The Stranger The Stranger discussion

The Stranger

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Ruby Carpenter Hello all, we have begun to read The Stranger, by Albert Camus. If you haven't already, please join the Discord, as it is the most user friendly option to communicate with other active members. You'll find the permanent link to the Discord server under the image in the group photos that is a depiction of the Discord logo.

Otherwise, please share your thoughts as you read below! Be wary of spoilers if you read other people's comments before you haven't finished the book yourself.

Steve Zappa I've read The Stranger twice, and I'll probably continue to read it throughout my life. I find it therapeutic. I'm also an atheist, so I can get on board with much of what is said.

So, once upon a time, I was in the Marines, and there was this saying among us lower rank, sort of a joke that went, "It's not that serious." When the higher rank wanted to play stupid games, we could fall back with a sigh and say, "It's not that serious." I feel like sometimes I need to do that with life in general. The Stranger helps me with that. It also makes me think of Tommy Chong in Up in Smoke. "Melllooow ... melllowww ..." Just mellow out, it's not that serious. Anyway, that's what I take out of it, and that's why I love it.

Grace Tuomi Read most of Camu but always reach for The Stranger to reread. It's oddly so comforting.

M Eren Yasar Sartre wrote an essay about it. It Named ''Explication de L'Étranger'', Explanation of The Stranger. I suggest you guys read that after finishing the book. It totally fills everything. Mersault is just a alien like human. He is like just he borned yesterday before the events. He is completely stranger to everything it includes some morality and emotions but yet he is human too. He killed Arab just because of panic. He shot that man to protect himself. The sun shined his eyes from Arabs knife and he just shoots randomly in panic. There is no any political or racial act just he wants to stay alive. And at the end of the book the amoral and emotionless ''empty'' human mersault is wanna stay alive. If even this man wants to stay alive, sees life worth living, life is really worth living without needing any meaning in it.

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