Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

Parents' Corner > "Wild Things" by Clay Carmichael

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message 1: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) Wild Things Wild Things by Clay Carmichael by Clay Carmichael

What a great book! Highly recommended!

I was really just browsing in the library and was checking out the YA collection the librarians had set out on display. This one was in the group, and ... well, how could I resist??

Anyway, I'm so glad I discovered this one. For me, I would say this is appropriate for middle and high school kids. The only thing I would tell parents is that the main character's mother had a drug/alcohol/depression issue. It wasn't discussed in any kind of detail, but it was the reason that the child was taken in by her uncle.

This is really a heartwarming story. Zoe is 11 when she is taken in by her uncle due to her mom's neglect (there's more to the story there, but I don't want to spoil it). Her uncle was a cardiologist and turned artist. He's a bit of a crusty crab, and so is she, they've both been hurt before. They learn a lot about themselves and each other when she moves in with him.

I can't recommend this book highly enough. If I ever do write a book, it will (hopefully) have lots in common with this one.

message 2: by ☼Bookish (new)

☼Bookish in Virginia☼  (ren_t) Laura wrote: "Wild Things Wild Things by Clay Carmichael by Clay Carmichael

What a great book! Highly recommended!

I was really just browsing in the library and was checkin..."

Laura, I very much liked this book. Despite having a certain 'edginess' it was warm-and-comforting, and I'm sorry it didn't garner more press.

message 3: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) I'm hoping for a follow-up!

message 4: by ☼Bookish (new)

☼Bookish in Virginia☼  (ren_t) Laura wrote: "I'm hoping for a follow-up!"

If Carmichael had a follow-up, I'd certainly run out and buy it.

Btw, it might be silly, but for some reason the book reminded me of "To Kill a Mockingbird". I think it was how everything came together at the end. Otherwise they have nothing in common that I can think of.


message 5: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) It actually reminded me of The Secret Life of Bees. Many times throughout. Mockingbird doesn't really cry out to me, but I can see where it could.

message 6: by ☼Bookish (new)

☼Bookish in Virginia☼  (ren_t) Laura wrote: "It actually reminded me of The Secret Life of Bees. Many times throughout. Mockingbird doesn't really cry out to me, but I can see where it could."

I haven't read Secret Life of Bees yet, but I guess now I will have to push it up towards the top of the stack 'cause you've made me curious.


message 7: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) I resisted for years, but then a friend passed it along to me and I just fell into it. It's an awesome book.

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