2024 Reading Challenge discussion

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message 1: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 02, 2023 10:42PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments Welcome to my corner!
This is where I will keep track of all my personal & in-group challenges in 2024.

Please, no comments on this page, thanks.
Instead, visit my personal challenge, where I post my thoughts, reviews, and much more rambling pertaining to the books I read throughout the year.

Be sure to cheer me on, leave comments, suggestions and recommendations over there!
Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading! :)

message 2: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Apr 01, 2024 11:41PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments

message 3: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Aug 26, 2024 12:50AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments ***RESERVED SPACE FOR WHATEVER***

message 4: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 02, 2023 01:25AM) (new)

message 6: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Apr 02, 2024 12:18AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments GROUP READS | BUDDY READS | TBR TWINS:
☒ ☑

1. Buddy Read w/Lina: A Passage to India (E.M. Forster)

February: N/A

1. Buddy Read w/Lina: A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess)

June :
July :
August :
September :
October :
November :
December :

*** Unscheduled Buddy Reads with Lina:
- Far From the Madding Crowd

message 7: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 02, 2023 02:10AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #1 - MY ULTIMATE TOP 100 LIST

The main objective of this open-ended challenge, is to begin catching up on all the classics I’ve neglected for, well... most of my life.

Even though this has been one of my aims for the longest time, my main issue was always figuring out how to go about it - there are a gazillion variations of "top-100-books" and "books-to-read-before-you-die" lists, after all.

To solve this problematic, in 2018, I decided to compile my own personal list, by comparing the collective wisdom from various sources.
The first step was obviously to figure out how much overlap existed between the selected five lists.
Next, it was time to consolidate. So, I created a new list based on each book's recurrence. In other words, a bookish popularity contest: the more often a book was referred to by the aforementioned lists, the higher that book would rank in my new and improved "books-to-read-before-you-die" list.

message 8: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 20, 2023 12:23PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #2 - 1001 BOOKS YOU MUST READ BEFORE YOU DIE

Pretty self-explanatory:
I'm ticking off the books from Boxall's "Master List", and tracking them by year, as I read them.

message 9: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 08, 2023 09:30AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #3 - GOODREADS CHOICE AWARDS 2023

Since 2018, it's been a personal challenge of mine to read as many of the "Best books" from the Goodreads Choice Awards as I can.

The way I do it, is pretty straight forward: There are 15 categories, from which I might choose books that might be of interest me.
In 2024, I'll be picking books from 10 genres, that are relevant to me and my reading.

Now, ideally, and in the spirit of getting out of my comfort zone, I'd read at least one book from each category.
Even though there are certain categories I'm simply not forcing upon myself, I'll still be pushing for a minimum of one book in other areas.

For a few categories, I've already read the "winner" prior to the announcement, in which case I'll be choosing a "runner-up". In some cases, the nominees are part of a series, in which case I'll obviously pick up the first book in that series instead.

Books Read:

message 10: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 02, 2023 02:30AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #4 - READING AROUND THE WORLD

Inspired by writer Ann Morgan's challenge (https://ayearofreadingtheworld.com/th...) to read a book from every country, this is my attempt to expand my horizons by reading more globally. My personal take to this challenge, however, isn't limited to a single year, but is instead a continuous goal.

The sole requirement for this challenge, is that the books be written by authors from the designated country or take place in said region.


message 11: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Feb 16, 2024 10:34AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #5 - ATY READING CHALLENGE

The goal of this challenge is to complete as many prompts as possible before the end of the year.

1. A book with a title that ends in A, T or Y
2. A book connected to something you read in 2023
3. A book that fits a suggestion that didn’t make the final list
4. A book related to something mentioned in the lyrics of What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
5. A book set in one of the 25 most beautiful cities in the world

6. A book with wings on the cover En el tiempo de las mariposas
7. A book with a pronoun in the title
8. A book by an author from Canada, Australia or New Zealand
9. A book with fewer than 2024 ratings on Goodreads

10. A history or historical fiction book
11. A book with an X connection
12. A book that has been on your TBR for over a year
13. A book that is on a Five Books List; reader’s choice of which list

14. A book with a main character who is Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color
15. A book whose author’s name includes one of the 4 least used letters in the alphabet (JQZX)
16. A book related to the phrase "It's Raining Cats and Dogs"
17. A book involving intelligence

18. A book with a botanical cover Floral Folklore: The forgotten tales behind nature’s most enchanting plants
19. A book connected in some way to any of the flavors of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream
20. A book with a single word title
21. A book with a title containing 6+ words
22. A book by an author from an African country

23. A book related to Boats, Beaches, Bars, Ballads, or Jimmy Buffett
24. A book with a secondary color on the cover (orange, green or purple)
25. A book involving a crime other than a murder
26. A book by an author known by their initials A Passage to India

27. A book related to land
28. A book related to sea
29. A book related to air
30. A book set in a country bordering the Mediterranean Sea
31. A book related to “Going for the Gold”

32. A book with a number in the title The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
33. A book involving travel
34. A book related to the name of one of Snow White's seven dwarfs
35. A science or science fiction book

36. A book featuring a character in education
37. A book that is part of a series Indigo Ridge
38. Two books with similar covers: Book 1
39. Two books with similar covers: Book 2

40. A book involving a wild animal or endangered species, in the content, title, or on the cover
41. A book with a chilling atmosphere
42. A book with a sound-related word in the title
43. A book by an Edgar Award-winning Author
44. A book with a touch of magic

45. A book that is not a novel
46. A book related to night
47. A book with a two-word title beginning with THE The Guests
48. A second book that fits your favorite prompt

49. A book with a senior citizen character
50. A book posted in one of the ATY Best Book of the Month threads in 2023 or 2024
51. A book published in 2024
52. A cozy mystery

message 12: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 05, 2023 07:46AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments PERSONAL CHALLENGE #6 -LITERARY PRIZES

Based on the Book Award Bingo-quarterly (2023), I've decided to expand this idea to a year-long challenge. The goal being to read as many award-winning books as possible by the end of the year.

message 13: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Feb 16, 2024 11:56PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #1 - BIBLIOPOLY
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Complete 20 prompts
Progress: 1/20
Floral Folklore The forgotten tales behind nature’s most enchanting plants (Stories Behind…) by Alison Davies

1. Go: Read a book set on two or more continents.
2. Purple: Read a book with a wheelbarrow, garden tool or plant on the cover or in the title. Floral Folklore: The forgotten tales behind nature’s most enchanting plants
3. Community Chest: Participate in one of our Group Reads. (Which month and book?)
4. Purple: Read a translated book originally written in a language other than your native tongue.
5. Tax: Read a book with money on the cover or in the title.
6. Reading Railroad: Read a book from a celebrity book club list, such as Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, etc.
7. Blue: Read a book with any type of hat or headwear on the cover or in the title.
8. Chance: Read a book from your TBR shelf within the ten highest or lowest number of ratings.
9. Blue: Read a book with an author or character whose sexual orientation is different from your own.
10. Blue: Read a book with any shade of blue on the cover or in the title.
11. In Jail: Read a banned or challenged book.
12. Pink: Read a book with any type of dog on the cover or in the title.
13. Electric Company: Read a book with a light source on the cover.
14. Pink: Read a book with an author or character whose nationality or birth country is different from your own.
15. Pink: Read a book with any shade of pink on the cover or in the title.
16. Pennsylvania Railroad: Read a book published under an author’s pen name.
17. Orange: Read a book with a ship or boat on the cover, or involving water travel.
18. Community Chest: Participate in one of our Readathons. (Which readathon? List one book you read for it.)
19. Orange: Read a book with an author or character whose religious or spiritual beliefs are different from your own.
20. Orange: Read a book with any shade of orange on the cover or in the title.
21. Free Parking: Read a book of your choice. Anything goes!
22. Red: Read a book with a car, truck or bus on the cover, or involving a road trip.
23. Chance: Read a book from your TBR shelf among the ten oldest or newest additions.
24. Red: Read a book with an author or character whose race or ethnicity is different from your own.
25. Red: Read a book with any shade of red on the cover or in the title.
26. B&O Railroad: Read a book with an author or title beginning with B or O. (Author’s first or last name; title’s first main word. Omit the, and, of, etc.)
27. Yellow: Read a book with a boot or shoe on the cover, or involving foot travel.
28. Yellow: Read a book with an author or character who has a physical disability or impairment, an emotional or mental disorder, or a neurodivergent condition.
29. Water Works: Read a book with any form of water on the cover.
30. Yellow: Read a book with any shade of yellow on the cover or in the title.
31. Go to Jail: Read a crime fiction or true crime book.
32. Green: Read a book with a thimble, sewing or craft implement on the cover or in the title.
33. Green: Read a book with an author or character whose gender is different from your own.
34. Community Chest: Participate in one of our Buddy Reads or TBR Twins. (Which activity? What book did you and your twin/buddies read?)
35. Green: Read a book with any shade of green on the cover or in the title.
36. Shortline Railroad: Read a book under 200 pages long.
37. Chance: Read a book from your TBR shelf within the ten highest or lowest average star rating.
38. Dark Blue: Read a book with any type of cat on the cover or in the title.
39. Luxury Tax: Read a book with a gemstone or precious metal on the cover or in the title.
40. Dark Blue: Read a book that won an award. (Which one?)

message 14: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Feb 18, 2024 04:35AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #2 - CLEAR THE SHELVES
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Read 25 books

Planned 2024 releases:
When She Left by E.A. Aymar The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs The Wedding Party by L.R. Jones The Canopy Keepers (The Scorched Earth #1) by Veronica G. Henry The Unquiet Bones by Loreth Anne White Baby X by Kira Peikoff Forgotten Sisters A Novel by Cynthia Pelayo The Alone Time by Elle Marr

Netgalley backlist:
In the Shadow of Mt.Diablo The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer' by Mike Rodelli In the Land of Dead Horses (American Blood #1) by Bruce McCandless III

Dune (Dune, #1) by Frank Herbert Ninety-Three by Victor Hugo The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann We by Yevgeny Zamyatin Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

Progress: 4/25
The Guests by Margot Hunt The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton A Passage to India by E.M. Forster Indigo Ridge (The Edens, #1) by Devney Perry

message 15: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 28, 2023 05:10AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #3 - DEWEY DECIMAL
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Read 10 books - one per classification.

000 – Computer science, information and general works
100 – Philosophy and psychology
200 – Religion
300 – Social sciences
400 – Language
500 – Pure science
600 – Technology
700 – Arts and recreation
800 – Literature
900 – History and geography


message 16: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Apr 02, 2024 12:20AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #4 - GENRE BINGO
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Read 10 books / Get 2 bingos

message 17: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Mar 17, 2024 11:57AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #5 - LET'S TURN PAGES
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Read 15,000 pages (=avg. 1,250 pg./month)

January: 427 + 296 + 519 + 192 + 340 = 1,774
En el tiempo de las mariposas by Julia Alvarez The Guests by Margot Hunt The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton Floral Folklore The Forgotten Tales Behind Nature’s Most Enchanting Plants by Alison Davies A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

February: 340 + 101 + 61 + 44 + 40 + 43 + 71 + 288 + 333 + 347 =
Indigo Ridge (The Edens, #1) by Devney Perry The Exception to the Rule (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #1) by Christina Lauren Worst Wingman Ever (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #2) by Abby Jimenez Rosie and the Dreamboat (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #3) by Sally Thorne Drop, Cover, and Hold On (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #4) by Jasmine Guillory With Any Luck (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #5) by Ashley Poston Royal Valentine (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #6) by Sariah Wilson You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi What Happens at the Lake by Vi Keeland The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs

March: 324
Baby X by Kira Peikoff


Pages read total:

message 18: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 27, 2023 12:06PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #6 - OUT ON A LIMB
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

message 19: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Feb 28, 2024 05:56AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments YEARLY CHALLENGE #7 - POPSUGAR READING CHALLENGE
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Goal: Read 20 books

1. A book with the word "leap" in the title
2. A bildungsroman
3. A book about a 24-year-old
4. A book about a writer
5. A book about K-pop
6. A book about pirates
7. A book about women's sports and/or by a woman athlete
8. A book by a blind or visually impaired author
9. A book by a deaf or hard-of-hearing author
10. A book by a self-published author
11. A book from a genre you typically avoid
12. A book from an animal's POV
13. A book originally published under a pen name
14. A book recommended by a bookseller
15. A book recommended by a librarian
16. A book set 24 years before you were born
17. A book set in a travel destination on your bucket list
18. A book set in space
19. A book set in the future
20. A book set in the snow
21. A book that came out in a year that ends with "24"
22. A book that centers on video games
23. A book that features dragons
24. A book that takes place over the course of 24 hours
25. A book that was published 24 years ago
26. A book that was turned into a musical
27. A book where someone dies in the first chapter
28. A book with a main character who's 42 years old
29. A book with a neurodivergent main character
30. A book with a one-word title you had to look up in a dictionary
31. A book with a title that is a complete sentence
32. A book with an enemies-to-lovers plot
33. A book with an unreliable narrator
34. A book with at least three POVs
35. A book with magical realism
36. A book written by an incarcerated or formerly incarcerated person
37. A book written during NaNoWriMo
38. A cozy fantasy book
39. A fiction book by a trans or nonbinary author
40. A horror book by a BIPOC author
41. A memoir that explores queerness
42. A nonfiction book about Indigenous people
43. A second-chance romance
44. An autobiography by a woman in rock 'n' roll
45. An LGBTQ+ romance novel

46. A book in which a character sleeps for more than 24 hours
47. A book with 24 letters in the title
48. A collection of at least 24 poems
49. The 24th book of an author
50. A book that starts with the letter "X"

message 20: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 12:29AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 1st QUARTER CHALLENGE - WINTER TOURIST SEASON
January 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024

Goal: Complete 4 prompts

1. Hell, Norway -- 1899 (-14.8F / -26.0C)
This village is named for the Old Norse word hellir, which means overhang or cliff cave. It is home to Stone Age rock carvings and an annual Blues in Hell music festival.
Read a book that involves music, is set in Norway, or has a mountain or cave on the cover.

2. Naryn, Kyrgyzstan -- 2023 (-17.3F / -27.4C)
Named for the river Naryn, one branch the Great Silk Road went through here from ancient times through the Middle Ages. Visitors might enjoy the nearby Salkyn-Tor Nature Park or Son-Kol Lake.
Read a book set in the Middle Ages, featuring road travel, or set near a river, park, or lake.

3. Erzurum, Türkiye -- 2009 (-32.8F / -36C)
This city near the Black Sea is home to the Erzurum Citadel, Twin Minaret Madrasa, and Çobandede Bridge, all built in the 11th-13th centuries. The country’s top ski resorts are on Palandöken Mountain which can potentially operate from November to June.
Read a book that involves twins, is set near a ski resort, or has a bridge on the cover.

4. Anchorage, Alaska, United States -- 1947 (-38F / -38.9)
This city offers glacier viewing by boat or air, an abundance of wildlife including beluga whales, moose, and bears, and a museum featuring art of the native peoples.
Read a book with boat or air travel, about a large mammal, or written by an indigenous author.

5. Fraser, Colorado, United States -- 1962 (-43F / -41.7C)
Situated in the Rocky Mountains near the Continental Divide, this town offers dog sledding, tubing, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing. It sits at an elevation of 8,574 feet.
Read a book featuring winter sports, a division of any type, or published in 1962.

6. Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States -- 1912 (-43F / -41.7C)
Visitors enjoy fishing, biking, hiking, camping, canoeing, skiing, snowboarding, horseback riding, and almost any winter activity. History buffs can visit forts, learn about the area’s military history, America’s westward expansion, and the local First Nations people.
Read a historical or western book, a book with a horse on the cover, or a book about indigenous peoples.

7. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia -- 1957 (-47F / -43.9)
This city has stunning Buddhist temples, a statue of Genghis Khan, and the Zaisan Hill Memorial, honoring fallen WWII Mongol and Russian allied soldiers. The museum features artifacts from the steppe nomads, the military, and Mongolian jewelry.
Read a book set during World War II, a book about a nomadic culture, or a book with a Buddhist character or author.

8. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada -- 1879 (-54F / -47.8C)
Winnipeg hosts the Festival du Voyageur, named for the French fur traders who settled here. There are activities in both French and English, with music, food, and incredible ice and snow sculptures.
Read a book with any furry animal on the cover, a book originally written in French, or a book about a traveler.

9. International Falls, Minnesota, United States -- 1909 (-55F / -48.3)
"The Icebox of the Nation" directly borders Canada. Residents enjoy a wacky winter festival called Icebox Days, which involves games, races, and midnight skiing. They also have frozen turkey bowling and the Freeze Your Gizzard 5K and 10K race.
Read a book set along a border, about a runner, or with a bird in the title or cover art.

10. Utqiaġvik, Alaska, United States -- 1923 (-56F / -48.9C)
This city is the northernmost city in the United States. Since it’s above the Arctic Circle, the sun never drops below the horizon for 65 days in the summer, and doesn’t rise for 65 days in the winter. You can explore Iñupiat or Birnirk culture, and the famous whalebone arch known as the "Gateway to the Arctic."
Read a book about whales, a book where the weather has a major impact on the story, or a book set where the “midnight sun” or “polar night” phenomena occur (north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle).

11. Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada -- 1947 (-60F / -51.1C)
This city is 250 miles south of the Arctic Circle, with lots of First Nations history to explore and incredible Northern Lights displays. It was a huge town during the gold rush, and still has gold and diamond mines. It hosts the annual Snowking Festival, a month long arts celebration held in a snow castle with ice windows.
Read a book set in a castle, with gold or diamonds on the cover, or with a compass direction in the title.

12. Dudinka, Russia -- 1947 (-60F / -51.1C)
This very remote port city became an official settlement in 1667. Its major industry is shipping the nickel which is mined nearby. When the river freezes over in the winter, there's an annual ice breakup that requires deliberately flooding the port.
Read a set in Russia, with money in the title or cover art, or a book where flooding occurs.

13. Astana, Kazakhstan -- 1893 (-60.9F / -51.6C)
Astana has been known in the past as Akmolinsk, Tselinograd, Akmola, and Nur-sultan. You can visit the Palace of Peace, which is a pyramid-shaped palace that houses a university, an opera house, a spiritual center, and more.
Read a book about someone with a name change, a book about spirituality, or with a palace or pyramid on the cover.

14. Coral Harbour, Nunavut, Canada -– 1975 (-63F / -52.8C)
This small Inuit community is on Southampton Island. The Sallirmiut people lived here from 500 BCE until the winter of 1902 when they were wiped out by typhus that arrived with a Scottish whaling vessel. There's a lot to do outdoors – hiking in the summer and ice fishing, dog sledding, and snowmobiling in winter.
Read a book where an illness impacts a population, a book by a Canadian author, or a book set on an island.

15. Golmud, Qinghai, China -- 2023 (-63.4F / -53C)
This split city has two parts that don't touch and is at the start of the Qinghai-Tibet railroad. This “Sky Road’ is the highest railway in the world, and offers beautiful views of Gobi Desert, Kunlun Mountains, Tuotuo River, Tsonag Lake and Qiangtang Grassland.
Read a book with two or 2 in the title, featuring a train ride, or with a landscape on the cover.

16. Harbin, China –- 2023 (-63.4F / -53C)
This city has buildings from the Byzantine, Russian, and Baroque architectural styles. It is home to the International Ice and Snow Festival, with ice buildings up to 164 feet (50 meters) high, which are lit up in beautiful colors at night, and snow sculptures longer than two football fields.
Read a book that involves art or architecture, with an icy or snowy cover, or set in China.

17. Fairbanks, Alaska, United States -- 1934 (-66F / -54.4C)
Located in a valley in the interior of the state, Fairbanks is home to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can enjoy the Aurora Borealis from here, and in the summer, the sky stays light for almost 24 hours a day. It has commemorations of Alaska's Native history, hiking and skiing trails, it’s also not far to the North Pole.
Read a book set at a school, a book about polar explorers, or a book with the sun on the cover.

18. Snag, Yukon, Canada -- 1947 (-81F / -62.8C)
The little village of Snag came about during the Klondike Gold Rush and consists of about 8-10 native families. When the record above was set, it is reported that a weather observer’s breath “fell to the ground in a white powder.”
Read a book set in a small village or town, with a cover that shows falling precipitation, or set during a gold rush.

19. Yakutsk, Russia -– 2023 (-83.9F / -64.4C)
Vendors who sell frozen fish here just lay them down outside, and they freeze instantly. They make accommodations here for the cold, like carpet on stairs to prevent slipping, insulating above ground gas pipes, and building houses on stilts so that they don't melt the permafrost.
Read a book translated from Russian, with a fish on the cover, or involving special accommodations or modifications.

20. Oymyakon, Sakha Republic, Russia -– 1924 (-96.2F / -71.2C)
This village in Eastern Siberia is the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth. Many cars are kept running all the time so that the engines don't freeze. There is an annual "Pole of Cold Festival" here which celebrates the ethnic Yakut and Evenk cultures with dog sledding, reindeer races, and ice fishing.
Read a book with a car on the cover, a book about any ethnic culture/group, or with a cold word in the title (frozen, frigid, etc.)

message 21: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 12:35AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 2nd QUARTER CHALLENGE - ALL ABOUT SPRING
April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Goal: Read 3 books

1. Goodbye winter. Read a book with “spring” in the title, that is set during spring, or that has a happy ending.

2. In your Easter bonnet. Read a book with a rabbit or an article of clothing on the cover, or that is about fashion.

3. April showers bring May flowers. Read a book that features a garden, or has flowers or an umbrella on the cover.

4. Spring is a time of renewal. Read a book about a new beginning or starting over, or that is related to birth or growth in some way.

5. Daylight Saving Time begins in parts of the world. Read a book with "day” or “time” in the title, or a book where someone or something is saved or rescued.

6. Tulips and daffodils are among the first flowers to bloom in spring. Read a book with pink or yellow on the cover, a book set in the Netherlands, or the first book in a series.

7. Love is in the air. Read a romance novel or any novel in which two characters are in love.

8. Passover. Read a book with a Jewish author or main character or a book about family or faith.

9. March, April, and May are the months of spring. Read any book that contains March, April, or May anywhere (title, author’s name, set in March, character name, with a parade or “march,” etc.)

10. Farmer’s Market. Read a book set on a farm, that has something you would find at a farmer’s market on the cover, or a book that you got second-hand.

11. Cherry blossoms. Read a book set in Japan or that has something associated with tea on the cover.

12. Spring break. Read a book set in a school or university, with a character who is a teacher, or any book you think of as a beach read.

13. Earth Day. Read a book related to environmentalism (fiction or nonfiction), an e-book or audiobook, or read a book with a green spine or cover.

14. Mardi Gras. Read a book with a character who is in disguise or is hiding something, a book with gold, green, or purple on the cover, or a book set in New Orleans.

15. Spring cleaning. Read a book in which a character is a housekeeper, butler, maid or gardener, or a book where something is “cleaned up,” “swept under the rug,” or otherwise hidden or cleared away.

16. St. Patrick’s Day. Read a book set in Ireland, about Irish immigrants, or with an author or character whose name is any variation of Patrick (Pat, Patricia, Patty, Paddy, etc.).

17. “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” Read a book with a character that is like a lion (strong, fierce, intimidating, etc.) or like a lamb (gentle, quiet, playful, etc.), or a book set in either Africa or New Zealand.

18. Memorial Day. Read a book about memory, that has a soldier as a character, or a book that you've read before but don't really remember.

19. Spring forward. Read a book set in the future or a book that jumps back and forth in time.

20. Maypole. Read a book that is set in a wood or forest, or that has trees on the cover.

message 22: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 12:40AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 2nd QUARTER CHALLENGE - TBR SPRING CLEANING
April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Goal: Read 10 books

📗 The thick - a book with more than 500 pages
📗 The thin - a book with less than 200 pages
📗 The pretty - a book with a pretty cover
📗 The ugly - a book with an ugly cover
📗 The unknown - a book with few reviews
📗 The exotic - a book set in an unvisited place
📗 The tough - a book that's a challenging read
📗 The random - a book that you've chosen blindly
📗 The old-timer - a book with more time waiting on your shelf
📗 The ancient - a book written long ago
📗 The sequel - a continuation
📗 The special - a must read
📗 The good - a book with the best ratings
📗 The bad - a book with the worst ratings
📗 The popular - a book with many reviews
📗 The well-connected - a book that someone recommended
📗 The cheap - a reduced-price book
📗 The expensive - a high-priced book
📗 The given - a free book
📗 The new - a new release

message 23: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:09AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments ATY SUMMER READING CHALLENGE
June 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
☐ A book with a writing utensil on the cover
☐ An author who has a pen name
☐ A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian

2. National Prune Day
☐ A book written by someone over the age of 60
☐ A book with more than 400 pages
☐ A book with purple on the cover

3. Let's Catch a Movie
☐ Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
☐ A book that has been adapted into a movie or series
☐ A book published in the last two years

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
☐ A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
☐ A translated book
☐ A book with a seven in the page count

1. Happy Birthday Satchel Paige
☐ A book whose author's initials appear in CURVEBALL
☐ A book featuring a sport
☐ A book with a black main character

2. The Apollo Moon Landing
☐ A book set in space
☐ A book with the moon on the cover
☐ A book published in the 1960s

3. Let's Go on a Hike
☐ A book with a cover of a nature scene without people
☐ A book set in a rural area
☐ A book with an element of survival

4. Dog Days of Summer
☐ A book with a dog on the cover
☐ A book with a hot setting
☐ An author's first book

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
☐ A book featuring an ancient civilization
☐ A book with red on the cover
☐ A book set in a city

2. Vacation Time
☐ A book you've been meaning to read
☐ A book by a favorite author
☐ A book set somewhere you would like to visit

3. Let's Play a Game
☐ A book with multiple points of view
☐ A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
☐ A book in a series

4. Back to School Sales
☐ A book borrowed from the library
☐ A nonfiction book
☐ A book with a character in an educational setting

message 24: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 11, 2024 02:03AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 3rd QUARTER CHALLENGE - SUMMER GAMES
July 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024

Goal: Read 20 books pertaining to the 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, by focusing on the disciplines, the host cities, or the years in which the Games were held.

message 25: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 25, 2024 11:46PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 4TH QUARTER CHALLENGE - BALANCING IT OUT
October 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Generating Cycle : 🌲 → 🔥 → 🌱 → 🔧 → 🌊 → 🌲 → …

Wood: Water nourishes Wood, the element of spring. It is associated with birth, growth, movement, wind, and the color green.
🌲 Read a book set in spring, about new birth (literally or figuratively), or involving wind or movement.
🌲 Read a book with green on the cover or in the title.

Fire: Wood fuels fire, which is the element of heat, summer, nature at its peak, growth, passion and hate in human relationships, and the color red.
🔥 Read a book that takes place in summer, a romance, or a book that examines hate or prejudice.
🔥 Read a book with red on the cover or in the title.

Earth: Fire creates Earth (Ash), which is connected to harvest time, nourishment, fertility, mother-child relationships and stability. It is represented by the color yellow, like the sun and ripened crops.
🌱 Read a book about cooking, or a book that features parent-child relationships.
🌱 Read a book with yellow on the cover or in the title.

Metal: Earth contains Metal, which is connected to autumn, gravity, minerals within the earth, heavenly bodies, electrical conductivity, and magnetism. It has structure but can adapt new forms by melting.
🔧 Read a book where set in autumn, or where gravity, minerals, or heavenly bodies play an important role.
🔧 Read a book with white on the cover or in the title.

Water: Metal can carry Water, which is connected to Winter. It is the source of life, flowing, yielding but powerful, silent and still, It is connected to the colors blue and black.
🌊 Read a book set in winter, where water or ice play an important role, or a book set on water.
🌊 Read a book with blue or black on the cover or in the title.

Controlling Cycle : 🌲 → 🌱 → 🌊 → 🔥 → 🔧 → 🌲 → …

Wood: Metal penetrates Wood, which represents plants, trees, and basic bodily functions such as respiration, heartbeat, etc. It is associated with the East, the planet Jupiter, and symbolized by an Azure Dragon.
🌲 Read a book where the East is important in some way, including the planet Jupiter, or a book with dragons.
🌲 Read a book with plants or trees on the cover, or a book involving the heart or lungs.

Earth: Wood can break the Earth, which is connected to the change of seasons. It is said to be patient, reliable, logical and governed by duty to others. It is related to the taste of sweetness, the planet Saturn, and birds that prefer the comfort of the earth.
🌱 Read a book about change, about the rights or freedoms of others, or a book about sweets.
🌱 Read a book that features Saturn, birds, or the change of seasons.

Water: Earth absorbs Water, the fluid that maintains the health of every cell. Water is quiet, cold, and represents the resting time of winter. It is considered the most feminine of the elements and is very powerful, moving around obstacles in its path. It can nourish and cleanse, but at times can be very dangerous.
🌊 Read a medical book, or one with health advice, a book about feminism, or one that takes place in the North.
🌊 Read a book with water on the cover, or a book about some kind of catastrophe.

Fire: Water quenches Fire, which is associated with the South, the planet Mars, and the sense of taste.
🔥 Read a book that includes the South or Southern Countries, or the planet Mars,
🔥 Read a book which includes the taste bitter, or about a character's bitterness.

Metal: Fire can melt Metal. Its color is white, and it is determined, forceful, unyielding, and reserved. It represents the West, the planet Venus, and is associated with the taste of spiciness.
🔧 Read a book involving the West, or where a character has persistence and determination to achieve a goal.
🔧 Read a book where the planet Venus plays a role, or involving something spicy.


Zodiac Signs : Read books related to your lucky element and its characteristics.

Birthday → Zodiac Sign → Element
Dec 6 to Jan 5 → 🐀 Rat 🐀 → Water 🌊
Jan 6 to Feb 3 → 🐂 Ox 🐂 → Earth 🌱
Feb 4 to Mar 5 → 🐅 Tiger 🐅 → Wood 🌲
Mar 6 to Apr 5 → 🐇 Rabbit 🐇 → Wood 🌲
Apr 6 to May 5 → 🐉 Dragon 🐉 → Earth 🌱
May 6 to June 5 → 🐍 Snake 🐍 → Fire 🔥
June 6 to July 5 → 🐎 Horse 🐎 → Fire 🔥
July 6 to Aug 5 → 🐏 Sheep 🐏 → Earth 🌱
Aug 6 to Sept 5 → 🐒 Monkey 🐒 → Metal 🔧
Sept 6 to Oct 5 → 🐓 Rooster 🐓 → Metal 🔧
Oct 6 to Nov 5 → 🐕 Dog 🐕 → Earth 🌱
Nov 6 to Dec 5 → 🐖 Pig 🐖 → Water 🌊

🌲 Wood 🌲
Season: Spring
Associated with: birth, growth, flexibility, movement and wind
Color: Green
Body: basic body functions (self-regulating, without conscious thought, e.g. respiration, heartbeat)
Direction: East
Planet: Jupiter
Taste: Sour
Symbol: Azure Dragon

🔥 Fire 🔥
Season: Summer
Associated with: heat, enthusiasm, warmth/passion in human relationships, hate
Color: Red
Body: functions with maximum activity (decline is inevitable, e.g. the heart, the circulation system)
Direction: South
Planet: Mars
Taste: Bitter
Symbol: Vermillion Bird

🌱 Earth 🌱
Season: Change of Seasons / Transformation
Associated with: harvest time, abundance, nourishment, fertility, mother-child relationships, stability/reliability, logic, governed by duty to others
Color: Yellow
Body: digestive system, sense of taste
Direction: Center
Planet: Saturn
Taste: Sweet
Symbol: Yellow Dragon or birds that prefer the comfort of the earth

🔧 Metal 🔧
Season: Autumn
Associated with: Gravity, minerals, heavenly bodies, electrical conductivity and magnetism; has a structure but can adapt new forms by melting, reforming; determined, forceful, unyielding, self-reliant, reserved
Color: White
Body: Lungs, respiratory system, nose
Direction: West
Planet: Venus
Taste: Spicy
Symbol: White Tiger

🌊 Water 🌊
Season: Winter
Associated with: quiet, cold, the resting time of winter; source of life, silent and still, flexible, can nourish and cleanse, but also destroy
Color: Blue/Black
Body: fluid that maintains the health of every cell (skeletal and excretory system, kidney and bodily fluids)
Direction: North
Planet: Mercury
Taste: Salty
Symbol: Black Tortoise and Deer

message 26: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited May 29, 2024 02:19PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments JANUARY CHALLENGE - MARATHON CHALLENGE
January 1 - January 31, 2024

Goal: read 1,000 pages
Progress: 1,774/1,000 COMPLETED!

En el tiempo de las mariposas by Julia Alvarez The Guests by Margot Hunt The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton Floral Folklore The Forgotten Tales Behind Nature’s Most Enchanting Plants by Alison Davies A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

message 27: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited May 29, 2024 02:31PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments JANUARY CHALLENGE - THE FATES
January 1 - January 31, 2024

Goal: Read 2 books
Progress: 2/2 COMPLETED!

1. The Fates are three sister goddesses who were believed to assign each mortal their destiny, lifespan, and time of death.
Read a book about sisters or a deity, or written by an author whose religion, faith or spirituality is different than your own.
En el tiempo de las mariposas

2. The Fates are said to be the offspring of either Nyx (Night) alone, or of Zeus and Themis (Law and Justice).
Read a book with a night scene on the cover, or read a police procedural or legal thriller.

3. Clotho, the spinner, spins a golden thread that represents an individual's life.
Read a book with something gold on the cover, or a textile product on the cover.

4. Lachesis, the measurer or allotter of time, determines the length of a human's thread of life.
Read a book with a timepiece on the cover, a unit of measure in the title, or a parallel/alternate timeline.
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

5. Atropos, the unbending or inflexible one, chooses how and when a person dies, and cuts the thread at the end of their life.
Read a book with shears or a blade on the cover, or a book that includes a death.

6. In visual arts, the Fates are often depicted as young and beautiful, sometimes working on a tapestry.
Read a book about a visual artist, or with a piece of art or an attractive young woman on the cover.

7. In literature, the Fates are frequently depicted as older women who write down the fates of humans.
Read a book about a writer, an elderly protagonist, or where the characters age over the years.

8. According to this mythology, humans do indeed have free will, but the Fates know the choices and actions that each person will take.
Read a memoir or autobiography, or a book where the characters' decisions significantly impact their lives.

9. In Greek, the Fates are referred to as Moirai (plural of Moira), meaning fate, portion or share.
Read a book with a character or author named Moira, or whose author name and/or title contain the letters M-O-I-R-A-I.

message 28: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited May 29, 2024 09:41PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments FEBRUARY CHALLENGE - LITERARY DRAGONS
February 1 - February 29, 2024

Goal: Read 4 books
Progress: 2/4 COMPLETED!

1. Saphira (Eragon) - Her name derives from the word 'sapphire', which is a deep blue colour. She was discovered in the mountains.
Read a book with mountains on the cover or read a book with a blue color on the cover.
Indigo Ridge

2. Norberta (Harry Potter) - Previously named Norbert, she is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid acquired as an egg. It was later discovered Norbert was female and renamed Norberta.
Read a book that is set in Norway or a book by a transgender author.
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty

3. Ramoth (Dragonriders of Pern) - Ramoth is a queen dragon who establishes a telepathic bond with Lessa.
Read a book with a queen in it or a book with paranormal elements.

4. Smaug (The Hobbit) - A greedy and wicked golden-red dragon who slaughtered Thrór's dwarf clan along with the town of Dale and took the dwarves' treasure.
Read a book that features a wicked character or a book that features any type of treasure.

5. Toothless Daydream (How to Train Your Dragon) - A very small, young, bright green toothless dragon. He pretends to be a violent species called the Toothless Daydream, distant relations of the Monstrous Nightmare.
Read a coming-of-age book or read a book where the main character disguises themselves as someone else.

6. Mushu (Mulan) - Fa Mulan's closest companion throughout the Mulan series and comic relief. He is a disgraced former family guardian who is demoted to the role of awakening the spirits of the ancestors and family guardians for failing to protect a family member.
Read a book that features close friends or a book with spirits/ghosts in it.

7. Drogon (A Song of Fire and Ice) - A black-red dragon, hatched by Daenerys Targaryen. The largest and most vicious of her three dragons.
Read a book with more than 400 pages or read a book with a dragon(s) in it.
When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

8. Draco (Drahonheart [movie]) - The last remaining dragon. Voiced by Sean Connery.
Read a book that is the last in a series or read a book where the author's name (or main character) starts with "S" or "C".

message 29: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:34AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments MARCH CHALLENGE - WE'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER
March 1 - March 31, 2024

Goal: Read 2 books

1. One's number is up: one is going to die, or can no longer continue a job or activity.
Read a book where someone dies or loses their position.

2. Numbers racket: an illegal pick-3 lottery usually played in poor or working-class neighborhoods.
Read a book set in a poor community, or with a three-word title.

3. Opening number: the first song and/or dance routine in a musical production.
Read a book with a musician or actor, or a book that inspired a stage, film, or television musical.

4. Safety in numbers: humans and animals are thought to be more safe in a group than as an individual.
Read a book about a group of people working toward a common goal, or with an animal group name in the title (murder, school, gang, etc.).

5. Little black number: first used in the 19th century, this phrase refers to a LBD (little black dress).
Read a book set in or published in the 19th century, or with a dress on the cover.

6. Crunch the numbers: computer and electronics slang, meaning to calculate or analyze large amounts of numerical data for financial purposes.
Read a book about someone in STEM, or with a slang word or phrase in the title

7. By the numbers: precise or planned, this phrase dates to a training book from the American Revolution.
Read a book set in or published in the 18th century, or a book involving strict precision/planning.

8. Do a number on: to injure, embarrass, or harm someone or something, or to trick someone into believing something that is not true.
Read a book about someone who harms or is harmed by another, or about a trickster or con artist.

9. Odd number: considered lucky in Russia.
Read a book about someone who is lucky, with an odd number in the title, or an odd numbered book from a series.

10. Even number: considered unlucky in Russia.
Read a book about someone who is unlucky, with an even number in the title, or an even numbered book from a series.

message 30: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:39AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments APRIL CHALLENGE - A MUSICAL ECLIPSE
April 1 - April 30, 2024

Goal: Read 2 books

1. Eclipse is a song by the rock band, Pink Floyd.
Read a book featuring astronomy, or read a book featuring a band.

2. Pink Floyd was formed in London in 1965.
Read a book set in London, or read a book published or set in 1965.

3. Eclipse is the tenth and final track on the album, The Dark Side of the Moon.
Read a book with 10 chapters, or read a book that is the final book in a series.

4. An eclipse occurs when one celestial body is obscured by another, or passes into the shadow of another.
Read a book with the word eclipse, moon, or sun in the title, or read a book featuring an eclipse, moon or sun.

5. Eclipse was published in 1973 on one of Pink Floyd's most successful albums.
Read a book published or set in 1973, or read a book that was a best seller.

6. The band had several names before settling on Pink Floyd, derived from the name of two blues musicians -- Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.
Read a book with pink on the cover, or read a book featuring music.

7. Eclipse is often paired with the ninth track, Brain Damage.
Read a book with two authors, or read a book featuring mental health.

8. Eclipse was written and sung by Roger Waters.
Read a book with an author or character named Roger or Waters, or read a book with any form of water on the cover.

message 31: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:47AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments SPECIAL EVENT - HAPPY 30K MEMBERS!
April 1 - May 31, 2024

Goal: Complete 4 tasks

1. Read a book about a book club or other friend group.
2. Read a book that includes a party or anniversary celebration.
3. Read a book that features a bibliophile, bookworm, librarian, or bookshop.
4. Read a book that was read for this challenge by another participant.
5. Read something from this listopia, or a recommendation from a 30-year-old.
6. Pearl is a traditional 30th anniversary gift. Read a book with the word pearl in the title, with an author or character named Pearl, or with a gem on the cover.
7. Read the 30th prompt in the Popsugar Challenge: A book with a one-word title you had to look up in the dictionary.
8. Read the 30th prompt of Bibliopoly: A book with any shade of yellow on the cover or in the title.
9. Read the 30th prompt of TBR Jar prompts: A book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
10. Read a book from the 300 section of Dewey Decimal: Social sciences.
11. Read one of the first 30 books on your TBR.
12. Read a book which has been translated into 30 or more languages.
13. Read a book with at least 30 chapters or sections.
14. Read a book with over 30,000 ratings on Goodreads.
15. Read a book by an author who has written more than 30 books.
16. Read a book with a title that has at least 30 characters, excluding spaces.
17. Read a book that was written when the author was in their 30’s.
18. Read a book written by a writer who has been writing for at least 30 years.
19. Read a book published 30 years ago: 1994.
20. Read a book with the letters T-H-I-R-T-Y-K in the title and/or author's name.

message 32: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:52AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments MAY CHALLENGE - LITERARY LILY
May 1 - May 31, 2024

Goal: Read 6 books

Lily Potter : Harry Potter
Read a book by JK Rowling or a book featuring magic

Lily Bart : The House of Mirth
Read a book by Edith Wharton or a book with an emotion in the title

Lily the dragon : Temeraire
Read a book by Naomi Novik or a book featuring dragons

Lily Bloom : It Ends with Us
Read a book by Colleen Hoover or a hyped book

Lily : Mad Honey
Read a book by Jodi Picoult or a book featuring a trans character

Lily and the Octopus
Read a book by Steven Rowley or a book where an animal is a main character.

Lily : Dash and Lily
Read a book by Rachel Cohn or an epistolary book

Tiger Lily : Peter Pan
Read a book by J.M. Barrie or a middle grade/young adult book

Lily Kintner : Lily Kintner
Read a book by Peter Swanson or a Goodreads Choice Award nominee for any year

Lily Bard : Lily Bard
Read a book by Charlaine Harris or a cozy mystery

message 33: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 03, 2024 01:58AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments JUNE CHALLENGE - CHANGE BY ANY OTHER NAME
June 1 - June 30, 2024

Goal: Read 5 books

1. Accommodate: provide a service; to provide suitably.
Read a book in which a character accommodates guests, with a character who works in a service-related role, or with a main character who has a disability.

2. Adapt: to adjust oneself to different conditions; to transfer a work or story to film.
Read a book in which a character must adapt to a new environment or circumstances, or read a book that has been adapted for the stage or screen.

3. Alternate: to change back and forth between conditions, states, actions, etc.
Read a book with alternate timelines, in which the POV shifts between characters, or in which a character changes form (vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, etc.)

4. Development: growth; maturity; improvement.
Read a book in which a character ages from childhood to maturity or matures in some way over the course of the novel, with a child or teen main character, or a book with strong character development.

5. Diversify: spread out; branch out, expand.
Read a book from a genre you don’t usually read, that challenges you in some way, or that has a main character that is a different race or nationality from your own.

6. Naturalize: confer citizenship upon; accustom; familiarize.
Read a book about immigrants or immigration, or read a book from a favorite author or genre.

7. Translate: to turn from one language into another; to change the form, condition, nature.
Read a book in translation, or read a book in which a character or environment undergoes a major transformation.

8. Variation: the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree.
Read a book with non-human characters, a retelling of a classic novel or fairy tale, or a book with a diverse cast of characters.

message 34: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Jul 08, 2024 10:39PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments JULY CHALLENGE - ROAD TRIPPING
July 1 - July 31, 2024

Goal: Read 6 books

1. On the Road (1957)
Kerouac’s classic book details his travels with his friends as they travel across America in this quintessential slice of countercultural Americana.
• Read a book about a group of friends, written by an author of the Beat Generation, or involving a road trip.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

2. Travels with Charley: In Search of America (1962)
In 1960, John Steinbeck set out across America with his French poodle, Charley. Steinbeck's son said the reason for his journey was that he knew he was dying, and he wanted to see the country one last time.
• Read a book involving a pet, with a character who is seriously ill, or involving any kind of travel.
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

3. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
Robert Pirsig’s book tells the story of a father and son motorcycle trip with a pair of friends but also delves into fundamental questions about how to live life and tries to reconcile science, religion and more.
• Read a book about a father and son, involving bikes, or about spirituality.

4. Jupiter’s Travels (1979)
Ted Simon traveled by motorcycle over 63,000 miles through 45 countries in Africa, South America, Australia, and Asia before returning home to London.
• Read a book set on two or more continents, about any kind of exploration, or an adventure book.
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

5. Blue Highways (1982)
Heat-Moon set out to travel along the smaller roads, marked blue on the map, in order to discover small-town America.
• Read a book set in a small town, with blue on the cover, or first published in the 1980s.
Business Casual (Lovelight, #4) by B.K. Borison

6. The Kindness of Strangers: Penniless Across America (1996)
Mike McIntyre hitchhiked across the U.S. from San Francisco to Cape Fear without so much as a penny, so he would have to rely on complete strangers in order to find rides, eat, and have a place to sleep.
• Read a book involving any act of kindness, with a subtitle, or with any currency on the cover.

7. Flaming Iguanas (1997)
Erika Lopez turns the "white man's road trip" trope on end with prose and illustrations that result in a wild and wonderful ride.
• Read a comedy, a book with a female main character, or a book written by a woman.
Imaginary Strangers (Dangerous Strangers, #1) by Minka Kent

8. American Nomads (2003)
Richard Grant wandered the American West documenting the lives of hobos, truckers, retirees, and hippies, contrasting them with historical characters, frontiersmen, and conquistadors, who wandered the same lands centuries ago.
• Read a book involving any kind of wanderer, set in the American West, or a historical fiction involving a conquistador.
The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

9. Killing Yourself to Live (2005)
Chuck Klosterman set out on a road trip across America exploring the deaths of famous musicians.
• Read a book involving music, a biography or memoir about a famous musician, or a book involving any kind of death.
The Storyteller Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl

10. Drive Nacho Drive (2014)
Brad van Orden and his wife Sheena quit their jobs and headed south in Nacho, their beat-up Volkswagen van, driving through Central America and South America to the “end of the earth” in Patagonia.
• Read a book with a couple as main characters, set in multiple countries, or with a van, car, or truck on the cover.

message 35: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Aug 15, 2024 01:26AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments AUGUST CHALLENGE - FOLLOW THE SILK ROAD
August 1 - August 30, 2024

Goal: Read 5 books representing countries along the Silk Road

message 36: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Aug 13, 2024 01:51AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ 2024 SUMMER READATHON: I SPY
August 2, 2024 - August 11, 2024 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

General Information
This 10-day readathon runs from August 2 to August 11, 2024, beginning and ending at midnight in your personal time zone.

There are 27 prompts including singles, doubles, and triples.

Team 3
Leader: Lisa
Lorraine, Dr. Rashimi, Shari, Blagica, Theresa, Carmen, Creed

Point System:

📃 Pages Read: 1 POINT PER PAGE
🎧 Audiobook Hours: Please use the Goodreads most popular hardcover edition of your book in the language you read it in to calculate page points.

🔎 Units of time (hour, minute)
🔎 Planet (Mars, Jupiter)
🔎 Season (Fall, Spring)
🔎 Article of clothing (shirt, hat, sock)
🔎 Biome (desert, rainforest)
🔎 Children’s toys (dolls, trucks)
🔎 Rooms/Parts of a House (attic, hallway, basement)
🔎 Elements (iron, carbon, oxygen)
🔎 Deities/Gods (Hecate, Buddha, Aphrodite)
🔎 Fruits and veggies (carrot, lemon)
🔎 Vehicles (tractor, limousine)
🔎 Family member (sister , mother)
🔎 Mythical creature (dragon, unicorn)
🔎 Something you find in the garden (dirt, shovel, grass)
🔎 Occupation (lawyer, nurse)
🔎 Body part (arm, foot)
🔎 Accessory (ring, purse)
🔎 Bugs (beetle, grasshopper)
🔎 Things in the sky (cloud, airplane)
🔎 Flowers (Lily, sunflower)
🔎 Buildings (church, bank, barn)
🔎 Animals (cat, horse)
🔎 A proper title (prince, viscount)
🔎 Type of crime (arson, theft, murder)
🔎 The color blue (any shade)
🔎 Number
🔎 Weapon (scythe, poison, gun)
Bonus Prompts: (view spoiler)

- Team Literary Detectives' HQ
- Progress Tracker : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

Q&A Central


message 37: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 18, 2024 02:36AM) (new)

September 1 - September 30, 2024


🏔️ 1. Mount Everest - 8,849 m (29,032 ft): Earth's highest mountain above sea level, Everest is set in the Himalayan mountain range, with the China-Nepal border running across its summit. It attracts many climbers, and has become a pollution hot-spot.
Read a book set where people cross borders (literally or figuratively), one that involves climbing or tourism, or about pollution.

🍷 2. Aconcagua - 6,961 m (22,837 ft): This Andean mountain is located in the wine-making Mendoza Province of Argentina. It it has multiple glaciers, the longest of which is 10 km (6 mi) long.
Read a book set in South America, one that involves wine, or a book about climate.

🐻 3. Denali - 6,190 m (20,310 ft): This Alaskan mountain is the highest peak in North America. It has had a number of names from several languages, but in 2015, it officially went back to the name used by the local Koyukon people for centuries.
Read a book set in North America, about native people or culture, or involving some kind of name change.

🌋 4. Kilimanjaro - 5,895 m (19,341 ft): This dormant volcano in Tanzania is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world.
Read a book set in Africa, about doing something solo, or in which fire or a volcano play an important role.

🐧 5. Mount Vinson - 4,892 m (16,050 ft): The highest peak in Antarctica, Vinson was first climbed in 1966-1967. During the summer season, there are 24 hours of sunlight, and the average temperature is −30 °C (−20 °F).
Read a book set in the 1960's, one set where there's a midnight sun or polar night, or a book with animals from either pole.

🐴 6. Mount Elbrus - 5,642 m (18,510 ft): This dormant volcano in the Caucasus Mountain range has two main peaks. Elbrus is either in Europe or Asia, depending on the boundary definition. The Titan Prometheus was punished here after stealing fire from the Greek gods to give to man. Both the eastern and western summits have been climbed with teams of horses.
Read a book involving horses, mythology, or with two authors.

7. Mont Blanc - 4,806 m (15,766 ft): The 'white mountain' on the French-Italian border is the highest peak of the Alps. The peak was first climbed in 1786, marking the start of modern mountaineering, and the first Winter Olympics was held in neighboring Chamonix in 1924.
Read a book set in one of the eight Alpine countries, written between 1786 and 1924, or involving a sport played in the Winter Olympics.

💀 8. Mount Wilhelm - 4,509 m (14,793 ft): Based on current political boundaries, this is the tallest mountain in Oceania. A World War II bomber crashed into the mountain during a reconnaissance mission, and a number of climbers have perished during attempts to ascend Wilhelm.
Read a history or historical fiction book, one set in Oceania, or involving a death.

🏃‍♂️ 9. Mount Kosciuszko - 2,228 m (7,310 ft): The shortest mountain on the list is the tallest on Australia's mainland. Its first recorded ascent was in 1840, but a cartographical error mislabeled it as Mount Townsend until 1940. This summit is the finish line for the 240 km (150 mi) Coast to Kosci ultramarathon.
Read a book set in Australia, about a runner, or involving a case of mistaken identity.

💰 10. Puncak Jaya - 4,884 m (16,024 ft): The world's 2nd largest gold mine is only 4 km (2.5 mi) from this peak, which is the highest island mountain in the world. Politically, this mountain lies in southeast Asia, but by biogeographical standards, it is part of the Australian continent and Oceania, leading to controversy among Seven Summits climbers.
Read a book set on an island, with gold in the cover or title, or involving a controversy.

🗻 11. Mauna Kea - 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft): An inactive shield volcano on the island of Hawaii, the peaks are considered to be sacred in the Native Hawaiian religion. Despite this, 13 research telescopes have been built by 11 nations at this summit due to its elevation and environment. Livestock and game animals arrived with early European settlers, and have become feral, threatening native species on the island.
Read a book written by a Pacific Islander, involving astronomy or research, or some kind of ecological threat.

message 38: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 18, 2024 02:40AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE - SURPASSING ONE'S LIMITS
September 1 - September 30, 2024

Goal: Read as many books as possible in increments.

message 39: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 25, 2024 11:38PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments OCTOBER CHALLENGE - SHADES OF ORANGE
October 1 - October 31, 2024


message 40: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Sep 25, 2024 11:39PM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments OCTOBER CHALLENGE - SUGAR RUSH
October 1 - October 31, 2024


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