2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,648,655
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Nino has read 59 of 30 books in 2021.
  • Farmer Giles of Ham by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Beren and Lúthien by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie
  • The Trouble With Peace by Joe Abercrombie
  • A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie
  • Smith of Wootton Major by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Book of Lost Tales, Part One by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky
  • The Prologue to the Postnuclear Dystopia by Dmitry Glukhovsky
  • Soul Music by Terry Pratchett
  • View More ▾
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message 1: by Nino (last edited Apr 22, 2021 06:14AM) (new)

Nino Appearantly I underestimated myself a lot when setting this challenge, so I shall double or nothing it!

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More like Nino's 2021 books

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  • Mortis (The Siege of Terra #5)
  • Warhawk (The Siege of Terra #6)
  • The First Wall (The Siege of Terra #3)
  • The Lost and the Damned (The Siege of Terra #2)
  • Echoes of Eternity (The Siege of Terra #7)
  • Fury of Magnus (The Siege of Terra)
  • The End and the Death: Volume I (The Siege of Terra #8)
  • The End and the Death: Volume II (The Siege of Terra)
  • The Solar War (The Siege of Terra #1)