Christian Goodreaders discussion

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Goodreads Authors in Our Group > Invitation to authors

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message 1: by Werner (new)

Werner | 2186 comments The folder ( ) that this thread introduces is the place for all of our author members to create threads where you can tell us about your work, and other group members can discuss it and ask you questions about it. You can also post news about giveaways, author events, etc. (If you're the author of a series, my suggestion would be to make a single thread for the whole series, to make it easier for your fans to keep track of it, and to reduce clutter in the folder.)

Also, our group's bookshelves ( ; there's also a Bookshelf link on the homepage) has a special customized shelf for books written by group members. In this group, unlike some, you don't need to be a moderator to add books to the bookshelves; so don't forget to add yours (and any other worthwhlie books you've read that would be of interest to members of this group). Best wishes for much blessing and success in your writing ministry!

message 2: by Werner (new)

Werner | 2186 comments The Goodreads management recently announced that, as of Sept. 1, they're discontinuing a number of features on this site. Most of these are relatively minor, such as our personal Favorite Authors list. But one feature being discontinued is unique to the Goodreads Author profiles, and one which a number of authors use: the Writings page, where we could post samples of our writing (stories, excerpts, etc.) for other Goodreaders to read for free. After Sept. 1, no new writings can be posted, and my understanding is that the existing Writings pages will all be deleted.

There are good reasons why authors, in an online community centered around reading such as this one, might wish to share free content, and why others might enjoy reading it. To provide an alternative venue for this sort of sharing, your moderators invite any of you, who want to, to create a thread in this folder for your own writing. You're welcome to copy-and-paste content from your Writings page (while it still exists!), or to add new work. Please just create one thread per person for this purpose! (You may have to split longer writings into more than one comment, because of "character" limits for each comment box.) Also, for those of you who have blogs, you can post creative writing there and link to it in this folder.

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