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message 1: by Crow (last edited Jan 11, 2020 07:40AM) (new)

Crow | 9 comments Image result for London

You have been lied to. The world is a dangerous place, filled with hidden magic from times long forgotten. Angels and Demons once walked the Earth and behind artifacts of immense power. The few rare humans can channel the power of the Magic, apart from the world concealing the truth. The truth isn't known by anyone, save for the rare few who posses the rare spark of magic. They banned together to form The Magicians, to keep the truth from those who can not handle it. As time passed, the magic wielders began to disappear. The society is under attack. The Angels and Demons have returned and everything in their path will be burned away. Crime families have risen within those with the spark of magic, replacing the The Magicians noble purpose with that of personal gain.


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