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Falling Into Bed with a Duke (The Hellions of Havisham, #1)
This topic is about Falling Into Bed with a Duke
Let's Buddy! - Series > The Hellions of Havisham Series by Lorraine Heath -> Starting July 20th, 2024

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message 1: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
In the first in a dazzling new series, New York Times bestselling author Lorraine Heath introduces the Hellions of Havisham—three charismatic rogues destined to lose their hearts...

After six unsuccessful Seasons, Miss Minerva Dodger chooses spinsterhood over fortune-hungry suitors. But thanks to the Nightingale Club, she can at least enjoy one night of pleasure. At that notorious establishment, ladies don masks before choosing a lover. The sinfully handsome Duke of Ashebury is more than willing to satisfy the secretive lady's desires—and draws Minerva into an exquisite, increasingly intimate affair.

A man of remarkable talents, Ashe soon deduces that his bedmate is the unconventional Miss Dodger. Intrigued by her wit and daring, he sets out to woo her in earnest. Yet Minerva refuses to trust him. How to court a woman he has already thoroughly seduced? And how to prove that the passion unleashed in darkness is only the beginning of a lifetime's pleasure?

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Hopefully continuing this series next

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Chapters 1-5 (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Chapters 6-11 (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments 76% (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Finished (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Will continue this series soon

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Started this one The Viscount and the Vixen (Hellions of Havisham, #3) by Lorraine Heath

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Chapters 1-6 (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Chapters 7-14 (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Chapters 15-18 (view spoiler)

Ashlyn | 5065 comments Finished (view spoiler)

Melanie (mvalente89) | 4936 comments Mod
I'll be picking up book 2 sometime this week.

Melanie (mvalente89) | 4936 comments Mod
Still planning to start book 2 soon.

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