8385280 Charity's Friend Comments

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Charity Becker Yodamom wrote: "Thanks for the "friendvite" I look forward to chatting books with you and reading your future works."

I could talk books all day and all night, so it's always good to meet new book nerds =D

Yodamom Thanks for the "friendvite" I look forward to chatting books with you and reading your future works.

Charity Becker The 4th book is out on eBook already! <3
Presence eBooks

Right now it's only available through the publisher's website. You can get ePub or MOBI, if you need a different file type, let me know, we can get that too! If you'd rather wait and get it through Amazon or another store, it'll probably be another couple weeks. =)

Kayla wrote: "Waiting on the 4th presence book. To go on ebook if it don't I'm gonna go crazy! I just Love these books and normally go to librares or Barrow of ebook it."

message 1: by Kayla

Kayla Waiting on the 4th presence book. To go on ebook if it don't I'm gonna go crazy! I just Love these books and normally go to librares or Barrow of ebook it.

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