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message 1: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (last edited Nov 02, 2019 12:51AM) (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
Team 4 - Serial Killers

Sarah D.

Bonus Points:
Earned: 4
Used: 0

message 2: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
Helpful Links:

Dice Roll (2 dice on Fridays, US Central Time)
R11 SS Post Your Spot
R11 SS Discussion Thread
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message 3: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod

message 4: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (last edited Sep 07, 2019 12:44AM) (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
*Titles exclude leading articles like A, An, The)
❀Each number corresponds with the spot on the board.
❀ Colors: The cover has to be at least 50% Guidelines
❀ Locations: As long as the book takes part at all in the given location.
❀ Publication Years: Any edition so long as it is published in the given year according to GR.
❀ Authors' Names: The first, middle, or last name of the author is ok.
❀ Cover Items: Must have the given item on the cover
❀ Titles: Only the first word of the title. A, An, and The do not count.

2. Title N
3. Cover Item: Furniture
4. Author L
5. South America
6. Cover: Black
7. Published 2016
8. Character has a pet
9. Cover Item: Lamp/Candle
10. Character has at least one child
11. Romance
12. Set in a place you've visited
13. GR average rating <3.6
14. Cover Item: Jewellery
15. Book that one of your teammates read shelf rated a 5-star
16. Cover: Pink
17. Four or more Words Title excluding articles like A, An, The (i.e. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
18. Multi-Colored (3 or More Colors)
19. North America
20. Title G
21. Cover Item: Animal
22. Historical
23. Female Author
24. Cover: Green
25. Published 2015
26. Non-Fiction
27. Cover Item: Two or more people
28. Author uses their middle name/initial (e.g. Robert J. Sawyer, Rita Mae Brown)
29. Cover: Red
30. Cover Item: Water
31. Young Adult/New Adult
32. Set in a Fictional Location/Universe
33. Africa
34. Seasonal Theme (i.e Christmas, Halloween etc)
35. Author I
36. GR average rating >4.0
37. Number in the Title (i.e. Third Grave Dead Ahead or Every Fifteen Minutes)
38. Originally published in a language other than English
39. School/College/University
40. Cover Item: Food/Drink
41.Title B
42. Cover Item: Weapon
43. LGBTQ+
44. Author W
45. Published 2011-2012
46. Cover: White
47. Published 2019
48. Australia
49. Author D
50. Cover: Blue
51. Published 2017
52. Cover Item: One person
53. Author R
54. Published before 1950
55. Favorite Author
56. One Word Title excluding articles like A, An, The (i.e. The Witness or Divergent)
57. Cover: Yellow/Gold
58. Mystery/Thriller
59. Author H
60. Asia
61. Several authors
62. Author A
63. Award winner (must state which/when)
64. New to you author
65. Published 2013
66. Title V
67. Cover Item: Book
68. Published the year you were born
69. Title C
70. Cover Item: Mode of Transportation
71. Title F
72. Published between 2001 and 2010
73. Cover Item: Hands/Arms/Feet/Legs (no other body parts visible)
74. Book to Movie/TV (must state how book qualifies i.e. listopia or precis)
75. Male Author
76. Two Word Title excluding articles like A, An, The (i.e. Deadly Silence or The Hunger Games)
77. Title J
78. Cover: Purple
79. Debut Novel or Debut Author
80. Cover Item: Instrument
81. Title K
82. Cover Item: Building
83. Published between 1950 and 2000
84. Author O
85. Cover: Grey/Silver
86. Title T
87. Cover Item: Sun/Moon
88. Sci-Fi
89. Title E
90. Cover: Orange
91. Published 2014
92. Three Word Title excluding articles like A, An, The (i.e. Behind Closed Doors or Etched in Bone)
93. Europe
94. Author P
95. Cover Item: Dress
96. Fantasy
97. Cover Item: Hat/Helmet/Other Headwear
98. Author M
99. Cover Item: Plant
100. Author S
101. Four or more Words Title excluding articles like A, An, The (i.e. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
102. Cover: Brown
103. Published 2014
104. Author B
105. Title L
106. Romance
107. Award Winner (must state which/when)
108. Cover: Green
109. Title A
110. Favorite Author
111. Author Y

message 5: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
A couple of things to keep in mind:

✸ Communication is key. Please make sure to check in regularly with your team.

✸ Let your team know if it looks like you won't get your review posted by Thursday, 11:59pm. You do have all of Friday to submit your review, but it can be intensely frustrating for your captain if they don't know when or if they can expect your review before the deadline.

✸ If you know beforehand that you won't be able to read and review a book during a certain week, you can request a pre-arranged absence from me, either by posting the request in the discussion thread or by sending me a pm. The request has to be submitted before the team rolls for the week in question, can only be approved by me as the mod in charge of running the game, and has to state a reason for the absence. (Reasons for pre-arranged absences can include e.g. going on vacation or work trips, planned hospital stays, exam period, etc.)

✸ If you do not have a pre-arranged absence and won't be able to finish your book in time for an unforeseen reason, please let your team know as soon as possible. If the team has earned the free pass, it can be used to cover the missing review. Without a free pass, the team has to sit out the next roll.

✸ We all know that real life gets in the way sometimes, be it through family emergencies, work emergencies, natural disasters, technical problems making it impossible to get online, or in other ways. That being said, please do keep in mind that this is a team challenge and your team relies on you to do your part unless an emergency occurs.

✸ If you find that the pressure of keeping up with the pace of the game gets too much for you or you wish to stop playing for any other reason, you can drop out of the challenge at any time. In that case, please let your team captain and/or me know that you wish to drop out rather than just disappearing without a word so your team won't be penalized when you fail to turn in your review. Thank you!

Captain's Handbook

✸ The team's captain is its chief organizer. This includes rolling the dice, posting the team's new spot to the team thread and the Post Your Spot thread, collecting links to team members' review posts in a single post to be linked in the Post Your Spot thread, doublechecking that books and review posts comply with requirements, reminding team members to post their reviews in time if necessary, etc.

✸ The captain may delegate some tasks, such as rolling and posting the new spot to the team thread, to another team member if they so choose. (Either a designated roller who fulfills this role every week, or whichever team member is online first once rolling is possible.) Collecting reviews into a single post and posting to the Post Your Spot thread should always be handled by the captain.

✸ Instead of having everything handled by a single team captain, teams can also choose two co-captains to handle the workload.

✸ Selection posts are not strictly required by the game's rules and I won't be checking for them. It's up to the team captain to decide whether they want them.

✸ If the team captain requests a pre-arranged absence, it's their responsibility to arrange for another team member to step in as temporary captain.

✸ The team captain is my primary point of contact for the team and should allow receiving private messages.

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments Hello Team 4! I am so excited to be doing another Team Challenge!

message 7: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Hello team! Looking forward to a fun game!

message 8: by M (last edited Aug 26, 2019 09:30AM) (new)

M Beal | 138 comments Hello team! I am really excited to be joining you for this one.
I just wanted to make the team/captain aware that I am attending a huge convention this coming weekend. I fly out tomorrow and return on September 3. I will try my hardest to get my first review in but there will be no time for reading.

message 9: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
Sarah wrote: "Hello Team 4! I am so excited to be doing another Team Challenge!"

Looks like I missed that we have two Sarahs signed up, so I've put you down as Sarah D. now. :)

message 10: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments I thought I posted that I'm checking in, but I can't see the post now. Sorry if it's a duplicate. I am looking forward to this game. It's one of my favorites.

message 11: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) Hi Team!! Just checking in! I can't wait for this game to start!!

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments Denise wrote: "Sarah wrote: "Hello Team 4! I am so excited to be doing another Team Challenge!"

Looks like I missed that we have two Sarahs signed up, so I've put you down as Sarah D. now. :)"

Thank you! So sorry, I only looked for the first mention of my name and didn't think to look further. Am I on the correct team?

message 13: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
Sarah wrote: "Denise wrote: "Sarah wrote: "Hello Team 4! I am so excited to be doing another Team Challenge!"

Looks like I missed that we have two Sarahs signed up, so I've put you down as Sarah D. now. :)"


No worries, this works out fine. You were the first of the Sarahs to check in, so I directed your namesake over to team 8.

message 14: by Suman (new)

Suman | 204 comments Hello team.

message 15: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
M has been in touch with me regarding her trip that'll keep her busy this weekend and part of next week. We've agreed that it would be best to do a pre-arranged absence for this first week as she's not sure she'll have time to finish a book in time. So noone needs to stress about M getting a review in for the first roll, she'll be properly joining in for week 2. :)

message 16: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Sounds good!

message 17: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments Anyone have any ideas for names? I have been on Team 4 in multiple games, and have run dry on ideas LOL. Also, is there anyone who wants to be captain?

message 18: by Suman (new)

Suman | 204 comments Do we have to come up with a new name every year ? Like last year we had "Literary Alliance", we can use that to keep the "team" alive (:P). We also can have something clean like " the readers " or a bit cheesy like "(wizard/) between the covers ".

message 19: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments Serial killers
readers of the pack
no sleep til book's done

I may come up some others, but anything is fine.

message 20: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments I have no name suggestions.
I can be captain if no one else wants to. Captain duties are pretty easy for this one.

message 21: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) I am terrible at coming up with names. Give me a few days and maybe I will think of something. Serial Killers is interesting. I do not want to be captain.

message 22: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments I would rather not be captain.

message 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments I like Serial Killers too. I can't be Captain this time around, but can help the captain out if needed.

message 24: by Suman (last edited Aug 28, 2019 11:05PM) (new)

Suman | 204 comments Then we have @SandyC as our captain. All in favour, say "aye".

message 25: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) AYE!!

message 26: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Okay!

message 27: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments aye

message 28: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) hi, checking in

message 29: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) so I am a little bit confused if I'm doing the non-series option. do most of those books have to correspond to the number that I'm on, or that I want to land on? thanks.

message 30: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
The books always have to correspond to the number you're on, which is decided by rolling the dice. So for example if Sandy rolls, let's say, 5+2 for your team tomorrow, you'll be on spot 7. The non-series option for 7 is "Published 2016", so that's what you'd need to find a book for.

message 31: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) Denise wrote: "The books always have to correspond to the number you're on, which is decided by rolling the dice. So for example if Sandy rolls, let's say, 5+2 for your team tomorrow, you'll be on spot 7. The non..."

Okay, that makes sense

message 32: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Denise wrote: "Serial killers
readers of the pack
no sleep til book's done

I may come up some others, but anything is fine."

I must have missed this post. I really love No Sleep 'til Book's Done. I was a huge Beastie Boys fan back in the day. LOL I am old! :-)

message 33: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Any other votes for Serial Killers or No Sleep 'til Book's Done?
I am just sitting here waiting for midnight so I can roll. :-)

message 34: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Week 1

I rolled 3 and 4.
Spot #7

Read #7 in a series.
Alternate: Published 2016

message 35: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments I like Serial Killers

message 36: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments I saw the roll and I'll find something tomorrow.

I am fine with either room name.

message 37: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) I am leaving this afternoon for my sisters. I am planning to look for a book before I leave so I can have something to read while there. I will be back sometime Saturday.

message 38: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Ok we are the Serial Killers! I’ll let the admin know.

message 39: by SandyC (last edited Sep 06, 2019 09:16PM) (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Week 1

Roll: 3, 4
Spot: 7
Read #7 in a series
Alternate: Read a book published in 2016

Sandy C: The Wonder by Emma Donoghue ** Review
Monica: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling ** Review
M: N/A
Suman: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles ** Review
Sarah D.: Too Late by Colleen Hoover ** Review
Denise: Eye of the Beholder by Nana Malone ** Review

Bonus Points Earned: 1

message 40: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Dizon (sarahd828) | 755 comments I will be going with Too Late, it was published in 2016.

message 41: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments I will read The Wonder by Emma Donoghue published in 2016.

message 42: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) I will be reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I haven’t read this book since it’s release. I’m on my phone and not able to post links.

message 43: by Suman (new)

Suman | 204 comments Selection Post:
Week: 1
Spot: 7 (Alt: Published 2016)

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
A Gentleman in Moscow
by Amor Towles

How it fits: First published September 6th 2016
Pages: 496

message 44: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) Hmm, I don't really have much right now. I'll try to figure something out but I have kind of limited access to books right now. My college has a good library but I'm trying to avoid taking out too much right now. I'll let you know what I can do.

message 45: by Denise (new)

Denise Lauron (dlauron) | 504 comments I'll be reading Eye of the Beholder. It was published in 2016.

message 46: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1202 comments Suman wrote: "Selection Post:
Week: 1
Spot: 7 (Alt: Published 2016)

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
A Gentleman in Moscow
by Amor Towles

How it fits: First published..."

This is a really good book!

message 47: by Suman (last edited Sep 04, 2019 07:50AM) (new)

Suman | 204 comments Yeah, indeed it is. It is really well written. However it is a bit long and I may not be able to finish it by Thursday 23:59:59 (again, maybe) but will be able to do it within Friday night.

message 48: by M (last edited Sep 05, 2019 02:19PM) (new)

M Beal | 138 comments Hello team. My plane landed in the wee hours of the morning. Just wanted to let you know I am back from vacation and ready for week #2.

message 49: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) Welcome back M!!

message 50: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments Thanks! I am excited to start this with a new pile of books primed and ready

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