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Summer 2020 Team Challenge > Team Sunshine (Reviews)

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message 1: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Team Sunshine

message 2: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
We will be using Eastern Time for this challenge
Week 1: June 22-June 28
Week 2: June 29-July 5
Week 3: July 6-July 12
Week 4: July 13-July 19
Week 5: July 20-July 26
Week 6: July 27-August 2
Week 7: August 3-August 9
Week 8: August 10-August 16
Week 9: August 17-August 23
Week 10: August 24-August 30

message 3: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod

message 4: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod

message 5: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Template for how to post finished books for this challenge:

Book: The Pawn (The Patrick Bowers Files, #1) by Steven James OR The Pawn by Steven James
Pages: 427
Date Started: 6/22
Date Finished: 6/25
Rating: 5 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: Yes (*names which one it works for*)

Blank template:
Date Started:
Date Finished:
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories:

message 6: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (last edited Jun 21, 2020 10:29AM) (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
***Please post finished books as soon as possible, as we will be going off of finished dates, so it won't matter to "hold" off posting books for a better category.

message 7: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod

message 8: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Week One: IT categories for bonus points for books finished June 22-28

Genre: Young Adult
Word: Fence
Number: 18

message 9: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Book: His Cowgirl Bride (Mule Hollow, #12) by Debra Clopton by Debra Clopton
Pages: 218
Date started: 6/22
Dated finished: 6/22
Rating: 2
IT category: fence on cover; 18 in pages

message 10: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Team Sunshine:

Week 1 | June 22-28

Player | Book | Pages | IT? | Points

Hannah | His Cowgirl Bride (Mule Hollow, #12) by Debra Clopton | 218 pages | Yes | 9 points (2x page + 5 bonus)

Total Points: 9 points

message 11: by Bess (last edited Jun 22, 2020 08:06PM) (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Sacrifice (The Snow Queen, #2) by K.M. Shea
Book title: Sacrifice by KM Shea
Pages: 254
Date Started: June 22
Date Finished: June 22
Rating: 4 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: young adult

message 12: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Team Sunshine:

Week 1 | June 22-28

Player | Book | Pages | IT? | Points

Hannah | His Cowgirl Bride (Mule Hollow, #12) by Debra Clopton | 218 pages | Yes | 9 points (2x page + 5 bonus)
Bess | Sacrifice by KM Shea | 254 | Yes | 9 points

Total Points: 18 points

message 13: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Pages: 487
Read: 6/22/20
Rating: 4 stars
It category: Young Adult | fence "The fence, the hub..." Ch. 37

message 14: by Hannah (last edited Jun 22, 2020 10:20PM) (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Book: Phantom Thief (AKA Simon Lee Book 1) by P.D. Atkerson by P.D. Atkerson
Pages: 240
Read: 6/22/20
Rating: 3 stars
It category: YA genre (teen protagonist)

message 15: by Bess (last edited Jun 23, 2020 01:35PM) (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: A Horse for Kate (Horses and Friends, #1) by Miralee Ferrell
Book title: A Horse for Kate by Miralee Ferrell
Pages: 208
Date Started: June 23
Date Finished: June 23
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: fence on the cover, teen main character

message 16: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Team Sunshine:

Week 1 | June 22-28

Player | Book | Pages | IT? | Points

Hannah | His Cowgirl Bride (Mule Hollow, #12) by Debra Clopton | 218 pages | Yes | 9 points (2x page + 5 bonus)
Bess | Sacrifice by KM Shea | 254 | Yes | 9 points
Andrea | Divergent | 487 | Yes | 13 points
Hannah | Phantom Thief | 240 | Yes | 9 points
Bess | A Horse for Kate | 208 | Yes | 9 points

Total Points: 49 points

message 17: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Marrying Miss Milton (Brides of Brighton #2) by Ashtyn Newbold
Book title: Marrying Miss Milton by Ashtyn Newbold
Pages: 228
Date Started: June 23
Date Finished: June 23
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: published in 20"18"

message 18: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Rook and Shadow (Salarian Chronicles #1) by Angela Marshall
Book title: Rook & Shadow by A.G. Marshall
Pages: 337 (not on Goodreads)
Date Started: June 24
Date Finished: June 24
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: young adult

message 19: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Cherished Mercy by Tracie Peterson by Tracie Peterson
Pages: 320
Date started: 6/22
Date finished: 6/23
Rating: 4 stars
It category: set in 1855; fence in text (chapter 23)

message 20: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Insurgent (Divergent, #2) by Veronica Roth
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Pages: 525
Read: 6/23-6/24/20
Rating: 3 stars
It category: Young Adult

message 21: by Andrea (last edited Jun 26, 2020 07:29PM) (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments A Worthy Pursuit (A Worthy Pursuit, #1) by Karen Witemeyer
A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer
Pages: 341
Read: 6/23-6/24/20
Rating: 4 stars
It category: fence on cover (and in text)

message 22: by Hannah (last edited Jun 24, 2020 10:49PM) (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Murder with Clotted Cream (Daisy's Tea Garden Mystery, #5) by Karen Rose Smith by Karen Rose Smith
Pages: 305
Read: 6/23-6/24
Rating: 4
It category: fence in text: “wants me to mend fences” p. 27

message 23: by Caitlyn (last edited Jun 25, 2020 02:24PM) (new)

Caitlyn Santi | 811 comments Book: The Truth About Fame (Faith & Fortune, #2) by Toni Shiloh by Toni Shiloh
Pages: 223 according to Amazon
Date Started: 6/23/2020
Date Finished: 6/25/2020
Rating: 5 Stars!
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: No

message 24: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Searching for You (Orphan Train, #3) by Jody Hedlund by Jody Hedlund
Pages: 341
Date read: 6/25/20
Rating: 2
It category: published in 2018

message 25: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments A Bride for Keeps (Unexpected Brides, #1) by Melissa Jagears
A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears
Pages: 331
Read: 6/25/20
Rating: 4 stars
It category: fence "She stood behind the garden fence..." Ch. 11

This post: 11 pts
Running Total: 141 pts

Note: My back's been giving me fits lately, so I'll be catching up on reviews this weekend.

message 26: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: The Story Peddler (The Weaver Trilogy, #1) by Lindsay A. Franklin
Book title: The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin
Pages: 349
Date Started: June 24
Date Finished: June 25
Rating: 3.5 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: young adult

message 27: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Andrea wrote: "A Bride for Keeps (Unexpected Brides, #1) by Melissa Jagears

Praying for a quick recovery, Andrea!! <3

message 28: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Thank you!!

message 29: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Romancing Lord Ramsbury (Brides of Brighton #3) by Ashtyn Newbold
Book title: Romancing Lord Ramsbury by Ashtyn Newbold
Pages: 230
Date Started: June 26
Date Finished: June 26
Rating: 4 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: takes place in "18"14.

message 30: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Forest of Firelight (The Riven Kingdoms) by Shari L. Tapscott
Book title: Forest of Firelight by Shari L. Tapscott
Pages: 304
Date Started: June 26
Date Finished: June 26
Rating: 4 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: young adult

message 31: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Miss Weston's Wager (Brides of Brighton #4) by Ashtyn Newbold
Book title: Miss Weston's Wager by Ashtyn Newborn
Pages: 218
Date Started: June 26
Date Finished: June 27
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: takes place in "18"14.

message 32: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Serving The Prince (Royal Secrets #3) by Lucinda Whitney
Book title: Serving the Prince by Lucinda Whitney
Pages: 111
Date Started: June 27
Date Finished: June 27
Rating: 2 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: book was published in 2018.

message 33: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Rocky Mountain Revenge by Rhonda Starnes by Rhonda Starnes
Pages: 224
Date read: 6/27/20
Rating: 4
It category: fence on cover

message 34: by Andrea (last edited Jun 28, 2020 02:00PM) (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green
A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green
Pages: 413
Read: 6/26-6/27/20
Rating: 3 stars
It category: published in 2018

This post: 13 points
Running total: 210 points

message 35: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Spelled (The Kingdom Chronicles, #2) by Camille Peters
Book title: Spelled by Camille Peters
Pages: 344
Date Started: June 27
Date Finished: June 28
Rating: 4.5 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: published April "18"

message 36: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (last edited Jun 28, 2020 12:32PM) (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Team Sunshine:

Week 1 | June 22-28

Player | Book | Pages | IT? | Points

Hannah | His Cowgirl Bride (Mule Hollow, #12) by Debra Clopton | 218 pages | Yes | 9 points (2x page + 5 bonus)
Bess | Sacrifice by KM Shea | 254 | Yes | 9 points
Andrea | Divergent | 487 | Yes | 13 points
Hannah | Phantom Thief | 240 | Yes | 9 points
Bess | A Horse for Kate | 208 | Yes | 9 points
Bess | Marrying Miss Milton. | 228 | Yes | 9 points
Bess | Rook & Shadow by A.G. Marshall | 337 | yes | 11 points
Hannah. | Cherished Mercy | 320 | yes | 11 points
Andrea |Insurgent | 525 | yes | 15 points
Andrea | A Worthy Pursuit | 341 | yes | 11 points
Hannah | Murder with Clotted Cream | 305 | yes | 11 points
Caitlyn | The Truth about Fame | 223 | no | 2 points
Hannah | Searching for You | 341 | yes | 11 points
Andrea | a Bride for Keeps | 331 | yes | 11 points
Bess | The Story Peddler | 349 | yes | 11 points
Bess | Romancing Lord Ramsbury | 230 | yes | 9 points
Bess | Forest of Firelight | 304 z| yes | 11 points
Bess | Miss Weston's Wager | 218 | yes | 9 points
Bess | Serving the Prince | 111 | yes | 7 points
Hannah | Rocky Mountain Revenge | 224 | yes | 9 points
Andrea | A Refuge Assured | 413 | yes | 13 points
Bess | Spelled | 344 | yes | 11 points

Total Points: 221 points

message 37: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Note: My review link for A Refuge Assured is added to message #34. Sorry for the delay, Melanie. :)

message 38: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
no problem. :)

message 39: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments A Bride in Store (Unexpected Brides, #2) by Melissa Jagears
A Bride in Store by Melissa Jagears
Pages: 363
Read: 6/28/20
Rating: 4 stars
It category: set in 1881

This post: 11 points
Running Total: 232 points

message 40: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: An Unexpected Bride (Brides of Brighton #5) by Ashtyn Newbold
Book title: An Unexpected Bride by Ashtyn Newborn
Pages: 208
Date Started: June 28
Date Finished: June 28
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: takes place in 1818 (double 18!!)

message 41: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments A Christmas Revelation (Christmas Stories #16) by Anne Perry by Anne Perry
Pages: 173
Date read: 6/28/20
Rating: 4 stars
It category: published in 2018

message 42: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Her Hidden Hope by Jill Lynn by Jill Lynn
Pages: 224
Date read: 6/27-6/28
Rating: 4 stars
It category: fence on cover

message 43: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments A Bride at Last (Unexpected Brides, #3) by Melissa Jagears by Melissa Jagears
Pages: 361
Read: 6/26-6/27
Rating: 5
It category: fence in text “a quaint little house, and a whitewashed fence” p 159; set in 1885

message 44: by Andrea (last edited Jun 28, 2020 09:32PM) (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Allegiant (Divergent, #3) by Veronica Roth
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Pages: 526
Read: 6/25-6/28/20
Rating: 2 stars
It category: young adult; fence mentioned many times in text

message 45: by Hannah (last edited Jun 28, 2020 09:36PM) (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments Killer Country Reunion by Jenna Night by Jenna Night
Pages: 220
Read: 6/28
Rating: 4
It category: fence on cover; 2018 pub.

message 46: by Melanie, ✞Moderator, Avid Reader, & Blogger ✞ (last edited Jun 28, 2020 09:22PM) (new)

Melanie (lovebeingvegan) | 9915 comments Mod
Week 2: June 29-July 5
Here are the IT categories for week two. Reminder that books read that don't work for any of the IT categories still count for page points, just not the bonus or double page points.

Genre: Contemporary
Word: ( can be found in title, author's name, series' name, object found on cover, or even in the book's text) flower
Number : (can be found in the title/series/name, page count, time/setting, or publication date) 11

message 47: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments Thank you!

message 48: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 1527 comments His Dog by Albert Payson Terhune by Albert Payson Terhune
Pages: 173
Read: 6/29
Rating: 4
It category: contemporary to 1922 pub date; flower in text: "That even flowers and crops will desert him and run again to wildness"--chapter 2

message 49: by Bess (new)

Bess | 2583 comments Book: Sugarplums and Mistletoe (Christmas in Willow Falls Book 2) by Michelle Pennington
Book title: Sugarplums & Mistletoe by Michelle Pennington
Pages: 147
Date Started: June 29
Date Finished: June 29
Rating: 3 stars
Link to book on your shelf:
Does it work for one of this week's "IT" categories: contemporary fiction

message 50: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Cox (andreacox) | 4738 comments A Bride at Last (Unexpected Brides, #3) by Melissa Jagears
A Bride at Last by Melissa Jagears
Pages: 361
Read: 6/28-6/29/20
Rating: 4 stars
Link: (soon as the wifi gets turned back on)
It category: flower “... she arranged the dried flowers...” p. 279

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