Johnson Kamuda

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Audrey Niffenegger
“He didn't take care of you; you had to take care of yourself.”
Audrey Niffenegger, Her Fearful Symmetry

Emmuska Orczy
“... you know my belief in bald-headed Fortune, with the one solitary hair. Well, I meant to grab that hair...”
Emmuska Orczy

Tom Robbins
“The most important thing in life is style. That is the style of one s existence the characteristic mode of one s actions is basically ultimately what matters. For if man defines himself by doing then style is doubly definitive because style describes the doing. The point is this happiness is a learned condition. And since it is learned and self generating it does not depend upon external circumstances for its perpetuation. This throws a very ironic light on content. And underscores the primacy of style. It is content or rather the consciousness of content that fills the void. But the mere presence of content is not enough. It is style that gives content the capacity to absorb us to move us it is style that makes us care.”
Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction

Walter Isaacson
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. —ALBERT EINSTEIN, IN A LETTER TO HIS SON EDUARD, FEBRUARY 5, 1930”
Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe

Ralph Ellison
“Nor could I see any reason for allowing our more chastened view of political possibility (not too long before I began this novel A. Phillip Randolph had to threaten our beloved F.D.R. with a march on Washington before our war industries were opened to Negroes) to impose undue restrictions upon my novelist’s freedom to manipulate imaginatively those possibilities that existed both in Afro-American personality and in the restricted structure of American society. My task was to transcend those restrictions.”
Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

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