Aussie Lovers of Crime/Mystery/Thriller/Suspense discussion

Archives > September 2014 - What are you reading this month?

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message 1: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
With our first challenge, there will be some new authors that we are all reading. Plus our quarterly reads for those who haven't read them yet...

I hope to read Cooper Bartholomew is Dead by Rebecca James
Deadly Obsession by Karen M. Davis
A Fatal Tide by Steve Sailah
Amnesia by Peter Carey
Death on Dangar Island by GP Field
Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs
and I'm sure there will be more!

message 2: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 I am currently reading The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party by Alexander McCall Smith and I have R is for Ricochet by Sue Grafton to follow. These are both library books so take priority.

Then I plan to read Elvis and the Dearly Departed by Peggy Webb and Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton for our mystery challenge.

That's a lot of mystery for this month :)

message 3: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
I've started reading Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs and am enjoying it!

message 4: by Phrynne, Mystery lover! (new)

Phrynne | 4912 comments Mod
Brenda wrote: "I've started reading Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs and am enjoying it!"

It's a good one:)

message 5: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Phrynne wrote: "Brenda wrote: "I've started reading Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs and am enjoying it!"

It's a good one:)"

Yes I'm loving it Phrynne!

message 6: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

message 8: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Some good ones there Veronica:)

message 10: by Marian (new)

Marian Phair (marianphairauthor) | 12 comments I'm currently reading 'Blind Eye' by Stuart MacBride. I love his novels.

message 11: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Marian wrote: "I'm currently reading 'Blind Eye' by Stuart MacBride. I love his novels."

I haven't read any of his. Could you recommend a good one to start on Marian?

message 12: by Marian (new)

Marian Phair (marianphairauthor) | 12 comments I recommend, 'Portrait Of A Killer' (Jack The Ripper Case Closed) by Patricia Cornwell.She helped establish the Virginia Institute of Forensic Science/Medicine.
Compelling and authentic-it is the account of how she solved one of the worlds most famous murder mysteries.

message 13: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 Am now reading Of Merlot & Murder by Joni Folger. Is the second in a cosy mystery series set in a winery (match made in heaven) it is due out this week.

message 14: by Marian (new)

Marian Phair (marianphairauthor) | 12 comments Brenda wrote: "Marian wrote: "I'm currently reading 'Blind Eye' by Stuart MacBride. I love his novels."

I haven't read any of his. Could you recommend a good one to start on Marian?"

Good day Brenda. I started with 'Flesh House' his MC's are repeated throughout his books, so you get touches of humorous one liners along with the gore. 'Cold Granite' and 'Shatter The Bones' and riveting reads. You can order them on Amazon, and even 'download,' some of his books. Happy Reading.

message 15: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Marian wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Marian wrote: "I'm currently reading 'Blind Eye' by Stuart MacBride. I love his novels."

I haven't read any of his. Could you recommend a good one to start on Marian?"

Good day Bre..."

Thanks Marian:) I'll check them out!

message 16: by Marian (new)

Marian Phair (marianphairauthor) | 12 comments Sally906 wrote: "Am now reading Of Merlot & Murder by Joni Folger. Is the second in a cosy mystery series set in a winery (match made in heaven) it is due out this week."

Sounds good. Wine improves with age, and I improve with wine. :-)

message 17: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 LOL! True - well that's what I keep telling people anyway :)

message 18: by Marian (new)

Marian Phair (marianphairauthor) | 12 comments My doctor said I should have balanced meals. So I have a glass of wine in each hand. (only kidding). :)

message 19: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Marian wrote: "My doctor said I should have balanced meals. So I have a glass of wine in each hand. (only kidding). :)"

Haha! Love the way you think Marian :D

message 20: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
I have just finished Night Drop (Blake Sanders #3) by Michael W. Sherer Night Drop by Michael W. Sherer 5s

Review to follow

message 22: by Phrynne, Mystery lover! (new)

Phrynne | 4912 comments Mod
Just started Thursday's Children by Nicci French.

message 24: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Brenda wrote: "I have just finished Night Drop (Blake Sanders #3) by Michael W. Sherer Night Drop by Michael W. Sherer 5★s

Review to follow"


message 26: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
I'm about to start Death on Dangar Island by GP Field

message 27: by Sally906 (last edited Sep 20, 2014 04:46PM) (new)

Sally906 I started to read R is for Ricochet by Sue Grafton but just couldn't get into it so gave up just before page 50.

Needed a mystery title that starts with R for my Yahoo mystery group so located one by an Aussie author: Resorting to Murder (A Darcy Sweet Mystery Book 11) by K.J. Emrick Resorting to Murder by K.J. Emrick.

Is part of a series - not the first - but reading in order is not a must do for me so will not be a problem. If I like it there are around 12 others so will be able to work my way through them.

message 28: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Bad luck about the Sue Grafton one Sally!

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