Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

The Stone Cutter: A novel of Petra In Ancient Arabia
This topic is about The Stone Cutter
Awards > please add these awards to my book [done]

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Brock (new)

Brock Meier (brockmeierauthor) | 2 comments Please add these awards to The Stone Cutter:

Historical Fiction Company, Gold Award for Ancient World (2023)

Historical Fiction Company, Grand Prize, Short-listed winner (2023)

Thank you...

message 2: by Eri (new)

Eri ES (itsakirex) | 3496 comments already done

message 3: by Brock (new)

Brock Meier (brockmeierauthor) | 2 comments Please add these awards to The Stone Cutter:

Eric Hoffer Award, 2024 Grand Prize short-list:

Eric Hoffer Award, 2024 First Horizon finalist:

Eric Hoffer Award, 2024 Book Award Winner:

message 4: by Eri (new)

Eri ES (itsakirex) | 3496 comments please edit the title and add [done]

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