Johnson Yaun

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Frank  Lambert
“The girl looked up to the ceiling and just before she disappeared completely she spoke one last time. ‘They made him eat more flesh,’ she said. ‘Not dead flesh this time. They made him eat the flesh from something that was still alive. He ate flesh from the creature who wept at night.”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Barbara Sontheimer
“Looking over the Ethan's bowed head, amidst the tangled forest of Wilderness littered with the bodies of men dead and dying, Victor saw the serene image of his mother.  She smiled at her son, her unbound black hair blowing wildly in the breeze.  She reached a hand out towards him, and this time, he went with her.”
Barbara Sontheimer, Victor's Blessing

Michael Pollan
“IT WAS AT THIS POINT that the idea of “shaking the snow globe,” as one neuroscientist described the psychedelic experience, came to seem more attractive to me than frightening, though it was still that too. After more than half a century of its more or less constant companionship, one’s self—this ever-present voice in the head, this ceaselessly commenting, interpreting, labeling, defending I—becomes perhaps a little too familiar. I’m not talking about anything as deep as self-knowledge here. No, just about how, over time, we tend to optimize and conventionalize our responses to whatever life brings. Each of us develops our shorthand ways of slotting and processing everyday experiences and solving problems, and while this is no doubt adaptive—it helps us get the job done with a minimum of fuss—eventually it becomes rote. It dulls us. The muscles of attention atrophy.”
Michael Pollan, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence

Andri E. Elia
“Is it still a fish cart when there’s no fish in it? When its false bottom is filled with children?”
Andri E. Elia, Borealis: A Worldmaker of Yand Novel

Chad Boudreaux
“As Blake turned around to continue his walk back to Main Justice, he spotted one of the tourists taking his picture. “Don’t waste your film!” Blake yelled at the man. “I’m not that important!” But the $500 stuffed in the photographer’s back pocket argued otherwise.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

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