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Let's Buddy! > Let's buddy up! - requests

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message 1: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Hi guys!

This thread is where you can ask for a buddy to read a book with you. All you have to do is list the books you want and when someone replies set a date. Then, you can go to either the "Ask the Mods" thread or the "Let's Buddy - Set a thread please?" thread. Elizabeth or myself will then set your thread and give you the link. Additionally, we'll post the link to the thread on "Let's Buddy! - (insert month)"

We hope you like it.

Note: there will be a separate thread for ARC's.

message 2: by Gracie (new)

Gracie (magnifyingreader) | 55 comments I want to read , all the bright places , memoirs of a teenage amnesiac and anne of green gables

message 3: by Anna (new)

Anna | 45 comments I want to read a touch of Frost a touch of Frost mythos academyOne and Brenda, sinners book on and the kiss of deception

message 4: by Anna (new)

Anna | 45 comments Branded

message 5: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Gracie wrote: "I want to read , all the bright places , memoirs of a teenage amnesiac and anne of green gables"

I just started All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven if you want to join.

message 6: by Gracie (new)

Gracie (magnifyingreader) | 55 comments Yeah I just finished reading my other book so I can start it today:)

message 7: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Do you guys need a thread?:)

message 8: by Gracie (new)

Gracie (magnifyingreader) | 55 comments Yes please :)

message 9: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Okay I'll make one for you then post the link here :)

message 10: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Do you guys want the thread starting with todays date? :)

message 11: by Gracie (new)

Gracie (magnifyingreader) | 55 comments yes please:)

message 12: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
This is gonna sound ridiculous but what category does all the bright places come under? haha :)

message 13: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Elizabeth Emily wrote: "This is gonna sound ridiculous but what category does all the bright places come under? haha :)"

I would classify it as contemporary.

message 14: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Elizabeth Emily wrote: "Okay I'll make one for you then post the link here :)"

That would be great.

message 15: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Okay thank you, I just thought that I would double check :)

message 16: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Here you go guys, sorry it took so long!
Here's the thread- enjoy! :)

message 17: by Lexi (last edited Apr 28, 2015 10:51AM) (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments I'm planning on starting a read-a-long for:
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead and it's prequel series Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1) by Richelle Mead

Note:We'll be taking the books at our own pace.

message 18: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Lexi wrote: "I'm planning on starting a read-a-long for:
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead and it's prequel series Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1) by Richelle Mead

Note:We'll be taking the books at our own pace."

Do you already have buddies for this? If so, do you need a thread?

If not, when were you thinking of starting?

message 19: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Fransson | 68 comments I'm considering going on a Neil Gaiman spree for the Madness in May. I've got Coraline, The Graveyard Book and Anansi Boys. I'm also considering "The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan and "The Watcher in the Shadows" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

message 20: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Jackie wrote: "Lexi wrote: "I'm planning on starting a read-a-long for:
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead and it's prequel series Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1) by Richelle Mead

Note:We'll be taking the books at our own pace...."

I'm hoping to start around May 11th.

message 21: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Do you want to start the first vampire Academy book on the 11th? If so, I can join you. We can read the rest of them after that.

message 22: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Yes, that would be perfect.

message 23: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Okay, let me make the thread for the vampire Academy series. I will also make one for bloodlines and post them both here.

message 24: by Lexi (new)

Lexi (seraphimchick) | 48 comments Okay.

message 25: by Anna (new)

Anna | 45 comments Would anyone like to read branded with me branded, sinners book one

message 27: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments If anyone wants to read something off my own to read shelf, PM me please! :)

message 28: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria, I can read House Rules with you.

message 29: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Yay! Jackie, when do you want to read it? Are there any days you can't do? :)

message 30: by Anna (new)

Anna | 45 comments I want to buddy is it a certain book I would have to read

message 31: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
That depends Anna, you can either join in with the group buddy read which will be voted by everyone or you can say which books you want to read this month and then put them here and others will let you know if they would like to read them with you, or you can do both!

Hope this helps :)

message 32: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria wrote: "Yay! Jackie, when do you want to read it? Are there any days you can't do? :)"

How about the 24th?

message 33: by Anna (new)

Anna | 45 comments Sweet would anyone like to read branded, cen sweet would anyone like to read branded, sinnwers Book 1

message 34: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Jackie, would we be able to do it earlier? My American exchange student gets here on the 25th, so I'm just a little busy :P What about the 20th?

message 35: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments How about the 18th?

message 36: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Perfect :) do you want to do it in the other group as well, so we're getting double points for two challenges? :P

message 37: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments That would be great! Can you set it up there and I will do it here? Also do you know what genre it is?

message 38: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria, I've asked for the thread date to be changed on the other group and have set a thread here so we can read it in this group. ☺

message 39: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria, the link for House Rules in the other group is here.

message 40: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Thanks Jackie!! :)

message 41: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Okay, here are my planned buddy reads in other groups. If any of you want to read one of these at the same time (or close to), let me know! :)
Cross Stitch: I should have started already, I'm running late
Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood today
Unbecoming of Mara Dyer tomorrow
Kill Order May 17th
House Rules May 18th (in this group)
Heir of Fire May 19th
Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian May 22ns

message 42: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria wrote: "Okay, here are my planned buddy reads in other groups. If any of you want to read one of these at the same time (or close to), let me know! :)
Cross Stitch: I should have started already, I'm runni..."

Is Unbecoming the first in that series?

message 43: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments Yup :)

message 44: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Victoria wrote: "Yup :)"

It's fantasy, right? Or is it horror?

message 45: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Scott | 466 comments I'm pretty sure it's fantasy. At least, I really hope it is!

message 46: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Okay, i set the thread to start today if that's fine with you. It's here and we can start whenever. :)

message 47: by Hanna (new)

Hanna Mata (hkrivin1) | 27 comments I just started reading Insurgent a few days ago if anyone wants to join let me know.

message 48: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Hanna, I'm reading that series later in the month! I could start a thread for the trilogy and I can try and catch up? :)

message 49: by Hanna (new)

Hanna Mata (hkrivin1) | 27 comments Elizabeth Emily wrote: "Hanna, I'm reading that series later in the month! I could start a thread for the trilogy and I can try and catch up? :)"

Totally up to you! Doesn't matter to me either way!

message 50: by Elizabeth Emily, Ghost Mod (new)

Elizabeth Emily Browne (snakesandladderrs) | 684 comments Mod
Okay I'll make a thread for it and we can talk about it as we go along. I plan to read the whole trilogy by the 31st of May :)

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