Audiobooks discussion

This topic is about Clifton
Commercial Area 2024 > Catherine E. Chapman's AI-narrated Audiobooks - Women's Fiction & Romance

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message 1: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) | 5 comments The first volume of my novel, 'The Beacon Singer,' is now available as an audiobook and is currently free from retailers:

If you read and enjoy the story, reviews and ratings would be appreciated.

The Beacon Singer

message 2: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) | 5 comments My novella, 'Clifton,' is newly-published as an audiobook on Google Play and is currently free. If you listen to the story and enjoy it, ratings and reviews would be appreciated.


message 3: by Robin P (new)

Robin P | 1551 comments Just a warning - Most of the members of this group aren't interested in AI narration, the human narrators are very important to us.

message 4: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) | 5 comments Robin P wrote: "Just a warning - Most of the members of this group aren't interested in AI narration, the human narrators are very important to us."

Hi Robin, Thanks for the info. Yes, I appreciate that, which is why I make it clear in the heading of this thread.

If anybody does listen to any of my books, I'd be appreciative of feedback on their thoughts on the AI narrators. I most always use US voices, even though I'm a British writer, as I find the US voices on Google more convincingly human!

message 5: by Robin P (new)

Robin P | 1551 comments Thanks for explaining, that info is appreciated!

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