2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2015 > Caro Pi's 50 Books

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message 1: by Caro (last edited Sep 14, 2015 12:44PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Last year (ok beginning of this year) I decide to challenge myself by reading 50 books. I was in a long period of time that I was around 10 books per year, and for somebody that likes to say that loves to read, that is a pretty lame statistics.
So these year as part of my new year resolution I decide to take a big breath get some discipline and back to the roots. For my surprise I manage to do it. There where some moments that I was thinking I will fail I am happy to see that it did not turn out that way. I did manage to read the 50 books that I wanted and it seems I will be reading even more...

For 2015 I decide to also read 50 books but I will also like to challenge myself in other ways.

These are:

1. Read at least 1000 more pages than last year (For my surprise this is also a Challenge this year called let's turn pages.)
2. Read 3 Authors of Classics
3. Finally read something of Murakami
4. Read 5 Nobel Prizes
5. Complete 5 Challenge in Goodreads (Randomizer, Complete Works, #readwomen2015, A - Z Challenge and Debut novel. )
6. Read at least 5 of the books that I have in my first page of the to - Read books.

These are my personal challenge for the moment. If I have more I will post it here.

message 2: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Ok so just to not be lost later on with the post of everybody in each challenge I will put them all here and try to control them...

message 3: by Caro (last edited Dec 28, 2015 03:43PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments ***COMPLETE***
Challenge #1

A -Z Challenge 2015


My list (that can be modify and may be modify through the year):

So I am putting the books as they fill the letters....
A. Andy Weir The Martian
B. Bad Feminist: Essays Roxanne Gay
C.Jen Campbell Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops
D. Sex Criminals, Vol. 2: Two Worlds, One Cop
E. Men Explain Things to Me
F. Fahrenheit 451
G. The Girl on the Train
H. Horns
I. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
J. Joseph Heller Catch-22
K. Kazuo IshiguroThe Buried Giant
L. The Lost Symbol
M. Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal (Ms. Marvel
N. Melissa Nathan The Learning Curve
O. Olive Kitteridge: Fiction
P. Purple Hibiscus
Q.What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
R. Restaurant Babylonby Imogen Edwards-Jones
S.Stephen King The Shining
T.Tokio blues Murakami
U. Tales of the Unexpected Roald Dahl
V.V for Vendetta
W.Oscar WildeThe Happy Prince
X. Malcolm X: In His Own Words
Y. Yes Please by Amy Poehler
Z.Z-Minus 1 by Perrin Briar

And I manage to complete the Challenge!!!!
I was thinking I will not make it... Took quite an effort but it looks nice to have the alphabet complete...

message 4: by Caro (last edited Dec 28, 2015 03:43PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments ***COMPLETE***
Challenge #2

The debut novel


READ1.Isabel Allende her first novel is La casa de los espíritus
READ2.Agatha Christie her first novel is The Mysterious Affair at Styles
READ3.Paula Hawkins with The Girl on the Train
READ4.Andy Weir with The Martian
READ5.Roald Dahl his first novel is The Gremlins
READ6.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie her first novel is Purple Hibiscus
READ7.Chigozie Obioma his first novel is The Fishermen

CHALLENGE COMPLETE!!! Nevertheless, I will try to see if I already read more debout novels or if I read new ones....

message 5: by Caro (last edited Feb 21, 2015 02:23PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Challenge #3

The complete works challenge 2015


For this one I select Oscar Wilde, so I will not have to buy more books (they are public domain) and I will have the chance to re- read some of his books that I really enjoy.

I will go with a classic. I will pick Oscar Wilde He was a genius ahead of his time. I will read:

His only novel:
1. The Picture of Dorian Gray

His Plays:
2.An Ideal Husband(Play)
3.A Woman of No Importance, an Ideal Husband(Play)
4.The Importance of Being Earnest(Play)
5.Vera or the Nihilists(Play)
6.The Duchess of Padua(Play)
8.La Sainte Courtisane(Play)
9.Lady Windermere's Fan(Play)

His short stories:
READ10.The Happy Prince and Other Tales
READ11.Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
12.A House of Pomegranates

Then I will be his letters from the time it was in prison:
13.de Profundis

And then I will read two books that are also not fiction
14.Intentions Recollection of his essays
15.The Rise Of Historical Criticism

I will also search a selection of his poems.

message 6: by Caro (last edited Jan 01, 2016 09:34AM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Challenge #4

Let's Turn Pages Challenge - 2015


This will not been seen finish till a year from now. This year it seems that I will read around 13000 pages.... Part of my personal challenge is to read 1000 more pages next year, so I decide to set up my goal in 15000 pages. Hopefully I will.

Progress till January 31st: 1219/15000 This is the 8.12% of my goal for this year.
Progress till February 28: 2545/15000 This is the 17% of my goal this year.
Progress till March 31st: 3562/15000 This is the 23.74% of my goal this year.
Progress till April 30: 4799/15000 This is the 31.99% of my goal this year.
Progress till May 31: 5517/15000 This is the 36.78% of my goal this year
Progress till June 30 6614/15000 This is the 44.09% of my goal this year.
Progress till July 31: 7169/15000 This is the 47.73% of my goal this year.
Progress till August 31: 7799/15000 This is the 51.99% of my goal this year.
Progress till September 30: 9408/15000 This is the 62.72% of my goal this year.
Progress till October 31: 10763/15000 This is the 71.75% of my goal this year.
Progress till November 30: 11966/15000 This is the 79.77% of my goal this year.
Progress till December 31 13525/15000 This is the 90.16% of my goal this year.

So sadly I did not manage to read as many pages as I wanted...

message 7: by Caro (last edited Dec 28, 2015 03:44PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments ***COMPLETE***
Challenge #5

Readwomen 2015


I am sorry I did not participate in this challenge this year, so I will aim for the 2015. I am planning to read at least ten books of this challenge. I was checking my TBR shelf and I have at least 30 books of women that I had never read. So this challenge will allow me to explore more women as writers. I will not select the books right now it will be more as on the go....

Here I will not put read next to a book because I will make the list since once that they appear there it means that I already read them.

1. Agatha Christie with: The Mysterious Affair at Styles
2. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie with:Purple Hibiscus
3. Jen Campbell with: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops
4. Roxane Gay with: Bad Feminist: Essays
5. Elizabeth Stroutwith: Olive Kitteridge
6. G. Willow Wilson with: Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
7,Paula Hawkins with: The Girl on the Train
8. Amy Poehler with: Yes Please
9.Rebecca Solnit with:Men Explain Things to Me
10. Mary Shelley with:Frankenstein
11. Imogen Edwards-Jones with Restaurant Babylon
12.Noelle Stevenson with Nimona
13.Caitlin Moran with How to Be a Woman
14. Trista Mateer with The Dogs I Have Kissed
15. Susana with Susana y Elvira. Consejos viscerales para casos reales

Nevertheless if there are more new women to read I will still include them (sure they will)

message 8: by Caro (last edited Sep 21, 2015 11:11AM) (new)

message 9: by Caro (last edited Dec 29, 2015 06:51AM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Challenge #7

Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge - 2015


I am in so many challenge this year!

But it was a temptation to be in this one will allow me to get my other goals done....

1. A book written by someone when they were under the age of 25 Nimona byNoelle Stevenson She is just 23 years old!

2. A book written by someone when they were over the age of 65

3. A collection of short stories (either by one person or an anthology by many people) Tales of the Unexpected

4. A book published by an indie press Wytches, Vol. 1 is published by Imagecomics

5. A book by or about someone that identifies as LGBTQ Oscar Wilde with Lord Arthur Savile's Crime

6. A book by a person whose gender is different from your own Maldito karma from David Safier

7. A book that takes place in Asia Norwegian Wood. Tokyo Blues

8. A book by an author from Africa: Purple Hibiscus

9. A book that is by or about someone from an indigenous culture (Native Americans, Aboriginals, etc.)

10. A microhistory

11. A YA novel

12. A sci-fi novel Fahrenheit 451

13. A romance novel The Learning Curve

14. A National Book Award, Man Booker Prize or Pulitzer Prize winner from the last decade Olive KitteridgeIt won the Pulitzer.

15. A book that is a retelling of a classic story (fairytale, Shakespearian play, classic novel, etc.)

16. An audiobook: The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution

17. A collection of poetry The Dogs I Have Kissed

18. A book that someone else has recommended to youMen Explain Things to Me

19. A book that was originally published in another language Culpa

20. A graphic novel, a graphic memoir or a collection of comics of any kind (Hi, have you met Panels?) V for Vendetta

21. A book that you would consider a guilty pleasure (Read, and then realize that good entertainment is nothing to feel guilty over) Welcome to Dead House

22. A book published before 1850 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Was published in 1818

23. A book published this year The Girl on the Train

24. A self-improvement book (can be traditionally or non-traditionally considered “self-improvement”)

message 10: by Caro (last edited Dec 16, 2015 01:09PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Challenge # 8

I Spy Challenge


I was aiming for five challenge and deciding for 8. Good thing a lot of them cross with each other.

Here I will only put the books once I read them.

1. Color -
2. Number -
3. Things That Grow - Purple Hibiscus
4. Seasons -
5. First Name - Olive Kitteridge
6. Places - Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops
7. Body Part -
8. Weapon -
9. Body of Water -
10. Form of Water -
11. Product of Fire -
12. Celestial Body -
13. Architecture -
14. Senses -
15. Royal Title - Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
16. Family Member -
17. Elements -
18. Time of Day -
19. Metal -
20. Emotion/Feeling - V for Vendetta
21. Animal/Insect - The Dogs I Have Kissed
22. Something to Read -
23. Gender Identifier - Bad Feminist: Essays
24. Paranormal Being - La casa de los espíritus
25. Occupation -

message 11: by Caro (last edited Dec 28, 2015 03:44PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments ***COMPLETE***
Challenge #9

Goodreads Choice Award Book Club

List of the Winners: https://www.goodreads.com/choiceaward...
Group Page:https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/...

So officially this is not part of the challenge that appear in this page, there is another group for this challenge, but for me to have more order I decide to put it here. The idea of this challenge is to read as many nominees and award winners of the Goodreads Choice Awards 2014 as possible. I challenge myself to read ten of these books. Here I will only put the books that I already finish.

1Dorothy Must Die(I read it last year but according to the rules of the page it will count for the challenge.
2.The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
3.Bad Feminist: Essays
4.Sex Criminals, Vol. 1: One Weird Trick
5.Yes Please
6.Men Explain Things to Me
7.The Martian
8.What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
9.The Girl with All the Gifts
10.Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal


message 12: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Those are great goals, Caro! Good luck with your challenges. :)

message 13: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments Thanks a lot! I hope I make them....

message 14: by Caro (last edited Dec 16, 2015 01:39PM) (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments *Challenge #10*

The Pop Sugar Challenge

In theory I have way too many challenge, so I will put this as an optional

1) A book with more than 500 pages Fall of Giants
2) A classic romance
3) A book that became a movie V for Vendetta
4) A book published this yearThe Girl on the Train
5) A book with a number in the title
6) A book written by someone under 30 Frankenstein
7) A book with non human characters
8) A funny book Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops
9)A book by a female author Bad Feminist: Essays
10) A mystery or thrillerThe Mysterious Affair at Styles
11) A book with a one word title Horns
12)A book of short storiesOlive Kitteridge
13) A book set in a different country Norwegian Wood. Tokyo Blues
14) A nonfiction book
15) A popular author's first book The Gremlins: The Lost Walt Disney Production, A Royal Air Force Story by Flight Lieutenant Roald Dahl
16) A book from an author you love that you haven't read yet
17) A book a friend recommended
18) A Pulitzer Prize winning book
19) A book based on a true story
20) A book at the bottom of your to-read list
21) A book your mom loves
22) A book that scares you
23)A book more than 100 years old
24) A book chosen based entirely on it's cover
25) A book you were supposed to read in school but didn't
26) A memoir
27) A book you can finish in a day
28) A book with antonyms in the title
29) A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
30) A book that came out the year you were born
31) A book with bad reviews
32) A trilogy
33) A book from your childhood
34) A book with a love triangle
35) A book set in the future
36) A book set in high school
37) A book with a color in the title
38) A book that made you cry
39) A book with magic
40) A graphic novel
41) A book by an author you've never read before
42) A book you own but haven't read yet
43) A book that takes place in your hometown (or surrounding area)
44) A book that was originally written in a different language
45) A book set during Christmas
46) A book by an author with your same initials
47) A play
48) A banned book Catch-22
49) A book based on or turned into a TV show
50) A book you started but never finished

message 15: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments So I decide now to check how are my personal goals of the year and here it goes:

These are:

1. Read at least 1000 more pages than last year (For my surprise this is also a Challenge this year called let's turn pages.) Still in progress. It may work

2. Read 3 Authors of Classics

3. Finally read something of Murakami
Norwegian Wood

4. Read 5 Nobel Prizes
5. Complete 5 Challenge in Goodreads (Randomizer, Complete Works, #readwomen2015, A - Z Challenge and Debut novel. )

So far I finish:
- #readwomen2015
- Debout Novel

6. Read at least 5 of the books that I have in my first page of the to - Read books.

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