2024 Reading Challenge discussion

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message 1: by Ilona (new)

Ilona | 4700 comments

Happy June!

We hope you are all having a great reading year. Thank you for joining the 30k party. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 🙂 Our next special group activity, a team readathon, takes place in August. Stay tuned for more information in the July monthly message!

Our June theme is Change and our group read for this month is 11/22/63 by Stephen King, where Jake Epping takes on the impossible task of preventing the Kennedy assassination through time travel.

You can join the discussion or post your review of the book!
You can also vote for our July book with the theme of Road Trip as well as nominate a book for August with the theme of Silk!

This month, we have new challenges with the theme of Change, and we’ll continue our two Spring quarterlies!

Monthly challenges
Life Changes is an open challenge to read books in which characters go through a big life change.
Change by Any Other Name is a prompt-based challenge based on synonyms of change.

Quarterly challenges
TBR Spring Cleaning can be either an open or prompt-based challenge, depending on how you wish to clean up your TBR shelf.
All About Spring has twenty prompts that are, yep, all about spring events, words, and phrases.

Yearly challenges can help you reach your 2024 reading goals. Visit Guide to the 2024 Yearly Challenges to learn more.

Do you have an idea for a new challenge? Please let us know! Most of our quarterly and monthly challenges grow from our members’ suggestions. We love hearing your creative ideas!

Share a book with an online friend while knocking off a read from your TBR list!

If you’ve signed up for June, your twins are posted here . Please reach out to your twin and choose a book to read together!
You can also sign up for July TBR Twins here , and we'll pair you with someone to read a book with next month.

Let’s read some books together! Buddy reads are a great way to read and discuss a book together with fellow group members.

We are reading the following stand-alone books:
Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955
Anita de Monte Laughs Last
Bel Canto
The Brothers Karamazov
The Collected Regrets of Clover
Demon Copperhead
Fahrenheit 451
The Familiar
The Institute
The Paper Palace
The Quarry Girls

We will start or continue the following series:
Asian Saga #1: Shogun, Part One
Beartown #1
Chocolat #1
Crave #2: Crush
Elatsoe #1
Ernest Cunningham #1: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
The Firm #2: The Exchange
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy #2: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Holly Gibney #2: If It Bleeds
The Inheritance Cycle #4: Inheritance
Once Upon a Broken Heart #2: The Ballad of Never After
Sigma Force #14: Crucible
Six of Crows #2: Crooked Kingdom
The Sandsea Trilogy #1: The Stardust Thief
Thursday Murder Club #4: The Last Devil to Die
Washington Poe #2: Black Summer

If you would like to join any, please follow the link and let your buddies know you will join the read! Would you like to suggest a future Buddy Read or join a future one? You can sign up on our current Buddy Reads - Sign Up thread.

Finally, welcome to all of our new members! We can't wait to get to know you. Please stop in and introduce yourself or say hello to our new members!

Happy Reading, everyone!

Winter, Ilona, SarahKat, TerryJane, Carri Carey, bailey, Ashleigh, Sunny, and Blagica

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