Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy discussion

Self-Promotion > The First Book of Dreams: Metropolis by Brian and Melanie Jackson

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message 1: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments The First Book of Dreams Metropolis (Book 1) by Brian Jackson The First Book of Dreams: Metropolis by Brian Jackson and Melanie Jackson

Welcome to the Narcoscape, the place of dreams where infants are beguiled by visions and do not wake in the morning. It is the shadowy realm of the coma patient and the last stop for the drug users who come looking for the arms of Morpheus. It is the kingdom of the insane, the place where dark things prey on the mind.

If you are lost in the Narcoscape you need a dream retrieval expert like Nicodemus Smith, the ghost hunter, the slayer of night terrors who won't negotiate with the Dream Police.

Prepare to enter the dream world, a world like you've never experience before. And hold onto your hat, it's going to be a wild ride.

Kindle: Amazon, All Formats: Smashwords.

message 2: by Pamela, Moderatrix (new)

Pamela (foxglovewitch) | 614 comments Mod
Hi, Brian. Per the group's rules, if you plan on promoting your works here in Paranormal Romance, please participate in group discussions. As it is, you're just promoting your work, which is against the rules. Thanks.

message 3: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments TDF Pamela wrote: "Hi, Brian. Per the group's rules, if you plan on promoting your works here in Paranormal Romance, please participate in group discussions. As it is, you're just promoting your work, which is agai..."

Sorry TDF Pamela, I guess I'm being overly shy. I'll try to think of something interesting to say. I'm a little intimidated by the group knowledge here -- I mostly read and take notes ;-).

message 4: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments Splat!!!

So far, Metropolis has landed on the charts with a loud splat (or possibly a cowed whimper).

Would anyone who's taken a look at the book and decided not to go there like to provide some insights as to what turned them off?

I would much appreciate any input you can provide. I greatly respect the taste and opinions of this group.

message 5: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments Okay, let's try this instead...

The first three readers to email [email protected] will receive free copies of the eBook The First Book of Dreams: Metropolis (please specify the format you would like in your email, e.g. Kindle/.mobi, Nook/.epub, PC/.pdf).

Ah, but there's a catch. If you don't like the book, do as you must. If you do like the book, I'm asking that you provide a Goodreads and Amazon review to that affect. Anything else you can think of to drum up some business would be much appreciated.

So, here's your chance to help promote a little known eBook.


message 6: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments I should point out that I need you to send an email because I can't attach your book to a Goodreads message.

message 7: by Dobarah (new)

Dobarah | 279 comments I wanted to let you know I have received my copy...and I should be able to start reading later this afternoon!

message 8: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments Dobarah wrote: "I wanted to let you know I have received my copy...and I should be able to start reading later this afternoon!"

Good news :-). I really hope you enjoy it.
Fingers crossed.

message 9: by Brian (new)

Brian (brianjjaxn) | 21 comments Just a note to let you know that I'm no longer accepting requests for free copies of Metropolis.

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