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message 1: by TLC Mods, Mod Acct (last edited Jan 31, 2023 07:14PM) (new)

TLC Mods | 15915 comments Mod

Happy February! Hope those that have winter are staying warm and those on the opposite side of that are staying cool 😊

❁Hall of Fame - Badge Collection❁
Please check HERE for information on what to do to get badge awards for the challenges you complete. If you are missing any badges, please post the message in Hall of Fame Chat.

❁Refer to our general rules guidelines❁ HERE . These rules apply generally to all our challenges unless otherwise overwritten specifically in the individual challenge itself.

❁Challenge News❁
Wondering what’s up in the Challenge World between newsletters? Check HERE for the latest updates/additions to our challenges.

❁New Members❁
A BIG welcome to all our new members! Be sure to visit our Meet and Greet thread and introduce yourselves, then head over to Welcome to TLC to get an overview of where to go next.

Happy Birthday February Babies!

3rd Shelly
3rd Tracey
4th Chansuee
10th Emma R.
10th Kim E
11th Lauren
13th Diana S
13th Masitah
19th Eleni
21st Celia
21st Jade aka MrsTosh
21st Lex
21st Wanda
26th Emy
28th (29th) Chloe

❁Games, Games, and more GAMES!❁ Check out the Games Room and have some fun on us. The Game Room

georg m Musician: George Michael
Duration: January 15, 2023- March 14, 2023

cleanitout Clean It Out
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

Ducks In A Row Ducks In A Row Two Month Mini Challenge
Duration: February 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023

easy2 Easy As 1, 2, 3 Monthly Challenge
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

genre1 Goodness Gracious Great Genres
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

Judge Cover Judge A Book By Its Cover
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

Scattergories February Scattergories
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

scavengerhunt February Scavenger Hunt - Bartender
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

Stand (1) Stand Alone Monthly Challenge
Duration: February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023

memlane A Trip Down Memory Lane - 1933
Duration: 1st February 2023 - 30th April 2023

Read The Months: Feb, Mar, Apr 2023
Duration February 1, 2023 - April 30, 2023

Year of The Rabbit
Duration: Six Months from start date

pom any Pomegranate, Anyone?
Duration: February 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024

hoarfrost Hoarfrost Spell Out
Duration: January 15 - June 14, 2023

p cocktails Pomegranate Cocktails Spell Out
Duration: Open ended from your start date.

Grieving The Greats
Duration: Six to Eighteen Months from your start date.

Thanks for being part of TLC.
JoAnne, Genevieve and Penni

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