Advanced Copies for Review & Book Giveaways discussion

Spaceship Soul: A Spiritual Connection with the Divine
This topic is about Spaceship Soul
Advanced Copies for Review > I am offering copies of my book for reviews! Genre is spirituality.

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message 1: by Priya (last edited 5 hours, 17 min ago) (new) - added it

Priya Singh | 4 comments Book's Overview: My book is a short journey of higher dimensional 5-D souls who want to help Mother Earth heal from the turmoil the souls in the lower-vibrational Earth are causing. I have penned down my true spiritual experiences; that helped me to transform my inner wounds and traumas. I have also discussed the karma people commit against pure-hearted souls and their repercussions.

Formats I can provide are PDF and epub to reviewers.
Let me know your name or email address. Thanks.

message 2: by Stevie (new)

Stevie | 9 comments Interested

message 3: by Priya (new) - added it

Priya Singh | 4 comments Stevie wrote: "Interested"

Hi, Thanks for your interest. Can I know your email ID?

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