24044237 Zoulfa's Friend Comments

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message 5: by Rafa

Rafa Hey!
Thanks for accepting my friend invite :)

Zoulfa Katouh Meghan wrote: "I loved your answer to my friend request question! Also, I love your profile picture! <3

Thanks for finding me on here! :)"

Meghan wrote: "I loved your answer to my friend request question! Also, I love your profile picture! <3

Thanks for finding me on here! :)"

Omgggg thank uuuu :D :D Compliments do warm a persons heart :D
I'm glad you liked it :D I love questions like that! And your bio is amazing! BA in English and pursuing Masters, Good for you :D
I love it too! though its photo shopped. Emma needs to come to her senses soon. I need my ship to sail :P
Don't u just love excellent photoshops (is that even a word?) ??

Meghan I loved your answer to my friend request question! Also, I love your profile picture! <3

Thanks for finding me on here! :)

Samantha Thanks for the friend request! I'll definitely check the book out, it looks really intriguing!

Khairiyyahb God, I love your "about me part", so true!

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