2015: The Year of Reading Women discussion

The Trick Is to Keep Breathing
This topic is about The Trick Is to Keep Breathing
G's > The Trick Is to Keep Breathing by Janice Galloway

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message 1: by Kris (new) - added it

Kris (krisrabberman) This thread is for a discussion of The Trick Is to Keep Breathing by Janice Galloway, scheduled for April 2015. More details will be posted closer to the beginning of the read.

Ellie (elliearcher) I've got my copy. All ready to get started!

Ellie (elliearcher) I finished the book. Anyone else read it? I liked it very much, despite how sad it is. I found the narrator's voice very strong and there was also humor in the book despite the pain. Or maybe as a way for the narrator to diffuse her pain.

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The Trick Is to Keep Breathing (other topics)

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Janice Galloway (other topics)