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Bibliographies/Shopping Lists > Political Science-20th Century Revolutionary Writing

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message 1: by CD (new)

CD  | 170 comments All things related to the various political turmoil that swept the 20th Century that are not just military or diplomatic activities. Civil War, Riots, extreme political movements/philosophies, all things of the nature that were new(revolutionary), radical, etc. in the 20th century that lead to works about activities from the sublime to the ridiculous!

The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey by Che Guevara

Boom!: Voices of the Sixties Personal Reflections and Lessons for Today by Tom Brokaw

The Irish Civil War by Tim Pat Coogan Very much political even though it looks otherwise at first glance.

The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary by James S. Kunen

Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary by Jasmine Guy

A few to get started.

message 2: by Joseph (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 1866 comments Mod
CD, is this list fiction or nonfiction, or both?

message 3: by CD (new)

CD  | 170 comments These are all non-fiction. As much as PolySci is perhaps fiction to some :), generally this is a non-fiction topic.

message 4: by Joseph (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 1866 comments Mod
Gotcha. :-)

message 5: by James (last edited May 24, 2012 10:15AM) (new)

James Kunen (james_kunen) | 1 comments CD wrote: "All things related to the various political turmoil that swept the 20th Century that are not just military or diplomatic activities. Civil War, Riots, extreme political movements/philosophies, all ..."

CD, I appreciate your mentioning my first book, The Strawberry Statement. Since you also list Brokaw's Voices of the Sixties Personal Reflections and Lessons for Today, I think you might really be interested in my new book, Diary of a Company Man: Losing a Job, Finding a Life. It chronicles my evolution from 60s activist student to public defender to journalist to (gasp) corporate communications guy to, at last, a teacher of English to immigrants. It's about how we struggle to make a living and make a life in a changing America. I apologize if this sounds like an ad, but I truly thought you'd be interested (and I do write in the hope that my books will be read). Thanks.Diary of a Company Man: Losing a Job, Finding a Life

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