Cathal Reynolds > Recent Status Updates

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Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 97 of 224 of Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl
“We read ‘Emma’ but I was the wrong sex...” I’m sorry???
Dec 22, 2019 02:15AM Add a comment
Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl

Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 30 of 261 of Drag Teen
Already lost count on my fat-shaming tally
Jun 07, 2019 11:53PM Add a comment
Drag Teen

Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 86 of 384 of The Cheerleaders
This book would be infinitely improved by the use of ‘they’ instead of ‘he or she’
May 28, 2019 02:45AM Add a comment
The Cheerleaders

Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 120 of 464 of It's About Love
I'm having regrets
Apr 26, 2019 06:25PM Add a comment
It's About Love

Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 86 of 243 of The Point and Other Stories
‘...looked cruel and romantic in a manly way’ there’s a lot on this specific page I take issue with
Mar 24, 2019 01:21PM Add a comment
The Point and Other Stories

Cathal Reynolds
Cathal Reynolds is on page 107 of 384 of Girl Mans Up
Colby is such a c-nt it’s making it hard to enjoy this book
Sep 12, 2018 02:22PM Add a comment
Girl Mans Up

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