3105836 Lila's Friend Comments

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message 36: by Jona

Jona Hello Lila! Thanks for accepting my friend invite. Love reading your books and looking for more.

Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie* Hi Lila! Thank you for accepting my friend invite. Looking forward to chatting with you.
~ Carol

message 34: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Jodie wrote: "Thanks for the invite Lila. I look forward to chatting."

Thanks for accepting, Jodie! Looking forward to talking about books!


Riverina Romantics Thanks for the invite Lila. I look forward to chatting.

message 32: by Shanna

Shanna Hi! Thanks for the friend invite. I look forward to reading your books soon!

message 31: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Kathryn wrote: "Thanks for the firends invite, I will definately try a few of your books. If you have any in particular you want me to read first send me a suggestion. I read everyday so am always looking for new ..."

Hi Kathryn!
Sorry for the delay in responding. I just noticed your comment now. Thanks for accepting! And thank you for the lovely comment. :) I have 2 books out at the moment--both from the Fiery Tales series--AWAKENED BY A KISS and THE PRINCESS IN HIS BED (Historical Romance - Berkley Sensation). You don't have to read them in any particular order. They're steamy retellings of well-known fairy tales. Notorious rakes, passionate trysts and strong smart heroines who make them lose their hearts. :)

Thanks again for the Goodreads friendship --and your interest in my books.
Lila :)

message 30: by Kathryn

Kathryn Thanks for the firends invite, I will definately try a few of your books. If you have any in particular you want me to read first send me a suggestion. I read everyday so am always looking for new books. :D

message 29: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Zahu wrote: "Hey Lila!

Thanx for the friendvite! Look forward to poking through your shelves and gosh, you're an actual author!!! I've never had an author friend before! :P

I've read a little bit of Awakened ..."

Hi Zahu!

Thanks for the Goodreads friendship! :) And thanks so much for your interest in Awakened by a Kiss. Looking forward to hearing what you think!


message 28: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Sans wrote: "Thank you for the friend invite, Lila! I'm looking forward to reading your books!"

Thank you for accepting! It's nice to meet you. :)

message 27: by Sans

Sans Thank you for the friend invite, Lila! I'm looking forward to reading your books!

message 26: by DeAnna

DeAnna Hi, Lila!
Thank you for the friend-vite. It's great to see you here on GR. So glad to see Awakened is doing so well!
~DeAnna Cameron
author of The Belly Dancer
The Belly Dancer by DeAnna Cameron

Ronda  Tutt Thank you Lila for the friend invite - Have a great day!

message 24: by Beth

Beth Hi Lila,
Thanks for befriending this fellow Colorado author on Facebook!

message 23: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua LaVerne wrote: "Hi Lila- Thanks for friending me here."

My pleasure! :)

message 22: by LaVerne

LaVerne Hi Lila- Thanks for friending me here.

message 21: by Raquel

Raquel Vega-Grieder I'm Glad You Accepted....^_^.

message 20: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Gigi wrote: "Hi Lila!

Thanks for the friend request!

-Gigi : )"

My pleasure, Gigi! Thanks for adding me. :)

message 19: by Gigi (last edited May 22, 2010 06:37AM)

Gigi Hi Lila!

Thanks for the friend request!

-Gigi : )

message 18: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Paula wrote: "Hi Lila! Thanks so much for the friendship! :)"

It's my pleasure, Paula! Nice to meet you. :)

message 17: by Paula

Paula Hi Lila! Thanks so much for the friendship! :)

message 16: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua NorthernLightsGirl wrote: "Hi Lila,

Thanks for the friends invite. I added your books to my TBR. Can't wait to read them. They sound wonderful!"

Thank you!! ---for both the add and the interest in my books. :) I hope you enjoy them! I'm hosting a really cool contest. If you'd like to check it out, click on my *contest* page on my site: www.LilaDiPasqua.com

NorthernLightsGirl Hi Lila,

Thanks for the friends invite. I added your books to my TBR. Can't wait to read them. They sound wonderful!

message 14: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Sandra wrote: "Hi Lila,
Thanks for the friend request! Your upcoming book "Awakend By A Kiss" looks really good! I love sexy fairy tales! :)"

Hi Sandra,
Thanks for the add! And thanks so much for the lovely comment about my book. :)

message 13: by Sandra

Sandra Hi Lila,
Thanks for the friend request! Your upcoming book "Awakend By A Kiss" looks really good! I love sexy fairy tales! :)

message 12: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua maricar wrote: "thanks, Lila, for the friend invitation:)

good day!"

My pleasure! Wishing you a great day, too! :)

message 11: by maricar

maricar thanks, Lila, for the friend invitation:)

good day!

message 10: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Gabrielle wrote: "Hi Lila, thanks for the friend request! Your book looks amazing can't wait to read it!!!"

Hi Gabrielle!
Thanks so much! It's a pleasure to meet you. By the way, in book two of my Fiery Tales series, The Princess in His Bed, one of my heroines happens to be named Princess Gabrielle. :)

Nice to have you as a Goodreads friend!

message 9: by Elle

Elle Hi Lila, thanks for the friend request! Your book looks amazing can't wait to read it!!!

message 8: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Lisa wrote: "Hi Lila! Thanks for the "friend"ship! Hugs, Lisa"

Hi Lisa!
Thanks for accepting the invite! It's so nice to meet you. Looking forward to enjoying Patience! :)

message 7: by Lisa

Lisa Valdez Hi Lila! Thanks for the "friend"ship! Hugs, Lisa

message 6: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Vampfangirl wrote: "Hi Lila! Thanks for friending me, girl!!


It's my pleasure! Thanks for accepting. :)

Ashley Hi Lila! Thanks for friending me, girl!!


message 4: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua Ida wrote: "Welcome to my circle of friends on goodreads too, Lila!"

Hi Ida! Thanks for the friendship on Goodreads!
Hugs, Lila

message 3: by Ida

Ida Plassay Welcome to my circle of friends on goodreads too, Lila!

message 2: by Lila

Lila DiPasqua ♥ Beth wrote: "Hi Lila!

Thanks for the friendvite and welcome to Goodreads!! I am really looking forward to your debut release in Aug!!Awakened by a Kiss (Fiery Tales, Book 1) by Lila DiPasqua

Beth :)"

Thanks so much, Beth! It's a pleasure to meet you! :) Hugs,

♥ Beth Hi Lila!

Thanks for the friendvite and welcome to Goodreads!! I am really looking forward to your debut release in Aug!! Awakened by a Kiss (Fiery Tales, Book 1) by Lila DiPasqua

Beth :)

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