Queereaders discussion

book banter > March 2020 - What are you reading?

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message 1: by Eugene (new)

Eugene Galt (eugenegalt) | 286 comments Still working on History of Violence by Édouard Louis and His Boy by Dean Cole.

message 2: by Bill (new)

Bill | 417 comments I've just started Cooper's Promise by Timothy Jay Smith

message 3: by Eugene (new)

Eugene Galt (eugenegalt) | 286 comments Just finished IRL by Tommy Pico.

message 6: by Marco (new)

Marco Pflanzen (pflanzen) | 2 comments Just finished reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and next I’m probably going to read Cruising Utopia by Jose Muñoz!

message 8: by Katie.dorny (new)

Katie.dorny (katiedorny) | 85 comments Currently these witches don’t burn 😊

message 12: by Jillyn (new)

Jillyn | 178 comments I'm starting The 100

message 13: by Nino (new)

Nino Töndury | 1 comments Currently reading 1984 by G. Orwell!

message 14: by Jillyn (new)

Jillyn | 178 comments Starting to read Enchantée

message 17: by Katie.dorny (new)

Katie.dorny (katiedorny) | 85 comments Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland

message 18: by Natasha (new)

Natasha Holme (natashaholme) | 465 comments The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo.

message 21: by John (new)

John | 24 comments The World to Come Funny, surprising, sometimes gruesome. Up to about page 80.

message 22: by Zaree (new)

Zaree (bobbsayshi) | 2 comments 3/2 - The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian
3/7 - The Remaking of Corbin Wale by Roan Parrish
3/10 - Riven by Roan Parrish
3/12 - Cancer Ships Aquarius by Anyta Sunday

message 24: by Bill (new)

Bill | 417 comments I'm about to begin The Overstory by Richard Powers

message 27: by Natasha (new)

Natasha Holme (natashaholme) | 465 comments The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.

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