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message 1: by [deleted user] (last edited Mar 04, 2017 03:56AM) (new)


I came across a list in a magazine of the Top 15 jobs that kids want to do when they grow up and it inspired me to create this challenge. This challenge requires you to read books relating to each of the professions listed. For each profession there are 3 tasks.

Choose your level:

Level 1 - Apprentice- 1 task per profession
Level 2 - Hired Hand - 2 tasks per profession
Level 3 - The Boss - 3 tasks per profession

Duration: Set your own target depending on your reading speed.

(N.B - For the "word in the title..." tasks, the word can be in the series name instead).


*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
*Each book may only be used for one task
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*Please explain briefly how your book fits a task.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go but also post an occasional message to let us know how you're getting on, if you would like to.

*When you have finished please re-post your whole challenge as a new message or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for by the deadline, please re-post your challenge anyway as you may still be eligible for a lower level badge.)

Please see TLC Standard Challenge Rules for further details.



1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.


1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 05, 2015 09:58AM) (new)

When I Grow Up Challenge

Level 3 - The Boss
Start Date: 17/5/15
Progress: 45/45
Duration: 6 months?
Date Completed: 4/11/15

ACTOR - Completed

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
Claiming Victory: A Romantic Comedy - Beverley Watts (3/6/15)
"Noah Westbrook...He's the most famous actor in the world." (loc. 95)
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
The Princess Bride - William Goldman (19/5/15) - Made into a movie - 1987.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: ACT
Three Act Tragedy - Agatha Christie (22/5/15)

ASTRONAUT - Completed

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
Total Recall - Piers Anthony (26/5/15) - Set on Mars
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance
The Venetian Betrayal - Steve Berry (12/7/15) - Main character travels from Italy to Tajikistan
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: STARS
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green (10/10/15)

ATHLETE - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
Taste for Trouble - Susan Sey (23/6/15) - James Blake - footballer
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
THE M&M BOYS - Lara Reznik (29/6/15) - Story involves baseball
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: SPORTS
Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports - James Patterson (30/6/15)

DANCER - Completed

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer - Bugsy Malone - Alan Parker (12/6/15)
"I'm Miss Blousey Brown. I've come about the job. I'm a dancer". (pg 24)
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency - Ava Catori (19/6/15)
Becky organises a singles dance to get clients for her dating agency (Chapter 15)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: DANCE
Angel Dance - M.D. Grayson (4/11/15)

DETECTIVE - Completed

1. Read a mystery book. - By the Pricking of My Thumbs - Agatha Christie (25/5/15)
2. Read a book with a nosey character. - Playing With Poison - Cindy Blackburn (2/6/15)
Jessie Hewitt - "... and I apologized for being so nosey." (pg 50)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: INVESTIGATES
Parker Pyne Investigates - Agatha Christie (20/5/15)

DOCTOR - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
Mortal Fear - Greg Iles (25/5/15) - Doctor Drewe Cole
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
A Little of What You Fancy - H.E. Bates (21/5/15) - Sid Larkin has a heart attack.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: SURGEON
The Barber Surgeons Hairshirt - Douglas Lindsay (23/9/15)


1. Read a book with a firefighter - Silent Scream - Karen Rose (31/8/15) - David Hunter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover. Zero Day - David Baldacci (17/5/15) Zero Day (John Puller, #1) by David Baldacci
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: FIRE
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling (26/7/15)

LAWYER - Completed

1. Read a book with a lawyer. - After the Funeral - Agatha Christie (10/6/15)
Mr Entwhistle - "Mr Entwhistle will not tell you, because he is a lawyer..." (pg 167)
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort - The Cruellest Game - Hilary Bonner (27/5/15) - Murder trial in Chapter 21
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: LEGAL
Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair - K.M. Morgan (29/8/15)

MUSICIAN - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
Hercule Poirot's Christmas - Agatha Christie (1/6/15)
David Lee - "I slipped away and went to the music-room and played the piano." (pg 118)
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
Down on the Bayou - Erika Chase (8/8/15) - Luke Dane - "When he started to sing, his voice came out rich and deep..." (location 881)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: SONG
Caedmon's Song - Peter Robinson (29/8/15)

PILOT - Completed

1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
Glitz - Louise Bagshawe (9/6/15) - "...counting the minutes until they could board their private jet". (pg 40)
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling (17/6/15) - Set in India
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: SKIES
Black Skies - Arnaldur Indriðason (4/7/15)


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
The Crucifix Killer - Chris Carter (20/5/15) - Homicide Detective Robert Hunter
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
4.50 from Paddington - Agatha Christie (29/5/15) - Murder mystery
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: CRIME
Partners in Crime - Agatha Christie (8/10/15)

SCIENTIST - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist. - N or M? - Agatha Christie (6/6/15)
Carl von Deinim - "His work in a chemical research laboratory has been excellent..." (pg 48)
2. Read a sci-fi book - The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North (7/8/15)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: EXPERIMENT
The Angel Experiment - James Patterson (20/6/15)

TEACHER - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
Sleeping with the Enemy - Nancy Price (4/6/15) - Ben Woodward - teaches drama at university
2. Read a Young Adult book - The Final Warning - James Patterson (30/6/15).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: SCHOOL
School's Out Forever - James Patterson (25/6/15)


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
Max - James Patterson (8/7/15) - Dr Valencia Martinez - veterinarian
2. Read a book with animal characters. - Black Beauty - Anna Sewell (12/6/15) .
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: WOLVES
Prince of Wolves - Quinn Loftis (21/7/15)

WRITER - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
The Not So Secret Emails Of Coco Pinchard - Robert Bryndza (30/5/15)
Coco Pinchard - "...we had bought the box and TV using the advance for my novel..." (pg 2)
2. Read a book by a New To You author. - Hidden - Casey Hill (1/6/15)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: NOTEBOOK
The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks (22/6/15)

message 3: by Sara (new)

Sara I think I'll try this one. Level 1. But if I read fast I may bump myself to level 2. I'll start my list when I'm at a decent computer. :)

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Sara :)

message 5: by ❀~Amy~❀ (last edited Dec 23, 2015 09:05AM) (new)

❀~Amy~❀ (ajpayne75) | 145 comments TLC When I Grow Up Challenge
Level 2 - 2 tasks per profession

30/30 read ~ DONE!!!


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character. Love & Loyalty ~ 7/6/15/ ~ ★★★★
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc Second Act ~ 12/22/15 ~ ★★★★

Love & Loyalty (Faith, Love, & Devotion, #2) by Tere Michaels Second Act by Kaje Harper


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth. The Slave ~ 6/13/15 ~ ★★★★★
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance. Safe in His Arms ~ 6/15/15 ~ ★★★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.

The Slave (Free Men, #1) by Kate Aaron Safe in His Arms by Renae Kaye


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete. The Right Words ~ 6/9/15 ~ ★★★1/2
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc. Just A Game ~ 6/20/15 ~ ★★★

The Right Words (Right and Wrong, #1) by Lane Hayes Just A Game by A.J. Ridges


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer. The Chauffeur ~ 11/20/15 ~ ★★★
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball. Once Upon a King ~ 9/10/15 ~ ★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.

The Chauffeur (Workplace Encounters, #2) by Serena Yates Once Upon a King (Ever After #1) by Jambrea Jo Jones


1. Read a mystery book. Full Disclosure ~ 6/30/15 ~ ★★★
2. Read a book with a nosey character. Home Work ~ 7/21/15 ~ ★★★★1/2
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.

Full Disclosure (Nice Guys, #2) by Kindle Alexander Home Work (Life Lessons, #3) by Kaje Harper


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor. Through These Eyes ~ 7/9/15 ~ ★★★★★
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick. - The Invasion of Tork ~ 6/10/15 ~ ★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.

Through These Eyes (Blind Faith, #2) by N.R. Walker The Invasion of Tork (Tork and Adam, #1) by Claire Davis


1. Read a book with a firefighter. Blindside ~ 8/19/15 ~ ★★1/2
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc. Fire and Ice ~ 8/24/15 ~ ★★★1/2

Blindside (Blind Faith, #3) by N.R. Walker Fire and Ice (Carlisle Cops, #2) by Andrew Grey


1. Read a book with a lawyer. Hard to Let Go ~ 7/25/15 ~ ★★★★★
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom. Let It Go ~ 6/3/15 ~ ★★★1/2
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.

Hard to Let Go (Hard Ink, #4) by Laura Kaye Let It Go by Mercy Celeste


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument. - It's in His Kiss ~ 6/26/15 ~ ★★★
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer. Heaven ~ 7/24/15 ~ ★★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.

It's in His Kiss (Lucky Harbor, #10) by Jill Shalvis Heaven (Heaven Sent, #1) by Jet Mykles


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane. Piece by Piece ~ 6/7/15 ~ ★★★
2. Read a book set in an exotic location. Jungle Heat ~ 6/20/15 ~ ★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.

Piece by Piece (West End, #3) by Teodora Kostova Jungle Heat by Rachel Haimowitz


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character. The Art of Breathing ~ 6/10/15 ~ ★★★★
2. Read a book where a crime takes place. A Serving of Love ~ 6/5/15 ~ ★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.

The Art of Breathing (Bear, Otter, and the Kid, #3) by T.J. Klune A Serving of Love (Of Love, #2) by Andrew Grey


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist. August Ice ~ 6/12/15 ~ ★★★★1/2
2. Read a sci-fi book. The Degan Incident ~ 8/8/15 ~ ★★★1/2
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.

August Ice by Dev Bentham The Degan Incident (Galactic Conspiracies #1) by Rob Colton


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer. Regularly Scheduled Life ~ 7/6/15 ~ ★★1/2
2. Read a Young Adult book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc. Off Campus ~ 7/14/15 ~ ★★★

Regularly Scheduled Life (Ohio Books, #1) by K.A. Mitchell Off Campus (Bend or Break #1) by Amy Jo Cousins


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals. Blind Faith ~ 6/21/15 ~ ★★★★1/2
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count). My African Prince ~ 6/19/15 ~ ★★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.

Blind Faith (Blind Faith, #1) by N.R. Walker My African Prince by Vona Logan


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author. Life in Fusion ~ 6/6/15 ~ ★★★1/2
2. Read a book by a New To You author. Faith & Fidelity ~ 6/4/15 ~ ★★★★
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

Life in Fusion (Sno Ho, #2) by Ethan Day Faith & Fidelity (Faith, Love, & Devotion, #1) by Tere Michaels

message 6: by Barbara ★ (last edited Jan 01, 2016 12:21AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments I'm in for Level 1 and maybe a little more.

When I Grow Up
Start Date: June 1, 2015

READ: 15/15

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
Demon's Curse (Imnada Brotherhood, #1) by Alexa Egan Demon's Curse - Alexa Egan (heroine is an actress) 7/30

2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
Starclimber (Matt Cruse, #3) by Kenneth Oppel Starclimber - Kenneth Oppel (Earth to outer space) 6/23

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
Quarterback Draw (Play by Play, #9) by Jaci Burton Quarterback Draw - Jaci Burton (professional football player) 8/25

✔2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
Steam & Sorcery (Gaslight Chronicles, #1) by Cindy Spencer Pape Steam & Sorcery - Cindy Spencer Pape 12/31

1. Read a mystery book.
Better Read Than Dead (Psychic Eye Mystery, #2) by Victoria Laurie Better Read Than Dead - Victoria Laurie 8/29

✔1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
Parasite (Parasitology, #1) by Mira Grant Parasite - Mira Grant 12/16

3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.
Hope Flames (Hope #1) by Jaci Burton Hope Flames - Jaci Burton 9/4

1. Read a book with a lawyer.
Dead in the Water (Stone Barrington, #3) by Stuart Woods Dead in the Water - Stuart Woods 8/1

2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
Big Sky Summer (Parable, Montana, #4) by Linda Lael Miller Big Sky Summer - Linda Lael Miller (heroine is a professional singer) 8/3

2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
Pleasure Island by Lorie O'Clare Pleasure Island - Lorie O'Clare (set on a private island) 11/29

1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
Exposed (Maggie O'Dell, #6) by Alex Kava Exposed - Alex Kava (heroine is FBI) 6/24

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
Hostage to Pleasure (Psy-Changeling #5) by Nalini Singh Hostage to Pleasure - Nalini Singh (heroine is a scientist) 7/24

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
Simply Magic (Simply Quartet #3) by Mary Balogh Simply Magic - Mary Balogh 11/12

1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
Then Came You (Animal Magnetism, #5) by Jill Shalvis Then Came You - Jill Shalvis (H/H are both veterinarians) 7/29

2. Read a book by a New To You author.
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor 7/22


message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Amy and Barbara :)

•♥•Tina•♥• I'm in, this sounds like a lot of fun!

When I Grow Up Challenge
Level: 1 - Apprentice
Duration: June 1st - December 1st 2015
Progress: 0/15


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.


1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

message 9: by Delitealex (last edited Aug 27, 2017 08:02PM) (new)

Delitealex | 308 comments Level:Hired hand
Start:June 1 2015

1. Thorn's Challenge June 3 2015
2. In Every Port June 3

2.Whatever Gods May Be June 1

1. When Dreams Tremble July 4
2. God's War June 4

2.Sanctuary Cove June 5

Police Officer
1. Salvation in Death June 10
2. Missing Lynx June 8

1. Twice Lucky June 15

1.Crashing Waves August 3
2. Falling Snow July 2

1.Bareback August 4
2.Fated July 28

1. Departure from the Script July 16
2. I Can't Think Straight August 7







message 10: by Kellie (last edited Dec 31, 2015 09:49AM) (new)

Kellie | 12 comments When I Grow Up Challenge
Level: Apprentice- 1 task per profession
Date Started: 06/01/15
Date Completed: 12/31/15

Progress: 24/15

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character. - Heads in Beds: A Reckless Memoir of Hotels, Hustles, and So-Called Hospitality
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie. - Battle Royale
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth. - Fairest
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance. - Sweet Ruin
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete. - MacRieve
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition. - The Silver Linings Playbook
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc. - Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer. - This Is Where It Ends
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball. The Heidi Chronicles
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.

1. Read a mystery book. - The Second Duchess
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick. - Cleopatra's Moon
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.

1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover. - Rebel Bride
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.

1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort. - The White Princess
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument - All Night with a Rogue
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.

1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location. - Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.

1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place. - Hamlet
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc. - The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer. - The Fever
2. Read a Young Adult book. - Changeling
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.

1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. - Belle: A Retelling of "Beauty and the Beast"
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc. - It's a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author. Bossypants
2. Read a book by a New To You author. - Wolf Bride
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc. - The Diary of Rywka Lipszyc

message 11: by Shelley (last edited Dec 14, 2015 01:29PM) (new)

Shelley When I Grow Up Challenge
Level: Boss
Start Date: June 1, 2015


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton 9/3
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick 6/1
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth. - Ever After by Kim Harrison 9/30
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance. - Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly 6/25
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc. - The World's Strongest Librarian: A Memoir of Tourette's, Faith, Strength, and the Power of Family by Josh Hanagarne 7/27


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc. - Game for Anything by Bella Andre 11/24


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer. - Dead on the Dance Floor by Heather Graham 8/25/15
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball. - Love With a Scandalous Lord by Lorraine Heath 8/16
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book. - Abducted by T.R. Ragan 7/9
2. Read a book with a nosey character. - N is for Noose by Sue Grafton 6/15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick. - Obsession by Jennifer Lyon 6/9
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover. - The Main Corpse by Diane Mott Davidson 7/14
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc. - Hot by Julia Harper 11/30


1. Read a book with a lawyer. - Bluegrass State of Mind by Kathleen Brooks 11/4
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman 10/9
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument. - Don't Say a Word by Rita Herron 10/25
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane. - Back to Life by Danielle Allen 6/8
2. Read a book set in an exotic location. - Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller 11/23
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character. - The Affair by Lee Child 6/4
2. Read a book where a crime takes place. - Captive in the Dark by C.J. Roberts 7/16
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc. - O is for Outlaw by Sue Grafton 7/29


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist. - A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison 8/14
2. Read a sci-fi book. - Pale Demon by Kim Harrison 7/7
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book. - Hopeless by Colleen Hoover 6/29
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author. - The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly 8/7
2. Read a book by a New To You author. - The Good House by Tananarive Due 6/22
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc. - The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield 6/10

The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick The Affair (Jack Reacher, #16) by Lee Child Back to Life (Back to Life #1) by Danielle Allen Obsession (The Plus One Chronicles, #3) by Jennifer Lyon The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield N is for Noose (Kinsey Millhone, #14) by Sue Grafton The Good House by Tananarive Due Nine Dragons (Harry Bosch, #15) by Michael Connelly Hopeless (Hopeless, #1) by Colleen Hoover Pale Demon (The Hollows, #9) by Kim Harrison Abducted (Lizzy Gardner #1) by T.R. Ragan The Main Corpse (A Goldy Bear Culinary Mystery, #6) by Diane Mott Davidson Captive in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #1) by C.J. Roberts The World's Strongest Librarian A Memoir of Tourette's, Faith, Strength, and the Power of Family by Josh Hanagarne O is for Outlaw (Kinsey Millhone, #15) by Sue Grafton The Scarecrow (Jack McEvoy, #2) by Michael Connelly A Perfect Blood (The Hollows, #10) by Kim Harrison Love With a Scandalous Lord (Daughters of Fortune, #3) by Lorraine Heath Dead on the Dance Floor by Heather Graham The House at Riverton by Kate Morton Ever After (The Hollows, #11) by Kim Harrison Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman Don't Say a Word by Rita Herron Bluegrass State of Mind (Bluegrass Series, #1) by Kathleen Brooks Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football, #1) by Bella Andre Hot by Julia Harper

message 12: by JoAnne (last edited Jun 20, 2016 06:57AM) (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments I'll give it a try. Going to try for the Boss - 3 per profession since there are a lot of choices and unlimited time to finish.

"When I Grow Up Challenge"

One task per book, so if you are doing Level 3 you will read 45 books.

Level 3 - The Boss - 3 tasks per profession
Duration: Read 6/1/15 - 6/20/16 ---took me 13 mos to be THE BOSS!
Read 45/45 books; 15/15 categories DONE

(N.B - For the "word in the title..." tasks, the word can be in the series name instead).

ACTOR Read 3/3 DONE!
1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
Her Boss by Arrangement by Teresa Carpenter Her Boss by Arrangement by Teresa Carpenter 6/3/15 3stars (actresses/directors/movie studio president)
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
Dashing Through the Snow by Debbie Macomber Dashing Through the Snow by Debbie Macomber 12/8/15 4stars (Hallmark TV movie)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc
Scandal Takes the Stage (The Wicked Quills of London, #2) by Eva Leigh Scandal Take the Stage (The Wicked Quills of London #2) by Eva Leigh 12/3/15 4stars

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
Blue Vision (Code of Endhivar #1) by Marie Lavender Blue Vision (Code of Endhivar #1) by Marie Lavender 6/19/16 4stars (Endhivar)
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
Midnight Pursuits (Killer Instincts, #4) by Elle Kennedy Midnight Pursuits (Killer Instincts, #4) by Elle Kennedy 6/7/15 4.5stars (traveled to Russia)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.
For Heaven's Cakes by Diane Saxon For Heaven's Cakes by Diane Saxon 6/28/15 3stars (Heaven)

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
Bride on the Run (Runaway Brides, #3) by Catherine Mann Bride on the Run (Runaway Brides #4) by Catherine Mann and Joanne Rock 6/6/15 4stars (Boone - plays on the Stars professional baseball team)
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
The Taming of the Billionaire (Billionaires and Bridesmaids, #2) by Jessica Clare The Taming of the Billionaire (Billionaires and Bridesmaids, #2) by Jessica Clare 6/30/15 4stars (online gaming)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.
Game On (The Bod Squad, #1) by Gabra Zackman Game On (The Bod Squad, #1) by Gabra Zackman 8/13/15 4stars (Game)

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
Playing with Trouble (Capital Confessions, #2) by Chanel Cleeton Playing with Trouble (Capital Confessions #2) by Chanel Cleeton 7/17/15 3.5stars (Blair - ballerina for Halloween Party - she was a sugar plum fairy in The Nutcracker a few years before)
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
The Daughter of an Earl by Victoria Morgan The Daughter of an Earl by Victoria Morgan 7/7/15 4stars (lots of balls/dances - it's Regency England)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.
Dancing With A Cowboy by Sandi K. Whipple Dancing with a Cowboy by Sandi K. Whipple 1/2/16 4stars

1. Read a mystery book.
A Colourful Death (Cornish Mystery, #2) by Carola Dunn A Colourful Death (Cornish Mystery #2) by Carola Dunn 8/12/15 3stars
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
Getting Lucky (Sapphire Falls, #5) by Erin Nicholas Getting Lucky (Sapphire Falls #5) by Erin Nicholas 6/10/15 4stars (anyone living in Sapphire Falls - men or women!)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.
The Cowboy's Secret Baby by Karen Rose Smith The Cowboy's Secret Baby by Karen Rose Smith 7/21/15 4stars

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
Heart of the Home (A Mangrove Island Novel #4) by Neve Cottrell Heart of the Home (Mangrove Island #4)by Neve Cottrell 6/19/15 4stars (Dr. Donovan Reed)
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
Thrill Me (Fool's Gold, #18) by Susan Mallery Thrill Me (Fool's Gold #18) by Susan Mallery 6/25/15 5stars (Elaine Mitchell - breast cancer)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.
The Best Medicine (Strictly Business, #1) by Elizabeth Hayley The Best Medicine (Strictly Business #1) by Elizabeth Hayley 2/18/16 4stars

1. Read a book with a firefighter.
A Glimpse of the Dream by L.A. Fiore A Glimpse of the Dream by L.A. Fiore 7/20/15 4.5stars (Kane was a volunteer firefighter)
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
Thirty Days of Red by Geraldine Solon Thirty Minutes of Red by Geraldine Solon 6/19/15 3stars
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.
Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #1) by Kate Meader Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #1) by Kate Meader 9/12/15 4stars

1. Read a book with a lawyer.
Midnight Action (Killer Instincts, #5) by Elle Kennedy Midnight Action (Killer Instincts, #5) by Elle Kennedy 6/15/15 4stars (Gilles Girard)
2. Read a book involving a contract of some sort.
Home by Morning (Heroes of Heartbreak Creek, #3) by Kaki Warner Home by Morning (Heroes of Heartbreak Creek #3) by Kaki Warner 7/6/15 4.5stars (marriage certificate and adoption papers)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.
Sustained (The Legal Briefs, #2) by Emma Chase Sustained (Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase 8/16/15 4stars

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
Johnnie Come Lately by Kathleen M. Rodgers Johnnie Come Lately by Kathleen M. Rodgers 6/27/15 4stars
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
That Man of Mine (Whispering Bay Romance, #3) by Maria Geraci That Man of Mine (Whispering Bay Romance, #3) by Maria Geraci 6/12/15 4stars (Billy Brenton and Fatback Bubba)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.
Dare to Rock (Dare to Love, #5) by Carly Phillips Dare to Rock (Dare to Love #7) by Carly Phillips 10/4/15 4stars

PILOT Read 2/3
1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
The Wrong Billionaire's Bed (Billionaire Boys Club, #3) by Jessica Clare The Wrong Billionaire's Bed (Billionaire Boys Club, #3) by Jessica Clare 6/25/15 4stars (private jet to Hawaii)
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
Untamed by Diana Palmer Untamed by Diana Palmer 7/13/15 4stars (Africa)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.
A Midnight Clear (Fly Me to the Moon, #2) by Emma Barry A Midnight Clear (Fly Me To the Moon #2) by Emma Barry and Genevieve Turner 6/20/16 4stars

1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
Frontier Highlander Vow of Love (American Wilderness #4) by Dorothy Wiley Frontier Highlander Vow of Love (American Wildnerness #4) by Dorothy Wiley 6/5/15 5stars (William - Sheriff)
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
Gambling on the Outlaw (Nevada Bounty #1) by Margaret Madigan Gambling on the Outlaw (Nevada Bounty #1) 6/18/15 3.5stars
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.
Duty Before Desire (The Honorables, #3) by Elizabeth Boyce Duty Before Desire (The Honorables #3) by Elizabeth Boyce 1/26/16 4stars

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
Ask Me Why by Jodi Thomas Ask Me Why Anthology by Jodi Thomas et al 7/3/15 4stars (Dr. Max Lewis - Oyster Reef Expansion Project)
2. Read a sci-fi book.
Short Circuit Time by Diane Saxon Short Circuit Time by Diane Saxon 1/10/16 3.5stars (futuristic/time travel)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.
Rumor Has It (Animal Magnetism, #4) by Jill Shalvis Rumor Has It (Animal Magnetism, #4) by Jill Shalvis 10/13/15 4stars (Magnetism)

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
The Boyfriend List (Forever Love, #5) by Jeannie Moon The Boyfriend List (Forever Love #5) by Jeannie Moon 6/29/15 4.5 stars (Jenna, art teacher/Meg, kdg teacher)
2. Read a Young Adult book.
Lark Singer (Starlight Chronicles #2) by Lisa Orchard Lark Singer (Starlight Chronicles #2) by Lisa Orchard 11/15/15 4stars
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.
The Stories We Tell A Novel by Patti Callahan Henry by Patti Callahan Henry 3/15/16 4stars (Stories)

1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
The Marriage Season (The Brides of Bliss County, #3) by Linda Lael Miller The Marriage Season (The Brides of Bliss County, #3) by Linda Lael Miller 6/13/15 4stars (Nate Cameron, vet; Tate Calder, ranch owner)
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
Kiss Me (Fool's Gold, #17) by Susan Mallery Kiss Me (Fool's Gold #17) by Susan Mallery 6/23/15 4stars (takes place on a ranch - horses, cows)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.
Lightning over Bennett Ranch by Amber Daulton Lightning Over Bennett Ranch (The Ranch Collection #2) by Amber Daulton 7/20/15 3stars (horses)

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
Don't Let Go by Sharla Lovelace ]Don't Let Go by Sharla Lovelace 6/21/15 4.5 stars (Becca)
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
Come Home to Me (Homefront, #0.5) by Jessica Scott Jessica Scott - Come Home to Me (A Homefront Novella) 6/26/15 3stars
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.
Starlight on Willow Lake (Lakeshore Chronicles, #11) by Susan Wiggs Starlight on Willow Lake (Lakeshore Chronicles #11) by Susan Wiggs 8/22/15 5stars (chronicles)

message 13: by Jojobean (new)

Jojobean "When I Grow Up Challenge"
Level 1 - Apprentice- 1 task per profession


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.


1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Cristina, Delitealex, Kellie, Shelley, JoAnne, Joanne and Sharon. Have fun!
(Apologies if I missed anyone!!)

message 15: by Lisa (last edited Aug 14, 2015 07:04AM) (new)

Lisa 6/1/15-???


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Born Free 6-6-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Night Gardener 7-14-15
3. Unearthly 8-7-15


1. Emmy & Oliver 7-21-15
2. An Ember in the Ashes 7-2-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. The Cost of All Things 6-28-15
2. Ophelia 6-20-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. The Tenderness of Thieves 6-14-15
2. All The Truth Thats In Me 6-12-15
3. Charlie, Presumed Dead 7-30-15


1. Immaculate 6-24-15
2. Where It Began 6-4-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Apple and Rain 7-8-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.


1. The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly 7-24-15
2. Citizens Creek 7-15-15
3. Proof of Forever 7-26-15


1. The Night We Said Yes 7-3-15
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Kissing In America 8-11-15
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Rot & Ruin 7-17-15
2. The Last Good Day of the Year 6-16-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Made You Up 6-18-15
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. My Life in Black and White 6-10-15
2. As The World Dies Vol 3 6-5-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Fig 6-5-15
2. Serafina and the Black Cloak 7-28-15
3. Loving Our Dogs 8-14-15


1. When Reason Breaks 6-26-15
2. The Last Time We Say Goodbye 6-8-15
3. Story of A Girl 6-21-15

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Lisa, welcome to the challenge :)

message 17: by Lara (last edited Jun 17, 2015 07:14AM) (new)

Lara 1/6/2015-?


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance The Two Towers
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover. Ptolemy's Gate
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc. Inferno


1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort. My Wishful Thinking 17/6
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument. Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness 8/6
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together 12/06
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane. Such a Rush
2. Read a book set in an exotic location. A Thousand Splendid Suns
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character. 3rd Degree
2. Read a book where a crime takes place. Storm Front
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book. If I Die
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - 10/6
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc. The Horse and His Boy


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author - Deep Blue 11/6
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Lara, have fun :)

message 19: by Marla (last edited Oct 24, 2015 02:21PM) (new)

 Marla | 2734 comments When I Grow Up Challenge
Duration: 6/1/15 - 6/1/16
Level 1 - Apprentice
Progress: 15 of 15
Completed: 10/21/15

ACTOR ~ Cole St. Clair in Sinner by Maggie Steifvater (9/23/15)
1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.

ASTRONAUT ~ Devi in Fortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach (9/5/15)
1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.

ATHLETE ~ Myron Bolitar in Fade Away by Harlan Coben (8/31/15)
1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport

DANCER ~ Adele in Labor Day by Joyce Maynard (7/17/15)
1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.

DETECTIVE ~ Heather Wells in The Bride Wore Size 12 by Meg Cabot (6/17/15)
1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.

DOCTOR ~ Dr. Urbino in Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Martinez (6/11/15)
1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc. ~ cholera

FIREFIGHTER ~ Blood Game by Iris Johansen (9/21/15)
1. Read a book with a Red cover.
Blood Game (Eve Duncan, #9) by Iris Johansen

LAWYER ~ Jodi in Running Blind by Lee Child (10/21/15)
1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book involving a contract of some sort.

MUSICIAN ~ Meghan's step father in The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa (6/2/15)
1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument. ~ piano
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.

PILOT ~ The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead (9/20/15)
1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane ~ Sydney
2. Read a book set in an exotic location ~ Palm Springs, CA

POLICE OFFICER ~ Police Chief Jeffrey Tolliver in Faithless by Karin Slaughter (7/25/15)
1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.

SCIENTIST ~ Meliss in Shadow Zone by Iris Johansen (7/21/15)
1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.

TEACHER ~ Miss Larsen in Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline (9/2/15)
1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.

VETERINARIAN ~ Forever by Maggie Stiefvater (8/24/15)
1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count)

WRITER ~ Beth in Dark Lover by J.R. Ward (6/17/15)
1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Marla.

message 21: by Melissa (new)

Melissa  | 0 comments Level 1 - Apprentice- 1 task per profession
Level 2 - Hired Hand - 2 tasks per profession
Level 3 - The Boss - 3 tasks per profession


1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc


1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.


1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.


1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.


1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.


1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.


1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.


1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Melissa :)

message 23: by Melissa (new)

Melissa  | 0 comments Caroline wrote: "Welcome to the challenge Melissa :)"

Thank you Caroline. This challenge really seems interesting. Couldn't do anything but joining :)

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Finished! Gave myself 6 months and I have a couple of weeks to spare. :)

message 25: by *Dawn (last edited Mar 28, 2024 12:36AM) (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 400 comments TLC, When I Grow Up Challenge
Start Date: 11-7-15

Level 3 - The Boss - 3 tasks per profession

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
Yes Please by Amy Poehler, 11-13-15 (*4)
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy, 11-30-15, (3*)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc.
Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show: A Novel of Ireland Frank Delaney, 3-30-16 (3-1/2*)
Yes Please by Amy Poehler Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show (A Novel of Ireland, #1) by Frank Delaney
1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams, #1 HHG series, 1-20-16 (4*)
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
On Our Own Terms Adelaide Hipwell, 1-27-16 (3-1/2*) Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, CA
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.
First Star I See Tonight Susan Elizabeth Phillips, #8 Chicago Stars, 1-27-18, 4*
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1) by Douglas Adams On Our Own Terms by Adelaide Hipwell First Star I See Tonight (Chicago Stars, #8) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
One Wish Robyn Carr, 12-3-15 (3-1/2*) h was a successful figure skater
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
Rapture in Death J.D. Robb, #4 “In Death” series, 1-19-16 (4*) pg 58, Now they were a set. A set that could be destroyed on a whim. But not yet. Not for some little time yet. After all, the game had just begun.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.
Game of Love Melissa Foster, (3*) 11-22-15 review
One Wish (Thunder Point, #7) by Robyn Carr Game of Love (The Remingtons #1; Love in Bloom #10) by Melissa Foster Rapture in Death (In Death, #4) by J.D. Robb
1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
Sweet Filthy Boy Christina Lauren, #1 Wild Season, 4-2-16 (3-12*) MC, Mia Holland, injured dancer
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe) Kimberly Pauley, 1-5-16 (3*) attends prom
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.
Dance to the Piper Nora Roberts, #2 O'Hurleys, 1-25-16 (3-1/2*)
Sweet Filthy Boy (Wild Seasons, #1) by Christina Lauren Sucks to Be Me The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe) (Sucks to Be Me, #1) by Kimberly Pauley Dance to the Piper (The O'Hurleys, #2) by Nora Roberts
1. Read a mystery book.
Immortal in Death J.D. Robb, #3 “In Death” series, 1-8-16 (3-1/2*)
2. Read a book with a nosy character.
Unexpected Treasure Melody Anne, The Lost Andersons Book 1, Billionaire Bachelors #8, 12-29-15 (3*) meddlesome father and uncle Loc 2592 "You guys are so nosy."
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.
Top Secret Twenty-One Janet Evanovich, 11-29-15 (3-1/2*)
Immortal in Death (In Death, #3) by J.D. Robb Unexpected Treasure (The Lost Andersons, #1) by Melody Anne Top Secret Twenty-One (Stephanie Plum, #21) by Janet Evanovich
1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
The First Love Cookie Club Lori Wilde, 12-12-15 (3*) Both of h's parents are renowned cardiac surgeons.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
Beautiful Bastard Christina Lauren, 11-24-15, (4*) pg 248 Bennett Ryan gets either a stomach flu or food poisoning (blames it on bad sushi) when they are at a conference in San Diego.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.
Stitch L. Wilder, #2 Satan's Fury MC, 5-26-16 (3*)
The First Love Cookie Club (Twilight, Texas, #3) by Lori Wilde Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, #1) by Christina Lauren Stitch (Satan's Fury MC, #2) by L. Wilder
1. Read a book with a firefighter.
Back to Buckhorn Lori Foster, 1-15-16 (3*) MC is a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red cover.
Christmas Sucks: What to Do When Fruitcake, Family, and Finding the Perfect Gift Make You Miserable Joanne Kimes, "Sucks" series #13?, 12-27-15, (3*)
Christmas Sucks What to Do When Fruitcake, Family, and Finding the Perfect Gift Make You Miserable by Joanne Kimes
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.
Hot in Here: Uncovered\Tailspin\An Honorable Man Lori Foster 11-8-15 (3*)
Back to Buckhorn (Buckhorn Brothers, #5.2) by Lori Foster Christmas Sucks What to Do When Fruitcake, Family, and Finding the Perfect Gift Make You Miserable by Joanne Kimes Hot in Here Uncovered / Tailspin / An Honorable Man (Men of Courage, #3-5) by Lori Foster
1. Read a book with a lawyer.
I'll Be Home for Christmas Lori Wilde, #6 Twilight, Texas, 12-27-15 (4*) h just dropped out of her law school; both of her parents are high-profile L.A. attorneys
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
Hard Sosie Frost, 12-9-15 (3*) Sorting out probate issues/terms of will.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.
Judgment in Death J.D. Robb, #11 In Death, 7-28-16 (3*)
I'll Be Home for Christmas (Twilight, Texas, #6) by Lori Wilde Hard by Sosie Frost Judgment in Death (In Death, #11) by J.D. Robb
1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
Maybe Someday Colleen Hoover, 1-13-16 (5*) MC plays guitar.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
Faking It Cora Carmack, 12-10-15, (3*) MC is a singer in a band.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.
Yellowstone Heart Song Peggy L. Henderson, Yellowstone Romance Bk 1, 12-30-15 (5*)
Maybe Someday (Maybe, #1) by Colleen Hoover Faking It (Losing It, #2) by Cora Carmack Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance, #1) by Peggy L. Henderson
1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
The Kiss Kathryn Harrison, 11-15-15 (5*) pg 121, At the airport, we say good-bye with the stiff formal kiss we always use.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
Captive Witness Carolyn Keene, #64 Nancy Drew Mysteries, 3-2-16, 3* - Vienna, Austria
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.
Hanna Who Fell from the Sky Christopher Meades, 5-14-17, 4*
The Kiss by Kathryn Harrison Captive Witness (Nancy Drew Mysteries Book 64) by Carolyn Keene Hanna Who Fell from the Sky by Christopher Meades
1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
Naked in Death J.D. Robb, 11-18-15, (4*) Lt. Eve Dallas is a NYC homicide detective in the year 2058.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
Glory in Death #2 In Death series, J.D. Robb (4*) 12-17-15
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.
Witness in Death J.D. Robb, #10 In Death, 10-31-16 (3*)
Naked in Death (In Death, #1) by J.D. Robb Glory in Death (In Death, #2) by J.D. Robb Witness in Death (In Death, #10) by J.D. Robb
1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
A New Hope Robyn Carr, 12-23-15 (4*) (MC) Matt Lacoumette is a farmer but also a scientist with an advanced degree. He lectures part-time at the local college re agriculture, animal husbandry, etc.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
Q Evan Mandery, 2-19-16, 3* Time Travel
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.
Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature, Robin Brande, 12-2-15 (3-1/2*)
A New Hope (Thunder Point, #8) by Robyn Carr Q by Evan Mandery Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande
1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
Never Too Late Robyn Carr, 1-2-16 (3-1/2*) MCs Clare & Pete: high school English teacher and football coach.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
Matilda by Roald Dahl, 11-12-15, 240 pgs, (3*)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.
Geek Girl Holly Smale 6-16-16 (3*)
Never Too Late by Robyn Carr Matilda by Roald Dahl Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1) by Holly Smale
1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
Dream a Little Dream Susan Elizabeth Phillips, 12-5-15 (5*) MC, Gabriel Donner, is a veterinarian. He's abandoned the practice due to personal grief but in his healing, we see him working with animals again and ready to go back to his profession.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down Merrill Markoe, 1-29-16 (3-1/2*)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.
Back to Buckhorn Lori Foster, 1-15-16 (3*), Buck horn
Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Walking in Circles Before Lying Down by Merrill Markoe Back to Buckhorn (Buckhorn Brothers, #5.2) by Lori Foster
1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
The Trouble With Harry Katie MacAlister, 12-7-15 (4*), Lord Rosse's new wife, Frederica "Plum" Pelham, wrote a sex guide for married couples entitled Guide to Connubial Calisthenics!
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
The Air He Breathes Brittainy Cherry, 11-20-15, (5*)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.
The True Story of Hansel and Gretel Louise Murphy, 2-11-16 (5*)
The Trouble With Harry (Noble #3) by Katie MacAlister The Air He Breathes (Elements, #1) by Brittainy C. Cherry The True Story of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Dawn :)

message 27: by *Dawn (last edited Mar 28, 2024 12:31AM) (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 400 comments Caroline wrote: "Welcome to the challenge Dawn :)"

Thank you!

message 28: by Maureen (last edited Jan 11, 2016 11:26AM) (new)

Maureen (ryrou) When I Grow Up Challenge
November 21, 2015 - ???

Level: The Boss

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
Fight Club
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting: Act, Play, Theatre etc

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space: Moon, Star, Planet etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport: Football, Run, Games etc.

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance: Ballerina, Waltz, Rhythm etc.

1. Read a mystery book.
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives: Sleuth, Private Eye, Puzzle etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors: Medicine, Nurse, Healer etc.

1. Read a book with a firefighter.
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire: Flame, Hot, Burn etc.

1. Read a book with a lawyer.
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law: Legal, Crime, Judge etc.

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music: Melody, Tune, Rock, Soul etc.

1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying: Sky, Clouds, Flight etc.

1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police: Inspector, Criminal, Arrest etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
2. Read a sci-fi book.
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science: Research, Formula, Experiment etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
2. Read a Young Adult book.
The Fill-In Boyfriend
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education: School, Learn, Knowledge etc.

1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
2. Read a book with animal characters. (Werewolves etc will count).
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals: Wolf, Farm, Zoo etc.

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
Bill Clegg - Did You Ever Have a Family
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing: Pen, Book, Story etc.

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Seveneves by Neal Stephenson The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West Did You Ever Have a Family by Bill Clegg

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Maureen!

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Congrats to all who have completed the challenge.

message 31: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 17, 2016 07:26AM) (new)

I meant to start this again on Jan 1st but have got so many challenges going on that it totally slipped my mind! So I'm going to backdate. I managed to complete last time just within the 6 month limit I'd given myself so will go for that again.

Start Date: 1/1/16
Level: The Boss
Duration: 6 months
Progress: 45/45
Date Completed: 17/6/16

ACTOR - Completed

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character.
Postcards from the Heart - Ella Griffin (30/1/16) - Greg Gleeson
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie.
Holes - Louis Sachar (26/1/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to acting
Act One, Wish One - Mindy Klasky (7/5/16) - Act

ASTRONAUT - Completed

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
The Worthing Chronicle - Orson Scott Card (28/5/16) - Set on various planets
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance.
Valley of Thracians - Ellis Shuman (12/2/16) - Simon travels from Chicago to Bulgaria
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to space:
Moon Island - Rosie Thomas (27/1/16) - Moon

ATHLETE - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete.
Love Bats Last - Pamela Aares (9/1/16) - Alex Tavonesi - professional baseball player
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition.
The Cowgirl Ropes a Billionaire - Cora Seton (7/4/16) - Bella & Evan compete in a reality TV show
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to sport
Blood Sport - A.J. Carella (17/6/16) - Sport

DANCER - Completed

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer.
This Much is True - Katherine Owen (24/5/16) - Tally Landon - ballerina
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball.
The Grand Masquerade - Amanda Hughes (12/3/16) - Sydnee hosts a masked ball
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to dance
The Seven Steps to Closure - Donna Joy Usher (17/3/16) - Steps

DETECTIVE - Completed

1. Read a mystery book.
Whose Body? - Dorothy L. Sayers (2/1/16)
2. Read a book with a nosey character.
Vintage Murder - Ngaio Marsh (4/3/16) - Roderick Alleyn - "...I'm an incurable nosy parker."(pg 53)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to detectives
The Sleuth Sisters - Maggie Pill (14/6/16) - Sleuth

DOCTOR - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor.
The Coroner's Lunch - Colin Cotterill (20/1/16) - Dr Siri Paiboun
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick.
Katherine - Anya Seton (26/4/16) - Blanchette - scarlet fever
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to doctors
The Island of Doctor Moreau - H.G. Wells (24/3/16) - Doctor


1. Read a book with a firefighter
Count to Ten - Karen Rose (6/5/16)
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover.
Inkheart - Cornelia Funke (12/1/16) - Inkheart (Inkworld, #1) by Cornelia Funke
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to fire
The Fire - John A. Heldt (28/3/16) - Fire

LAWYER - Completed

1. Read a book with a lawyer.
Wreathed - Curtis Edmonds (16/2/16) - M/C Wendy is an attorney
2. Read a book with scenes that take place in a courtroom OR involving a contract of some sort.
14th Deadly Sin - James Patterson (16/3/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to law
The Defendants - John Ellsworth (11/5/16) - Defendants

MUSICIAN - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument.
The Bay at Midnight - Diane Chamberlain (25/3/16) - Lucy Bauer - violin
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer.
Shatter The Bones - Stuart MacBride (27/3/16) - Alison McGregor
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to music:
Pop Goes the Weasel - M.J. Arlidge (9/1/16) - Pop

PILOT - Completed

1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane.
Diamonds In The Sky: A Paranormal Romance - M.A. Harper (14/2/16) - Caddy & Alec fly to Hawaii
2. Read a book set in an exotic location.
Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys (12/1/16) - Dominica & Jamaica
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to flying:
The Brightest Star in the Sky - Marian Keyes (15/1/16) - Sky


1. Read a book with a law enforcement character.
Dark Blood - Stuart MacBride (6/2/16) - DS Logan McRae
2. Read a book where a crime takes place.
The Christmas Killer - Jim Gallows (3/1/16) - Murder
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to police
A Charming Crime - Tonya Kappes (12/6/16) - Crime

SCIENTIST - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist.
A Question of Belief - Margaret Yorke (17/2/16) - Guy Frost
2. Read a sci-fi book.
Four: A Divergent Collection - Veronica Roth (15/3/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to science
The Experiment of Dreams - Brandon Zenner (9/3/16) - Experiment

TEACHER - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer.
Matilda - Roald Dahl (2/2/16) - Miss Honey
2. Read a Young Adult book.
Divergent - Veronica Roth (6/1/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to education
Teacher Beware - Charlotte Raine (9/5/16) - Teacher


1. Read a book with a character who works with animals.
Just What Kind of Mother Are You? - Paula Daly (8/2/16) - M/C Lisa runs an animal shelter
2. Read a book with animal characters
Watership Down - Richard Adams (20/4/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to animals:
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis (8/1/16) - Lion

WRITER - Completed

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author.
Unless - Carol Shields (7/2/16) - Reta Winters
2. Read a book by a New To You author.
Dying For Christmas - Tammy Cohen (1/1/16)
3. Read a book with a word in the title relating to writing:
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden (5/1/16) - Memoirs

message 32: by Laila Jane (last edited Mar 30, 2019 12:21AM) (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 315 comments When I Grow Up Challenge


Goal: Hired Hand - 2 tasks/category (30/30 books)
March 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016

1. Read a book with an actor or actress character
 The Score by Elle Kennedy (05/13/16)
2. Read a book that has been made into a movie
 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling (01/10/19)
The Score (Off-Campus, #3) by Elle Kennedy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling

1. Read a book set somewhere other than earth
 Illuminae by Amie Kaufman (04/27/16)
2. Read a book where someone travels a long distance
 Graceling by Kristin Cashore (03/30/16)
Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1) by Amie Kaufman Graceling by Kristin Cashore

1. Read a book with a character who is an athlete
 The Mistake by Elle Kennedy (04/11/16)
2. Read a book that involves a game or competition
 Beautiful Disaster by Francette Phal (04/07/16)
The Mistake (Off-Campus, #2) by Elle Kennedy Beautiful Disaster (The Bet, #1) by Francette Phal

1. Read a book with character who is a dancer
 12 Days of Forever by Heidi McLaughlin (03/25/19)
2. Read a book where the characters attend a dance or ball
 It's In His Kiss by Julia Quinn (03/08/16)
12 Days of Forever (Beaumont #4.5) by Heidi McLaughlin It's In His Kiss (Bridgertons #7) by Julia Quinn

1. Read a mystery book
 We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (04/13/16)
2. Read a book with a nosey character
 Scones, Skulls & Scams by Leighann Dobbs (03/24/16)
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart Scones, Skulls & Scams (Lexy Baker #8) by Leighann Dobbs

1. Read a book with a character who is a doctor
 Treating Murder by Gabrielle Black (03/18/16)
2. Read a book where somebody gets sick
 When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn (05/11/16)
Treating Murder (Veronica Lane, M.D., #1) by Gabrielle Black When He Was Wicked (Bridgertons, #6) by Julia Quinn

1. Read a book with a firefighter
 Soaring by Kristen Ashley (04/29/16)
2. Read a book with a Red or Orange cover
 It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (03/05/16)
Soaring (Magdalene, #2) by Kristen Ashley It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas

1. Read a book with a lawyer
 Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker (03/03/16)
2. Read a book involving a contract of some sort
 The Will by Kristen Ashley (04/17/16)
Five Ways to Fall (Ten Tiny Breaths, #4) by K.A. Tucker The Will (Magdalene, #1) by Kristen Ashley

1. Read a book with a character who plays an instrument
 My Kind of Forever by Heidi McLaughlin (05/04/16)
2. Read a book with a character who is a singer
 Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot (03/16/16)
My Kind of Forever (Beaumont #5) by Heidi McLaughlin Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot

1. Read a book where the characters travel on a plane
 Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard (03/10/16)
2. Read a book set in an exotic location
 Captain James Hook and the Curse of Peter Pan by Jeremiah Kleckner (05/08/16)
Glass Sword (Red Queen, #2) by Victoria Aveyard Captain James Hook and the Curse of Peter Pan by Jeremiah Kleckner

1. Read a book with a law enforcement character
 For You by Kristen Ashley (05/01/16)
2. Read a book where a crime takes place
 The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson (03/25/16)
For You (The 'Burg, #1) by Kristen Ashley The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Millennium, #3) by Stieg Larsson

1. Read a book with a character who is a scientist
 Black City by Elizabeth Richards (07/22/16)
2. Read a sci-fi book
 Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7 by Mike Tucker (04/10/16)
Black City (Black City, #1) by Elizabeth Richards Doctor Who Snowglobe 7 by Mike Tucker

1. Read a book with a character who is a teacher or lecturer
 Every Wrong Reason by Rachel Higginson (06/21/16)
2. Read a Young Adult book
 The Mind Readers by Lori Brighton (03/13/16)
Every Wrong Reason by Rachel Higginson The Mind Readers by Lori Brighton

1. Read a book with a character who works with animals
 The Cowboy Takes a Bride by Lori Wilde (06/02/16)
2. Read a book with animal characters
 Soulless by Gail Carriger (04/08/16)
The Cowboy Takes a Bride (Jubilee, Texas, #1) by Lori Wilde Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1) by Gail Carriger

1. Read a book with a character who is a writer/author
 Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman (04/05/16)
2. Read a book by a New To You author
 Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (03/07/16)
Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog, #1) by Anne Blankman Red Queen (Red Queen, #1) by Victoria Aveyard

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Laila Jane :)

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

You did pretty well Sharon :)

message 35: by Penni (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Good job Sharon! That is a pretty big challenge.

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Completed just under the 6 months I gave myself. Message 32.

message 37: by Penni (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Woo-hoo Caroline! Good job. That is a monster big challenge.

message 38: by Agnieszka (last edited Jun 28, 2016 12:52PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 606 comments How could I miss such a great challenge ;-)

I start with Hired Hand but intend to go for The Boss.
Starting: June 17, 2016 - Duration: 6 month

Finished: 5/30(45)

ACTOR (view spoiler)
ASTRONAUT (view spoiler)
ATHLETE Dinner für eine Leiche Honey Driver ermittelt by J.G. Goodhind = A Taste to Die for (Honey Driver Mystery, #2) by J.G. Goodhind (view spoiler)
DANCER (view spoiler)
DETECTIVE (view spoiler)
DOCTOR Wierna rzeka by Stefan Żeromski = The Faithful River by Stefan Żeromski (view spoiler)
FIREFIGHTER (view spoiler)
LAWYER (view spoiler)
MUSICIAN (view spoiler)
PILOT (view spoiler)
POLICE OFFICER Tangled Bond (Holly Woods Files, #2) by Emma Hart Protector for Hire (Front and Center, #4) by Tawna Fenske (view spoiler)
SCIENTIST (view spoiler)
TEACHER (view spoiler)
VETERINARIAN Lockruf der Gefahr by Nora Roberts = Black Hills by Nora Roberts (view spoiler)
WRITER (view spoiler)

message 39: by Penni (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Welcome Agnieszka - and good luck!

message 40: by Agnieszka (last edited Jun 20, 2016 04:48AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 606 comments Penni & Caroline,

I wanted to ask if you would mind if I would expand the challenge a little bit. I thought something along the lines to collect a list of at least 50 job names plus create for each three tasks to make it more interesting/challenging? I would than change my goal to at least 120 books and go for a duration of a year.

message 41: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 20, 2016 04:53AM) (new)

I have no problem with that but I'm not a mod, I just came up with the challenge, so I'll leave it up to Penni :)

Maybe it would be better to start a new thread so that people could choose between doing the original or expanded versions without getting confused?

message 42: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments Agnieszka wrote: "Penni & Caroline,

I wanted to ask if you would mind if I would expand the challenge a little bit. I thought something along the lines to collect a list of at least 50 job names plus create for eac..."

I might be interested but agree with Caroline that a new thread would be better.

message 43: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 606 comments Caroline wrote: "I have no problem with that but I'm not a mod, I just came up with the challenge, so I'll leave it up to Penni :)

Maybe it would be better to start a new thread so that people could choose between..."

JoAnne wrote: "Agnieszka wrote: "Penni & Caroline,

I wanted to ask if you would mind if I would expand the challenge a little bit. I thought something along the lines to collect a list of at least 50 job names p..."

Thank you. I start collect and translate my ideas than. Worst case I can do my own challenge ;-)

message 44: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments Agnieszka wrote: "Caroline wrote: "I have no problem with that but I'm not a mod, I just came up with the challenge, so I'll leave it up to Penni :)

Maybe it would be better to start a new thread so that people cou..."

I'm sure that there will be a few of us that join you. Have fun creating the challenge.

message 45: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments Post #12 - Completed Level 3 - The Boss - 3 tasks per profession
Duration: Read 6/1/15 - 6/20/16 ---took me 13 mos to be THE BOSS!
Read 45/45 books; 15/15 categories DONE

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Well done JoAnne! :)

message 47: by Penni (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Agnieszka wrote: "Penni & Caroline,

I wanted to ask if you would mind if I would expand the challenge a little bit. I thought something along the lines to collect a list of at least 50 job names plus create for eac..."

Go for it! A new thread would be good. Call it "When I Grow Up Challenge Version 2" or something to differentiate.

message 48: by Penni (new)

Penni | 1291 comments Mod
Excellent work JoAnne!

message 49: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 606 comments Congratulations JoAnne :-)

message 50: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments Caroline wrote: "Well done JoAnne! :)"

Thanks. When I first started didn't think I'd be able to do the entire challenge. The last two took me months to find.

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