Unknown Books? - Let's Read Them Club! discussion

Monthly Book Reads > December Monthly Book Read 2014 Discussion: Goody Hall by Natalie Babbit

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message 1: by Ronyell (last edited Jun 02, 2017 10:16PM) (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Hey everyone! This month's winner for the December monthly read is Goody Hall by Natalie Babbitt by Natalie Babbitt. Please feel free to discuss about what you liked or hated about this book!

message 2: by Eden (new)

Eden Silverfox (tsalagi_writer) | 56 comments I liked this book. It has a bit of a mystery in the story and the characters are likable.

message 3: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 492 comments Mod
Eden wrote: "I liked this book. It has a bit of a mystery in the story and the characters are likable."

I really need to pick up this book!

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