Audiobooks discussion

The Fibonacci Murders (Howard County Mysteries, #1)
This topic is about The Fibonacci Murders
Commercial Area 2024 > "The Fibonacci Murders" Audiobook Kickstarter

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message 1: by Dale (new)

Dale Lehman (dalelehman) | 2 comments (John: I'm new here, so I hope I'm doing this right. If not, my apologies. Feel free to rap my knuckles if necessary.)

"The Fibonacci Murders" is the first installment in my Howard County Mystery series. It's a traditional murder mystery/police procedural about a series of killings based on the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...).

I'm about to take the series to audio, and a Kickstarter to fund the project is now in preview. You can see it at

If you'd like to contribute when the project launches on April 23rd, please click the "Notify me on Launch" button. Also, feel free to share the link around. I need all the help I can get!


message 2: by Dale (new)

Dale Lehman (dalelehman) | 2 comments The Kickstarter went live today. See If you can pledge or share the link (or both), I would be grateful.

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