Agatha Christie Lovers discussion

What are you reading now (any genre)?

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message 401: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I liked the movie Elizabeth, how's the book so far?

message 402: by [deleted user] (new)

Carolyn F. wrote: "I liked the movie Elizabeth, how's the book so far?"

I didn't get that far into it and quit. I didn't like it and gave up!

message 403: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I should have done that with Three Days to Dead (Dreg City, #1) by Kelly Meding , I felt like I just wasted a day and a half.

message 404: by [deleted user] (last edited Aug 12, 2012 09:39AM) (new)

I'm currently reading A Quarter for a Kiss (The Million Dollar Mysteries, #4). by Mindy Starns Clark . This is the 4th book in a series I've been enjoying, so I know I'm safe with this one!

message 405: by Christy (new)

Christy Brannen (murdermostbritish) | 300 comments I'm in the last half of The Mysterious Mr. Quin by Agatha Christie. The Mysterious Mr. Quin by Agatha Christie

message 406: by Ana (new)

Ana Christine wrote: "I'm in the last half of The Mysterious Mr. Quin by Agatha Christie. The Mysterious Mr. Quin  by Agatha Christie"

It's a great book!

message 407: by Ana (new)

Ana Starting Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

message 409: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan I have two going on now, Witness for the Prosecution for fun and Bomb Alley for work (I write historical articles).

message 410: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
Ana wrote: "Starting Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins"

I've heard those are good books Ana

message 411: by Carolyn F. (last edited Sep 03, 2012 12:06AM) (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I'm listening to Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner (Lord John Grey, #3) by Diana Gabaldon and reading ebook Year 50 by Geoff Bluske and paperback The Hour of Dust and Ashes (Charlie Madigan, #3) by Kelly Gay

message 412: by Ana (new)

Ana Carolyn F. wrote: "Ana wrote: "Starting Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins"

I've heard those are good books Ana"

I really liked the first book of the trilogy :)

message 413: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 03, 2012 05:39PM) (new)

I'm currently reading One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury.

message 414: by Ana (new)

Ana Vanish by Tess Gerritsen

message 415: by Cathryn (new)

Cathryn Ferrara (xtracate) | 57 comments Just finished Rose my life in Service by Rosina Harrison and started Dark Horse by Craig Johnson last night.

message 416: by [deleted user] (new)

message 417: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I'm doing a buddy read of Highland Warrior (Murray Family, #9)

message 418: by Cathryn (new)

Cathryn Ferrara (xtracate) | 57 comments I'm reading The Race by Clive Cussler its the 4th Issac Bell book

message 419: by Ana (new)

Ana Starting A Game of Thrones first vol. - the portuguese edition is divided into two books

message 420: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
Ana wrote: "Starting A Game of Thrones first vol. - the portuguese edition is divided into two books"

It's huge Ana.

message 421: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
Finished The Vor Game, great book. Listening to The First Days, really enjoying it.

message 422: by Ana (new)

Ana Carolyn F. wrote: "Ana wrote: "Starting A Game of Thrones first vol. - the portuguese edition is divided into two books"

It's huge Ana."

I know I saw the english version lol but I prefer to have the whole collection in portuguese because of the beautiful covers

message 423: by Ana (new)

Ana Reading the second vol. of A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin

message 424: by Vishi (new)

Vishi Sinha (vishisinha) | 1 comments Started reading The ABC Murders to celebrate the Birth Anniversary of the Queen of Crime Fiction.

message 425: by Karen (new)

Karen Natacha wrote: "Right now I am reading this book: I'm at chapter 4 now and so far I love it! It really is a must-read!"

I have that on my 2 read shelf.

message 426: by Karen (last edited Sep 18, 2012 03:26PM) (new)

Karen Read: The Hunter

Lescroat, John. This book is not even on Good Reads.

The Runaway Pastor's Wife, Open Season and am reading now :DisappearThe Pastor's wife would be a christian cozy. The others more suspense.

message 427: by Timberly (new)

Timberly | 4 comments I am reading The Cane Mutiny by Tamar Myers. I am about 3/4's of the way through. I enjoy the characters she has come up with and the antiques in her books. A combination of mystery and antiques is always a good thing to me!

message 428: by Timberly (new)

Timberly | 4 comments Cathryn wrote: "I'm reading The Race by Clive Cussler its the 4th Issac Bell book"

I do like Clive Cussler! A good choice!

message 429: by [deleted user] (new)

message 430: by Karen (last edited Sep 21, 2012 05:44AM) (new)

Karen Vishi wrote: "Started reading The ABC Murders to celebrate the Birth Anniversary of the Queen of Crime Fiction."
I finally was able to get it and am reading it. I finished my books above . I also started reading Predator Predator (Kay Scarpetta, #14) by Patricia Cornwell . I do noy know why I like her book since there is so much I disagree with in them and this one seems worse than usual. Really creepy. Agatha Christi will give me a break from it.

message 431: by Karen (new)

Karen Timberly wrote: "Cathryn wrote: "I'm reading The Race by Clive Cussler its the 4th Issac Bell book"

I do like Clive Cussler! A good choice!"

I have never heard of this author. I will check him out since I am now going to a big library with almost and fiction you are looking for.

message 432: by Ana (new)

Ana El príncipe de la niebla by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

message 433: by Cathryn (new)

Cathryn Ferrara (xtracate) | 57 comments Murder of Roger Ackroyd, so many here mentioned what a great ending it has so having never read it before I wanted to give it a go.

** I do love Clive Cussler just get adventure stories a wonderful escape.

message 434: by Ana (new)

Ana Cathryn wrote: "Murder of Roger Ackroyd, so many here mentioned what a great ending it has so having never read it before I wanted to give it a go.

** I do love Clive Cussler just get adventure stories a wonder..."

It's a great book. It was one of my first reads - within the Agatha Christie's works - and I loved it.

message 435: by Ana (new)

Ana The Maze Runner by James Dashner

message 436: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
Karen wrote: "Read: The Hunter

Lescroat, John. This book is not even on Good Reads.

The Runaway Pastor's Wife, Open Season and am reading now :DisappearThe Pastor's wife would be a christian coz..."

If you send some the basic info to the Goodreads Librarians, they'll add the book.

message 437: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
Elizabeth wrote: "I'm reading My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business"

That book looked interesting to me Elizabeth, how is it?

message 438: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I'm almost finished with Sunrise Alley, it's okay but not as good as some of the reviews say it is at least to me. I'm also listening to Spider's Bite, which I had read previously and liked, but am liking this narrator's interpretation of the book so much that I'm probably going to up my review.

message 439: by [deleted user] (new)

Carolyn F. wrote: "Elizabeth wrote: "I'm reading My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business"

That book looked interesting to me Elizabeth, how is it?"

It's pretty good. I'm not getting through it as fast as I would like though. There just seems to be others things I find myself doing right now. Also, I've never read this many books in one year, and I think I may be slowing down a bit. I was reading books very quickly earlier in the year. I would certainly not talk anyone off this book. There are some very interesting insights and tidbits about Dick's life & career. I hope to finish it this weekend so I'll be ready to start the October group reads!

message 440: by Laura (new)

Laura Robertson (nostreborcl) I'm currently reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith and I would recommend it to anyone! So far one of my favourite books, I just hope the ending doesn't ruin it.

message 441: by Ana (new)

Ana Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

message 442: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I'm reading Endlessly

message 443: by [deleted user] (new)

message 444: by Ana (new)

Ana Sólo un muerto más by Ramiro Pinilla

message 445: by chinami (new)

chinami reading Toxic (Denazen, #2) by Jus Accardo , The Faerie Guardian by Rachel Morgan

message 446: by Bee (new)

Bee (morgaine620) I am reading a very interesting book about a Victorian wife of a Bishop of Canterbury

message 447: by Ghadeer (new)

Ghadeer Kja (ghadeer_kja) | 2 comments Currently reading (3 blind mice and other stories)
I've finished the blind mice, I thought it would be interesting more as a play or a movie but quite interesting one

message 448: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
I just finished the Elemental Assassin series up to book #5 by Jennifer Estep, the narration was fantastic.
I read The Walking Dead, Book Two by Robert Kirkman , which takes place where the TV series just started last week. I know the books are different from the series, so who knows how everything turns out. Same thing happened with the Sookie Stackhouse books too. Not complaining though because I love both reimaginings.
Also read Moonglow (Darkest London, #2) by Kristen Callihan which I enjoyed a lot.
I'm now reading Grave Memory (Alex Craft, #3) by Kalayna Price which I'm having a hard time with. I actually cleaned the top of fridge instead of read because I was getting bored. It's kind of scaring me :)

message 449: by Renee (new)

Renee | 447 comments Carolyn F. wrote: "I just finished the Elemental Assassin series up to book #5 by Jennifer Estep, the narration was fantastic.
I read The Walking Dead, Book Two by Robert Kirkman, which takes place where the TV se..."

How are you liking The Walking Dead so far Carolyn? My husband and I both love the show. Is it much different than the show? I had thought about picking it up for him if it's good.

message 450: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. | 4766 comments Mod
If you watched Talking Dead (which I just did for the first time) they note the differences. Another person had their leg cut off. Some people died but not at the same place as in the books. There are different characters that exist in the books or the series but not both. The graphic novels are really quick reads - I get them from the library, although the queue's are very long where I'm at. I'd recommend reading them though Renee, you can see why they were so popular.

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