100+ Books in 2024 discussion

2011 Lists > Leanne's 100+ Books in 2011

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message 1: by Leanne (last edited Jan 11, 2011 08:37PM) (new)

Leanne (leannejaseyrae) * = re-read

message 2: by Leanne (last edited Jan 11, 2011 08:38PM) (new)

message 11: by Leanne (new)

message 22: by Leanne (new)

message 26: by Leanne (last edited Jun 05, 2011 12:23PM) (new)

message 28: by Leanne (last edited Jun 12, 2011 03:03PM) (new)

message 35: by Leanne (new)

message 36: by Melissa (new)

Melissa T (melissasmidnightmusings) Leanne wrote: "33. The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson"

How did you like this? i am in a hold queue for it in the library so I'm hoping it'll be worth the wait.

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