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message 1: by Jason (new)

Jason | 1 comments Solitary Musings

Sitting shoreside by a river, the sun hangs high over head
The wind sweeps hair like will o wisps across my vision
Dreaming dreams of a world that we should have had instead
All we have is division, pure derision
Social cohesion is all but dead
Contemplation of a path we took
And the dystopia to which it's lead
Visions of the trodden, taken by the crook
Fighting tooth and nail for a crumb of bread
For liberation so many lives were took
And if you've listened to what I've said
We fight for the future
And our foot falls land in the prints of where
Other Comrades proudly tread.
The wind begins to settle and the noises do appear
Serenity in this solitude knowing reckoning is near
Hear the chirping birds, see the mushroom stalks
Nature is about naught but doing
It has nothing to offer that is as cheap as talk
We could live in balance here
After all it is our only home
In this pristine landscape, why is there fear
We believe the lie that each one is alone
But brothers and sisters are abound
Fighting the same fight
The Common one still does struggle
Will not go quietly into that good night
The sun hangs lower in the sky
Bringing peace of a crisp twilight
Through the forest footfalls land
On a mossy, leafy floor
Questioning how one could be sate with crumbs
When we deserve much more
A deer appears, like stone it freezes
And we meet each other's gaze
Both of us must conquer predators and leeches
If we would live to be able to see the day
On it's way it does leap, bolting through the brush
Against a tree, sit and lean
Taking in this silent hush
The sun dips beneath the horizon
Wrapping around the earth
The blood red, azure, and orange residing
Reminds me the whole world has it's hearth
Fire dances in the sky, until starlight embers show
In the end, the justified will triumph
And that is good to know.

By: Jason Sweeney

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