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Archives - TV/Movie Challenges > Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing

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message 1: by Genevieve (last edited May 26, 2021 07:07AM) (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
An iconic coming of age movie. Lets dirty dance.

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Six months from your start date.

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks.
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

1. Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic film written by Eleanor Bergstein, produced by Linda Gottlieb, and directed by Emile Ardolino. The film was based on Eleanor Bergstein's own childhood. Filming took place in Lake Lure, North Carolina, and Mountain Lake, Virginia, with the film's score composed by John Morris and dance choreography by Kenny Ortega.
💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

2. The movie starts with Baby's voice saying “That was the summer of 1963—when everybody called me Baby, and it didn’t occur to me to mind. That was before President Kennedy was shot, before the Beatles came, when I couldn’t wait to join the Peace Corps, and I thought I’d never find a guy as great as my dad. That was the summer we went to Kellerman’s.” Kellerman's was a resort owned by Baby's father's friend Max Kellerman.
💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

3. The movie is not only a great forbidden love story but it is a movie about prejudice and classes. Max Kellerman lecturing the waiters who are "college guys" to romance the guests' adolescent daughters even the ugly ones. " During Max's lecture, Johnny Castle and his musicians enter the restaurant, and Johnny mocks Max's lecture, remarking "Got that, guys?" Max tells Johnny and the musicians that they are governed by different rules. The Entertainment Staff is prohibited to socialize with the female guests.
💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

4. The movie has characters that you really love and the ones you really dislike. Three of the most dislikable characters in the movie are Robbie Gould, Neil Kellerman, and Vivian Pressman. Though they have small parts they add significantly to the plot. Lets start with Robbie Gould. Robbie is a waiter in the movie on his way to medical school. He hits on Baby's sister Lisa, knocks up Penny and won't take responsibility and then sleeps with Vivian Pressman when Lisa won't put out. Robbie " I didn't spend all summer long toasting bagels just to bail out some little chick who probably balled every guy in the place." and "Some people count and some people don't."
💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

5. Second despicable character is Neil Kellerman who is arrogant, and smug. Neil is after Baby and is condescending to the entertainment staff. Telling a story to Baby he says "I have to say it. I'm known as the catch of the county. But, last week, I took a girl from Jamie, the lifeguard. And he said to her, right in front of me, "What does he have that I don't have?" And she said, "Two hotels."
💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

6. Vivian Pressman is an adulterous wife who sleeps around with all the staff while her husband is working during the week or playing cards when he is at the resort. Vivian tries to get Johnny to sleep with her but Johnny turns her down so Vivian goes and sleeps with Robbie Gould. On the next morning she sees Baby leaving Johnny's cabin and decides to get Johnny fired. She tells Max Kellerman that Johnny stole her husband's wallet and Baby steps in and says Johnny was with me giving him an alibi.
💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

7. Now to the characters we love. Baby's full name is Frances Houseman, She is shy, innocent and totally insecure, but she has determination, grit, and a strong desire to stand up for the underdog and what is right. She falls crazy in love with Johnny. Baby quote to Johnny "Me?. I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, about who I am and most of all I'm scared of walkin' out of this and never feelin' the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you." She tries to get Robbie to do the right thing, gets her father mad at her when she asks for money and gives it to Penny for an illegal abortion. Stands up for Johnny when he is accused of stealing and finds her own sense of confidence through dancing and her love.
💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

8. Johnny Castle is a handsome dance instructor who is street smart. He dances gracefully and can sweet talk women. Though, as Baby figures out, he hides many feelings about himself, that he expresses only in private, while they're together. He feels like a product in some ways, and he also feels like he's nothing more than a play toy, for women, who want him for a night. Johnny states that "The reason rich people treat me like I'm nothing, is because I'm nothing." He has a gentle boyish soul behind the tough exterior.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

9. There are so many memorable scenes in this movie but I will tell you a few of my favorites. The first one is the scene with Baby still lying in Johnny's bed and Johnny is getting dressed. This is a scene that sets the scene for Vivian asking Johnny to bed.
Baby Have you had many women?
Johnny Castle: Look, you've gotta understand what it's like, Baby: you come from the streets and suddenly you're up here, and these women are throwing themselves at ya, and they smell so good, and they really take care of themselves, I mean, I never knew women could be like that, you know? And they're so rich, they're so goddamn rich, you think they must know about everything. And they're slipping their room keys in my hands, two and three times day, different women. So here I think I'm scoring big, and for a while you think, hey, they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't care about me, right?
Frances "Baby" Houseman: That's all right, I understand. You were just using them, that's all
Johnny Castle: No, no, that's not it. That's the thing, see, Baby, it wasn't like that, they were using me.
💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

10. Another great scene is the scene with Baby and her father Jake Houseman (Jerry Orbach). Jake is upset that his daughter lied to him and has been giving her the silent treatment.
Baby I told you I was telling the truth, Daddy. I'm sorry I lied to you, but you lied too. You told me everyone was alike and deserved a fair break. But you meant everyone who was like you. You told me you wanted me to change the world, to make it better. But you meant by becoming a lawyer or a Doctor and marrying someone from Harvard. I'm not proud of myself, but I'm in this family too. You can't keep giving me the silent treatment. There are a lot of things about me that aren't what you thought. But if you love me, you have to love all the things about me, and I love you. I'm sorry I let you down; I'm so sorry, Daddy. But you let me down too.
💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

11. Another great scene is where Baby's father finds out who really got Penny pregnant. It is the last night of the season and Jake Houseman sees Robbie and hands him a check for medical school. Robbie thanks him for taking care of the problem with Penny and Jake takes the check and tears it into little pieces. Later that night he sees Baby and Johnny and says.
Dr. Jake Houseman: I know you weren't the one who got Penny in trouble. “When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong. You looked wonderful out there.”
💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

12. And can anyone forget the finale dance scene where Johnny goes to where Baby is sitting with her parents and says "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" and drags her on stage. Johnny “Sorry for the disruption, folks, but I always do the last dance of the season. This year somebody told me not to. So I’m gonna do my kind of dancin’ with a great partner, who’s not only a terrific dancer, but somebody who’s taught me that there are people willing to stand up for other people no matter what it costs them. Somebody who’s taught me about the kind of person I wanna be. Miss Frances Houseman.” Then they dance and Baby jumps off the stage and Johnny lifts her over his head and he sings to her as the song "Time of My Life" plays.
💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )


Challenge Rules
*Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
*Each book may only be used for one task or letter
*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go.

*When you have finished, please re-post your whole challenge as a new message and MARK AS FINISHED or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for by the deadline, please re-post your challenge anyway as you may still be eligible for a lower level badge.)

Please use the TLC STANDARD RULES when participating in this challenge.
If you are not familiar with these rules, please click on the link and read them over.

message 2: by Genevieve (last edited Mar 17, 2022 03:28PM) (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod

Grace COMPLEted

message 3: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 17, 2021 03:50AM) (new)

26.05.21- 26.11.21
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Eleanor marsden in The prince of rags and patches - Terry deary 14.06.21
The Prince of Rags and Patches
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
The scarecrow - #2 jack mcevoy Michael Connelly 06.06.21
The Scarecrow

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. The Knight of Stars and Storms
The Knight of Stars and Storms - Terry Deary 03.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.Next Victim
Next victim - Helen h durrant 03.06.21
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
The doll factory Elizabeth macneal 16.06.21 The Doll Factory
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. How to Fall in Love Again: Kitty’s Story
How to fall in love again - Amanda prowse 05.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake.
Killing Kate Alex lake 29.05.21 Killing Kate

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Seven days Alex lake 28.05.21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Olive, again - #2 olive kitteridge Elizabeth strout 16.06.21
Seven DaysOlive, Again

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Kiss of Death Malcolm Rose 04.06.21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
The half sister Sandie jones 27.05.21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The last lie Alex lake 27.05.21
The Kiss of DeathThe Half SisterThe Last Lie
💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self.
Abandoned Anya Peters 02.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
the festival Sarah j Naughton 01.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
The spotted dog - Kerry greenwood 03.06.21
AbandonedThe FestivalThe Spotted Dog

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
The pact Amy heydenrych 08.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
The butler’s babies Vivien Head 08.06.21
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Rainwater Sandra brown 06.06.21
The Pactthe butler's babiesRainwater

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
Tilt Mary Hoffman 07.06.21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Where the shadows lie Michael Ridpath 07.06.21
TiltWhere the Shadows Lie

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

You've got 2 x number 3's

message 5: by Kim (new)

Kim (kmyers) | 438 comments RETRO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
26.05.21- 26.11.21
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Baby: 3 - 10 tasks / Johnny: 11- 19 tasks / Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 6: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn (an80slady6886) | 630 comments RECTO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
26.05.21- 26.11.21
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Baby: 3 - 10 tasks / Johnny: 11- 19 tasks / Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

reply | flag *

message 7: by Frankie (last edited Nov 12, 2021 03:57PM) (new)

Frankie Johnson | 3879 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 27, 2021-November 26, 2021

20/20 Completed. Finished

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
(Linda McCarthy)
01.Celebration After Dark-Marie Force 9/18/21

💕 Read a book set in Virginia
02.The Shark-Mary Burton 11/12/21

💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

Celebration After Dark (Gansett Island, #14) by Marie Force The Shark (The Forgotten Files, #1) by Mary Burton

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
(Loker James aka Viper)
03.Viper's Run-Jamie Begley 6/23/21

💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

Viper's Run (The Last Riders, #2) by Jamie Begley

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
04.Fallen Jester-Devney Perry 7/09/21

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
05.Bourbon Bliss-Claire Kingsley 6/01/21
Fallen Jester (Clifton Forge, #5) by Devney Perry Bourbon Bliss (Bootleg Springs, #4) by Claire Kingsley

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.

💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
(Dr. David Lawrence)
06.Time for Love-Marie Force 5/29/21

💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

Time for Love (Gansett Island, #9) by Marie Force

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
(Henchmen MC: Next Generation Series)
07.Malcolm-Jessica Gadziala 8/07/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

Malcolm (Henchmen MC Next Generation, #2) by Jessica Gadziala

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
08.Knox's Stand-Jamie Begley 7/02/21

💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
09.Code Name: Heist-Sawyer Bennett 10/28/21

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
10.The Silencer-R.C. Boldt 11/09/21
Knox's Stand (The Last Riders #3) by Jamie Begley Code Name Heist (Jameson Force Security, #3) by Sawyer Bennett The Silencer by R.C. Boldt

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
11.Reckless Refuge-Catherine Cowles 7/02/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
12.Careful Little Eyes-Willow Rose 6/30/21

💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
13.Truly, Madly, Whiskey-Melissa Foster 6/18/21
Reckless Refuge (Wrecked, #4) by Catherine Cowles Careful Little Eyes (Mary Mills Mystery #4) by Willow Rose Truly, Madly, Whiskey (The Whiskeys Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor, #2) by Melissa Foster

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
14.Stay for Me-Corinne Michaels 7/15/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.

💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
15.Shade's Fall-Jamie Begley 8/04/21
Stay for Me (The Arrowood Brothers, #4 ) by Corinne Michaels Shade's Fall (The Last Riders, #4) by Jamie Begley

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.

💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
16.Cash's Fight-Jamie Begley 8/04/21

💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

Cash's Fight (The Last Riders, #5) by Jamie Begley

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
17.The Cleaner-Jessica Gadziala 7/29/21

💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

The Cleaner (Professionals, #9) by Jessica Gadziala

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.

💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
18.Southern Heart-Natasha Madison 7/11/21

💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

Southern Heart (Southern, #5) by Natasha Madison

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
19.Huck-Jessica Gadziala 6/01/21

💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)

💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
20.Meant for Love-Marie Force 5/29/21
Huck (Golden Glades Henchmen MC, #1) by Jessica Gadziala Meant for Love (Gansett Island, #10) by Marie Force

message 8: by Genevieve (last edited May 26, 2021 07:05AM) (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
DenXXX wrote: "You've got 2 x number 3's"

Thanks I can't count. Lol

message 9: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Welcome DenXXX (corrected that error) 🙂, Kim, Kathryn, and Frankie.

message 10: by Genevieve (last edited Nov 17, 2021 03:36PM) (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Six months from your start date.
June 1, 2021 - 11/30/2021
Baby: 3 - 10 tasks.
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

11 /30
1. Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic film
💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina.
A Spell for Trouble by Esme Addison
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s. Published July 1986
Noddy Goes To Toyland by Enid Blyton 11/15/2021

2. The movie starts with Baby's voice saying “
💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Winter Storms by Elin Hilderbrand 9/16/2021
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
A Clue in the Stew by Connie Archer 8/15/2021
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

3. The movie is not only a great forbidden love story
💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich 6/11/2021

4. The movie has characters that you really love and the ones you really dislike.
💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

5. Second despicable character is Neil Kellerman
💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Crust No One by Winnie Archer 9/25/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

6. Vivian Pressman
💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Murder with Fried Chicken and Waffles by A.L. Herbert 10/31/2021
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
The Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand 10/31/2021
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

7. Now to the characters we love.
💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
The Other Family by Loretta Nyhan 10/30/2021
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

8. Johnny Castle
💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich 7/7/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. Gilly
Flunked by Jen Calonita 10/27/2021

9. There are so many memorable scenes in this movie
💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

10. Another great scene is the scene
💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

11. Another great scene is where Baby's father finds out who really got Penny pregnant.
💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

12. And can anyone forget the finale dance scene
💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton 7/30/2021
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich 6/11/2021

message 11: by Tari (last edited Jun 27, 2021 10:37AM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 2231 comments RETRO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
June 1, 2021-Dec. 31, 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks
26 tasks done

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Dr. Eleanor runs the vet clinic where Bonnie works as a groomer-Kid-Napped Susan Harper 6/20/21
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
Arlington, VA-Cooking Up Murder Miranda Bliss 6/7/21
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Teddie-Deadly Delights Laura Jensen Walker 6/7/21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian
Vivian Tillett-Post Mortem Tonya Kappes 6/17/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
Dr. Eddie Gale-Gunshots at the Gala Susan Harper 6/6/21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).<?b>
Roxy-Used for Murder Heidi Buck 6/4/21

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Felix-Donuts and Disaster Amber Crewes 6/3/21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
#2 Booklovers B&B-Reserved for Murder Victoria Gilbert 6/9/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Tragic Toppings Jessica Beck 6/8/21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Ruby Red Herring Tracy Gardner 6/2/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Toasts of Murder Patti Benning 6/8/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Shell comes into who she is post-actress career-The Time for Murder Is Meow T.C. LoTempio 6/10/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Spilled Milk Melinda Craig 6/9/21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
Killer Comfort Food Lynn Cahoon 6/11/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Jack Irvin-Cookies and Buried Secrets Amber Crewes 6/1/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
A Glimmer of a Clue Daryl Wood Gerber 6/18/21
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Aunt Rita-Murderoni and Cheese Rosie A. Point 6/12/21

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Inn Over Her Head Dixie Davis 6/5/21
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)
The Sweet Smell of Murder Cindy Bell 6/16/21

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
Chocolate Chills Rosie A. Point 6/13/21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Hot Chocolate and Cold Bodies Amber Crewes 6/16/21
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.
Eclairs and Lethal Layers Amber Crewes 6/13/21

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Caramel Apple Murder Rosie A. Point 6/14/21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.
Finger Foods and Missing Legs Amber Crewes 6/15/21 (Meghan at the convention ball)

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
A Pumpkin Spice Killing Lynn Cahoon 6/14/21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Ice Cream and Guilty Pleasures Amber Crewes 6/17/21
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 12: by JoAnne (last edited Jun 29, 2021 10:49AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 27, 2021-November 26, 2021
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.
Read: 23

💕 Read a book with a character called Linda.

Beneath the Scars Cherise Sinclair 6/7/21
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina.
Big Lies in a Small Town Diane Chamberlain 5/30/21
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
MC's name is Dandelion but goes by Dani. Petal Plucker Iris Morland 6/23/21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's.
The Hideaway Lauren K. Denton 6/11/21 1/2 of the story is set in the 60s.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
The Shameless Hour Sarina Bowen 6/8/21
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Vivian.

The Southern Side of Paradise Kristy Woodson Harvey 6/2/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
Mischief and the Masters Cherise Sinclair 6/4/21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake.
Tempt Me Carly Phillips 6/26/21

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.

The Fifteenth Minute Sarina Bowen 6/8/21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Secret to Southern Charm Kristy Woodson Harvey 5/31/21 (Peachtree Bluff #2)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.

Fatal Affair Marie Force 6/5/21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Silver Girl Elin Hilderbrand 5/29/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Oopsie Daisy Iris Morland 6/24/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
What You Wish For Katherine Center 6/18/21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.

Brooklynaire Sarina Bowen 6/10/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Love for Beginners Jill Shalvis 6/15/21

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.

The Stolen Marriage Diane Chamberlain 6/6/21
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.

Hard Hitter Sarina Bowen 6/9/21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Where the Crawdads Sing Delia Owens 6/6/21
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character is given a check.

Pipe Dreams Sarina Bowen 6/9/21
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Redemption David Baldacci 6/17/21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.
Lavender Beach Vickie McKeehan 6/29/21

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.

A Family Affair: Fall Mary Campisi 6/21/21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words.

message 13: by Shash (last edited Jun 21, 2021 06:07PM) (new)

Shash | 2714 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 27, 2021 - November 26, 2021

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks.
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

21/20+ Tasks Completed

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Rescue a Stubborn Heart by Cindy Roland Anderson (6/15/21) - Linda
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Her Loyal Bodyguard by Laura Ann (5/31/21)
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden (5/28/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
The Twelve Holidates by Emma St. Clair (6/13/21)

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
Second First Kiss by Jennifer Griffith (5/30/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
Falling for Your Fake Fiancé by Emma St. Clair (6/12/21)

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Falling for Your Best Friend's Twin by Emma St. Clair (6/9/21)
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair (6/10/21) - Love Clichés
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The Lady and the Highwayman by Sarah M. Eden (6/10/21)

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Wager for a Wife by Karen Tuft (6/16/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Romancing the Treasure by Cami Checketts (6/17/21)
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
A Man Worth Shaving For by Michelle Pennington (6/6/21)

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Romancing the Boat by Cami Checketts (6/20/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Her Broken Bodyguard by Laura Ann (6/2/21)

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Not Forgotten by Elizabeth Johns (6/5/21)
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
First Kiss Train Wreck by Michelle Pennington (6/7/21)
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Give Me One Good Reason by Michelle Pennington (6/8/21)
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Romancing the Escape by Cami Checketts (6/19/21)
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Bound and Determined by Regina Jennings (5/29/21)
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Oh, Keep Your Shirt On by Michelle Pennington (6/7/21)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
One Tiny Lie by Jennifer Youngblood (6/4/21)

message 14: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Russell | 200 comments RETRO MOVIE: DIRTY DANCING
Duration: June 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks.
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
💕 Read a book set in the '60s or published in the '60s.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil, or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. (Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be a minimum of three words.)

message 15: by Lexi (last edited Jun 28, 2021 04:29PM) (new)

Lexi (lexi_liese) | 384 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: June 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

Completed: 21/20+
💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. - Bookplate Special by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/22/2021
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's. - Wonderment in Death by J.D. Robb - Completed: 6/7/2021 (Since the century wasn't specified, I took the liberty to include this book set in 2061)

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. - The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman - Completed: 6/7/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation). - The Maidens by Alex Michaelides - Completed: 6/28/2021 (Interpretation is a spoiler to the book (view spoiler))

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. - I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara - Completed: 6/5/2021
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. - Bookmarked for Death by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/10/2021 (Booktown Mystery #2)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another. - Read and Gone by Allison Brook - Completed: 6/16/2021
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - Completed: 6/9/2021
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. - Death by Chocolate Malted Milkshake by Sarah Graves - Completed: 6/4/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation). - Me by Elton John - Completed: 6/16/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. - The Chain by Adrian McKinty - Completed: 6/20/2021
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" - Buried in the Stacks by Allison Brook - Completed: 6/25/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man. - Body on the Bayou by Ellen Byron - Completed: 6/21/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person. - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz - Completed: 6/8/2021
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used. - Impostor Syndrome by Kathy Wang - Completed: 6/15/2021
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) - Montana Sky by Nora Roberts - Completed: 6/8/2021

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. - The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah - Completed: 6/4/2021
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. - Normal People by Sally Rooney - Completed: 6/23/2021

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check. - Chapter and Hearse by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/22/2021
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Who Moved My Goat Cheese? by Lynn Cahoon - Completed: 6/1/2021
💕 Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) - The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune - Completed: 6/13/2021 (Uplifting read)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 16: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Welcome Tari, JoAnne, Shash, Catherine and Lex.

message 17: by Grace (last edited Jun 28, 2021 04:34AM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 28, 2021-November 27, 2021
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks
Read: 11

💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia-The Baby Shift: Virginia-Becca Fanning 6/25

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname- Bat and the Waiting Game-Elana K. Arnold 6/8

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining- BTOOOM! 16-Junya Inoue 6/6

💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor- One Piece, Volume 59: The Death of Portgaz D. Ace-Eiichiro Oda 6/24

💕 Read a book that is second in the series- GIGANT 2-Hiroya Oku 6/7

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge- Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 11-Makoto Yukimura 6/3

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation)- Robofight: E-Boy 2-Anh Do 6/4
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared- Fly Free: Skydragon 2-Anh Do 5/29
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"- Lovesickness-Junji Ito 6/8

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man- Full Moon-Rachel Hawthorne 6/11

💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)- クーロンズ・ボール・パレード 1 Kowloon's Ball Parade 1 -Mikiyasu Kamada 6/7

message 18: by Carolyn (last edited Jul 25, 2021 11:22AM) (new)

Carolyn | 618 comments RECTO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Baby: 3 - 10 tasks / Johnny: 11- 19 tasks / Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks


💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Royal Witches: Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England by Gemma Hollman read 6/4/21 Eleanor Cobham
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia Ink and Shadows by Ellery Adams read 7/11/21 set in Miracle Springs, North Carolina
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s. The Ritual Bath by Faye Kellerman read 7/13/21 pub 5/30/1986

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen read 6/10/21 Georgie and here family go to Nice for a vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. Royal Blood by Rhys Bowen read 6/9/21 Princess Maria Theresa went by Matty with her school friends.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick read 6/21/21 set in 1962

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
The Royal Sorceress by Christopher G. Nuttall read 6/7/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston read 6/3/21 Alex graduates from college in the book
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining. Dear Coca-Cola by Terry Ravenscroft read 6/12/21 I found the letters and responses funny

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton read 6/9/21 Eli's dad is Robbie Bell
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan read 6/17/21 Phil (Pearl's husband) is a doctor
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation). Royal Flush by Rhys Bowen read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. Wind Chime Point by Sherryl Woods read 7/24/21 Ocean Breeze #2
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard. The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood by Jane Leavy read 7/19/21 In 1947 Mickey Mantle got a job as a lifeguard even though he could not swim.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Heirs and Graces by Rhys Bowen read 6/20/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. Cheddar Off Dead by Julia Buckley read 6/4/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
The Removed by Brandon Hobson read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. Salt Houses by Hala Alyan read 6/11/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" Pudding Up With Murder by Julia Buckley read 6/4/21 Serafina and Cam

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
The Twelve Clues of Christmas by Rhys Bowen read 6/12/21 "Girls like that would be more willing to talk to a handsome man"-Darcy
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person. Gild by Raven Kennedy read 6/16/21 All the saddles are play things for the King.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. The Royal Bodyguard by Lindsay Emory read 6/7/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
The Push by Ashley Audrain read 6/10/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women. Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison read 6/14/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) Devil and the Bluebird by Jennifer Mason-Black read 6/1/21 Page 3 "She smelled like…like honey cooked hot on the stove and oranges about to turn to badness-and something more, the faintest whiff of something familiar and forgotten"

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen read 6/5/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. Firefly Cloak by Sheri Reynolds read 6/11/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. The Big Chili by Julia Buckley read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
Murder Past Due by Miranda James read 6/11/21(view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides read 6/8/21 Diomedes Page 261 "You were right. And I was wrong."
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery read 6/17/21 Page 4 "and thought how beautiful Ruby had looked that night,"

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie by Barbara Goldsmith read 6/15/21 Marie's passion for science is inspiring
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. ) File M for Murder by Miranda James read 7/4/21

message 19: by Beth (last edited Aug 20, 2021 02:04AM) (new)

Beth | 331 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
June – November 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

20 completed

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
At Mrs Lippincote's by Elizabeth Taylor (Eleanor) - 6/19 ★★★
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia.
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Wisteria Cottage by Robert M. Coates - 7/15 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth (Sandy) - 7/15 ★★★★★
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.
The Rest of the Robots by Isaac Asimov (published in the 60's) - 6/11 ★★★★

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters.
Wayward by Blake Crouch - 7/2 ★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish by Joseph J. Keenan - 6/6 ★★★★★

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande - 7/28 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Lucia in London by E.F. Benson - 8/16 ★★★★
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi (Old Man's War #2) - 6/8 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
The Man Who Japed by Philip K. Dick (view spoiler) - 6/12 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self.
Freaks I've Met by Donald Jans - 6/3 ★
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Beacon 23 by Hugh Howey - 8/11 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love."
Return to Peyton Place by Grace Metalious - 8/7 ★★★★

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Angel by Elizabeth Taylor (Esme is handsome) - 6/10 ★★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks - 6/25 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
High-Rise by J.G. Ballard - 8/19 ★★★
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo - 8/15 ★★
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good.

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard - 7/29 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Old Baggage by Lissa Evans - 8/5 ★★★
💕 Read a book that lifts you up.
💕 Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany - 7/3 ★★★

message 20: by SANDYE (last edited Nov 02, 2021 02:14PM) (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: Six months from your start date
Date Started: June 1, 2021 (Nov. 30, 2021)
Date Completed: November 2, 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks. - 21

1. Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic film
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia - A Bad Egg (Classic Diner 5) by Jessica Beck - 6/28/21 - set in Jasper Fork, NC

2. The movie starts with Baby's voice
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. - The Hawaiian Burger Murder (Burger Bar 0.5) by Rosie A. Point - 6/16/21 - Vivian goes by Vee

3. The movie is not only a great forbidden love story but it is a movie about prejudice and classes.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining. - The Wicked Waffle (Diner of the Dead 1) by Carolyn Q. Hunter - 6/14/21

4. The movie has characters that you really love and the ones you really dislike.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. - The Double Cheese Burger Murder (Burger Bar 2) by Rosie A. Point - 6/21/21 - Dr. Rich

5. Neil Kellerman
💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. - A Sip Before Dying (Wine & Dine 1) by Gemma Halliday - 7/28/21 - Chas Pennington
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. - Peanut Butter Fudge & Murder (Sweet Treats 2) by Lori Woods - 6/22/21

6. Vivian Pressman
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - A Knead to Kill (Apple Orchard 1.5) by Chelsea Thomas - 6/12/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. - A Cop and a Coop (Clucks and Clues 1) by Hillary Avis - 7/8/21

7. Baby's full name is Frances Houseman,
💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation). - Rules of Lying (Jane Dough 1) by Stephie Smith - 11/01/21 - Jane
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. - Thai Coconut Murder (Darling Deli 6) by Patti Benning - 6/15/21 - (view spoiler)

8. Johnny Castle
💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.- Anonymously Yours by Shirley McCann - 6/25/21 - Pg 74 Justin stood on the front porch looking handsome
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. - Sasquatch (Sasquatch 1) by K.T. Tomb - 9/6/21 - Hal Woodward

9. There are so many memorable scenes
💕 Read a book where a character is being used. - An Axe to Rind (Cheese Shop 1) by Ally Roberts - Colby Jackson being used by her much older half-sister
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women. - The Secrets of Mystic Springs (Mystic Springs 2) by Mona Marple - 10/24/21 - Taylor
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) - Under the Honey Moon (Honey Haven 1) by Jessica R. Patch - 7/4/21 - Pg 56 her apricot and vanilla scent tempting him

10. Another great scene is the scene with Baby and her father Jake Houseman (Jerry Orbach).
💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. - In Grate Danger (Cheese Shop 2) by Ally Roberts - 6/27/21 - several people are questioned during a murder investigation and their stories all check out
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. - Just Add Salt (Hetta Coffey 2) by Jinx Schwartz - 9/19/21 - Hetta feels her boyfriend let her down when he second guesses some of her decisions

11. Another great scene is where Baby's father finds out who really got Penny pregnant
💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check. - Marshmallow Murder (Cupcake Crimes 2) by Molly Maple - 9/12/21 - Marianne is given an inheritance check
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong - Save The Date (Dating 1) by Monica Murphy - 7/20/21 - Alexander Wilder

12. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"
💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Killer Caramel Cookies (Killer Cookies 1) by Patti Benning - 6/22/21 - Margie teaches Fallon to bake cookies
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) - Ghosts and Garlands (Charmed and Dangerous 0.5) by Morgan Vale - 10/04/2021


message 21: by Chelsea (last edited Jan 03, 2022 02:10PM) (new)

Chelsea Skinner (chelspels) | 1021 comments RETRO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
5/29/21- 11/28/21

Johnny & Baby: 20+


💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina, Bookshop by the Sea - Denise Hunter 9/19/21
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s. The Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris 7/9/21

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation. One Day at Horrorland - R.L. Stine 9/22/21
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. Close to the Cradle - Nova Lee Maier 7/30/21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. This is Gonna Hurt - A.I. Nasser 7/13/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college. Billy Summers - Stephen King 8/24/21
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining. The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss 7/9/21

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian. A Very Bad Year: Volume 3 - Stephen Barnard 7/22/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor. Scorched Earth - Justin Bell 6/18/21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. Red Means Run - Brad Smith 6/28/21

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. The King of Nightmare - A. Rogers 6/8/21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. Twisted Justice - Diane Capri 7/21/21 {Justice #2}
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another. Louisiana Longshot - Jana Deleon 6/30/21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. Man Eater - January James 6/24/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. Wicked Favor - Sawyer Bennett 6/21/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. Sword Bearer - Teddy Jacobs 7/9/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. The Picture Frame - Iain Rob Wright 5/30/21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" Due Justice - Diane Capri 7/6/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man. Cliffhanger - Amy Saunders 8/5/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person. If I Dream - K.M. Scott 7/2/21
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. Cooper's Charm - Lori Foster 6/4/21

💕 Read a book where a character is being used. The Stepford Wives - Ira Levin 7/31/21
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women. The Eleventh Hour - Anina Collins 7/15/21
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) Happily Ever After - Jenn Faulk 8/11/21

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. Sanctuary 12 - T.W. Malpass 6/12/21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. Reaper: Aftermath - Jonathan Pongratz 7/28/21
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. The Daughter - Sara Blaedel 7/16/21

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong. Zero Hour - Justin Bell 6/1/21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. Alaskan Dawn - Edie Claire 7/13/21

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. Miss Spelled - Morgana Best 7/22/21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) The Secret Stealers - Jane Healey 8/4/21
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 22: by Maven (last edited May 30, 2021 12:52AM) (new)

Maven | 60 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: 05/30/21-11/29/21
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks.

message 23: by Ferenc (last edited Aug 31, 2021 03:35AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: 6/1/21 - 11/30/21

Goal: 21/20+
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
The Paris Library - Janet Skeslien Charles - 07/09/21 - Eleanor Carlson

💕 Read a book set in North Carolina
Only Mostly Devastated - Sophie Gonzales - 06/23/21

💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.
Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov - 07/30/21 - 1982

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Uncanny X-Men: Wolverine and Cyclops, Vol. 2 - Matthew Rosenberg - 06/27/21 - Scott Summers, Cyclops

💕 Read a book published in the 60's.
Éjszaka Lisszabonban - Erich Maria Remarque - 07/30/21 - 1962

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
To Be Honest - Michael Leviton - 06/10/21

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
Golden Girl - Elin Hilderbrand - 08/25/21 - Vivian Howe

💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
The Exiles - Christina Baker Kline - 07/25/21 - Dr. Dunne

💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
The Rose Code - Kate Quinn - 07/22/21 - Beth Finch

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Shades of Magic Vol. 2: Night of Knives - V.E. Schwab - 06/15/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.

💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Four Dead Queens - Astrid Scholte - 08/31/21 - Karelie

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The Riesling Retribution - Ellen Crosby - 06/27/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Written in Starlight - Isabel Ibañez - 08/28/21 - Catalina

💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Szirén - Orsolya Karafiáth - 07/16/21 - Anna

💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
28 Summers - Elin Hilderbrand - 06/14/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Malibu Rising - Taylor Jenkins Reid - 08/19/21 - Mick Riva

💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.

💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Nessy's Locket - A.W. Exley - 07/14/21 - Nate Lyons

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.

💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
Az áruló - Duncan Shelley - 06/21/21

💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Lost Sisters - Holly Black - 06/07/21

💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.

💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith - 08/03/21

💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
Fortunately, the Milk - Neil Gaiman - 06/01/21

message 24: by Dita (last edited Jan 03, 2022 02:32PM) (new)

Dita | 159 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: June 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Finished with only 5 done :(

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks


💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater 02.11.21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" - Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo 28.12.21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man. - Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo 25.12.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. (Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. - The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater 29.10.21

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater 31.12.21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words.)

message 25: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Welcome Grace, Carolyn, Beth, SANDYE, Chelsea, Maven, Ferenc, and Dita

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

26.05.21- 26.11.21
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Eleanor marsden in The prince of rags and patches - Terry deary 14.06.21
The Prince of Rags and Patches
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
The scarecrow - #2 jack mcevoy Michael Connelly 06.06.21
The Scarecrow

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. The Knight of Stars and Storms
The Knight of Stars and Storms - Terry Deary 03.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.Next Victim
Next victim - Helen h durrant 03.06.21
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
The doll factory Elizabeth macneal 16.06.21 The Doll Factory
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. How to Fall in Love Again: Kitty’s Story
How to fall in love again - Amanda prowse 05.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake.
Killing Kate Alex lake 29.05.21 Killing Kate

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Seven days Alex lake 28.05.21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Olive, again - #2 olive kitteridge Elizabeth strout 16.06.21
Seven DaysOlive, Again

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Kiss of Death Malcolm Rose 04.06.21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
The half sister Sandie jones 27.05.21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The last lie Alex lake 27.05.21
The Kiss of DeathThe Half SisterThe Last Lie
💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self.
Abandoned Anya Peters 02.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
the festival Sarah j Naughton 01.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
The spotted dog - Kerry greenwood 03.06.21
AbandonedThe FestivalThe Spotted Dog

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
The pact Amy heydenrych 08.06.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
The butler’s babies Vivien Head 08.06.21
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Rainwater Sandra brown 06.06.21
The Pactthe butler's babiesRainwater

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
Tilt Mary Hoffman 07.06.21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Where the shadows lie Michael Ridpath 07.06.21
TiltWhere the Shadows Lie

message 27: by Melanie (last edited Sep 28, 2021 04:50PM) (new)

Melanie Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing.
Challenge duration:
18 June – 18 December 2021.

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor.
The Bus on Thursday by Shirley Barrett The Bus on Thursday - Shirley Barrett - 7/17/2021

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
The Truth About Her by Jacqueline Maley The Truth About Her - Jacqueline Maley - 7/11/2021
How it fits: MC takes her son away on holidays with her mum and dad.

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty Nine Perfect Strangers - Liane Moriarty - 9/21/2021
How it fits: Maria Dmitrichenko goes by Masha.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
First They Killed My Father A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers by Loung Ung First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers - Loung Ung - 22/6/2021
How it fits: When the city people flee to the villages, there is certainly different rules for the Base villagers (original occupants of the village) and the new arrivals. This includes distribution of food, work tasks etc.

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum, #18) by Janet Evanovich Explosive Eighteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/23/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
His Kidnapper's Shoes by Maggie James His Kidnapper's Shoes - Maggie James - 8/9/2021
How it fits: Katie is a doctor.

💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier My Sister Rosa - Justine Larbalestier - 7/2/2021
How it fits: Rosa doesn't take responsibility for her own actions, she pins the blame onto others.

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
One Secret Summer by Lesley Lokko One Secret Summer - Lesley Lokko - 8/29/2021
How it fits: Aaron is condescending.

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, #2) by Ann Brashares The Second Summer of the Sisterhood - Ann Brashares - 9/28/2021
How it fits: Book 2 in the Sisterhood series.

💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Anastasia by Colin Falconer Anastasia - Colin Falconer - 7/24/2021
How it fits: Anastasia steals money from Michael's wallet.

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
I Invited Her In by Adele Parks I Invited Her In - Adele Parks - 8/14/2021
How it fits: Abi seduces Mel's son in revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, #1) by Ann Brashares Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares - 7/4/2021
How it fits: Bridget (Bee.)

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Fearless Fourteen (Stephanie Plum, #14) by Janet Evanovich Fearless Fourteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/4/2021
How it fits: Ranger.

💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
To the Nines (Stephanie Plum, #9) by Janet Evanovich To the Nines - Janet Evanovich - 19/10/2021
How it fits: Stephanie is a play toy for the Carnation Killer. Many times he could kill her but he sedates her and leaves messages for her.

💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Red Notice (Tom Buckingham, #1) by Andy McNab Red Notice - Andy McNab - 9/18/2021
How it fits: Tom is tough on the outside as an SAS trained soldier but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Girl Divided by Willow Rose Girl Divided - Willow Rose - 7/31/2021
How it fits: Lo used MC as a weapon.

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Secret Daughter by Kelly Rimmer The Secret Daughter - Kelly Rimmer - 6/30/2021
How it fits: Megan tells MC Sabine the truth about the adoption against her husband's wishes.

💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore The Radium Girls - Kate Moore - 9/11/2021
How it fits: The Radium Girls feel let down by Mr Reed who lies in court about the radium.

💕 Read a book where a character gets given a check.
Turbo Twenty-Three A fast-paced adventure full of murder, mystery and mayhem by Janet Evanovich Turbo Twenty-Three - Janet Evanovich - 9/8/2021
How it fits: MC Stephanie gets a check for bringing in the FTA.

💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro - 8/21/2021
How it fits: Ruby admits she was wrong not to encourage Kathy and Tommy as a couple way back when.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott Five Feet Apart - Rachael Lippincott - 7/30/2021
How it fits: Stella teaches Will about the medication for Cystic Fibrosis and Will teaches Stella how to really live life.

message 28: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats DenXXX and welcome Melanie

message 29: by Shash (last edited Jun 21, 2021 06:08PM) (new)

Shash | 2714 comments Finished! :)

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 27, 2021 - November 26, 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

21/20+ Tasks Completed

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Rescue a Stubborn Heart by Cindy Roland Anderson (6/15/21) - Linda
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Her Loyal Bodyguard by Laura Ann (5/31/21)
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden (5/28/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
The Twelve Holidates by Emma St. Clair (6/13/21)

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
Second First Kiss by Jennifer Griffith (5/30/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
Falling for Your Fake Fiancé by Emma St. Clair (6/12/21)

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Falling for Your Best Friend's Twin by Emma St. Clair (6/9/21)
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair (6/10/21) - Love Clichés
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The Lady and the Highwayman by Sarah M. Eden (6/10/21)

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Wager for a Wife by Karen Tuft (6/16/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Romancing the Treasure by Cami Checketts (6/17/21)
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
A Man Worth Shaving For by Michelle Pennington (6/6/21)

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Romancing the Boat by Cami Checketts (6/20/21)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Her Broken Bodyguard by Laura Ann (6/2/21)

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Not Forgotten by Elizabeth Johns (6/5/21)
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
First Kiss Train Wreck by Michelle Pennington (6/7/21)
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Give Me One Good Reason by Michelle Pennington (6/8/21)
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Romancing the Escape by Cami Checketts (6/19/21)
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Bound and Determined by Regina Jennings (5/29/21)
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Oh, Keep Your Shirt On by Michelle Pennington (6/7/21)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
One Tiny Lie by Jennifer Youngblood (6/4/21)

message 30: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Shash

message 31: by Kim (new)

Kim (kmyers) | 438 comments RETRO MOVIE – DIRTY DANCING
26.05.21- 26.11.21
Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks
Completed 6.23.21

1. 💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
Murder in the Secret Garden. Ellery Adams. 6.7.21

2. 💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Lost Lake. Sarah Addison Allen. 6.17.21
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. Eudora goes by Dora
A Lowcountry Wedding. Mary Alice Monroe. 5.26.21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's. 1968
Red Sky at Morning. Richard Bradford. 6.5.21

3. 💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie.
Better Late Than Never. Jenn McKinlay. 6.12.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
A Virgin River Christmas. Robyn Carr. 6.6.21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation). - LOKI
Norse Mythology. Neil Gaiman. 6.10.21

4. 💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Like Water for Chocolate. Laura Esquivel. 6.21.21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Spell or High Water. Scott Meyer. 6.22.21

5 💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
The Ritual Bath. Faye Kellerman. 6.11.21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Dial A for Aunties. Jesse Q. Sutanto. 6.8.21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
New Mercies. Sandra Dallas. 6.5.21

6. 💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation). Marilla of Green Gables. Sarah McCoy. 6.17.21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Sold on a Monday. Kristina McMorris. 6.3.21

7. 💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
The Whole Town's Talking. Fannie Flagg. 6.9.21

8. 💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
The Pearl Thief. Elizabeth Wein. 6.15.21
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)
The Girl Who Chased the Moon. Sarah Addison Allen. 6.10.21

9. 💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Printed Letter Bookshop. Katherine Reay. 6.15.21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Lilac Lane. Sherryl Woods. 6.13.21

10. 💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
Women in Sunlight. Frances Mayes. 6.21.21
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
The Children's Blizzard. Melanie Benjamin. 6.14.21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.
The Christmas Angel Project. Melody Carlson. 6.23.21

11. 💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
How to Write a Mystery: A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America. Lee Child. 6.2.21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Life Among the Savages. Shirley Jackson. 6.22.21

message 32: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Kim

message 33: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2231 comments Finished 26

June 1, 2021-Dec. 31, 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks
26 tasks done

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Dr. Eleanor runs the vet clinic where Bonnie works as a groomer-Kid-Napped Susan Harper 6/20/21
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
Arlington, VA-Cooking Up Murder Miranda Bliss 6/7/21
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Teddie-Deadly Delights Laura Jensen Walker 6/7/21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian
Vivian Tillett-Post Mortem Tonya Kappes 6/17/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
Dr. Eddie Gale-Gunshots at the Gala Susan Harper 6/6/21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).<?b>
Roxy-Used for Murder Heidi Buck 6/4/21

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Felix-Donuts and Disaster Amber Crewes 6/3/21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
#2 Booklovers B&B-Reserved for Murder Victoria Gilbert 6/9/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Tragic Toppings Jessica Beck 6/8/21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Ruby Red Herring Tracy Gardner 6/2/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Toasts of Murder Patti Benning 6/8/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Shell comes into who she is post-actress career-The Time for Murder Is Meow T.C. LoTempio 6/10/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Spilled Milk Melinda Craig 6/9/21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
Killer Comfort Food Lynn Cahoon 6/11/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Jack Irvin-Cookies and Buried Secrets Amber Crewes 6/1/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
A Glimmer of a Clue Daryl Wood Gerber 6/18/21
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Aunt Rita-Murderoni and Cheese Rosie A. Point 6/12/21

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Inn Over Her Head Dixie Davis 6/5/21
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)
The Sweet Smell of Murder Cindy Bell 6/16/21

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
Chocolate Chills Rosie A. Point 6/13/21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Hot Chocolate and Cold Bodies Amber Crewes 6/16/21
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.
Eclairs and Lethal Layers Amber Crewes 6/13/21

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Caramel Apple Murder Rosie A. Point 6/14/21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.
Finger Foods and Missing Legs Amber Crewes 6/15/21 (Meghan at the convention ball)

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
A Pumpkin Spice Killing Lynn Cahoon 6/14/21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Ice Cream and Guilty Pleasures Amber Crewes 6/17/21
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 34: by Tammie (last edited Jul 22, 2021 05:42PM) (new)

Tammie | 571 comments Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.
Read: 21

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.
Mort, Terry Pratchett ★★★★ 6/27

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation. - Honeymoon
Freed, E.L. James ★★★★ 7/9
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. - Santa
Miss Frost Braves the Blizzard, Kristen Painter ★★★★ 7/20
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. Humans/Brotherhood
Lover Unveiled, J.R. Ward ★★★★ 6/27
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. - vet, Jillian
Olive Oil and White Bread, Georgia Beers ★★★★ 7/3
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. - Miles
Sorry Not Sorry, Sophie Ranald ★★★★ 7/4

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. - Damon
Under the Boardwalk, Carly Phillips ★★★ 6/29

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Olive, Again, Elizabeth Strout ★★★★ 7/2
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Born in Death, J.D. Robb ★★★★ 7/13
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - jewels
Miss Frost Cracks A Caper, Kristen Painter ★★★★ 7/11
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Night Smoke, Nora Roberts ★★★★ 6/28

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Who, What, Where, When, Die, Amanda M. Lee ★★★ 7/10
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. - Troth (in the beginning)
The China Bride, Mary Jo Putney ★★★★ 7/7
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Bad Husband, Elise Faber ★★★ 6/30
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used. - Dean
Match Me If You Can, Susan Elizabeth Phillips ★★★★ 7/15
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. - Freddie
Fatal Consequences, Marie Force ★★★★★ 7/6
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. - Adrian
Legacy, Nora Roberts ★★★★ 7/17
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. - May
Murder of a Needled Knitter, Denise Swanson ★★★★ 7/6

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. - Sam
Fatal Destiny, Marie Force ★★★★ 7/7

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Skip
Fatal Flaw, Marie Force ★★★★ 7/18
💕Read a book that lifts you up. - MPG Christian
An August Bride, Debra Clopton ★★★ 7/16
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )


message 35: by Grace (new)

Grace | 1650 comments Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 28, 2021-November 27, 2021
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks
Read: 11

💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia-The Baby Shift: Virginia-Becca Fanning 6/25

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname- Bat and the Waiting Game-Elana K. Arnold 6/8

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining- BTOOOM! 16-Junya Inoue 6/6

💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor- One Piece, Volume 59: The Death of Portgaz D. Ace-Eiichiro Oda 6/24

💕 Read a book that is second in the series- GIGANT 2-Hiroya Oku 6/7

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge- Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 11-Makoto Yukimura 6/3

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation)- Robofight: E-Boy 2-Anh Do 6/4
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared- Fly Free: Skydragon 2-Anh Do 5/29
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"- Lovesickness-Junji Ito 6/8

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man- Full Moon-Rachel Hawthorne 6/11

💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)- クーロンズ・ボール・パレード 1 Kowloon's Ball Parade 1 -Mikiyasu Kamada 6/7

message 36: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
May 27, 2021-June 29, 2021
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.
Read: 23

💕 Read a book with a character called Linda.

Beneath the Scars Cherise Sinclair 6/7/21
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina.
Big Lies in a Small Town Diane Chamberlain 5/30/21
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
MC's name is Dandelion but goes by Dani. Petal Plucker Iris Morland 6/23/21
💕 Read a book set in the 60's.
The Hideaway Lauren K. Denton 6/11/21 1/2 of the story is set in the 60s.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
The Shameless Hour Sarina Bowen 6/8/21
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Vivian.

The Southern Side of Paradise Kristy Woodson Harvey 6/2/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
Mischief and the Masters Cherise Sinclair 6/4/21
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake.
Tempt Me Carly Phillips 6/26/21

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.

The Fifteenth Minute Sarina Bowen 6/8/21
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Secret to Southern Charm Kristy Woodson Harvey 5/31/21 (Peachtree Bluff #2)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.

Fatal Affair Marie Force 6/5/21
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Silver Girl Elin Hilderbrand 5/29/21
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Oopsie Daisy Iris Morland 6/24/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
What You Wish For Katherine Center 6/18/21
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.

Brooklynaire Sarina Bowen 6/10/21
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Love for Beginners Jill Shalvis 6/15/21

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.

The Stolen Marriage Diane Chamberlain 6/6/21
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.

Hard Hitter Sarina Bowen 6/9/21
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
Where the Crawdads Sing Delia Owens 6/6/21
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character is given a check.

Pipe Dreams Sarina Bowen 6/9/21
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Redemption David Baldacci 6/17/21
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.
Lavender Beach Vickie McKeehan 6/29/21

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.

A Family Affair: Fall Mary Campisi 6/21/21
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words.

message 37: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (lexi_liese) | 384 comments Finished!

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: June 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Baby: 3 - 10 tasks
Johnny: 11- 19 tasks
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

Completed: 21/20+
💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. - Bookplate Special by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/22/2021
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's. - Wonderment in Death by J.D. Robb - Completed: 6/7/2021 (Since the century wasn't specified, I took the liberty to include this book set in 2061)

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. - The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman - Completed: 6/7/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation). - The Maidens by Alex Michaelides - Completed: 6/28/2021 (Interpretation is a spoiler to the book (view spoiler))

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. - I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara - Completed: 6/5/2021
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. - Bookmarked for Death by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/10/2021 (Booktown Mystery #2)
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another. - Read and Gone by Allison Brook - Completed: 6/16/2021
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - Completed: 6/9/2021
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. - Death by Chocolate Malted Milkshake by Sarah Graves - Completed: 6/4/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation). - Me by Elton John - Completed: 6/16/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. - The Chain by Adrian McKinty - Completed: 6/20/2021
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" - Buried in the Stacks by Allison Brook - Completed: 6/25/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man. - Body on the Bayou by Ellen Byron - Completed: 6/21/2021
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person. - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz - Completed: 6/8/2021
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used. - Impostor Syndrome by Kathy Wang - Completed: 6/15/2021
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) - Montana Sky by Nora Roberts - Completed: 6/8/2021

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. - The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah - Completed: 6/4/2021
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. - Normal People by Sally Rooney - Completed: 6/23/2021

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check. - Chapter and Hearse by Lorna Barrett - Completed: 6/22/2021
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Who Moved My Goat Cheese? by Lynn Cahoon - Completed: 6/1/2021
💕 Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) - The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune - Completed: 6/13/2021 (Uplifting read)
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )

message 38: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Tari, Grace, JoAnne and Lex. Welcome Tammie

message 39: by Tammie (last edited Jul 22, 2021 06:02PM) (new)

Tammie | 571 comments Finished!

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.
Read: 21

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.
Mort, Terry Pratchett ★★★★ 6/27

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation. - Honeymoon
Freed, E.L. James ★★★★ 7/9
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. - Santa
Miss Frost Braves the Blizzard, Kristen Painter ★★★★ 7/20
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. Humans/Brotherhood
Lover Unveiled, J.R. Ward ★★★★ 6/27
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. - vet, Jillian
Olive Oil and White Bread, Georgia Beers ★★★★ 7/3
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. - Miles
Sorry Not Sorry, Sophie Ranald ★★★★ 7/4

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. - Damon
Under the Boardwalk, Carly Phillips ★★★ 6/29

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Olive, Again, Elizabeth Strout ★★★★ 7/2
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Born in Death, J.D. Robb ★★★★ 7/13
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. - jewels
Miss Frost Cracks A Caper, Kristen Painter ★★★★ 7/11
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
Night Smoke, Nora Roberts ★★★★ 6/28

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Who, What, Where, When, Die, Amanda M. Lee ★★★ 7/10
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. - Troth (in the beginning)
The China Bride, Mary Jo Putney ★★★★ 7/7
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Bad Husband, Elise Faber ★★★ 6/30
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used. - Dean
Match Me If You Can, Susan Elizabeth Phillips ★★★★ 7/15
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation)

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth. - Freddie
Fatal Consequences, Marie Force ★★★★★ 7/6
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. - Adrian
Legacy, Nora Roberts ★★★★ 7/17
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. - May
Murder of a Needled Knitter, Denise Swanson ★★★★ 7/6

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. - Sam
Fatal Destiny, Marie Force ★★★★ 7/7

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something. - Skip
Fatal Flaw, Marie Force ★★★★ 7/18
💕Read a book that lifts you up. - MPG Christian
An August Bride, Debra Clopton ★★★ 7/16
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )


message 40: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Tammie

message 41: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 618 comments Finished

Duration: Six months from your start date.
*No page minimum.
Baby: 3 - 10 tasks / Johnny: 11- 19 tasks / Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks


💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
Royal Witches: Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England by Gemma Hollman read 6/4/21 Eleanor Cobham
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia Ink and Shadows by Ellery Adams read 7/11/21 set in Miracle Springs, North Carolina
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s. The Ritual Bath by Faye Kellerman read 7/13/21 pub 5/30/1986

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen read 6/10/21 Georgie and here family go to Nice for a vacation.
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname. Royal Blood by Rhys Bowen read 6/9/21 Princess Maria Theresa went by Matty with her school friends.
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick read 6/21/21 set in 1962

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
The Royal Sorceress by Christopher G. Nuttall read 6/7/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston read 6/3/21 Alex graduates from college in the book
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining. Dear Coca-Cola by Terry Ravenscroft read 6/12/21 I found the letters and responses funny

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton read 6/9/21 Eli's dad is Robbie Bell
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor. The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan read 6/17/21 Phil (Pearl's husband) is a doctor
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation). Royal Flush by Rhys Bowen read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending. The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book that is second in the series. Wind Chime Point by Sherryl Woods read 7/24/21 Ocean Breeze #2
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard. The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood by Jane Leavy read 7/19/21 In 1947 Mickey Mantle got a job as a lifeguard even though he could not swim.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
Heirs and Graces by Rhys Bowen read 6/20/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where someone steals something. The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge. Cheddar Off Dead by Julia Buckley read 6/4/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
The Removed by Brandon Hobson read 6/6/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared. Salt Houses by Hala Alyan read 6/11/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love" Pudding Up With Murder by Julia Buckley read 6/4/21 Serafina and Cam

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
The Twelve Clues of Christmas by Rhys Bowen read 6/12/21 "Girls like that would be more willing to talk to a handsome man"-Darcy
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person. Gild by Raven Kennedy read 6/16/21 All the saddles are play things for the King.
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside. The Royal Bodyguard by Lindsay Emory read 6/7/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
The Push by Ashley Audrain read 6/10/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women. Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison read 6/14/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good. ( Your interpretation) Devil and the Bluebird by Jennifer Mason-Black read 6/1/21 Page 3 "She smelled like…like honey cooked hot on the stove and oranges about to turn to badness-and something more, the faintest whiff of something familiar and forgotten"

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen read 6/5/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down. Firefly Cloak by Sheri Reynolds read 6/11/21 (view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite. The Big Chili by Julia Buckley read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
Murder Past Due by Miranda James read 6/11/21(view spoiler)
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides read 6/8/21 Diomedes Page 261 "You were right. And I was wrong."
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful. Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery read 6/17/21 Page 4 "and thought how beautiful Ruby had looked that night,"

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett read 6/3/21 (view spoiler)
💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.) Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie by Barbara Goldsmith read 6/15/21 Marie's passion for science is inspiring
💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. ) File M for Murder by Miranda James read 7/4/21

message 42: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Carolyn.

message 43: by Beth (new)

Beth | 331 comments Calling this finished at 20. :)

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
June – November 2021

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks

20 completed

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
At Mrs Lippincote's by Elizabeth Taylor (Eleanor) - 6/19 ★★★
💕 Read a book set in North Carolina or Virginia.
💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
Wisteria Cottage by Robert M. Coates - 7/15 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth (Sandy) - 7/15 ★★★★★
💕 Read a book set in the 60's or published in the 60's.
The Rest of the Robots by Isaac Asimov (published in the 60's) - 6/11 ★★★★

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters.
Wayward by Blake Crouch - 7/2 ★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is in college.
💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish by Joseph J. Keenan - 6/6 ★★★★★

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande - 7/28 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
Lucia in London by E.F. Benson - 8/16 ★★★★
💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi (Old Man's War #2) - 6/8 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is a lifeguard.

💕 Read a book where a character alibis another.
💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
The Man Who Japed by Philip K. Dick (view spoiler) - 6/12 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self.
Freaks I've Met by Donald Jans - 6/3 ★
💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Beacon 23 by Hugh Howey - 8/11 ★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love."
Return to Peyton Place by Grace Metalious - 8/7 ★★★★

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Angel by Elizabeth Taylor (Esme is handsome) - 6/10 ★★★★★
💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks - 6/25 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
High-Rise by J.G. Ballard - 8/19 ★★★
💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo - 8/15 ★★
💕 Read a book where a woman smells good.

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard - 7/29 ★★★★
💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
💕 Read a book where a character is a hypocrite.

💕 Read a book where a character tears up a check or gets given a check.
💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
💕 Read a book where someone looks wonderful.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Old Baggage by Lissa Evans - 8/5 ★★★
💕 Read a book that lifts you up.
💕 Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany - 7/3 ★★★

message 44: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Beth

message 45: by Ferenc (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments Finished!

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing
Duration: 6/1/21 - 11/30/21

Goal: 21/20+
Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor, Linda, or Emile.
The Paris Library - Janet Skeslien Charles - 07/09/21 - Eleanor Carlson

💕 Read a book set in North Carolina
Only Mostly Devastated - Sophie Gonzales - 06/23/21

💕 Read a book published in the 1980s.
Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov - 07/30/21 - 1982

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Uncanny X-Men: Wolverine and Cyclops, Vol. 2 - Matthew Rosenberg - 06/27/21 - Scott Summers, Cyclops

💕 Read a book published in the 60's.
Éjszaka Lisszabonban - Erich Maria Remarque - 07/30/21 - 1962

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
To Be Honest - Michael Leviton - 06/10/21

💕 Read a book with a character called Robbie, Neil or Vivian.
Golden Girl - Elin Hilderbrand - 08/25/21 - Vivian Howe

💕 Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
The Exiles - Christina Baker Kline - 07/25/21 - Dr. Dunne

💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
The Rose Code - Kate Quinn - 07/22/21 - Beth Finch

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
Shades of Magic Vol. 2: Night of Knives - V.E. Schwab - 06/15/21

💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Four Dead Queens - Astrid Scholte - 08/31/21 - Karelie

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
The Riesling Retribution - Ellen Crosby - 06/27/21

💕 Read a book with a character who develops their own sense of self. (Your interpretation).
Written in Starlight - Isabel Ibañez - 08/28/21 - Catalina

💕 Read a book with a character who is scared.
Szirén - Orsolya Karafiáth - 07/16/21 - Anna

💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
28 Summers - Elin Hilderbrand - 06/14/21

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Malibu Rising - Taylor Jenkins Reid - 08/19/21 - Mick Riva

💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Nessy's Locket - A.W. Exley - 07/14/21 - Nate Lyons

💕 Read a book where a character sleeps with a lot of women.
Az áruló - Duncan Shelley - 06/21/21

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Lost Sisters - Holly Black - 06/07/21

💕Read a book that lifts you up. (Your interpretation.)
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith - 08/03/21

💕Read a book that each title word is in TIME OF MY LIFE. (Must be minimum of three words. )
Fortunately, the Milk - Neil Gaiman - 06/01/21

message 46: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Ferenc

message 47: by Melanie (new)

Melanie COMPLETION POST - 21 tasks.

Retro Movie: Dirty Dancing.
Challenge duration:
18 June – 18 December 2021.

Johnny & Baby: 20 or more tasks.

💕 Read a book with a character called Eleanor.
The Bus on Thursday by Shirley Barrett The Bus on Thursday - Shirley Barrett - 7/17/2021

💕 Read a book where a family goes on vacation.
The Truth About Her by Jacqueline Maley The Truth About Her - Jacqueline Maley - 7/11/2021
How it fits: MC takes her son away on holidays with her mum and dad.

💕 Read a book where a character goes by a nickname.
Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty Nine Perfect Strangers - Liane Moriarty - 9/21/2021
How it fits: Maria Dmitrichenko goes by Masha.

💕 Read a book where there are two sets of rules for different characters. (Your interpretation)
First They Killed My Father A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers by Loung Ung First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers - Loung Ung - 22/6/2021
How it fits: When the city people flee to the villages, there is certainly different rules for the Base villagers (original occupants of the village) and the new arrivals. This includes distribution of food, work tasks etc.

💕 Read a book that you find entertaining.
Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum, #18) by Janet Evanovich Explosive Eighteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/23/2021

💕 Read a book with a character who is in med school or who is a doctor.
His Kidnapper's Shoes by Maggie James His Kidnapper's Shoes - Maggie James - 8/9/2021
How it fits: Katie is a doctor.

💕 Read a book with a character who refuses to take responsibility for their mistake. (Your interpretation).
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier My Sister Rosa - Justine Larbalestier - 7/2/2021
How it fits: Rosa doesn't take responsibility for her own actions, she pins the blame onto others.

💕 Read a book where a character is smug and condescending.
One Secret Summer by Lesley Lokko One Secret Summer - Lesley Lokko - 8/29/2021
How it fits: Aaron is condescending.

💕 Read a book that is second in the series.
The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, #2) by Ann Brashares The Second Summer of the Sisterhood - Ann Brashares - 9/28/2021
How it fits: Book 2 in the Sisterhood series.

💕 Read a book where someone steals something.
Anastasia by Colin Falconer Anastasia - Colin Falconer - 7/24/2021
How it fits: Anastasia steals money from Michael's wallet.

💕 Read a book where a scorned character decides to take revenge.
I Invited Her In by Adele Parks I Invited Her In - Adele Parks - 8/14/2021
How it fits: Abi seduces Mel's son in revenge.

💕 Read a book with a character "crazy in love"
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, #1) by Ann Brashares Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares - 7/4/2021
How it fits: Bridget (Bee.)

💕 Read a book with a character who is a handsome man.
Fearless Fourteen (Stephanie Plum, #14) by Janet Evanovich Fearless Fourteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/4/2021
How it fits: Ranger.

💕 Read a book with a character who is a play toy for another person.
To the Nines (Stephanie Plum, #9) by Janet Evanovich To the Nines - Janet Evanovich - 19/10/2021
How it fits: Stephanie is a play toy for the Carnation Killer. Many times he could kill her but he sedates her and leaves messages for her.

💕 Read a book where a character is tough on the outside but sweet on the inside.
Red Notice (Tom Buckingham, #1) by Andy McNab Red Notice - Andy McNab - 9/18/2021
How it fits: Tom is tough on the outside as an SAS trained soldier but sweet on the inside.

💕 Read a book where a character is being used.
Girl Divided by Willow Rose Girl Divided - Willow Rose - 7/31/2021
How it fits: Lo used MC as a weapon.

💕 Read a book where a character tells the truth.
The Secret Daughter by Kelly Rimmer The Secret Daughter - Kelly Rimmer - 6/30/2021
How it fits: Megan tells MC Sabine the truth about the adoption against her husband's wishes.

💕 Read a book where a character feels let down.
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore The Radium Girls - Kate Moore - 9/11/2021
How it fits: The Radium Girls feel let down by Mr Reed who lies in court about the radium.

💕 Read a book where a character gets given a check.
Turbo Twenty-Three A fast-paced adventure full of murder, mystery and mayhem by Janet Evanovich Turbo Twenty-Three - Janet Evanovich - 9/8/2021
How it fits: MC Stephanie gets a check for bringing in the FTA.

💕 Read a book where a character admits they are wrong.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro - 8/21/2021
How it fits: Ruby admits she was wrong not to encourage Kathy and Tommy as a couple way back when.

💕 Read a book where a character teaches someone something.
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott Five Feet Apart - Rachael Lippincott - 7/30/2021
How it fits: Stella teaches Will about the medication for Cystic Fibrosis and Will teaches Stella how to really live life.

message 48: by Melanie (new)

Melanie Am I allowed to do this challenge again to get the separate Baby and Johnny badges?

message 49: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Melanie wrote: "Am I allowed to do this challenge again to get the separate Baby and Johnny badges?"

You can do it as many times as you would like. Just repost it and I will link you again.

message 50: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8544 comments Mod
Congrats Melanie.

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