Mock Newbery 2025 discussion

Newbery 2010 > Awards

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message 1: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Jorgensen (sunnie) | 654 comments Mod
The Newbery will be awarded on January 18, 2010 along with 16 other youth and children literature awards.

You can listen to the awards live, or watch for it on Twitter, and Facebook.

Should be exciting.

message 2: by Kristen (last edited Jan 05, 2010 10:13AM) (new)

Kristen Jorgensen (sunnie) | 654 comments Mod
In the meantime please vote on our polls for the book you think should win the Newbery medal and Newbery honors.

Unfortunately it is a rather imperfect system, but hopefully it will work.

message 3: by June (new)

June Morgan | 29 comments Kristen wrote: "In the meantime please vote on our polls for the book you think should win the Newbery medal and Newbery honors.

Unfortunately it is a rather imperfect system, but hopefully it will work.

Where can I vote?

message 4: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Jorgensen (sunnie) | 654 comments Mod
On the right side of the screen under Mock Newbery 2010 there is a list of options. Just click on polls (the last option) and you will see the lists of books. Just click on the book of your choice and it will register your vote. Thanks for asking

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (yarnteller) | 5 comments I still haven't made a final decision - I'm torn between "When You Reach Me" and "The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" I think "When You Reach Me" breaks some new ground in non-linear plot construction and also pays tribute to "A Wrinkle in Time." "Calpurnia" is a superbly written piece of historical fiction. Kelly stretches the reader by including challenging vocabulary, period nuances, Darwinian ideas in a graspable fashion and inspires a scientific mind. Her characters are pretty darn good too.

I guess one can see which way I'm leaning.
By the way ...... is there a voting deadline?

message 6: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Jorgensen (sunnie) | 654 comments Mod
Voting ends on January 17th, the day before the actual winner is announced.

Decisions decisions.

message 7: by Maurynne (new)

Maurynne  Maxwell (em_maxwell) | 6 comments Here's a link to a Publisher's Weekly article about some other Mock Newbery winners.
I'm glad to see my top picks--except for Wild Things are also at the top. I finally got Calpurnia Tate from my library yesterday, but they do not have All The Broken Pieces. They all sound like winners.
I am very disappointed that Wild Things didn't make any of these shortlists. As much as I loved the others (my top 3 others: When You Reach me, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, and The Year the Swallows Came Early), I ended up giving my top vote to Wild Things because it was beautifully written, touching, and wise and the one I felt was "distinguished."

message 8: by LauraW (new)

LauraW (lauralynnwalsh) | 115 comments Which Wild Things are you referring to? I see several listed at Amazon.

message 9: by Kristen (last edited Jan 19, 2010 08:10AM) (new)

Kristen Jorgensen (sunnie) | 654 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "Which Wild Things are you referring to? I see several listed at Amazon."

Maurynne is probably reffering to the book by Clay Carmichael. Wild Things was a favorite last year with a lot of people.

message 10: by Maurynne (new)

Maurynne  Maxwell (em_maxwell) | 6 comments Kristen wrote: "Laura wrote: "Which Wild Things are you referring to? I see several listed at Amazon."

Maurynne is probably refering to the book by Clay Carmichael. Wild Things..."

Yes, I apologize for not naming the author. She's done picture books and this was her first novel.

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