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Marketing Indieworld
This topic is about Marketing Indieworld
Where Can I Promote My Book? > NEW Book Marketing Book

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message 1: by Angela (new)

Angela Hausman (angie_hausman) | 19 comments This is a perennial challenge. Carole P. Roman and I wrote what will become the definitive book on book marketing combining my decades as a marketing professor and her successful book marketing.

Released today and only $3.49 on Kindle or free with KU

Anna Faversham (annafaversham) | 1231 comments Link please :o)

message 3: by Judy (new)

Judy Martialay | 320 comments Angela wrote: "This is a perennial challenge. Carole P. Roman and I wrote what will become the definitive book on book marketing combining my decades as a marketing professor and her successful b..."

great news and congratulations! What's the name of the book and is it available in print?

Carole P. Roman | 4660 comments Mod
Marketing Indieworld. Amazon has it as a Kindle and print.

Anna Faversham (annafaversham) | 1231 comments I've just bought your ebook - and it's a darned site cheaper than many similar books.


Carole P. Roman | 4660 comments Mod
Aw. thanks, my friend.

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Carole P. Roman (other topics)
Carole P. Roman (other topics)