LGBTQIAP+ Lit Lovers discussion

Books of the Month > February 2024 - New Release Suggestions

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message 1: by Jeff, founder (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 61 comments Mod
Suggestions Open: 12/1 - 12/22
Polling Dates: 1/1 - 1/7

Topic: New Release Suggestions
-Each person can suggest TWO books here.
-MUST be a LGBTQIAP+ book.
-Needs to be a book that was released in Nov 2023, Dec 2023 or Jan 2024 OR will be released in February 2024 by the 10th of the month (to give everyone plenty of time to read it).
-CAN be a new stand alone title OR a new series title.

No past group reads. To see what we've read, go to the Group Bookshelf - Read

PLEASE If possible, use the “add book/author” link. Doing this creates a list of the books and authors in the discussion which helps us to easily track. See Post Example. THANK YOU

Only Detailed Suggestions will be considered. Stating "any book by so and so" is too vague of a suggestion and will be skipped.

message 2: by Jeff, founder (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 61 comments Mod

Emmett by Lev A.C. Rosen Emmett by Lev A.C. Rosen

Emmett by Lev A.C. Rosen

Emmett by Lev A.C. Rosen

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Lev A.C. Rosen (other topics)