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André is on page 90 of 137 of Nicht-Orte
Aug 23, 2024 02:53PM Add a comment

André is on page 50 of 137 of Nicht-Orte
Aug 17, 2024 04:50PM Add a comment

André is on page 97 of 248 of On the Evolution of Source Code and Software Defects
The proposed Evolution Radar is not a bad coupling visualization idea, but the overplotting problem of graph-based visualization can also be solved by the fact that each graph can be represented as a matrix. So a numerical Design/Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) would be an alternative representation that has already proven itself for coupling visualization (as the name suggests) and is less proprietary (2010 book)
Apr 16, 2023 08:27AM Add a comment
On the Evolution of Source Code and Software Defects

André is on page 59 of 248 of On the Evolution of Source Code and Software Defects
"... while researchers considered the presence of change coupling a bad symptom, nobody empirically assessed whether it correlates with the presence of software defects"

D'Ambros mentions the mining of softw.-repos for change-coupling data to inform re-designs, ie, what changes together logically belongs together (as opposed to a naive functional system decomposition, cf Juval Löwy's volatility-based decomposition)
Apr 15, 2023 10:01PM Add a comment
On the Evolution of Source Code and Software Defects

André is on page 116 of 160 of Kemal Atatürk: Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlts Monographien, #346)
Türkei, Griechenland und Vertrag von Lausanne (1923) wird wohl wieder häufiger Thema...
Oct 04, 2022 01:29PM Add a comment
Kemal Atatürk: Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlts Monographien, #346)

André is on page 66 of 192 of Mißbrauchte Mathematik: Zur Verwendung mathematischer Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften
- Regelkonformitaet≠Wahrheit
- rein log. Aussagen sind Tautologien (keine neue Erkenntnis)
- bequem≠genau
- Mathe≠formale Logik
- Geltung math. Erkenntnisse nicht gleichgueltig ggue _Bedeutung_ von Symbolen
- SoWi-Mathematisierung abstrahiere von Ergebnissen der Mathe; Mathe sei nicht bloss Erkenntnis ihrer Gegenstaende, sondern Loesung nichtmath., epistemischer Probleme
- Nutzentheorie als unwissenschaftl. Mathemat.
Aug 20, 2022 09:12PM Add a comment
Mißbrauchte Mathematik: Zur Verwendung mathematischer Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften

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