Rue des boutiques obscures Quotes

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Rue des boutiques obscures Rue des boutiques obscures by Patrick Modiano
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Rue des boutiques obscures Quotes Showing 1-30 of 31
“أحسست بأن الإحباط يستولى علىّ ، بل أكثر من الإحباط ، اليأس الذى يتملكك عندما تُدرك أنك رغم جهدك وميزاتك وكل إرادتك الطيبة ترتطم بعقبة منيعة لا قبل لك بالتغلب عليها.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“She had the right idea, old man, don't you think - to disappear before it gets too late?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“أيمكن أن لا يتذكر المرء مكاناً قضى فيه بعضاً من حياته.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Hutte, for instance, used to quote the case of a fellow he called "the beach man." This man had spent forty years of his life on beaches or by the sides of swimming pools, chatting pleasantly with summer visitors and rich idlers. He is to be seen, in his bathing costume, in the corners and backgrounds of thousands of holiday snaps, among groups of happy people, but no one knew his name and why he was there. And no one noticed when one day he vanished from the photographs. I did not dare tell Hutte, but I felt that "the beach man" was myself. Though it would not have surprised him if I had confessed it. Hutte was always saying that, in the end, we were all "beach men" and that "the sand" - I am quoting his own words - "keeps the traces of our footsteps only a few moments.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“You were right to tell me that in life it is not the future which counts, but the past.”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“Nice is a city of ghosts and specters, but I hope not to become one of them right away.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Did you see her again in France?" I asked him.”

“No. When I got to France, she was already dead. She committed suicide ...”


“She often told me she was frightened of getting old...”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“لا يجب أن يتزوج الرجل بامرأة تصغره بكثير .. أبداً.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“أظن أننا لا نزال نسمع فى مداخل البيوت أصداء خطوات الذين سبقونا فى عبوره ، والذين اختفوا بعد ذلك. إن شيئاً يستمر فى الاهتزاز بعد مرورهم .. موجات تزداد ضعفاً شيئاً فشيئاً ، ولكننا نحس بها إذا انتبهنا جيداً.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“إن للناس قطعاً حيوات مستقلة ، وأصدقائهم لا يعرفون بعضهم البعض. وهذا يدعو للأسف.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“هناك أيام يتملكنى فيها الخوف بحيث أُلازم الفراش.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“I had taken out of my pocket the photographs of us all which I had wanted to show Freddie, and among them the photo of Gay Orlov as a little girl. I had not noticed until then that she was crying. One could tell by the wrinkling of her brows. For a moment, my thoughts transported me far from this lagoon, to the other end of the world, to a seaside resort in Southern Russia where the photo had been taken, long ago. A little girl is returning from the beach, at dusk, with her mother. She is crying for no reason at all, because she would have liked to continue playing. She moves off into the distance. She has already turned the corner of the street, and do not our lives dissolve into the evening as quickly as this grief of childhood?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
tags: life
“Une petite fille rentre de la plage, au crépuscule, avec sa mère. Elle pleure pour rien, parce qu'elle aurait voulu continuer de jouer. Elle s'eloigne. Elle a déjà tourné le coin de rue, et nos vies ne sont-elles pas aussi rapides à se dissiper dans le soir que ce chagrin d'enfant?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“إن المستقبل لا يهم ، المهم هو الماضى.”
باتريك موديانو, Rue des boutiques obscures
“One has to retire eventually, Guy.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
tags: retire
“Strange people. The kind that leave the merest blur behind them, soon vanished. Hutte and I often used to talk about these traceless beings. They spring up out of nothing one fine day and return there, having sparkled a little. Beauty queens. Gigolos. Butterflies. Most of them, even when alive, had no more substance than steam which will never condense.”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“My wife's a lot younger than me ... thirty years difference . . . You should never marry a woman a lot younger than you ... Never ...”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“No. She told me she was going to marry him, to get French nationality . . . She was obsessed with getting a nationality...”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“People certainly lead compartmentalized lives and their friends do not know each other. It’s unfortunate.”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“The letters dance before my eyes. Who am I?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Như cái máy, tôi rút trong túi ra những tấm ảnh mà tôi định đưa cho Freddie xem, trong số đó, có ảnh của Gay Orlow hồi còn bé. Đến tận lúc này tôi mới nhận ra rằng cô bé trong ảnh đang khóc. Có thể đoán ra điều đó qua hai hàng lông mày cau lại. Trong khoảnh khắc, ý nghĩ mang tôi đi thật xa khỏi con hồ nước mặn này, tới tận bên kia trái đất, ở một bãi biển miền Nam nước Nga, nơi tấm ảnh được chụp cách đây lâu lắm rồi. Một cô bé từ biển trở về nhà với mẹ, khi hoàng hôn xuống. Cô bé khóc vì chuyện không đâu, vì cô bé muốn chơi tiếp. Cô bé đi xa dần. Cô bé đã rẽ ở góc phố, và cuộc đời chúng ta phải chăng cũng tan nhanh trong chiều tối như nỗi buồn trẻ thơ đó?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Et nos vies ne sont-elles pas aussi rapides à se dissiper dans le soir que ce chagrin d'enfant?”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Why am I so diffident and apprehensive when it comes to something that means a lot to me?”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“He was enveloped in a fog of indifference that grew thicker and thicker. Did I have the right to rouse him from it, to force him to think of something painful?”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“... trong cuộc đời, không phải tương lai mà quá khứ mới đáng kể”
Patrick Modiano, Missing Person
“Tenía usted razón cuando me decía que en la vida, lo que cuenta no es el porvenir, sino el pasado.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Rành là mọi sự đều kết thúc trong những hộp đựng sô cô la hoặc bích quy. Hoặc xì gà.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Ich finde es etwas weniger traurig, wenn alles bleibt, wie es immer war.”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Hutte répétait qu'au fond, nous sommes tous des "des hommes des plages" et que "le sable - je cite ses propre termes - ne garde que quelques secondes l'empreinte de nos pas".”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures
“Hutte was always saying that, in the end, we are all "beach men" and that "the sand"--I am quoting his own words-- keeps the traces of our footsteps only a few moment”
Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures

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