The Book Lovers Haven discussion

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message 1: by Sreehitha, BOTM & Challenges Mod (new)

Sreehitha | 160 comments Mod
1. What position are you applying for? You might not get this specific one but this is for your preference.
These are the options for now:
Discussions Mod
Polls Mod
Challenges Mod

-I would like to become the BOTM mod because i am pretty punctual about these...i find BOTM's to be fascinating and for me they r the heart of a book club💗💕

2. List 2 ideas for your chosen position (for example if you are applying for polls mod say 2 poll ideas). If you are applying for BOTM just say 'I am applying for BOTM'.

-I am applying for BOTM's
But i may have a few ideas
We could make two types of BOTM's
One with a fiction book
One with a non fiction book
So ppl who dont read fiction/non fiction can have a choice👍

3. How often are you active on Goodreads?

-i am active almost for 16 hours a day 😂

4. Why do you want to be a mod? Keep in mind it is a very big responsibility.

-i want to become a mod because i really want to help in making a safe haven for bookreaders ...i want them to enjoy being in a bookclub....and i can introduce new ideas in the group💃

5. Have you ever been a moderator before in other groups?

-i joined goodreads in march so i have not been a mod in any other group ...i was pretty fascinated about the mod job and i appreciate every mod who takes time out and gives such great ideas in a club

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?

-i really want to become a mod ...and i am pretty responsible and wont back out from my job unless its an emergency...💕Have a good day


message 2: by Debbie (last edited Apr 18, 2021 07:10AM) (new)

Debbie Reads | 22 comments What position are you applying for? You might not get this specific one but this is for your preference.
These are the options for now:
Discussions Mod
Polls Mod
Challenges Mod
I would like to apply as a discussions mod

2. List 2 ideas for your chosen position (for example if you are applying for polls mod say 2 poll ideas). If you are applying for BOTM just say 'I am applying for BOTM'.
For discussions, I was thinking of having fun chat topics such as bookships, and things like that I can give credit to groups whom have good discussions that I want to use.

3. How often are you active on Goodreads?
I check goodreads every day

4. Why do you want to be a mod? Keep in mind it is a very big responsibility.
I would like to help everyone out, make new friends, and interact with people.

5. Have you ever been a moderator before in other groups?
Yeah, Books & Beyond I am a BOTM mod and Bookworm corner I am the creator.
6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?
Not at the moment. Hope you have a fun time choosing the mods :)

message 3: by Holly (new)

Holly | 28 comments Hi i would like to be a discussion mod because I like welcoming people and introducing my self. I am always pretty active i like to check my good reads notifications every night and the groups I'm in. I want to be a mod because i am new to good reads and i want to know more about it and meet more people I also want to learn about good books and have fun. No I haven't because this is my first group. No

message 4: by i f f a t , Book Debates & Buddy Reads Mod (new)

i f f a t  (iffattheavidreader) | 895 comments Mod
hello guys, we are again recruiting new mods, so if you're interested in being one, please answer the followings:

1. What position are you applying for? You might not get this specific one but this is for your preference.
These are the options for now:

Discussions Mod
Polls Mod
Games Mod

2. List 2 ideas for your chosen position (for example if you are applying for polls mod say 2 poll ideas)

3. How often are you active on Goodreads?

4. Why do you want to be a mod? Keep in mind it is a very big responsibility.

5. Have you ever been a moderator before in other groups?

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

1. I would love the Discussions position, but all three are great
2. I would expand the Fandom tab more, add some tv/movie discussions. I would like to broaden the genres we talk about, add some classics, sci fi, etc.
3. A couple hours a day
4. This group is so fantastic, all the mods have done a great job! I would love to be a contributor and assist in the growth of this group.
5. Yes.
6. I know I've not been the most talkative in this group, so I totally understand if thats a dealbreaker.

message 6: by Bonnie, Games Mod (new)

Bonnie (thedaylightreader) | 149 comments Mod
1. Games Mod
2. Countdown, The Person Below me, Never Have I Ever, 2 truths and a lie, Last Person to post wins, telephone, yuck or yum, yes or no.
3. Haha. A lot. Way too much actually. It says I was on GR 31 hours in the past week. Oops.
4. I want to to be a mod because this group is honestly so amazing, the mods are so lovely and I would love to work with you. I also want to develop my leadership skills and I think this would a perfect way to combine my ambitions and my passions. I think I have the time available to really put my heart and soul into this group and others I already moderate in.
5. Yes, I’m my own group I created The Daylight Readers. I’m also a mod in book buddies, The Overbooked Society and Activists of YA.
6. Thank you for considering my application and I can’t wait to see who the new mods are!

message 7: by Sofia (new)

Sofia | 1 comments hi, my name is sofia.
1. i want to apply for polls mod
2.ex: which book did you like better (colleen hover edition): ugly love vs it ends with us
ex: what’s your favorite genre?: romance, sci-fi, classics, etc.
3. i go on goodsread a couple of times a day. i read books everyday and i always look for new books to read.
4. i want to be a mod because this group is honestly very fun and i want to make it even more fun. i want to make this group grow and for everyone to enjoy themselves.
5. yes, i have been a moderator of a group before.
6. i just wanted to say thank you to the founder of this group and everyone else taking part in it because u guys are the best. also, if i get another group mod instead of polls to take care of, i don’t mind. thank you!!

message 8: by Ayathma (new)

Ayathma Hi my name is Ayathma 😊
1 I want to apply for discussion mod
2 how about TAFAL ( teach a friend a language ) and a birthday calendar
3 I am active 16 or 17 hours a day ( because I like goodreads so much
4 because I like helping each another and this group is so so fun
5 yes
6 i have to tell this group is so fun and thank you for making a group like this 😊

message 9: by Raya ☾, Polls Mod (last edited Aug 24, 2021 02:36AM) (new)

Raya ☾ (moony_girl) | 17 comments Mod
Hey, my name is Raya 😊😊
1. Polls mod, but I’d love any of the other ones too 💕
2. A) What’s your favourite kind of character; hero/heroine, anarchist, etc? B) Who do you think is a more powerful character? (Such as Zoya Nazyalensky vs Inej Ghafa) — by the way sorry I’m just obsessed with SoC 😂
3. I can be active everyday, I’m on GR a lot!
4. I’d love to be a mod because this group is so fun, having a part in it would be really great. I’d also like to help new people joining the group and make it as interesting and diverse as possible.
5. Yes, I have been a moderator in a group before
6. I’d just like to say thanks to the creator(s) of this group, it’s inspirational that you’ve made such a fun and welcoming space for everyone to take part in 😊
⚠️ P.S— be warned, I use lots of emojis ⚠️

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