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Challenge Archives > 2024 Field Day Challenge

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message 1: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod

Field Day Challenge:
Play days, sports days, or field days are occasions hosted by numerous offices and schools where individuals compete in sports, frequently in the hopes of taking home awards or trophies. Though they are often held at the beginning of summer, they are also staged in the autumn or spring seasons, especially in countries where the summer is very harsh. Schools stage many sports days in which children participate in sporting events.

The games that are played in these events can be wide and varied. They can include straightforward sprints and longer races for all age groups, as well as egg and spoon races. Three-legged races are run as well as sack races, wheelbarrow races, and parent-and-child races. Long jumps and high jumps are also held. Additional games are traditionally run in Ireland and in the UK, such as horseshoes.

For this challenge, you have 25 events to read for. Each event has 4 tasks that are repeatable throughout the challenge. There will be no bonus points for completing all tasks or events this time around.

message 2: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod

Events & tasks:
Three-legged race:
-3 POV’s
-Book is part of a trilogy
-3 in page count
-3 people on the cover

Tug of war:
-Tagged ‘War’ at least 10 times
-MC plays on a team sport
-’Tug’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Features a rope

Sack race:
-Cover is an outdoor scene
-’Potato’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Letters S, A, C, K in series title (in any order)
-MC bounces/hops on to or over something

Wheelbarrow race:
-Set on a farm
-Dual POV
-Title starts and ends with a letter in WHEELBARROW
-Features a driver

Capture the flag:
-Flag on cover
-MC gets captured
-Cover has 2 things side by side
-Author’s initials in CAPTURE

Duck, duck, goose:
-Animal in title (ex: The Duck Commander Family)
-Animal on cover
-’Duck’ and ‘Goose’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC has a pet

Simon Says:
-Alliterative title
-Name in series title (Ex:The Wild Wynchesters)
-MC either gives a command or follows one given to them
-Author’s first or last name starts with S

Musical Chairs:
-MPG Music
-Instrument on cover
-Features an elimination
-MC’s first or last name starts with C

Toss Across:
-Title has at least 3 O’s in it
-Author’s first, middle, or last name has an X in it
-MC aims/hits something at a target (your interpretation)
-Series title starts with a letter in BEANBAG

Human knot:
-’Puzzle’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Features a flexible character
-5+ POV’s
-MC’s last name ends with a letter in HUMAN

Pool noodle:
-Features a pool
-Water on cover
-’Noodle’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Title has a word with double vowels in it (ex: The Traitor Queen)

Obstacle course:
-MC climbs over something
-Features a test
-’Crawl’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Author’s first or last name starts with O

Relay Races:
-4 in page count
-’Relay’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC’s initials are in RELAY
-Features a race

Water Balloon Toss:
-Balloon on cover
-Enemies to lovers
-Features two characters that grow apart
-Title has a word with a double consonant (ex: In the Lives of Puppets)

Sponge Relay:
-’Sponge’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC stands in line for something
-Features a character that feels empty
-Set in summer

Hula Hoop Relay:
-MC jumps through a hoop (your interpretation)
-Letters H, U, L, A in series title (in any order)
-Features a tight circle or group of friends
-Letters H, O, O, P in author’s name (ex: Michelle Jabès Corpora)

Parachute Games:
-’Mushroom’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Features treasure
-Umbrella on cover
-MC makes waves (your interpretation)

Balloon Pop Relay:
-Cover has 5+ colors on it
-Features an explosion
-MC pops something
-MC’s first name is 3 letters

-Ball on cover
-MPG Sports
-Hyphenated title or series title
-’Baseball’ in text (pg/% & quote)

Frozen T-Shirt Race:
-Ice on cover
-’Frozen’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Features an ice queen (your interpretation)
-Cover has someone in a t-shirt

Limbo Relay:
-Body part in title (ex: Arm of the Sphinx)
-Letters L, I, M, B, O in title (in any order)
-’Limb’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC’s first name is 5 letters

Egg and Spoon Race:
-’Egg’ and ‘Spoon’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC is a kid
-MPG Middle Grade or MPG Children’s
-Set in school

Dance Contest:
-MC is a dancer
-Features a contest
-’Dance’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC’s first or last name starts with D

Pass the Water:
-Cup on cover
-MC does something backwards
-’Water’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-MC passes on something or passes something to another character

Dunk Tank:
-’Dunk’ in text (pg/% & quote)
-Features a fundraiser or a charity event
-MC collapses
-MC volunteers for something

message 3: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod

This will be a team reading challenge that will run from July 1st to July 31st. The winners will be announced on August 1st.

Teams will be split as evenly as possible. If you would like to be on the same team with anyone, please comment with who when signing up. Please make sure that they also sign up.
If you start a book before July, you will only be able to count the pages that you read in July for this challenge. If the page amount is over 100 pages, you can still count it towards a category.

When signing up, please mention the number of books you plan on reading for the month of July. These numbers will make it easier for me to make teams match up evenly.

For example,
Alaina - 20 books
Andy - 5 books
Aly - 25 books

** You will not be penalized if you go over or under your number.**

The general challenge rules can be found here.

Page Points
1 - 50 pages → 0.25 pts (will only count for page points)
51 - 99 pages → 0.5 pts (will only count for page points)
100 - 149 pages → 1 pt
150 - 249 pages → 2 pts
250 - 349 pages → 3 pts
350 - 449 pages → 4 pts
450 - 549 pages → 5 pts
550 - 649 pages → 6 pts
650 - 749 pages → 7 pts
750 - 849 pages → 8 pts
850 - 949 pages → 9 pts
950+ pages → 10 pts

Buddy Reads will DOUBLE your points.
BOTM will TRIPLE your points.

If you have any questions, please head on over here: Q & A

message 4: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (last edited Jun 26, 2024 09:50AM) (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod

Ela (Mouse333) - 23 books
Jenn - 12-15 books
Melanie - 15 books
Grace Btrs - 13 books
Shan ~A~ - 20 books
Megan - 15 books
+ Laura - 12 books
Catsalive - 20 books
Shannon The Show Stopper - 15 books
Tiffany Martin - 15 books
Cindee - 20 books
Ashlyn - 8 books
Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~ - 15 books
Jessica - 20 books
Diana - 10 books
Felicia - 15 books
Avni - 5 books
Esther - 4 books
Ipsa - 5 books
Megan - 5 books
Kari - 8 books
Sharon Angle-Boyer - 5 books
Kade Gulluscio - 5-6 books


message 5: by Ela (Mouse333) (new)

Ela (Mouse333) | 1689 comments I'm in! For 23 books

message 6: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (tellingmelies) | 3052 comments I'm in for about 12-15 books

message 7: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (mvalente89) | 4936 comments Mod
I'm in for 15 books.

message 8: by Grace (new)

Grace Btrs (gracebtrs) | 961 comments I'm in for 13 books

message 9: by Shan ~A~ (new)

Shan ~A~ (thebookglutton) | 539 comments I'm in for 20 bpm

message 10: by Megan (last edited Jun 17, 2024 11:05PM) (new)

Megan | 914 comments I'm in for 15 books :-)

Could I be on a team with Laura (msg 15) please

message 11: by Catsalive (new)

Catsalive | 991 comments I'm in for 20.

Shannon The Show Stopper  | 758 comments This sounds super fun. I normally say 20 books but I’m only at 6 books so far this month 😂 So….put me down for 15 bpm.

message 13: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany Martin (tiffany_martin) | 146 comments I'm in for 15 books

message 14: by Cindee (new)

Cindee | 2583 comments I'm in for 20 books

message 15: by Laura (new)

Laura | 1360 comments I'm in for 12 books/month

message 16: by Ashlyn (new)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments I’m in for 8 books

Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~ (stormiebookdragon) | 97 comments I'm in for around 15 books.

message 18: by Jessica (new)

Jessica | 1885 comments Mod
I'm in for 20 books

message 19: by Diana (new)

Diana | 453 comments im in for 10 books!

message 20: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Im in for 15

message 21: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Ela (Mouse333) wrote: "I'm in! For 23 books"

Added 😊

message 22: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Jenn wrote: "I'm in for about 12-15 books"

Added 😊

message 23: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Melanie wrote: "I'm in for 15 books."

Added 😊

message 24: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Grace wrote: "I'm in for 13 books"

Added 😊

message 25: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Shan ~A~ wrote: "I'm in for 20 bpm"

Added 😊

message 26: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Megan wrote: "I'm in for 15 books :-)

Could I be on a team with Laura (msg 15) please"

Added 😊

message 27: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Catsalive wrote: "I'm in for 20."

Added 😊

message 28: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Shannon The Show Stopper wrote: "This sounds super fun. I normally say 20 books but I’m only at 6 books so far this month 😂 So….put me down for 15 bpm."

Added 😊

message 29: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Tiffany wrote: "I'm in for 15 books"

Added 😊

message 30: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Cindee wrote: "I'm in for 20 books"

Added 😊

message 31: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "I'm in for 12 books/month"

Added 😊

message 32: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Ashlyn wrote: "I’m in for 8 books"

Added 😊

message 33: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~ wrote: "I'm in for around 15 books."

Added 😊

message 34: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Jessica wrote: "I'm in for 20 books"

Added 😊

message 35: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Diana wrote: "im in for 10 books!"

Added 😊

message 36: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "Im in for 15"

Added 😊

message 37: by Avni (new)

Avni | 271 comments I am in for 5 books!

message 38: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Avni wrote: "I am in for 5 books!"

Added 😊

message 39: by Esther (new)

Esther | 1754 comments i'm in for 4 books

message 40: by Ipsa (new)

Ipsa (_ipsa_) | 6 comments I'm in for 5 books!

message 41: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 896 comments I'm in for 5 bpm.

message 42: by Kari (last edited Jun 23, 2024 01:11AM) (new)

Kari | 114 comments In for 8 bpm

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm in for 5 books!

message 44: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Esther wrote: "i'm in for 4 books"

Added 😊

message 45: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Ipsa wrote: "I'm in for 5 books!"

Added 😊

message 46: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Megan wrote: "I'm in for 5 bpm."

Added 😊

message 47: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Kari wrote: "In for 8 bpm"

Added 😊

message 48: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Sharon wrote: "I'm in for 5 books!"

Added 😊

message 49: by Kade (new)

Kade Gulluscio (kadebraylen) | 3757 comments i'm in for 5-6

message 50: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Kade wrote: "i'm in for 5-6"

Added 😊

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