comments Gee, Trike, I think it is a great analogy. Hear me out. Okay you sneezed, but now your feeling achy and a bit out of sorts because fundamental investing has been lined up. Next a screenwriter has been hired and your stomach is queasy. Someone else has your baby!! Next a Director has been attached to the project and you have diarrhea. You are , you know what, yourself. This is really going to happen.!!! Most likely. Next, a cast has been announced, principle shooting is scheduled and locations secured. Then your first attempt to create excitement for the project, say a short clip of the main actor in full makeup as the character, is released. And you are throwing up.
Also if the powers that be decide to make a TV series, I may feel like I died and gone to heaven.

message 38: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Robert Jordan has a new book coming out this fall called "Warrior of the Altaii". Tor says:

"Warrior of the Altaii is a fascinating formative work by The Wheel of Time creator, offering an abundance of the epic themes that Jordan would continue to develop in The Wheel of Time itself. A standalone fantasy story told with implacable momentum, readers new to Robert Jordan will find Warrior of the Altaii an easy gateway to the author’s artistry."

The new novel will be released in the fall of this year.

Are you a Hugo voter? Do you love the Sword and Laser podcast? Do you like nominating things, such as the Sword and Laser podcast for Best Fancast?

Well dear reader, you're in luck! Hugo nominations are now open for the 2019 award ceremony. Do T&V a solid and show them your appreciation by nominating them in the Best Fancast category!

Instructions on how to vote can be found here. Check your email for individual links for online nominating.

message 39: by Scott (new)

Scott (dodger1379) | 137 comments The link for the full article from Tor re: Robert Jordan's "Warrior of the Altaii"

message 40: by Nokomis.FL (new)

Nokomis.FL (nokomisfl) | 316 comments Conal wrote: "Dennis E. Taylor announces Bobiverse sequel to be duology.

Wonder how different the re-write of Outland will be from the original?

message 41: by Kev (new)

Kev (sporadicreviews) | 666 comments Not sure if this counts as a quick burn:

From Mary Robinette Kowal's Twitter @MaryRobinette
"LA area! Want an opportunity to pay it forward? SFWA has an urgent need for volunteers for the Nebula Conference taking place in mid-May. We're having an informational meeting tomorrow at the Woodland Hills Marriott at 1pm. Come hang out with me and learn about available roles."

I'm nowhere near the LA area, but this would be a cool gig.

message 42: by Conal (new)

Conal (conalo) | 44 comments Nokomis.FL wrote: "Conal wrote: "Dennis E. Taylor announces Bobiverse sequel to be duology.

Wonder how different the re-write of Outland will be from the original?"

I haven't read Outland yet so it will be all new for me when it comes out in a couple of months. I am a new fan to Dennis Taylor with my first read the Bobiverse and the Singularity trap last year. He and Ray Porter make a winning combination that I will be in line for anything they put out.

message 43: by Nokomis.FL (new)

Nokomis.FL (nokomisfl) | 316 comments Conal wrote: "Nokomis.FL wrote: "Conal wrote: "Dennis E. Taylor announces Bobiverse sequel to be duology.

Wonder how different the re-write of Outland will be from the original?"

I haven't read Outland yet so ..."

After listening to the Bobiverse, I went looking for other books narrated by Ray Porter, which is how I discovered Peter Clines.

message 44: by Danielle (new)

Danielle | 16 comments Same here but in reverse. I found Taylor looking for more Ray Porter after listening to all his Clines performance. Just chiming in because I'll never miss an opportunity to sing his praises. Porter's narration is outstanding. Lovely to read others feel the same. Looking forward to more of the Bobs.

message 45: by Dara (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments The Verge has a nice Q&A with John Scalzi in honor of his Better Worlds story that was released today.

You can read "A Model Dog" here.

message 46: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10629 comments The Oscar nominations were just announced and, much to my surprise, Black Panther was nominated for Best Picture. It won’t win, but I’m pretty sure it’s the first superhero movie ever nominated for the award.

It is based on a book, specifically the Christopher Priest run: Black Panther by Christopher Priest: The Complete Collection, Vol. 1.

message 47: by Phillip (new)

Phillip Murrell | 365 comments Trike wrote: "The Oscar nominations were just announced and, much to my surprise, Black Panther was nominated for Best Picture. It won’t win, but I’m pretty sure it’s the first superhero movie ever nominated for..."

It is for the Oscars, but I believe Deadpool got a Golden Globe best Comedy/Musical nomination.

message 48: by Dara (last edited Jan 23, 2019 10:49AM) (new)

Dara (cmdrdara) | 2702 comments Book Riot is celebrating World of Fantasy Day on their website today. They have a ton of lists of recommended reading from graphic novels to Slavic-translated fantasy to books for Harry Potter fans. Check it out of you need some inspiration or for some ungodly reason want to make your already enormous TBR pile even larger.

In order to drum up support for nominating the podcast for the 2019 Hugo Award for Best Fancast, I asked a few authors for an endorsement on Twitter*.

"You want me to support the Sword and Laser podcast for Best Fancast? You guys have read three of my books so I guess I have to." – John Scalzi

"Buy my book." – Sam Sykes

"Don’t buy his book, buy MY book." – Myke Cole

"You’ve read three Scalzi books but none of mine? No thanks." – Mary Robinette Kowal

"I get it, you loved Jade City. Please stop bothering me. I’m going to block you." – Fonda Lee

There ya have it, folks. Even authors love the podcast! Nominations are open! Go vote!

*(view spoiler)
Instructions on how to vote can be found here. Check your email for individual links for online nominating. Voting ends Friday 15 March, 2019, 11:59 PDT.

Ruth (tilltab) Ashworth | 2197 comments I love that so much!

message 50: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7140 comments Mod
The Expanse Season 3 goes worldwide on Amazon Prime February 8th!

Additionally Seasons 1 and 2 will now be on Prime everywhere (previously it was just North America).

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