Odd Thomas Quotes

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Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas, #1) Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
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Odd Thomas Quotes Showing 1-30 of 189
“From time to time, I do consider that I might be mad. Like any self-respecting lunatic, however, I am always quick to dismiss any doubts about my sanity.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Given my heritage and the ordeal of my childhood, I sometimes wonder why I myself am not insane. Maybe I am.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“We are not strangers to ourselves, we only try to be.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“..the most identifying trait of humanity is our ability to be inhumane to one another.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Nothing is worse than being alone on the evening of the day when one's cow has exploded.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“You can con God and get away with it, Granny said, if you do so with charm and wit. If you live your life with imagination and verve, God will play along just to see what outrageously entertaining thing you'll do next.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Most people tend to think the best of those who are blessed with beauty; we have difficulty imagining that physical perfection can conceal twisted emotions or a damaged mind.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Fate isn’t one straight road…there are forks in it, many different routes to different ends. We have the free will to choose the path.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Being polite is not only the right way to respond to people but also the easiest. Life is so filled with unavoidable conflict that I see no reason to promote more confrontations.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“I am twenty years old. To a world-wise adult, I am little more than a child. To any child, however, I am old enough to be distrusted, to be excluded forever from the magical community of the short and beardless.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Too much mystery is merely an annoyance. Too much adventure is exhausting. And a little terror goes a long way.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Alliteration seems to offend people.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“More to the point, I know why soldiers, home from war, seldom tell their families about their exploits in more than general terms. We who survive must go on in the names of those who fall, but if we dwell too much on the vivid details of what we've witnessed of man's inhumanity to man, we simply can't go on. perseverance is impossible if we don't permit ourselves to hope.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Evil was coming. I wondered whose face it would be wearing.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
tags: evil, face
“Best thing that can happen to a man is a good woman.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Don't tell me what's necessary, you presumptupus pup. What's necessary is whatever I wish to do, regardless of how unnecessary it might be.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“I see dead people. But, then by God, I do something about it!”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
tags: humor
“Any drunk who has tried to put his car where a lamppost stands is a self-educated physicist.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“I've since discovered that many human beings need no supernatural mentoring to commit acts of savagery; some people are devils in their own right, their telltale horns having grown inward to facilitate their disguise.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“here in the summer desert, winter found my blood”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Perseverance is impossible if we don't permit ourselves to hope.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Writing isn't a source of pain. It's psychic chemotherapy. It reduces your psychological tumors and relieves your pain.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Some lives, conducted with grace, are beautiful arcs bridging this world to eternity.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Be happy. Persevere.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“We may lack riches, but the greatest fortune is what lies in our hearts.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“A short-order cook, just off work, makes easy tracking for lions and worse”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“You won't find the truth of life in morbidity, only in hope.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Son, this is the United States of America. Some would say it’s unconstitutional to try to prevent psychopaths from fulfilling their potential.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Sometimes complex and difficult moral choices are decided less by reason and by right than by sentiment. Perhaps such decisions are paving stones on the road to Hell; if so, my route is well paved, and the welcoming committee all ready knows my name.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas
“Don't ever call me adorable again. Puppies are adorable.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas

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