Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

The Bachelor Challenge Archive > The BTC7 - Bored with the Rings (10)

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message 1: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 14, 2021 02:05PM) (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹

Team 10 Members:

✓ Captain - Hazel

Bastet Reads(Private)

message 2: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹

The dates will begin on Saturdays at 6 PM EST, at that time the task for each date will be announced. Books must be completed and posted by the following Friday at Midnight EST, except when on your 'Romantic Getaway' when you will have until the second Friday. (Dates 1 & 2 will have different start/end dates to deal with the holidays. See post in the sign up thread.) Roses will be awarded before the next date begins. Each date we will be working towards spelling out B-A-C-H-E-L-O-R. The tasks for each letter will be posted in advance, but you will not know which task will be used until the date begins.

Roses are earned by:
🌹 The First Rose 🌹 Teams earn this rose by reading 4 books fitting the task during the date. (One rose possible per team per date.)
Bonus roses may be earned by:
🌹 Speed Dating Rose 🌹 The team that has 4 members finishing 4 books (1 each) and posts in the Q&A/Announcement thread first wins this bonus rose. Note, posting is required to earn this rose. (One rose possible per date.)
🌹 Team Dating Roses 🌹 Teams with each member completing the task (with a minimum of 6 books read) earn 3 additional roses. (Three roses possible per team per date.)
🌹 Serial Dating Rose 🌹 For every multiple of 8 books read, teams will earn a rose. So 8 books is one rose, 16 books is 2 roses, 24 books is 3 roses and so on. (Number of roses will vary each date, maximum of 7 per team per date.)
🌹 Multiple Date Rose 🌹 The player who reads the most books for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Longest Date Rose 🌹 The player that reads the longest book for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. Please note that boxed sets will NOT be counted towards this rose! (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Page Turner Rose 🌹 The team that reads the most combined pages for the date, first edition Kindle only for page count, earns this bonus rose. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Scavenger Hunt Rose 🌹This special rose is earned by finding a book that fits each rule for the letter the date represents, for example B is for Backcountry (rural setting), Black (black cover), Bogeyman (PNR) and Brag (nominated for or won an award). After posting your completion, post in the Scavenger Hunt thread to claim the book. Both posts, in your team thread and the Scavenger Hunt thread, should list the qualifications for each task, i.e. be identical. This rose may be earned multiple times per date but only once per book. The first person to post each book claims the rose for that book. (Number of roses available per date will vary, maximum of 7 per person per date.)

Teams will not be eliminated even if they earn no roses, they will have a chance to catch up by earning additional roses on other dates. Players will be eliminated if they do not complete the task on two consecutive dates. Eliminated players will not be replaced. Remember, players are allowed to read multiple books for a given date in order to earn bonuses and/or to make up for teammates who do not read their book or who have been eliminated.

message 3: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments ❤️ Information required when posting your completion/s: ❤️

❤️ Date Task
❤️ Book/cover link
❤️ Page numbers with source **We are using the GR Kindle first edition page count ONLY, if available. Ebook page count will be acceptable if no Kindle page count available. If GR doesn't have a page count listed, please link to the Amazon Kindle book with a page count.**
❤️ How book qualified, with links or cover as necessary. Links required for lists, tags and other editions.
❤️ Dated Completed with Rating.
❤️ If this is your second (or more) book for the task, also include that information.

Please include only this information. A small review may be included if desired, but is not required. No other discussion allowed though.

❤️You will need make a new post for your completions.❤️ If you update a prior post, i.e., if you saved posts for your completions, they will be missed when I do the accounting for each date. Make sure your books count - make a new post!

❤️Remember to use the first edition Kindle page count only!❤️ If your page count comes from a Kindle edition published on the initial publication date on the editions page, it will count. If your page count comes from a Kindle edition labeled '1st edition', it will count. If your page count comes from the earliest dated English language Kindle edition, it will count. I am looking for one of those three things when confirming your books! As long the page count you list is correct, I will accept any link to the book.

❤️If corrections are requested, REPOSTS ARE REQUIRED!❤️ If I request a correction for a page count or qualifier for example, you must repost your Completion Post or your book will not be counted!

Although you will not need to make selection posts like in the PtP, your teammates might like ideas for what to read so sharing what you are reading could be very helpful. If you choose to make selections posts, make sure they are clearly identified as such. If you have any question if your book qualifies, it would be better to find out before you read it - ask your teammates or in the Q&A/Announcement thread.

DO NOT DELETE COMMENTS OR POSTS! Even if your book doesn't qualify or you are asked for corrections, do not delete your comment. Deleted comments will confuse the tracking and may lead to books being missed! If you wish, you may strike through your comment using < s > ... < /s > without the spaces, but do not delete the comment or post!

message 4: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹

Books must be 90 pages and MPG Romance. Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or similar is acceptable, but it must be romance. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS on the MPG Romance rule. We will be using the English language first edition Kindle page count ONLY for this challenge. Audiobooks and rereads are ok. Abridged audiobooks are NOT ALLOWED for this challenge. Books can only be read once per person during the challenge even if it fits multiple categories. Once the task for the date is announced, you may not tag a book so that it fits or edit any lists - this must be done before the date begins.

MPG = Main Page Genre:
On the main page of the book on the right hand side there is a section that says "Genres". Anything listed under that section is counted as an MPG.

MPG Romance = Main Page Genre Romance:
In the "Genres" section described above, there must be 'Romance". It could be Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or MM Romance, but it has to have 'Romance' listed.

message 5: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments ❤️ Completion Posts ❤️

When making your completion posts, remember you must include how the book/s qualify. If the task states, for example (and this is just an example!):

A is for Athlete - Read a sports romance, qualification from the title, précis, list or tags.

Saying 'the hero is a runner' or 'MC is an athlete' doesn't qualify the book. Using 'précis states that hero is a football player' or 'tagged sports by 7 people' does qualify the book. Remember that links are required for lists, tags and different editions.

Also, when using the cover as the qualifier, post the cover image in your completion.

Please remember that all tags/lists must qualify IN CONTEXT!! Links MUST be provided.

Remember, books can NOT be tagged or added to lists after the date begins!

Also, books can NOT be started before the date begins!

Don't make more work for yourself than necessary - if the qualifier is in the title or on the cover, use it! You don't have to go searching for tags to make it work. 😊 If the link you use for the book is the same you are using for the page count and edition - say so (see above edition or something similar)! That saves us all some steps. But please double check your links!

You may use separate editions of your Scavenger Hunt books to qualify for the different tasks. Links MUST be provided.

message 6: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to read at least ONE book a week. Confirm that you understand the books you choose are required to be MPG Romance and a minimum of 90 p. using the first edition Kindle page count as well as fit the requirement for the current date task. Also please verify that you understand that this is a team challenge and that your team is counting you to uphold your commitment.


message 7: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹

I will be tracking each team's completions and using the captains' tracking to confirm before awarding roses at the end of each date.

Captains, anything you can do to help is appreciated, particularly with the Longest Date and Page Turner Roses! Simply listing the completions with message number is great though - links are not required, but always appreciated. 😊

message 8: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹

Captains, please reserve a few spaces for tracking.

Introduce yourselves to your teammates. Let then know where you are from, what your interests are in life and in books! Consider friending each other, that makes it easier to follow the goings on.

Your first task as a team is to come up with a team name. The theme this round is Seven Year Itch and your team name should relate to that. Captains, please post your team name in the Q&A thread when you have decided.

message 9: by Hazel (last edited Dec 10, 2021 07:33AM) (new)

message 10: by Hazel (last edited Dec 30, 2021 11:48AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Date 1 - B is for Bitch Rose Tally
🌹 10 🌹
First Rose
Team Dating Roses - 3
Serial Dating Rose - 1
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 5

message 11: by Hazel (last edited Dec 26, 2021 01:35AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments B

B is for Bad - Read a book with an average GR rating under 4.0.
B is for Bigfoot
B is for Bitch - Read a book with a kick-ass heroine.
B is for Butterfly - Read a book initially published in a spring month.

Book 1Fighting DestinyAmelia Hutchins - 453pages SH
Msg no 64
Book 2 Fate BoundMadeline Freeman - 295p SH
Msg no 71
Book 3 When An Alpha PurrsEve Langlais - 188p SH
Msg no 94
Book 4The Trouble With Witches Kristen Painter - 378p SH
Msg no 116
Total Pages read = 1314
Longest book pages = 453

Book 1 The Duke and IJulia Quinn 384 p
Msg no 76
Book 2 Some Girls BiteChloe Neill - 356p SH
Msg no 90
Total Pages read = 740
Longest book pages = 384

Book 1 Twice BittenChloe Neill -372 pages
Msg no 76
Book 2 Burn for Me Ilona Andrews - 406p
Msg no 103
Book 3 Hard Bitten Chloe Neill - 350
Msg no 108
Total Pages read = 1128
Longest book pages = 406

Book 1 Demons in the BedroomLidiya Foxglove 226p SH
Msg no 88
Book 2 True Dead Faith Hunter - 384p
Msg no 114
Total Pages read = 610
Longest book pages = 384

Book 1Alone in the DarkKaren Rose - 716p
Msg no 97
Book 2 No One Left to TellKaren Rose - 543p
Msg no 97
Total Pages read = 1259
Longest book pages = 716

Bastet Reads
Book 1 I WillLisa Kleypas - 96p
Msg no 101
Total Pages read = 96
Longest book pages =96

message 12: by Hazel (last edited Jan 11, 2022 03:41PM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments A

A is for Acorn - Read a book with a distinct tree on cover.
A is for Adjective - Read a book with an adjective in title.
*A is for Alliterate - Read a book with alliteration in title or author’s names.
A is for Ambulance - Read a book featuring a first responder - fire/police/paramedics/EMT/dispatchers.

Book 1: Beautiful Burn Jamie McGuire - 300p SH
Msg no 123
Book 2: Dark Needs at Night's Edge Kresley Cole - 401p
Msg no 142
Book 3: Down and Dirty Kendall Ryan - 320p
Msg no 150
Book 4: Gypsy Freak Kristy Cunning - 270p
Msg no 172
Book 5: Secrets of the World's Worst Matchmaker Piper Rayne - 263
Msg no 180
Book 6: Love Next Door Helena Hunting - 299p
Msg no 181
Book 7: Rushed Aurora Rose Reynolds - 223p
Msg no 185
Book 8: Only One Kiss Natasha Madison - 262
Msg no 203

Book 1:Golden Girl Elin Hilderbrand - 432p
Msg no 135
Book 2: The Duchess Deal Tessa Dare - 389p
Msg no 136
Book 3: Assailants, Asphalt & Alibis Tonya Kappes - 194p
Msg no 137
Book 4: Undead and UnsureMaryJanice Davidson - 177p
Msg no 158
Book 5: The Governess Game Tessa Dare - 385p
Msg no 160
Book 6: The Wallflower Wager Tessa Dare - 384p
Msg no 184
Book 7: Love Next Door Helena Hunting - 299p
Msg no 192
Book 8: A Rogue of One's Own Evie Dunmore - 444p
Msg no 196
Book 9: Going, Going, Ganache Jenn McKinlay - 306
Msg no 202
LONGEST BOOK - A Rogue of One's Own 444p

Book 1: Forever Wilde in Aster Valley Lucy Lennox - 189p
Msg no 125
Book 2: Two-Man Team Amy Aislin - 333p
Msg no 139
Book 3: Hostile Takeover Lucy Lennox - 302p
Msg no 140
Book 4:Moonstruck Madness Laurie McBain 371p
Msg no 155
Book 5: Mobsters and Miracles Lavinia Lewis - 170p
Msg no 161
Book 6: The Play of His Life Amy Aislin - 143p
Msg no 167
Book 7: All Access Karolyn James - 154
Msg no 174
Boook 8: Be Fairy Game Meghan Maslow - 400p
Msg no 199
Book 9: Devoted in Death J.D. Robb - 377
Msg no 205

Book 1: A Cop for Christmas Jamie Fessenden - 114p
Msg no 124
Book 2: One Fine Fae Molly Harper - 106p
Msg no 133
Book 3: Barry the Lonely Reindeer & His Bashful Elf Candi Kay - 148p
Msg no 134
Book 4: Selkies Are a Girl’s Best Friend Molly Harper - 178p
Msg no 151
Book 5: Dylan the Bad Boy Reindeer & His Virtuous Mate Candi Kay - 166p
Msg no 151
Book 6: Secret Santa Kati Wilde - 171p
Msg no 157
Book 7: Luke the Hybrid Reindeer & His Vivacious Elf Candi Kay - 256p
Msg no 166
Book 8: Santa Claus & His Unexpected Mate Candi Kay - 332
Msg no 168
Book 9: Dasher Claws Sable Sylvan - 139p
Msg no 176
Book 10: Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me Luna David - 233p
Msg no 186

Book 1: When Sparks Fly Helena Hunting - 288
Msg no 141
Book 2: Eight Perfect Hours Lia Louis - 333p
Msg no 141
Book 3: The Heart Principle Helen Hoang - 343p
Msg no 188
Book 4: Simmer Down Sarah Smith - 336p
Msg no 188

Bastet Reads
Book 1: Dangerous in DiamondsMadeline Hunter - 368p
Msg no 129
Book 2: Wicked in Winter Scarlett Scott - 172p
Msg no 132
Book 3: Masquerading the Marquess Anne Mallory - 384p
Msg no 144
Book 4: Wedded in Winter Scarlett Scott - 120
Msg no 145
Book 5: Maverick Lora Leigh - 368p
Msg no 178

message 13: by Hazel (last edited Jan 16, 2022 07:06AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments C

C is for Cat - Read a book featuring shifters.
C is for Celebrate - Read a book with a birthday, wedding, or some other celebration or party.
C is for Class - Read a book with formal wear on cover.
**C is for Crave - Read a book numbered 4 or higher in numbered series listed on GR.

Book 1: A Warm Heart in Winter J.R. Ward - 329p
Msg no 214

Book 1: River Marked Patricia Briggs - 337p
Msg no 229

Book 1: A Study in Death Anna Lee Huber - 336p
Msg no 212
Book 2: True Dead Faith Hunter - 384p
Msg no 233

Book 1: The Vet's Christmas Familiar T.J. Nichols - 190
Msg no 210
Book 2: Queen Takes Rook Joely Sue Burkhart - 244
Msg no 211
Book 3: Queen Takes Checkmate Joely Sue Burkhart - 301
Msg no 213
Book 4: Queen Takes Triune Joely Sue Burkhart - 315p
Msg no 225
Book 5: For His Eyes Only Lexi Blake - 334p
Msg no 226

Book 1: Shades of Gray Maya Banks - 282p
Msg no 216
Book 2: The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane Elizabeth Boyle - 384p
Msg no 216

Bastet Reads

message 14: by Hazel (last edited Jan 22, 2022 08:09AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments H

H is for Heal - Read a book with an MC who is a medical professional
H is for Hello - Read a book with the ‘love at first sight’ or ‘insta-love’ trope.
H is for Hirsute - Read a book with hairy person on cover
**H is for Hocus-Pocus - Read a book that is MPG PNR or Fantasy.

Book 1: Magic Burns Ilona Andrews - 272p
Msg no 246
Book 2: A Taste for a Mate Carrie Ann Ryan - 211p
Msg no 249
Book 3: Dark Fae Quinn Blackbird - 106p
Msg no 265

Book 1: Iced Karen Marie Moning - 512p
Msg no 248
Book 2: Guilty Pleasures Laurell K. Hamilton - 332p
Msg no 257
Book 3: Clean Sweep Ilona Andrews - 235p
Msg no 266

Book 1: Servants of the Crossed Arrows Ginn Hale - 123p
Msg no 245
Book 2:Agent Bayne Jordan Castillo Price - 294p
Msg no 250
Book 3: Twisted Pretty Things Ariana Nash - 330p
Msg no 251
Book 4: Black Blades Ginn Hale - 128p
Msg no 255
Book 5:Song of the Navigator Astrid Amara - 224p
Msg no 256

Book 1: Cry Wolf Charlie Adhara - 269p
Msg no 247
Book 2: Jon's Boom Shaka Laka Problem A.J. Sherwood - 238p
Msg no 262
Book 3: Mack's Perfectly Ghastly Homecoming A.J. Sherwood - 226p
Msg no 263
Book 4: Queen Takes More Joely Sue Burkhart - 104p
Msg no 264

Book 1: Fable Adrienne Young - 361p
Msg no 253

Bastet Reads
Book 1: A Ruin of Roses K.F. Breene - 386p
Msg no 261

Total Pages Read = 4351
Longest Book read - Patti 512p

message 15: by Hazel (last edited Feb 04, 2022 03:44PM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments E

E is for East - Read a book set east of the Mississippi in the US or a book written by an author that lives east of the Mississippi in the US.
E is for Emerald - Read a book with a primarily green cover.
E is for Engineer - Read a book with a main character in a STEM profession.
**E is for Eyewitness - Read a book that is MPG Mystery or Suspense.

Book 1: Immortal in DeathJ.D. Robb - SH 352
Msg no 272
Book 2: The Witness Nora Roberts - 496
Msg no 276
Book 3: You Can Run Rebecca Zanetti - 400p
Msg no 277
Book 4: Broken Wings Jaymin Eve - 354p
Msg no 291
Book 5: Broken Trust Jaymin Eve - 304p
Msg no 300
Book 6: Broken Legacy Jaymin Eve - 292
Msg no 305

Book 1: Don't Cry Beverly Barton - 481p
Msg no 286
Book 2: The Laughing Corpse Laurell K. Hamilton - 332p
Msg no 288
Book 3: A Good Day for Chardonnay Darynda Jones - 416p
Msg no 302

Book 1:This Time Around Aimee Nicole Walker - 218p
Msg no 274
Book 2: Iris Eden Finley - 284p
Msg no 295

Book 1: The Detective's Familiar T.J. Nichols - 184p
Msg no 273
Book 2: Look Again: A Novella Marliss Melton - 111p
Msg no 275
Book 3: Dead Spots Melissa F. Olson - 293p
Msg no 280
Book 4: Murder in Christmas River Meg Muldoon - 238p
Msg no 294
Book 5: The Mastermind Amy Lane - 266p
Msg no 306

Book 1: One for the Money Janet Evanovich - 352
Msg no 293
Book 2: As Good As Dead Holly Jackson - 464p
Msg no 293
Book 3: A Conspiracy in Belgravia Sherry Thomas - 338p
Msg no 308

Bastet Reads
Book 1: When We Touch Shannon Drake - 448p
Msg no 310

Longest book read Hazel - 496p
Total pages read - 6623p

message 16: by Hazel (last edited Feb 04, 2022 04:14PM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments L

**L is for Ladle - Read a book set in the food industry or featuring a MC that works in the food industry.
L is for Lamp - Read a book with a light source on cover - light, sun, lamppost, candle, fire.
L is for Large - Read a book with a first edition Kindle page count of 300 or over.
L is for is for Laugh - Read a humorous book.

Book 1: I Only Have Eyes for You Bella Andre - 384p SHR
Msg no 318
Book 2: Blue Smoke Nora Roberts - 470p SHR
Msg no 320
Book 3: Sweet Obsession J. Daniels - 364p
Msg no 329
Book 4: Sweet Spot Amy Knupp - 269p
Msg no 333

Book 1: Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors Sonali Dev - 512p
Msg no 330
Book 2:
Msg no

Book 1: A Taste of Love Andrew Grey - 183
Msg no 322
Book 2: Gingerbread Avery Ford - 223p
Msg no 323
Book 3: A Serving of Love Andrew Grey - 200p
Msg no 324
Msg no

Book 1: The Twelve Dates of Christmas Andi James - 128p
Msg no 319
Book 2: A Taste of Christmas Jaclyn Quinn - 156p
Msg no 321
Book 3: Love on the Rise A.C. Thomas - 155p
Msg no 334
Book 4: Stirring Up Trouble Z.A. Maxfield - 132p
Msg no 334
Msg no

Book 1: The Donut Trap Julie Tieu - 368p
Msg no 331
Book 2: The Summer Job Lizzy Dent - 384p
Msg no 331
Book 3: Radha & Jai's Recipe for Romance Nisha Sharma - 328p
Msg no 331

Bastet Reads
Book 1: Delicious Sherry Thomas - 434p
Msg no 325
Msg no

Longest book read Patti - 512p
Total pages read - 4690p

message 17: by Hazel (last edited Feb 14, 2022 10:54AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments O

O is for Olympics - Read a book featuring an athlete or sports romance
**O is for On the Bubble - Read a book with an average GR rating between 3.8 and 4.2.
O is for One - Read a book that is a stand alone, one not listed in any series on GR.
O is for Oyster - Read a book initially published in a month with an ‘R’.

Book 1: Well Played J.S. Scott - 260p SHR
Msg no 341
Book 2: RushRush Lane Hart - 346p
Msg no 345
Book 3: The Oracle Queen Kendare Blake - 115p
Msg no 346
Book 4: The Young Queens Kendare Blake - 93p
Msg no 349

Book 1: Instructions for Dancing Nicola Yoon - 304p
Msg no 360
Book 2: Half-Blood Jennifer L. Armentrout - 304p
Msg no 363
Book 3: The Mad Girls of New York Maya Rodale - 336p
Msg no 367
Book 4: The Soulmate Equation Christina Lauren - 365p
Msg no 370

Book 1: Turnabout Laurel Greer - 302p
Msg no 342
Book 2: Out in the Deep Lane Hayes - 149p
Msg no 344
Book 3: Nightchaser Amanda Bouchet - 416p
Msg no 356
Book 4: In the Wreckage Hailey Turner - 341p
Msg no 362

Book 1: Double Cross Carolyn Crane - 336p
Msg no 343
Book 2: Monster Jessica Gadziala - 316p
Msg no 352
Book 3: Maybe This Time Lauren Blakely - 125p
Msg no 359
Book4: Sweetheart Sarah Mayberry - 282p
Msg no 369

Book 1:It Started with a Dog Julia London - 348p
Msg no 366
Book 2: When You Get the Chance Emma Lord - 320p
Msg no 366
Book 3: The Fastest Way to Fall Denise Williams - 380p
Msg no 366

Bastet Reads
Book 1: Seven Minutes in Heaven Eloisa James - 437p
Msg no 368

Longest book read Bastet Reads - 437p
Total pages read - 5875p

message 18: by Hazel (last edited Feb 18, 2022 10:56AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments R

**R is for Recycle - Reread a book.
R is for Rhythm - Read a book featuring a musician or dancer main character.
R is for Rose - Read a book with a distinct flower on cover.
R is for Ruler - Read a book featuring a teacher or student or a book with a school setting.

Book 1: Rock Candy Kisses Addison Moore - 279p SHR
Msg no 378
Book 2: Whiskey Kisses Addison Moore - 302p SHR
Msg no 379
Book 3: Be with Me Jennifer L. Armentrout - 365p SHR
Msg no 380
Book 4: Twilight Stephenie Meyer - 513p
Msg no 389
Book 5: Deliver Pam Godwin
Msg no 398
Msg no

Msg no
Msg no
Msg no
Msg no

Book 1: One Small Thing Piper Vaughn - 216p
Msg no 381
Book 2: Down Low Parker St. John - 249p
Msg no 383
Book 3: Thankless in Death J.D. Robb - 418p
Msg no 387
Msg no

Book 1: Fated Rebecca Zanetti - 337p
Msg no 384
Book 2: Top Priority Cara Dee - 105p
Msg no 384
Book 3: Festive in Death J.D. Robb - 390p
Msg no 386
Book 4: Tricked Rebecca Zanetti - 119p
Msg no 390
Book 5: Teased Rebecca Zanetti - 132p
Msg no 396
Book 6: Paris Andrea Speed - 123p
Msg no 397
Msg no
Msg no

Book 1: Happy Singles Day Ann Marie Walker - 240p
Msg no 394
Book 2: How Sweet It Is Dylan Newton - 353p
Msg no 394
Book 3: Pride and Premeditation Tirzah Price - 368p
Msg no 394
Msg no

Bastet Reads
Msg no
Msg no
Msg no
Msg no

Longest book read Hazel - 513p
Total pages read 4954

message 19: by Hazel (last edited Dec 14, 2021 04:20AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Team name suggestions

✅Bored of the rings
✅There's a cream for that!
What used to go up now stays down
Ride or die
Relight my fire
Plenty of spark left
✅Here for the Wrong Reasons
✅No Time for Scratching
✅Until Lust do Us Part

message 20: by Hazel (last edited Dec 10, 2021 09:08AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Hi Everyone, 👋

I'm Hazel. I live in Glasgow, Scotland. I am 5 hours ahead of EST (I think) making it 11pm when the call is made. I live with my husband, nearly 13 year old son and my 18 year old fur baby (cat) Pookie.

We are football (soccer) mad in our house and if I'm not reading I will be watching any game on the TV or out at the side of a freezing, raining, snowing pitch watching my son train/play.

I love a reading challenge and can't seem to say no. I will try almost any book genre/author except for horror as I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I usually do all of my GR edits using the browser on my phone but my son has said I can use his laptop if I need to - it must be close to Christmas??? I'm hoping that will make tracking the posts a bit easier. I'm also going to trial a spreadsheet (msg 9) that I will update which might be more work but might be easier for calculating page numbers. There is no requirement for any of you to do anything with the spreadsheet.

I have started a post with team name suggestions in msg 19, which I can't take all the credit for as some are from my lovely friends on facebook who love thinking up these kinds of things. If you have any suggestions please post them in your intro or comment if there is one you like that is already listed.

Please can you make sure you turn on notifications for this thread. I can't wait to find out who is joining me on team 10 and I'm looking forward to this round of the Bachelor challenge!

Last thing from me, can I please ask that you all confirm that you have read the rules in Msg #6

Kat, I confirm that I have read and understand the rules of Msg #6

message 21: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to read ..."

Confirming I have read this and understood Message #6

message 22: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments Hi everyone 👋

I’m Melissa. I live in Illinois outside of Chicago. Central time zone for me. We’ll consider me a newbie for this challenge. I believe I played one of the first rounds but haven’t played this since. So, I may have a lot of questions as we go through our dates. I work full time so I come on when I have some free time. I listen to audios and read books on my iPad. I rarely without a book. I enjoy most sub genres of Romance except for YA/NA. I like some but they are usually few and far between. I enjoy mysteries so RS is right up my alley. I’m not a huge fan of horror either. It’s been a long week and I’m off to bed. I’m terrible with names but will give it some thought over the weekend and see if I can add to our list of choices.

message 23: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Nolly (booknerdchats) | 687 comments I’m Elizabeth. I live in Texas. Central time zone. This is my second time doing this challenge. I enjoy reading almost anything. I prefer contemporary or historical romance or mystery. The only genre I have trouble with is horror or anything dealing with a child being harmed.

Maddielucy(Patti) Hi everyone! I’m Patti and live in Florida with my husband and Labrador Retriever child Lizzi. I golf, read and drink wine and complain that I can’t lose weight! 🤪. I like anything but Sci Fi and Non-Fiction, but am always willing to try them as well! This is my first time playing this challenge.

I have read the rules and understand message #6

Love the names, Hazel! I especially like Plenty of Spark Left, Bored With the Rings and There’s a Cream for That!

I’m not good with team names, but in case you wanted suggestions from everyone— Here for the Wrong Reasons (but I’m sure that’s been used already in past games), No Time for Scratching and Until Lust do Us Part

message 25: by Hazel (last edited Dec 11, 2021 10:41AM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments I know everyone except for Bastet Reads. Looking forward to this challenge with you all 😃

Melissa or anyone else, feel free to ask any questions you have, I will try my best to answer. I’ve played every round of this, sometimes as captain sometimes as a regular team member.

Patti, I’ve added your name suggestions to Msg #19 thanks for the suggestions.

Elizabeth, please can you confirm you have read and understand message #6 thanks.

message 26: by booked with me (new)

booked with me Hi all,

I’m so excited for this. Reading through all the info and challenges made me really happy to partake. I’m from New Jersey and I’m super excited to spend the next week reading. I’ve been obsessed with romance this year and hopefully can find some great reads before the year ends.

I have read and understood msg #6.

message 27: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments Hazel wrote: "I know everyone except for Bastet Reads. Looking forward to this challenge with you all 😃

Melissa or anyone else, feel free to ask any questions you have, I will try my best to answer. I’ve played..."


message 28: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments I was reading through the tasks again. Wondering - what do we use to qualify for kick ass heroine? Does the book have to be tagged that? Or is there something else we look for?
The shifters and MPG PNR / Fantasy and Mystery / Suspense tasks make me happy, lol.

Names - my brains not coming up with anything. I do like:
There's a cream for that! and No Time for Scratching ~ they made me laugh

message 29: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 12, 2021 11:15AM) (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "I was reading through the tasks again. Wondering - what do we use to qualify for kick ass heroine? Does the book have to be tagged that? Or is there something else we look for?
The shifters and MP..."

Just FYI - I will post a list of the qualifications for each task before the date begins. (Probably Monday or Tuesday for the first date.) It helps clear up what will and will not work for the tasks. The hidden task and its qualifications will be revealed when the date begins.

message 30: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments MountainKat wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote: "I was reading through the tasks again. Wondering - what do we use to qualify for kick ass heroine? Does the book have to be tagged that? Or is there something else we look for?

Ok - thanks Kat! I'll look out for those posts.

message 31: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "MountainKat wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote: "I was reading through the tasks again. Wondering - what do we use to qualify for kick ass heroine? Does the book have to be tagged that? Or is there something ..."

Kat is really good at clarifying what she is looking for and what she will accept so definitely look out for those messages. I’ll help as much as I can as well.

message 32: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments Elizabeth wrote: "I’m Elizabeth. I live in Texas. Central time zone. This is my second time doing this challenge. I enjoy reading almost anything. I prefer contemporary or historical romance or mystery. The only gen..."

Elizabeth, please confirm that you have read and understand message #6 of this thread.

message 33: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments Hazel wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote: "MountainKat wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote: "I was reading through the tasks again. Wondering - what do we use to qualify for kick ass heroine? Does the book have to be tagged that? Or i..."

Thanks ~ seems like we’re all in good hands 😊

message 34: by AliciaJ (last edited Dec 13, 2021 05:32PM) (new)

AliciaJ | 1843 comments Hi everyone,
I'm excited to be back for another Bachelor Challenge!

Kat-I have read and understand message #6 🙂

My name is Alicia, I live up on the California side of the Oregon border, on the coast, PST time. I love to read pretty much everything except horror and BDSM.

I know almost all of you, but I sent out friend requests to Patti and Bastet Reads.

As for names, I don't have any ideas at the moment, but I really like "Bored with the Rings". 😁

message 35: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Great we now have a full team!

Elizabeth just waiting for you to confirm you have read and understand the content in message #6.

Let’s get our name sorted. If no one has any ideas can you each pick 1 you would be happy with from message #19 and we can see where that leaves us.

message 36: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Here is the breakdown requirements for the first task. This is just for information as we will not know what B is selected until the call is made.

Date 1 - B - Tasks: Breakdown of the qualifications for possible tasks for Date 1.

Please remember that all tags/lists must qualify IN CONTEXT!! Links MUST be provided.

Don't make more work for yourself than necessary - if the qualifier is in the title or on the cover, use it! You don't have to go searching for tags to make it work. 😊 If the link you use for the book is the same you are using for the page count and edition - say so (see above edition or something similar)! That saves us all some steps. But please double check your links!

You may use separate editions of your Scavenger Hunt books to qualify for the different tasks. Links MUST be provided.

B is for Bad - Read a book with an average GR rating under 4.0.

To qualify for this task, the average rating for your selected book needs to be under 4.0. This information can be found on the main book page under the title. Please include the average rating in your completion post. If the average rating is likely to change over the course of the date, i.e. the book is new or has few ratings, it might be advisable to take a screen shot. Also, if your rating is significantly higher than the average, perhaps wait to rate the book until after the date ends.

B is for ??? - ???

To be revealed when the date begins.

B is for Bitch - Read a book with a kick-ass heroine

To qualify for this task, the book needs to feature a strong female leading character. Qualification can come from the title, precis, tags or lists - think characters such as Kate Daniels, Charley Davidson, Cat Crawfield or Eve Dallas. These are examples ONLY, books with these characters would still need to qualify with title, precis, tags or lists. Books without a 'heroine' can qualify if they are MPG MM Romance (combined only, not separated) AND have a female character important enough to the story to be mentioned in the precis.

B is for Butterfly - Read a book initially published in a spring month.

To qualify, the selected book needs to be initially published in a spring month - March, April, May or June of any year. Make sure you use the initial publication date! If there is a date at the top of the editions page - USE IT! Otherwise, I will be looking for the earliest dated English language edition regardless of format for the qualification.

message 37: by booked with me (new)

booked with me I like Here for the Wrong Reasons 😂😂 but I’d be happy with any of them.

message 38: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments I like There’s a Cream for That! 😜

message 39: by Maddielucy(Patti) (last edited Dec 14, 2021 05:35AM) (new)

Maddielucy(Patti) I vote for Bored with the Rings but I’m happy with any of them

I haven’t played this before, so I’m just going to follow the leader for the first round. Lol

message 40: by AliciaJ (new)

AliciaJ | 1843 comments I also like Bored with the Rings.

message 41: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Ok I like both Bored with the rings although I would maybe change it to Bored of the rings (a bit like Lord of the rings or is that just me?) and I like There’s a cream for that.

We will wait for Elizabeth to put in her opinion then I can stick it in a randomiser if need be.

message 42: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Nolly (booknerdchats) | 687 comments Sorry everyone, I’m still not getting the notifications. I like bored with Rings for the team name.

message 43: by Hazel (last edited Dec 14, 2021 01:52PM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Elizabeth wrote: "Sorry everyone, I’m still not getting the notifications. I like bored with Rings for the team name."

Have you selected the following the discussion option just above the comment box?
Hoping it’s not a GR issue.

message 44: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Ok I think that’s us decided on Bored with the Rings. I will inform Kat

message 45: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Nolly (booknerdchats) | 687 comments MountainKat wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "I’m Elizabeth. I live in Texas. Central time zone. This is my second time doing this challenge. I enjoy reading almost anything. I prefer contemporary or historical romance or mys..."

~Melissa~ wrote: "MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 7🌹
🌹Theme - Seven Year Itch🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are..."

I’ve read and understand the instructions

message 46: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Nolly (booknerdchats) | 687 comments Elizabeth wrote: "MountainKat wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "I’m Elizabeth. I live in Texas. Central time zone. This is my second time doing this challenge. I enjoy reading almost anything. I prefer contemporary or histo..."

Kat, I’ve read and understand the instructions. I’m so sorry for taking so long.

message 47: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Nolly (booknerdchats) | 687 comments Hazel wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "Sorry everyone, I’m still not getting the notifications. I like bored with Rings for the team name."

Have you selected the following the discussion option just above the comment ..."

Yes, I did. I thought I did it when I posted my first response, but I just did turn them on.

message 48: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Elizabeth wrote: "Hazel wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "Sorry everyone, I’m still not getting the notifications. I like bored with Rings for the team name."

Have you selected the following the discussion option just abov..."

That happens to me all the time! Or I set it to emails by mistake. I have it on notification only and it pings on my phone and my watch so I usually see things right away. 😂

message 49: by Hazel (last edited Dec 14, 2021 02:25PM) (new)

Hazel (x1f4d6hx1f4d6) | 2844 comments Ok we have a name✅
We all have confirmed message #6✅

Does everyone understand how this works and how the scavenger hunt works? It’s going to be different and slightly harder this year as the 4th component is not announced until the theme is called. This is usually about 11pm my time so not much time to hunt.

I have a separate, secret GR page for scavenger discussion that I can invite you all to if you think that would be helpful?

message 50: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2053 comments Hazel wrote: "Ok we have a name✅
We all have confirmed message #6✅

Does everyone understand how this works and how the scavenger hunt works? It’s going to be different and slightly harder this year as the 4th ..."

If I understand correctly, Scavenger Hunt needs to work for all 4 tasks for B in order to qualify. Not sure I have the patience to find a book that may 'fit' all 4 categories, lol. Anyhoo - never say never.

I'm assuming we will earn the Team Dating Roses every week ~ since we are all supposed to read 1 book a week and there is 6 of us on the team.

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